Encyclopedia of the Spirit Keeping, Paranormal Collecting, Magic, & the Supernatural

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There are 1518 FAQs online

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  2. Angel, Lunar (2024-01-13 04:05)
  3. Dragon, Western Sienna (Bronze & Brass) (2024-01-13 04:05)
  4. Fylgia (2024-01-13 02:34)
  5. Faery, Intelligence (2024-01-13 02:13)
FAQ News

Welcome to the New Version of the CH Encyclopedia!

Creepy Hollows celebrates over a decade of pioneering the paranormal, and being the world's first website dedicated to Spirit Keeping & Paranormal Collecting! Our Encyclopedia was the first to document the spirits commonly kept by Spirit Keepers, and giving free advice, counsel, tips, tricks, and education to the public!


Welcome to the new version of the Creepy Hollows Encyclopedia!  It has been a wonderful labor of love for the past 7 years, and was a great move from our previous version to this new software in 2012. This has been an effort of passion for education for Magnolia & Ash to put the content together, and the support of our staff, Princess & Riane to help in migrating the information into the new format.


As with our previous Encyclopedia all content provided by Ash & Magnolia remains their sole copyright.  The information provided here is meant to educate & assist in the understanding and comprehension of Spirit Keeping, Magick, and Paranormal Collecting.  If you wish to provide this information on your own site we request you abide by Federal & State laws and provide a link back to the article(s) you are quoting.  Even if you are closely para-phrasing something written by us, please be honest with your readers in where you obtained the information from.


Submit an article today!  This is an open Encyclopedia and anyone can submit an article by using the "Add an article" tab above.  All submitted articles are reviewed to be sure they are related to Spirit Keeping, Magick, Metaphysical, or Paranormal.  Any contributors are solely responsible for the content they submit.

2015-11-13 20:37

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