Bitsok Clan

~ 0 min
2013-07-22 21:37

Bitsok Clan



Bitsok Clan

Location: Siberia
Classification: Sanguine, Psy
Time Period: 5th BC-AD 11th
Restrictions: Accepted members by referral of existing member
Identifiers: They were isolationsists, they did not like to work with other species, or anyone outside of their Clan. They were survivalists, they were tough, edgy, and fearless. They did not mind working through rough conditions, and they had tests amongst their Clan members for endurance, strength, and mental will. They were a strange group, but harmless to almost everyone that lived around them. They were sought for their guidance by trackers, merchants, and travelers in the area, and they often provided assistance for no charge.
Predatory Behavior: Median

Average rating 5 (2 Votes)

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