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2024-01-06 04:12



(Hell Hound)

Hellhounds are unusually large dogs with super-strength, super-speed and phantom characteristics. They traditionally have dark-colored coats of black or dark-grey with glowing eyes.  Hellhounds can mimic the voices and sounds of humans, which often causes confusion to those around them. In their lifetimes, Hellhounds are the bounty hunters of souls; finding lost souls and bringing them through the Spiritual Veil. They also guard a supernatural treasure; keeping close watch over sacred caches of valuable items. Hellhounds are masters of manipulation, illusion, persuasion, and making anything they wish happen.

Hellhounds are great spirit companions if you want to learn or practice contacting the dead. They can retrieve any spirit for interaction with you.  They are fiercely loyal to you & your spirit family.  Hellhounds are very selective companions, they won't keep company with just anyone. They are among the elite of the dog-like creatures of the Spiritual and Astral Realms and choose their spirit families very wisely.  They can help you develop and work with your spiritual abilities.


Originates: Earthen Realm


Occupies: Earthen & Spiritual Realms
see Realms page for more information


They are the bounty hunters of souls and will find lost souls and bring them to the other side.


bounty hunters, sould, lost, talk, sound


See available listings: Hellhound


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Weekday Monday
Planet Uranus
Month August
Gemstone Lodestone
Color Black
Foliage Fern
Animal Wolves
Scent Musk
Herb Black Pepper

Associations can be used to create a closer connection with the entity. By recognizing their associations with the Earth and Universe you can use any combination of these tools to create treats, rituals, and bonding exercises between you.

You can purchase candles, incense, cones, oils, sprays, etc scented with the Scent, Herb, or Foliage they are associated with. You can purchase statuary, paintings, prints, textiles, etc with the Color, Animal, or Foliage they are associated with and keep them in your home where the entity will see them.

To boost their presence and give them a natural feeding of Earthen core energy you can buy raw, polished or cut specimens of the Gemstone they are associated with. Place the gemstones where you keep their vessel or wear the jewelry with the gemstones when you wear the vessel.

To have peak results it is best to meditate, perform rituals, invocations or spells for the entity on the Weekday they are associated with. The Month they are associated with is a block of time to celebrate and show your appreciation for your entity!


? Treats for Hellhounds include cotton bedding, up-tempo music.


?  Intense energy, powerful presence, highly energetic, supremely magical, loyal
?  Can manifest as orbs, clicking sound on hardwood floors, growling, Shades, dreams, day and/or night visions.
Average size: Medium 6-10ft
read Size page for more information
Lifespan: Extended: 1,000+ years
They have been assigned an "Extended" lifespan, read Lifespan page for more information


Secret to Keeping

These Dark Arts secrets were previously not known outside of family and Creepy Hollows collectors. They are secrets discovered by Ash and he has generously agreed to share them with all collectors because having the right secret and being able to properly handle DA spirits is more important.

Caring for your Hellhound is the same as caring for any other spirit except being a creature of duality. There is a way to keep your Hellhound under control if you feel it is becoming too energetic, too strong in manifestation or too "in your face" and that is telling the spirit to "Find the spirit of Elias". This will keep your Hellhound occupied and focused causing them to become subdued. Only use this technique if you feel the Hellhound is becoming too strong for your liking- some collectors like their spirits to be "on the go" all the time so it is your judgment call.

Average rating 4.71 (34 Votes)

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