Lady Bug Divination

~ 0 min
2014-04-14 02:28

Lady Bug Divination

If you want to know in which direction your future spouse lives, capture a lady bug in your hands and whisper to it "Where dost my love reside?" as it remains captured.  Open your hands and let the lady bug leave of its own, free will.  In whichever direction the lady bug flies away is the direction your future spouse lives.

If you want to know the status of a current relationship capture a lady bug in your hands and whisper to it "How fair is my love" as it remains captured.  Open your hands and let the lady bug leave of its own, free will.  If it flies North your relationship needs to be nurtured, if it flies South your love is growing, if it flies East your relationship is stable, if it flies West your relationship needs more romance/sex.

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