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Got any neat tricks on how to connect with Spirits? Post here!
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Number of Spirits: 9
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Silver Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: me
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: margim nogrim

Hello CH hope all is well. I've been studying myself lately habits, feelings and thoughts mostly to try to better understand why I can connect to spirits and I have a bit of a personal theory. I believe once you overcome certain obstacles connecting to a spirit comes down to these 5 things. Belief, interest, intention, focus and attention.

Belief- probably the hardest and most important aspect of connecting with any spirit. Obstacles that hinder your belief is doubt, uncertainty, low self-esteem and impatience. If you give yourself time to quite your mind through meditation or through various other methods (binary beats, chakra work, third eye opening) you begin to have confidence and be certain of yourself. All psychic and spiritual endeavors begin and end with you(and what your willing to believe).

Interest- second most important aspect I personally believe contributes to any kind of connection to spirits. I mean if your interested in spirit keeping that should be enough right? Nope. The more interested you are in spirit keeping the more willing you are to study the material from a reliable source(this is where ch shines. They have an entire encyclopedia worth of information READ EVERYTHING!!!). read the forums as well chances are if you have a question its been asked and answered in one form or another. If you feel the information is so much to comprehend take your time to process each piece of info. If it works for you then go with it, if you don't agree with something then look elsewhere. (Go with what you believe in, but keep an open understanding mind).

Intention- speaks for itself honestly. If your intentions with connecting to spirits are to have them do harm to others or for truly selfish reasons then you probably will have a very hard time making the connections necessary to understand and listen to another spiritual being. However if you truly want to spirit keep to enrich your life the spirits you let into your life will do their best on their end to reach you.

Focus and attention - super important but at the end of the list due to being least important compared to the other three. At this point you have a stong belief in the spiritual world around you, your interest reflects your desire to connect and your intentions are in the right place but if your still having problems connecting (perfectly natural) it comes down to focus and attention. Connecting to spirits on any level takes a great deal of dedication and some people will have an easier time then others. Don't give up, work on connecting to just one spirit at first and go from there, work with your favorite most interesting spirit. Ask for even the tinest sign and let your energy go from there. Focus, mediate put all your attention towards the one spirit and let your feelings go from there. Be consistent and if you have any questions this is the best forum to do so, everybody here is on their own spiritual journey but there are many people that can help with whatever you need help with.

I would like to point out that this is my first draft of information, I want to add more and go into more depth I want to help as many people as possible discover the joys that spirit keeping has to offer when you open yourself up to the possibilities. I will improve with time, I encourage others to add their two cents and beliefs and what works for them when it comes to spirit keeping because what works for me may not work for others still ill do my best to better myself and what I write to help as many as possible on their journeys.

So to recap (tldr: strengthen your self beliefs, stay interested in learning all about spirit keeping, keep your intentions pure and simple, stay focused (keep your eye on the prize), and pay attention to any and all signs that may come your way). Hope this helps and have a good night.
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darkwing dook
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These are great points : D

Although, for the focus and attention, too much of them can lead to over expectation and micro-analyzing, which can work against your effort : /

Another one that could be added is to enjoy the journey. To take it easy and when necessary, take a rest or two : )
"Often the truth is in front of your face, but your eyes and heart are so full of lies that you can't see it." Shannon L. Alder

"May you live in interesting times, may you be recognized by people in high places, may you find what you’re looking for."
Posts: 138
Joined: Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:08 am
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You are...: in the learning process
Male/Female: Male
Number of Spirits: 9
Spelled Number: 0
Your favorite spirit to work with: Silver Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: me
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: margim nogrim

Thanks for the feedback darkwing I appreciate it! Your absolutely right rest and enjoyment is quite important to the process, I'm going to start writing a proper second draft soon if not for anybody else for my own sake though I will continue to post as I develop my theory. Thanks again.
Some stars shoot higher then the rest but the closest stars to the earth burn brightest.
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