Brando's Super Long (But as complete as I can make it) guide to AP

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If I could be anything, I would be...: Dreamwalker
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: Imryll

Hello! Welcome!

I will preface this with a few things.
1. AP = Astral Projection, to keep this simple and to inform anyone new (:
2. I have a fairly good ability to AP inherent to me, so your mileage may differ (However, with enough work this is not impossible!)
3. As of the 6th month of 2018, I am totally new to 99% of what you will find on this site. Take that as you will, if you are interested in what I know about this 1% then read on (:

So, I have been working on this for several days now. Making sure to make it as clear as possible and as easy to understand as far as the terms go. So lets begin!

Firstly, what is Astral Projection?

To explain this, let me break it down into a few things first.

Out of body experience / OBE

This is normally the first occurrence or something that most will be familiar with. There are people who have this happen due to different situations. Those being:

Near death expierence

As it says, this happens when something, not necessarily traumatic, occurs where the persons soul and spirit in conjunction will leave and float/drift/hover above their physical body. (Having a near death experience will not always result in an OBE. They may instead have various visions without seeing their physical body. (Which I will leave for another post)) These often, if/when revived open up a lot of things pertaining to spirituality goes, weather the person wants to accept it or not.

(My personal term) Dream Wandering

Many people have this happen in their lives multiple times. They fall asleep, and have an extremely vivid dream of their house/work/any other surrounding that they, while awake, constantly walk though or interact in. This can be anything from your home, office, your semi truck if you drive a lot, even the stand that you sit on while you life guard the community pool.

In these you don't have any conscious control over where you want to go or move (If you do, then that is the next category!). It is a dream to you after all, and while being conscious, you are hit with your subconscious saying "this is a dream" or more commonly, you go through it all and wake up merely stating to your family "I had the most vivid dream of me being..."

This is the most common occurrence as far as OBE's go, since your conscious and unconscious mind, or more accurately, your Left brain (The more logical, mathematical side) and your right brain (the more creative, "in the moment" side) are at odds. During this, your "right sided" state of mind has left your body, and your logical "left sided mind" remains trying to make sense of all that is going on, so it will add your coworkers, your pets, your family, the proper time of day etc to this dream to make it "make sense". (This really is a difference of your spirit leaving, and your soul remaining. Two different things. We will get back to this moving forward.)

Dream Walking (As it pertains to AP/OBE)

Dream Walking is different, yet similar to Dream Wandering. However, while dream walking you will have an experience where your "left and right" side of your mind work together. Your logical mind (left brain) and your creative mind (right brain) work together. This takes work (most of the time), and active engagement to have both sides work together. However, some are able to achieve this state with a natural ability to do so. (As I was able to since I was young, only later informed of it all once I was much older)

When you dream walk, you have again a vivid dream however you are in control of it. Unlike Dream Wandering where it merely was vivid, dealt with your physical daily life etc, you are able to make conscious decision as to what you do in this. When dream walking, you are still able to remember in detail what happened, as well as knowing that you "mentally" made decisions and choices during this dream.

This state is normally few and far between for anyone non-aware of what is happening. However, if you work at it, this type of dream/state while asleep will become easier and easier. As in my experience, this state is your spirit/soul RANDOMLY*** going out into the physical world where your physical body normally goes/resides. You have no control over where you go, however once there, you do have control of where you go/what you do.

In my experience/belief, during this state any person you meet is another, dreaming/asleep as you are in either a Dream Wanderer or Dream Walker state in the physical plane. This is why during both you will see people you are familiar with/recognize since they, as you, are tied to these locations. Again, I will make another, separate post explaining most of these things.

Astral Projection

This is what most people think of when they hear Astral Projection. Astral projection though, despite its title, does not mean the ability to enter the Astral Plane. Simply put, AP is having the ability to send ones spirit out into the physical or spiritual world, while their soul remains. This is very difficult to do, as in essence you have to make sure that your soul or left brain understands that the other spirit or right brain is purposely leaving, to wander and explore while still communicating with the other. Your spirit will experience, while your soul will understand and dictate what to do though a bridge or connection.

For any parents out there, it is like giving your child a cellphone to keep you updated as to where they are, what they are doing etc. You retain control, and through this link you are able to tell them "don't go to John's party" or "There is traffic on 15th St, take 24th St." The cell is the bridge between the two. Having a stable bridge or connection is critical to this working.

Again, in this state you are able to see other people as well as other spirits as long as they are in the earthly/spiritual plane and interact with them if the other people/human spirits understand what is going on. Generally, spirits and entities that you see in this state understand what is going on if they are (as far as living human spirits go) also performing the same thing. And in this state you are able to interact and speak with any conscious spirit/entity that is in this plane

Inter-Astral Projecting

Inter-Astral Projecting is something that is in my opinion the true term or form for Astral Projecting. This is where your spirit is able to travel to the Astral plane and interact with spirits/entities that wish to be seen there. (I myself have not been able to do this/achieve this level of proficiency) Due to my lack of experience, I won't be able to talk much on this subject as all of this is based on my own personal experiences. (I apologize)

How do I astral project? Where did I learn how to do it?

I learned of my ability through someone that I had a relationship with. She told me things at the beginning of our relationship that I thought were hogwash (BS). She practiced Wicca, and told me of the spirits that surrounded her, her practices and other things that, again, I thought at first was just crazy/evil (due to my raising and beliefs growing up.)

However I always have been someone that would never judge and in my mind if that is what you believe, then power to you as long as it doesn't negatively affect me. So, her and I continued to talk about things, then at one point I asked her about some things that I have gone through in the past (If you have read my history with sleep paralysis and the entity that has been there through most of it, then that basically is what I told her as well as a few other things that I won't get into here. If however you haven't read through that and want to be clued in, then just go through my posts and find the one that reads Updated / Fuller history to need for entity help (warning, its long) (It is long, like this just warning.)

After asking her some questions, I immediately became intrigued. She told me of the spiritual aspect of sleep paralysis among other things. At this point I still thought that her practices were evil, however I was willing to talk to her and learn more about Astral Projection. Since at this point I figured that it wasn't something that was evil, as much as it was just me and myself guiding my own spirit through the world.

Very quickly I was able to learn how to have lucid dreams on demand and shortly after Dream Walk. She instructed me to throughout the day think as often as I could "I will have a lucid dream tonight. I will be in control. I will have a lucid dream." Doing this for a few days led me to having this type of OBE state. And, having the knowledge that during these lucid dream states I had purposely been trying to achieve it throughout the day(s), I really had a lot more control vs. other times that I had these types of dreams without the intent. This I have found is everything, intent.

After a few nights of this, I somewhat became addicted. I wanted more and more knowledge. When I was with her I eagerly asked what was next. (She didn't think that I was able to come to this point so quickly since she herself had been working on this for over a year and had over the past couple months been able to achieve this state of active lucid dreaming. To be clear, this is no jab at her in any way. Without her I wouldn't be writing all of this out now to you guys/gals.)

She however was willing to give me some advice as for the next step and some resources to look into for more guidance. These were hit and miss. Some things hindered me, even to the point that I wasn't even able to achieve a basic lucid dream state. (This is where I will say, everyone is different. Some things work for others, some don't. In my experience, don't try and get overly creative as far as lighting candles, chanting prior to goes etc. You will know yourself better than anyone and just do what you feel is natural to do to achieve what you want as far as AP goes. Your mind/spirit/soul knows best. However, there are things like intent and others which I will get into that need to be established first.

The biggest thing that I learned besides having the intent throughout the day to have X happen, was to discover myself. I began thinking of my past accomplishments and failures. I began to block out the rest of the world and somewhat "talk to myself". To establish a connection with my own thoughts and feelings and not allow other influences to, well... "influence" me. This not only helped me to move on past lucid/vivid/dream wandering and onto being able to Astral Project, but it also helped improve my mood overall which is a plus!

So, the good bit. How do you AP? Its simple! (Im kidding).

Safety first disclaimer!

This next exercise is somewhat basic, however can lead to more if you have a natural talent for it. So, make sure that you are careful and take the proper safety measures prior to doing this. Go to the next "safety" bullet down below and read up on it. I would suggest reaching out to someone who is proficient in protection spells/wards in this regard as I am not by any means. And, again, take your time with this. Unlike me, don't rush things!

Lets go already!

The first thing to do and practice is somewhat simple. To have a basic OBE where you are able to look down and see yourself laying in your bed, the best and most common method is to imagine your room around you. Close your eyes and just try to imagine everything that is in it. Start basic, where your walls are, the doors and windows. Then, get specific such as any pictures hanging, the items on your desk and anything laying on the floor. After you have this solid mental picture, form a ladder (or rope, though the rope seems for me to be more exhausting) that is directly over your body. Without moving, grab onto it in your mind. Then, start climbing it. Keep your breathing constant however don't focus on it as it can be distracting and will draw your attention from climbing the ladder to how you are breathing. (Im sorry, I know it is a fine line. It just takes practice and once you get used to it it is something that is pretty easy to do.)

As you climb, you may begin to feel a bit of "vertigo". At this point if you look back you may see your body and/or room. The first time this happens you probably will wake or open your eyes out of panic or being startled that you saw this. (I did myself, so don't worry.) Just start again, however if you are to tired, I would wait till the next day. This doesn't have to be done at night either. It just is best to do when everything is quiet and you have time to yourself. ALSO! Make sure that any pets you may have wont interrupt you. Even them simply walking on the floor can distract you. Just do this as often as you are able to, and again during the day have the intent that "you will do this! you want to do this!"

In my experience, I have been able to project myself (spirit) while both awake and asleep. AP while awake came before I was able to while sleeping. I believe this was due to the fact that the four times that I have done this in 2017/this year 2018 was a strong bond to the woman that I was/am in a relationship with (My mother included, platonic speaking of course). There was a deep physical connection as well as emotional. Somewhat long story incoming, skip past if you aren't interested.The first time that this happened I was on the phone with my ex who we will call "Jane" while she was away visiting family over X-mas. It was somewhat late, and she said that she felt there was something malevolent at her parents new home.

I, wanting to protect her yet a few hundred miles away, in a way forced myself there. I closed my eyes, and focused on her. My body began to feel alien to me in a way. There was a moment of pure separation. I on one part was able to continue to consciously talk with her on the phone, yet another part of me felt distant. Darkness and a kind of wind was there with my other part. I was both sitting in my chair as well as "lost".

However, this other part opened up into the bedroom that she was sleeping in. This first instance was extremely bizarre however felt normal and natural to me in a way. While talking to her still on the phone, I was able to describe her room to her. I then left the room, walked through the house describing everything that I saw to her in detail. At one point I woke her parents dog in the laundry room which I could hear over the phone as well as in my own "ears" while I was there.

I walked through the house, looking for this thing that was malevolent however found nothing. I came back to her room and saw her brother (Which who had been bound to her shortly after his death while she was a baby by her grandfather, a practitioner in Japan, where her real parents are from. Again, reading my other post will fill in a good bit here.)

I tried to talk with her brothers spirit, though I was unable to. I decided to return to my body, which was still able to speak to her on the phone and describe everything that my spirit was seeing and again, felt as though I was two different people with one mind.

Skip to here

After having this experience it really made me think about how and why. (As I said, there are two parts to you. Your soul/left brain and your spirit/right brain. Though, this really is more like four different parts, however for simplicity I will continue to refer to them as like parts.) There have only been a handful of times that I have been able to do this while awake. And, each time was with someone I had a deep emotional and physical connection to. (My mother, my ex "Jane", and my current girlfriend.)

I will say that AP while sleeping is the easiest and if after the other things you have mastered, this should be your next step. Doing it while awake I feel is safer since you are possessing both your physical and spiritual self at the same time, however this is hard to do and draining. Doing it while asleep is more risky but easier, and I count myself lucky as I never practiced any protection or safety spells/wards in the beginning.

Again, this wont be something that you are just able to do on a whim. You will need to have the intent to do so throughout the day as this I believe builds up the energy needed to perform this. (If one is really experienced, then yes, you might be able to do it on a whim I suppose, but again this is all from my own personal experience.)


So, prior to AP while sleeping or awake, you need to place a protective ward around as well as reciting a spell that will protect your spirit while it is away, as well as something that will protect your soul/physical body that remains. I don't have any immediate links or anything to safety spells/wards however the one that I did learn has done the job thus far. The process goes as follows:

Prior to reciting this (You need to put it to memory, simply reading this won't work properly as I was instructed) you should place some white vinegar in your left hand this pertains to your left brain and some salt into your left this pertains to your right brain

You should be sitting up, either in bed or a chair.

Once you have both in each hand, after you recite the below throw the salt out in front of you. Pour/wipe the vinegar onto your chest. This will keep your spirit bound to your physical body (vinegar), and allow your soul/left brain the freedom of letting your spirit go out, and at the same time sensing things around you to, in a moment if needed, call your spirit back to prevent harm to the body/soul from anything with malicious intent.

Again, I had no idea that doing something like this was important, and all of this I got from a practitioner where I lived in the area of Highlands NC. This all can be very dangerous, and before really throwing yourself into it like I did without a full understanding do seek out guidance as everyone is different and some will require more or less as far as protection goes while doing this.

My body and mind physical, my soul and spirit divine
I protect with intent of safety and comfort
With intent of well being and health
No entity allowed, no spirit permission
To interact with this body that remains,
to attach to my spirit that goes.
I am myself, and myself is me
Any other is not allowed interaction or harm
entity, spirit or other, Let it be

After you have done this, with the intent/building of energy through the day, lean back/lay down and place your hands at your side. Relax as best as you can and if you need to perform the ladder exercise. (Don't look back if doing the exercise when you feel that sense of vertigo, just keep going.) You will at first feel like you are underwater, surrounded by warmth and short on breath. This sensation may also bring you back to your body where I wouldn't try again for another day. Just sleep.

After you return from any intentional or unintentional OBE, successful or not recite this mentally or if you are able to vocally:

My spirit is back, my entirety complete.
I dismiss anything that has followed,
I dissalow entry into my life and sleep
I am myself, and myself is me
Any other is not allowed to interact or harm
entity, spirit or other, Let it be

I will make another AP post soon that is more in depth (I know, more reading? Get to the point already!) I am sorry, but this is something that should be taken as safely and entered into with as much knowledge as possible. However, I feel that this is a good base for anyone starting out. Again, as I said in the beginning, I am new to 99% of this kind of stuff, however I have an ability and proficiency for AP and this is everything that I did to get to where I am with it. If you have any questions, ask below and I will answer them (:
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My magical/paranormal name...: Stormageddon, Dark Lord Of All

i shall try this out brando, since I have been DYING to ap and go to all my keeps original realms. Thanks!
Hail King Asmodeus!

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If I could be anything, I would be...: Dreamwalker
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: Imryll

Mizu-Taki wrote:i shall try this out brando, since I have been DYING to ap and go to all my keeps original realms. Thanks!
I wish you luck, though besides the earthly/spiritual realms, I haven't been able to go anywhere else. However, even just wandering in the spiritual for just an hour or so is extremely draining, and I tend to not AP for long unless I am able to have a whole day or two to recover.

It isn't as much a physical drain as it is a mental one/"para-psychological". You will have a hard time "being" in the regular world. This at first was great, since everything just seemed more ethereal and vibrant. (As, again this effect has taken hold as I started really getting into everything besides AP/Christian practices.) However, after the first day you begin to feel like you are underwater in a sense. Your mind is foggy and your heart beats faster, physically you are able to do anything you want but mentally you just feel drained and there will be some tension/headaches from it as well. (Imagine a really bad hangover, best way that I can describe it.)

So, unlike me, take it slowly. And build a tolerance I suppose.
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