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Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:23 pm
by ShoeMan
Gonna apologize if this is the wrong forum, I'm still trying to figure out where exactly to place this. It encompasses journeying, dreams, a DIY ritual, and a Rokkr, which is usually considered to be dark by Asatru standards.

Here's the thick and the thin of it:

The Dream:

I am standing in my Mom and Dad’s house. I’m in the kitchen with my back to the the stairs, looking out through the windows at the backyard. There’s no moon in the sky and the world is dark. Despite this, there’s a slight bluish tinge to it all, and I can clearly see details. I step farther into the kitchen. The table is devoid of food as I stand over it.

I look outside at the deck. A row of lit tiki torches appear. I know what I must do, and head outside. As I pass the first torch, it extinguishes itself. This happens every time I pass a torch.

I follow the path to the fire pit, where lit torches form a ring around it. At once all the torches go out, and a massive fire leaps up in the pit. It’s easily 8-10 feet high, but I’m comfortably warm. I stand in front of the flames for a while, until something makes me turn my head.

Standing up the steps, at the arbor, is a massive wolf. It is easily larger than any horse, and is intently watching me and the fire. I am immediately gripped with fear at the sight of this creature. I don’t know it, but I am at once uncomfortable.

The wolf begins to descend the stairs toward me, and the fear intensifies. As the wolf approaches, however, it begins to shrink. And as it shrinks, my fear ebbs. By the time it reaches the bottom of the stairs, it stands at waist height and my fear is replaced by a comfortable knowing.

The wolf stares at me. I stare at the wolf. I extend my hand, and the wolf presses his head into my palm. An electric jolt runs through my body, and I wake up.


I talked with some other seidr in my area, and the general consensus was:

Fire is attributed to Loki. It didn't burn me, so I was being welcomed.

The only significant wolf in Asatru is Fenrir. He approached, but didn't attack or speak. He made contact with my right hand, which is the same hand he stole from Tyr.

Convinced that Fenrir was trying to reach my, I decided to Journey and search for him.

The Journey:

As I was journeying, I was reflecting on my meeting with Wolf. Having discussed the dream with others, I had new perspective and came armed with questions.

I began in my parents’s house, somewhere safe and familiar. I walked outside to the firepit, where a fire was already built and crackling.

“Wolf,” I called, “Speak to me! Show me what I must know.”

There was no answer. The fire burned on, the air was cold, and nothing came.

I tried again.

“Wolf,” I yelled. “Please, show me! Teach me!”

Still no answer.

Based on discussions I had had, I changed my tactics.

“Fenrir,” I shouted. “Fenrir, teach me that I may learn. Show me what is it I must know.”

The wolf appeared.

Massive, gray, with piercing eyes. It stared at me, large as a horse once more. I felt a presence grasp me, and I was unable to move as Fenrir spoke in my mind.

“Know me,” he stated. “Know me and learn.”

Fenrir took a man’s form. Bare chested, cloaked in furs. He stared me in the eye and walked up to me before pressing his right fist over my heart.

I came out of my journey breathing heavily, with my chest warmer than the rest of my body where I had been touched. I reached out to sit up, and picked up the rune Othala; Inheritence.


Consensus here:

Fenrir wants something. He never had a man-form, meaning he borrowed/stole someone else's. He touched me over the heart with Tyr's hand.

So that's where I'm at. Sorry for the giant text dump. All thoughts/advice/warnings are appreciated!


Re: Fenrir

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:45 pm
by conxtion
1s Sorry, am not commenting on your dreams, but I was looking at your signature line, it says "Son of Odin". It is written that Fenrir the Wolf will kill Odin in the Ragnarok.

Re: Fenrir

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:47 pm
by ShoeMan
conxtion wrote:1s Sorry, am not commenting on your dreams, but I was looking at your signature line, it says "Son of Odin". It is written that Fenrir the Wolf will kill Odin in the Ragnarok.
This is true. But I am beholden by oath to Odin, no matter what else may happen.

Re: Fenrir

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:34 pm
by Mr. Amnesia
I don't have any productive to say either I must say that this dreams sounds amazing, I never really dream at all whatsoever.

Although he may be the "son of Odin" he is also the brother of wolves too >.>

Re: Fenrir

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:34 am
by conxtion
I just decided God Odin to be my chief God since last couple of weeks, so I'm with you here.