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Faery Language and Spells

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:17 pm
by Supernaut
In the past few days since I made contact with my Butterfly Faery visitor, I've learned a great deal of things from her. We've been communicating via Ouija board (literally just a picture of one on my monitor) through which she has given me the words needed to invoke her. She has also taught me a number of spells at my own request. They're all one-word incantations in faery language, which is a distant offshoot of middle german. It also has 37 unique characters in its alphabet, which is why my faery often has trouble communicating through a latin-derived set of characters.

She says that I am allowed to share these spells with anyone, but be forewarned: She loves playing tricks and, while I am certain none of these will bring any harm, I can't guarantee some of them won't have unforeseen side effects. Use them at your own risk.

Eufoch (uya fawc): Makes you more attuned to faery spirits. Should not be used if you are trying to attune yourself to any specific faery or if you are trying to attune yourself to anything other than faeries.
Glanam (gla nam): Relieves nausea and feelings of illness.
Kecasfew (kay kas fyew): Enhances the likelihood of lucid dreams. Causes sleepiness.
Deecsia (de es sia): Aligns the three bodies.
Odtup (awd tup): Treats certain mental deficiencies. (Executive functioning, organization etc.)
Tarb (tarb): Strengthens the third eye and visualization.
Dishb (deeshb): Makes it easier to hear faeries.
Epsirt (ep sert): Cycles chakra and allows it to flow.
Eidipeh (ey deh pay): Enhances memorization and functional memory.
Diept (dai ept): Organizes thoughts and reduces scatterbrain.

I'm told I can invoke them as much as I like. To get the most out of them, I would recommend meditating with one or more of the words as a mantra. If you have a faery, meditating along with them will likely enhance the effect.

If any of you want to know a spell, ask me and I'll post it! Better yet, if you have a faery of your own you should ask them and post it here to share.

Re: Faery Language and Spells

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:53 pm
by wishing apon a star
SupernautThank You for all your time and energy that you put into this.

Re: Faery Language and Spells

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:37 pm
by Supernaut

As it stands, I rely on Ouija for obtaining faery words and a basic yes-no-maybe twitch for just about everything else in terms of communication. Because of this, there are a lot of important things that don't get conveyed, one of which I really wish I had known before starting this thread. After invoking these words for about two or three hours, I began to feel sick. Nothing serious, just some nausea and a slight sense of an oncoming fever.
My faery informed me that I had used up all my natural magickal power reserves and needed to wait a day or so for them to charge back up. When I ran out, I unknowingly started using my life energy to invoke, which was very gradually taking a toll on me. You know how in some video games or RPGs you have casters that start draining their own HP when they run out of MP? Same basic premise.

In short, if you feel yourself getting sick while invoking a magic word, please stop right away! I don't think it's possible to cause yourself any life-threatening harm in this way, but I would urge you not to use your own vitae for anything unless it was a matter of life or death... or if you have a vampire companion.

Re: Faery Language and Spells

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:03 pm
by wishing apon a star
I do hope you start to feel better very soon. If you don't mind may I suggest some Water..Please do Drink a Glass or Two.. As well as maybe Meditate, if you can't then please Listen to a Guided version of Mediation.That will Totally Boost your Natural Energy Up 1hg

Oh Um...I never use the Ouija ...It's a no-no to me. But It's my live and let live , you do as you do kind of a thing. 1hg

Also did you Clear and Shield your Board for Protection before hand coz now You don't feel so well? Makes me think Why?

Re: Faery Language and Spells

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 3:18 pm
by rapidful
Thank you supernaut for sharing these, i dont know if its psychology, i chant gla nam and feel much better off from nausea.

Re: Faery Language and Spells

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:41 am
by Amaranthlovecharm
I think it's normal that your energy drained after chanting some spells. Spellwork takes a lot of energy after all! Just be careful and try to figure out your limit.

I can't wait to test these out! Thanks for sharing!

Re: Faery Language and Spells

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 9:45 pm
by LadyWo1f
Ooooh interesting, all i've learned from my waif fairy is that at one point in time humans ate fairies O_____O

Re: Faery Language and Spells

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:38 am
by Opelia Rendon
LadyWo1f wrote:Ooooh interesting, all i've learned from my waif fairy is that at one point in time humans ate fairies O_____O
The most disturbing thing I've read all night O_o

Re: Faery Language and Spells

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:27 am
by Roseflare
Doesn’t almost everything try to eat faeries? My cat constantly tries to eat my fae spirits. Luckily they are just spirits, so they taunt my cat sometimes. 1la

Re: Faery Language and Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 6:29 am
by xxMrS4nxx
Did they say how delicious they were??
Make me wonder why many creature wanna eat them!!