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Working with the Elements

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:14 am
by TVXQ_520
Does anyone here work with the elements? If so, how do You go about it?

For example, I usually just talk to air~ I start out with welcoming air, give thanks for air for being here, then I ask for a breeze or wind to help the clouds to come quickly to block the sun for a bit, and then I thank air again before saying goodbye. A few minutes later or even right when I ask a breeze/wind will come through.
I do the same with water, when I ask for rain.
I haven't worked with fire or earth yet, if you have~ How have you worked with them?

Re: Working with the Elements

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:59 pm
by darkwing dook
There are various methods, e.g. rituals, sigils, etc. Or we can also work with elemental spirits, e.g. sylph, undine, etc.

Fire, one example is to use candle, but not for making big fire without proper preparation to avoid accident : )

Re: Working with the Elements

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:22 am
by superpotato
I try to do Franz Bardon's: Initiation into Hermetics elemental exercises. They start easy and get harder and stronger as it goes, recommended when initiating into elemental magick, they can be pretty overwhelming too so be careful !

Re: Working with the Elements

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:27 am
by Rainbowgirl
superpotato wrote:I try to do Franz Bardon's: Initiation into Hermetics elemental exercises. They start easy and get harder and stronger as it goes, recommended when initiating into elemental magick, they can be pretty overwhelming too so be careful !
Totally checking this out! Thanks for the book reccomendation! And thanks to the original poster for starting this topic. <3

I know kinetics can also help a lot with element work. And there are a few lessons in the CH store as well as an of the month club for kinetics. They also offer spelled items to get you more in tuned and connected to each element. 2lv

Also, have you also tried channeling the energy of nature, or just a specific element in general? I find channeling is a great way to get in tuned with the 4 main elements and gives you a feel for how differently they feel and work. Luckily, CH offers a great channeling DIY class, too. 2hp