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share your past life binding experiences?

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:26 am
by nokkakona
Just got my first past life binding (very happy with it so there will be more!) and I'm curious about everyone else's experiences with the matter. My binding honestly doesn't sound anything like me: they're kind and social and love kids according to the description and I'm anything but. Kids are terrible company and I honestly can't stand being around people for any extended period of time. I was expecting a past life with similar values but i guess not? Anyone else surprised by their past lives?

Re: share your past life binding experiences?

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:21 am
by Noctua
I requested a binding of a specific past life spirit and have had her in my presence for just a little while now, but I am able to resonate. She was a model and aspiring actress in Hollywood during the 1940s. The way I found out about her is a bit gruesome, for she was an acquaintance of Elizabeth Short The 'Black Dahlia'.
Hollywood life isn't ever too pretty, she wasn't a great success but at least she survived and has a fascinating tale to tell as an entertainer and explorer of the scape, of that world. I like her.

In my case I can relate to the past life in a few ways. It makes sense to interact with past lives you may not relate to now however.. the point of reincarnation is to experience as many different scenarios as possible in an effort for true illumination necessary to 'evolution; of your soul. So that you received the binding you have, likely means you can learn something from it.. and there was certainly a purpose to the incarnation.

Re: share your past life binding experiences?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:09 am
by Aurum
I do not have any past life bindings at the moment, but I have been considering getting a binding of one of my past lives, a mercenary from ancient Europe. I think he might offer an interesting perspective in life and I even feel that I have retained some skills and instincts from that life.

Re: share your past life binding experiences?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 3:13 pm
by Tiavour
This is something I am planning to get fairly soon.

Re: share your past life binding experiences?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:42 pm
by HopeFaerie
::bump:: I would love to hear others experiences with this!

Re: share your past life binding experiences?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:15 pm
by Adrasteia

So, I got four of my past lives bound. I haven't worked with them yet, because it's really...awkward. I'm still surprised...I was once a medieval merchant, a Dragon breeder, a prehistoric tiger and a Mermaid. I don't feel a connection to Dragons or Merfolk, that's why it was so weird. Maybe in the future I'll find out.

Re: share your past life binding experiences?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 7:15 pm
by AriesStarChild_
I didnt need a binding to him because he showed up but a past life lover (that I apperantly didn’t love but was very close friends with) Azazel began to tell me a lot about one of the many angel past lives I had. Right after I began to have astral/lucid experiences in my maybe subconscious mind (some white long and tall hallway full of pictures and if I went into one then I experienced a memory from a past life) but this one memory stood out to me, there were very beautiful building much like Ancient Greece or the Mayan civilization, mountains and lots of green foliage and I’m above it all watching and then it flips to another science of me with diff angels fighting some beings or another. I even had a memory of knowing one of my current demons. All very interesting things to experience and I hope to have many more like them : )

Re: share your past life binding experiences?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:31 pm
by Alys-RaccoonReadings
I have one binding, but I haven’t worked with her yet. I’m looking forward to it though, as her description rang very true.

Re: share your past life binding experiences?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 2:58 am
by draco_star898
I've had two bindings of past lives done so far and I know for a fact that I lucid dreamed about one of them before I even ordered the binding. That was really cool.

The first one I received was a nonhuman past life in which I was a male psy vampire from Eastern Europe. Getting to know apart of yourself that is so separate from who you are now is such a wild experience. He is so bold and forward and strongly masculine and I am so not any of that. This past life along with my psy bloodline ancestor seems to explain my love of and draw to vampires and my ability to feel and work with energy the way I do.

The second one was a human past life in which I was a female from the middle ages somewhere in Europe, from the dream I had I'd say somewhere in Britain, who was a well known lady of somewhat high standing who was married three times to men in favorable position to royalty. This life explains my intense love and fascination of anything and everything middle ages. Besides the two lives I've lived closest to this one I feel this is the past life that has the most impact on me now in various different ways.

I love learning about past lives and have been fortunate enough to talk to a very talented reader at an expo who has given me a little bit more info and insight about who I am at my core self. It's interesting to note that in almost every past life I've been strongly called to the meta side of life in both good ways and less pleasant ways and considering the high number of lives I've apparently lived that's pretty persistent of me.

Re: share your past life binding experiences?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 4:32 pm
by blezheng
I'm planning to get this in the future as well :)