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Do you think governments/bureaucracies with their technology/ID systems would be able to detect living vampires?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:14 am
by HighSkies
Its claimed in this 'age of information' that if there are living vampires hidden in cities and the suburbs around them especially they 'would have been detected by now'. Is it true?

Like would they be able to 'find' the living vampires among us with IDs, tracking systems and the governments/bureaucracies that do them and 'notice abnormalities' by using them once they track people?

Re: Do you think governments/bureaucracies with their technology/ID systems would be able to detect living vampires?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:27 am
by HighSkies
Also how would they probably avoid being perceived by the types of humans with more 'sharp' personalities or minds than the rest of the populace? (If you know who we're talking about here) or say paranormal investigators?

Or do they specifically keep away from those people lol and know how to recognize them?

There's people I've seen out there in the meta community who claim also that 2/3rds of humans are not individually conscious/aware or are 'not actually real' and rely on a more collective soul when discussing to explain how their 'feeding' works. They go on to say that entities who do prey on humans hypothetically including 'living vampires' would tend to go for 'that sort'.

Not saying I agree but a claim some have made here when talking about this.

Re: Do you think governments/bureaucracies with their technology/ID systems would be able to detect living vampires?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:43 am
by HighSkies
-When discussing how it works or how beings like them 'would feed' within the paranormal communities* sorry. Like last time when there was a discussion about human's relationship with beings and a person in the chatroom elsewhere was asked "But then why aren't people reacting?", where they responded with 'you do realize only 1/3rds of humans are aware' thing in the discussion.

The thread link at the top has some talk that living vampires are blended in within big cities and suburbs.

Re: Do you think governments/bureaucracies with their technology/ID systems would be able to detect living vampires?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:12 am
by HighSkies
-Anyway staying on the topic would the systems like identifications/IDs be able to 'catch' them or not if they are infact hiding among us 'unregistered' in big cities/suburbs of those?