Haunted Houses - Bayhorse Bulgarian Monk

~ 0 min
2011-07-23 20:47

What's the tale? The ghost of a Bulgarian monk still haunts his home. While he was alive he would chase adventurous children away from his home and it is said to be something he enjoyed as well as the children. One day while he was chasing the children away he tripped and fell over a boulder to his death. He drowned in the Salmon River. His ghost is seen to this day running around the area.

What do we know as fact? Very little. The only book that gives any description of this tale is "Historic Haunted America". There is virtually no information regarding the address, location or entire background on the tale.

Thoughts: With such little information to go on this haunting is deemed "undecided" because the details of the haunting cannot be confirmed or unconfirmed at this point.

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