Bringing Spirits into the Home

~ 0 min
2011-06-26 16:39


Inviting spirits into our homes is a personal matter. No one can tell you what is best for you, what will work & cohesively exist within your family structure. These are decisions that you have to make for yourself based on where you are in your journey and what makes sense for your life at the given time. You can derive direction from advice and get a sense of what others around you are doing but each & every collector's journey will be different.

Let's start with some myths to clear the air. The first and most prevelant is that if you have spirits and you do not pay enough attention to them they will become angry or jealous. That's not true in the least. Humans are inferior beings to spirits who have already ascended & transformed to higher beings... or were born into ascension in the first place. While they can exhibit what we consider some "human emotions" they are far more evolved than we. Spirits are going to exist whether they are with you or not and being in a home where they can participate with its inhabitants (humans & other spirits included) is definitely a plus for them and they do not expect constant stimulation & attention from you. Spirits can go for months without interaction; some have gone thousands of years without it prior to being with you.

Second myth is you can have too many spirits. This is subjective. For some people one spirit is enough, for others, like myself & Ash, there is no limit. We have literally hundreds and they have made colonies of their own in our home. Obviously we cannot spend time with all of them every day. We talk to them individually as well as in groups and this home has become a haven & sanctuary for them.

Third myth is if a spirit doesn't work for you right away it's not the right spirit for you. Wrong, in most cases. Bringing spirits into the home isn't a method of solely enhancing your life and having a subservient being to do your bidding & will. Bringing spirits into the home is a matter of companions complementing your life. Some spirits you feel drawn to may not manifest their purpose for being there for months or years. They can see into the future concerning their purpose for being with you, you cannot. They can see their purpose in your life whether it is immediate or 2 years down the road. For most collectors they find spirits enhance their life through at least companionship within the first few months of being home with you but their true purpose for being with you may not be realized for some time.

Collecting is a personal matter and each person will have their own journey. It is not about how many spirits you have, it's about who you feel drawn to and what their purpose is for being there. Naturally people who are in stressful situations or in dire need of help will turn to magic & spirits for help, but it should not be the only reason for doing so. Absolutely nothing will happen if it is not meant as part of your path of destiny. Every single person on Earth would love to win the lottery; it is not in everyone's destiny and there will not happen for you if it's not supposed to. If you are one of the people and you work with magic or spirits they can help you achieve a quicker or greater win but if it's not in your destiny it will never happen. And that doesn't just apply to the lottery it applies to anything & everything. We all have a main road of destiny that branches here and there as we exercise free will enough to temporarily alter our destiny but ultimately no matter how many sideroads you take due to free will you are still continuing a greater path you were meant for.

Bringing spirits into your home can be an incredible adventure. They come and go, in and out of your life as meant to. They are not tools for gaining wealth, power, beauty or fame and then discard once they deliver what you want. They have the power to bestow many rewards on your life including the aforementioned and thousands more but they do so out of a mutual respect & relationship. There is no substitution for familiarity with your spirits and the gains of being with them is time not demand. Your life can be wholly transformed for the better but only as long as the proper respect is shown & they are not treated like tools for personal gain.

Having a variety of spirits in your home can also bring you a well-rounded complementary atmosphere. They each have their own strengths & abilities, it is not a cookie-cutter world in the realm of spirits. Different Gryphons will respond differently to you, different Djinn have different strengths & weaknesses, different Blue Dragons will have varying techniques and levels of Illusion... for examples... and this is true across the board for all types of spirits. The importance of bringing spirits into the home is to decide why you are doing so. Is this because you have a passion for spirits and you are going to become a safe-haven for them or do you just want a companion & friend or because you are in the arts and want to give them a chance to work again... or any combination of these or something else entirely. You have to make that determination and of course things will change as time changes but only you can decide what is true & right for you.

Spirits can work independently and they can work together. They will make their purpose for their presence known to you in the timeframe it is meant to be known. They are all companions to you, helpful & delightful in their own ways... they are also there to help with specific events which will be known when the event occurs. It's not about having one spirit that is your catch-call, mega spirit who can cook, clean, wash the windows, do the laundry, watch the kids, dust the plants & grant wishes too, it's about complementing your life and enhancing it through the gift of spirits and giving them a purpose they would not have without you.

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