Divination, Mancy, Psychic Techniques



We are asked often about the different ways you can accomplish Divination. There are almost too many to list and so we are going to list and define the most commonly used. The word "Mancy" denotes the act of Divination.

AEROMANCY ~ means of divination through wind patterns

ALECTRYOMANCY ~ means of divination by means of a rooster

ALEUROMANCY ~ means of divination through flour

ALOMANCY ~ means of divination through salt

ALPHITOMANCY ~ means of divination through loaf of barley

AMNIOMANCY ~ means of divination from the membrane that surrounds a child's head at birth

ANTHROPOMANCY ~  means of divination by means of the entrails of humans

APANTOMANCY ~ means of divination through the sudden appearance of objects or creatures

ASTROLOGY ~ means of divination by celestial bodies

AILUROMANCY ~ means of divination by studying the behavior of felines

ARITHMANCY ~ means of divination by using numbers

ARMOMANCY ~ means of divination through discerning the shoulders.  This method was often used to determine whether or not a person would be a good sacrifice

ASPIDOMANCY ~ means of divination in which the practitioner draws a circle around his body and uses specific conjurations to achieve a trance-like state through which knowledge is granted

AXINOMANCY ~  means of divination through a hatchet

AUGURY ~ means of divination by studying the flight of birds

AURA ~ means of divination by using colors in aura

AUSTROMANCY ~ means of divination from sounds in nature

AXINOMANCY ~ means of divination by using axe

BELOMANCY ~ means of divination by using arrows; aka Bolomancy

BIBLIOMANCY ~ means of divination by using books -usually religious texts-

BOTANOMANCY ~ means of divination burning plants & trees

CAPNOMANCY ~ means of divination through reading smoke patterns

CARTOMANCY ~ means of divination by using cards -playing, tarot, oracle-

CAUSIMOMANCY ~ means of divination through fire; throwing objects into a fire to read the reaction

CERAUNOSCOPY ~ means of divination by reading the atmosphere; aka Chaomandy

CEROSCOPY ~ means of divination by wax (melt the wax in vessel, pour the wax into another vessel that is full of cold water, and read the patterns)

CHEIROMANCY ~ means of divination by using palms

CLAIRALIENCE ~ means of divination by the ability to smell scents outside of natural sense

CLAIRAUDIENCE ~ means of divination by the ability to hear sounds outside of natural hearing -i.e. voices of the dead-

CLAIRCOGNIZANCE ~ means of divination by the ability to acquire psychic knowledge through the means of intrinsic knowledge

CLAIRGUSTANCE ~ means of divination by the ability to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.

CLAIRSENTIENCE ~ means of divination by the ability to feel sensations or things outside of natural touch

CLAIRVOYANCE ~ means of divination by the ability to see objects or events removed in space & time from natural viewing

CLEROMANCY ~ means of divination by throwing bones, dice, stones, or black & white beans

CLIDOMANCY ~ means of divination that can only be performed when the sun or moon is in Virgo, the name for whom the divination is taking place should be written on a key, the key should be attached to a Bible, and both the Bible & key hung from the ring finger of a virgin, who must repeat a certain mantra

COSCINOMANCY ~ means of divination to determine a guilty party where a sieve is suspended between two people; the guilty party would be the person whose name was said & the sieve moved

CRITOMANCY ~ means of divination through reading grain in sacrificial rites

CRYSTALOMANCY ~ means of divination through a crystal (one of the earliest forms of divination)

DACTYLOMANCY ~ means of divination practiced with rings; typically a ring is suspended on a cord and will move around a circle of letters to answer questions.

DEMONOMANCY ~ means of divination through the guidance of demons

DOWSING ~ ability to find hidden water, metal and gemstones

ENOPTROMANCY ~ means of divination by using a mirror

EROMANTY ~ means of divination by which the practitioner covers their head in linen, and speaks their desire for answer over a vessel filled with water.  If there are air bubbles during their speaking it is considered a favorable response.

ESTRELLOMANCY ~ means of divination through reading patterns left by comets & shooting stars

EXTIPICY ~ means of divination by using entrails of animal

GASTROMANCY ~ means of divination through the stomach where the voice is hollow and raises from the ground

GEOMANCY ~ means of divination by using the earth -includes Fung Shui-

GRAPHOLOGY ~ means of divination by using handwriting

GYROMANCY ~ means of divination by walking in cirles around a circle of letters.  The correct letter was supposed to be found when the person stopped at a letter when they felt too dizzy to continue walking.

HERBOMANCY ~ means of divination using herbs or plants in burning, liquid or fresh state

HIPPOMANCY ~ means of divination through reading movements of wild horses

HYDROMANCY ~ means of divination by using water

I CHING ~ means of divination by using I Ching manual

ICHTHYOMANCY ~ means of divination by reading movements of fish, appearance of fish or entrails of fish

IFA ~ means of divination used by the Yoruba

KEPHALONOMANCY ~ means of divination by placing a piece of carbon that has been heated by fire on the head of a donkey or goat.  If the carbon crackles when the name of a person is spoken, they are guilty.

LITHOMANCY ~ means of divination using crystals, gemstones or glass

MARGARITOMANCY ~ means of divination through tossing pearls or reading pearls in oysters.  Also usedwhen the pearls were placed near a fire in the bottom of a vessel, if a guilty person's name was spoken a pearl would pop to the top of the vessel.

MYOMANCY ~ means of divination by movements or appearance of rats or mice

NEPHELOMANCY ~ means of divination through cloud movements, patterns & shapes

NUMEROLOGY ~ means of divination by using numbers

OLOLYGMANCY ~ means of divination through howling patterns of wolves or barking patterns of dogs

ONEIROMANCY ~ means of divination by interpreting dreams

ONIMANCY ~ means of divination by watching the Angel Uriel by placing olive oil on fingernails, or in the palm, of a virgin, asking questions which answers are needed, and observe the behavior

ONOMANCY ~ means of divination by using names

ONYCHOMANCY ~ means of divination by using fingernails and watching the reflection of the sun in the fingernails

OOSCOPY ~ means of divination by using eggs; which can be dying the eggs to see the patterns in the colors, or watching eggs hatch for patterns in the cracking of the shell and/or the chicken being born

OPHIOMANCY ~ means of divination by reading snakes color patterns, movements or entrails

ORNITHOMANCY ~ means of divination through the flight or song of birds

ORACLE BONES ~ means of divination by using animal bones

OUIJA ~ means of divination by using ouija board

OVOMANCY ~ means of divination through a person's given name

PEGOMANCY ~ means of divination through reading patterns or appearance of natural springs

PESSOMANCY ~ means of divination through marked beans or stones (similiar to runes)

PHYLLORHODOMANCY ~ means of divination through rose leaves; clap with a rose leaf in the palm of your hand and read the sound produced

PSYCHOMETRY ~ means of divination by touching an object that belongs to a person -alive or dead-

PYROMANCY ~ means of divination by using fire

RHABDOMANCY ~ means of divination by using rods

RHAPSODOMANCY ~ means of divination by opening a book of poetry at random and reading the first verse that is seen

RUNECASTING ~ means of divination by using runes

SELENOMANCY ~ means of divination through the appearance and phases of the moon

SPODOMANCY ~ means of divination by reading the ember patterns & ashes of a sacrificial fire

STERNOMANCY ~ means of divination by studying markings or bumps on chest

STOICHEOMANCY ~ means of divination by opening the works of Homer at random and reading the first verse that is seen

STOLISOMANCY ~ means of divination by observing the way someone dresses his/herself

SYCOMANCY ~ means of divination by reading the leaves of a fig tree   The desire should be written on the leaf, if it stays moist it is a good sign, if the leaf dries quickly it is a bad sign.

TEA LEAVES ~ means of divination by using tea leaves

TEPHRAMANCY ~ means of divination by collecting the ashes of a fire that has consumed a victim

THEOMANCY ~ means of divination assumed by one who possesses all knowledge, can command all of nature, can command angels & demons, and can perform miracles

TIROMANCY ~ means of divination through reading cheese

XYLOMANCY ~ means of divination through wood that is found in your walking path

ZOOMANCY ~ means of divination using any animal

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