Creature Callings?

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Nexxus Red
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Originally Asked by Mary:

Hello Magnolia, I have a question to ask that I hope you can answer sometime when you aren't too busy.

You know how alot of members on here get feelings or a sense that a spirit is calling them? Well, I was wondering if it would be possible for you to ask a spirit if they would want to go to you.

For example. Say I want to buy a spirit from you but I'm not sure which one to get. Do you think it would be possible for a small fee for you to ask which spirits you have up for sale/adoption would like to be with me? I ask because I can never sense anything these days anymore, and it would be great to know the spirit I'm getting actually wants to be with me.

Thank you!


FaerieWhispers Replied with:

I would say that you are just tired. Wait till you get used to this new routine. You will eventually get used to it. You are just stressed right now and that can interfere with you sensing your spirits.

I know this was a question for Magnolia, but thought I would throw that out there for you!

Faerie Whispers


Mary Replied with:

Haha, no kidding! I'm so tired I dont' know why I'm not in bed yet!

But, I've always had trouble. None of the spirits I got really felt like they calling to me or anything >.<;;


CreepyHollows Replied with:

There is no fee LOL If you, or anyone else, doesn't know which spirit is best for them of course you can ask and there is no fee! You can say, "I like the Green Dragon and the Mermaid and I don't know which one is right, does either one seem more interested in me?" and I will find out by asking them.


Mary Replied with:

Aww! *hugs* Magnolia does it again, you're so sweet! Thank you for answering so quickly as well! That's great news. I was wondering, did the dragon and djinn you sent me... did they tell you that they wanted to be with me? Just wondering!

Renee W. Replied with:

Mary, you're just too cute!
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