Need meditation tips please

Need help learning how to Meditate? Know any tricks on how to achieve it? Post here!
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Dawn Posted: Nov 26 2007, 10:16 AM

Can anyone who is successful with meditating please give me pointers? My mind is constantly running and I find meditation does not happen for me. I used to have a nice meditation CD but it was lost in a move. Anyone know of any good CD's to help get you in a meditative state? Thank you

david2885 Posted: Nov 26 2007, 11:20 AM

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Well, there are several things I think might work here.

One technique I've read about (but never really had to use) is something I call 'slap the monkey'. Basically, you pretend your restless mind is a naughty monkey sitting on your shoulder, and imagine yourself slapping it into silence. Every time you find your mind chattering away, keep slapping the heck out of it until it stays still. How sadistic

What I feel would actually work better is simply to realize that it is in the nature of the modern mind to be running around all the time, especially with all this stimulation we're getting. When you meditate, don't expect your mind to be suddenly still. Focus on something (Way back when, I started out simply with my could focus on a particular chakra if you want) and allow your mind to be in whatever state it chooses to be. That sounds like a contradiction, but what I mean is that you should just be totally objective. Focus on your breath, and if you find sometime during the meditation that your mind has wandered, simply acknowledge what has happened (without judging), and guide your focus back to your breath. That's all. Don't get all angry at yourself when you fail, or your mind will never be still. Don't get all happy when you realize you're succeeding, because again your mind won't be still if you do that, and you won't be succeeding any longer. Objectivity is key.

If you want to get a CD though, I would recommend Meditation Mastery from the Life Mastery site. It's actually an attunement that's supposed to help connect you with your Higher Self. Not entirely sure about the link/product policy, so I'll let you Google it yourself. The 'mantra' to meditate by from that program is 'Observe the observer'. As the name suggests, this is for Mastery of meditation, so get this if you feel like going all the way.

Now if you're lazy, and want to reach theta states with a little less effort, I'd recommend getting the Personal Genius Paraliminal from Learning Strategies Corporation. Someone else on another board also suggested Memory Supercharger for this purpose, but it hasn't worked for me. With this, all you do is put on your headphones and relax. I've had quite a few 'lucid dreams' while sitting in silence after the Paraliminal has ended. Also had one or two experiences which could have been OBEs, but that I'm not entirely sure about. I found that after using it for a while, I could still my mind more easily even when I wasn't using the CD.

Some people swear by the Holosync meditation program ("Meditate like a Zen monk at the push of a button!"), but I find it too expensive.

I'd really just recommend trying to remain objective first.

So to summarize:
-'Slap the monkey'
-Be objective (<---recommended free way)
-Meditation Mastery
-Personal Genius Paraliminal (<----for your purposes, I'd say this would be the CD to get. It's not actually meant to be a meditaiton CD, but it really helps still the mind.)

Hope that helps.

Frank Posted: Nov 26 2007, 04:31 PM

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Dear Dawn,

many greetings to you from Germany! I have been meditating for nearly 30 years now, for many years under the direct guidance of several god-realized masters.
Therefore, in all humility, I can tell you what meditation is all about:
Its about realizing WHO YOU REALLY ARE - instead of you you were taught
you are! Its about realizing that you are NOT your personality, thoughts or
emotions! What a miracle that is once you realize it.

To master the monkey mind of course is no easy task. Its running like mad,
most of the time. But, thak God, you are not identical to the monkey mind.
YOU are the TRUE OBSERVER behind it - if you know it or not.
THIS OBSERVER is "the way out of inner confusion and insecurity once you
connect with it by beginning to put yourself in the position of this observer
right now.

You are presently reading these lines - in this split second you are aware.
This awareness IS truly the observer, before new thoughts are entering your field of awareness.

Become aware of your thoughts as they arise in your consciousness.
Don't react to them, just observe, observe similarly your emotions, if they
are arising. You are simply observing, learning to "seperate yourself" from
the monkey mind. You HAVE a monkey mind, but you ARE not a monkey mind.

YOU are the observer and the true consciousness behind all arising.
This needs to be real-ized through learning to observe the movements of thought
and emotions.

Usually it takes a rather long time until the monkey is mastered. But time you
have - so be patient as you begin to tread upon the path that, by God's grace,
might lead you back into the original state of peace.

I certainly wish you well and send you blessings from where I sit.

In addition I would like to recommend the book: Meditation, a foundation
course, by Barry Long, who was one of the Masters that blessed me through
their teachings and presence.

You are on the right track, my friend. Walk the path back to the truth of
your real self and your life will become a miracle, in time, that is.

Light, Love and Good wishes

dlieske Posted: Dec 14 2007, 08:59 PM
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Donald Michael Kraig in Modern mMagick states that you should memorize a picture by looking at it and scaning it line by line and then try to descan it in your mind to reach a point where the conscious is finally quiet.

Don't know if it works or not.

I personally am a bit lazy and I am curently listening to a quided meditation a kundalini activator from xtrememind. It seems to be having some affect although sometimes I think I fall asleep in the middle. I will give you an update if this shortcut actically works at all.


dlieske Posted: Dec 14 2007, 09:11 PM
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One other piece of worthless trivia. Supposedly if you look up (Physically look up, eyes open or shut doesn't matter) you will have more success with visual memories. It is a trick that kids use for spelling (To be a good speller requires a photographic memory and not and auditory memory.) most people favor one over the other. That Is why I can easily remember the words to a lot of song but I can spell to save my life. So look up !

psychic anna Posted: Dec 23 2007, 08:41 AM
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Hi all...

So, here's the thing...I tried to meditate a few times...
like..for example...connecting to a Djinn...they suggest...u focus on ur third eye ( which hurts a bit for me..)..and then start counting 100 to 1...backwards....and they also say that by the time...u reach can see vivid images a video or a slide show....

my problem is..when i start doing all of this -
a. my head gets soooo freakin' falls something is pulling it....from behind...( has anyone experienced this b4?)

b. the time i get to 1...although i have calmed down...i dont see anything...and ...sad part soooo aware at 1 feel am creating a block myself..and stopping myself...from going beyond that if I am scared of a permanent revelation that is about to come know what I mean..?
something forces my eye 1....

Bottomline - I have BIG TROUBLE ..meditating or letting go...or higher self...


david2885 Posted: Dec 23 2007, 10:35 AM

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Hmm, focusing on the third eye shouldn't really hurt at all. You should just feel a slight strain, so if it hurts, you might be trying too hard

About the head feeling heavy..Sometimes when I'm meditating and I manage to remain conscious while in a deeper state, I'll sometimes feel like I'm inside something similar to a Matrixlike 'bullet time' kind of feel.

Regarding the fear... I haven't really had this problem, but maybe you could try going:


That might calm you down a bit. Personally, I keep losing count of the numbers when I try to count down , so I find it easier to just focus on my breath or only on my third eye without counting. I don't have a djinn to try connecting to yet though...

The thing about the fear though... I think you shouldn't try to reject your fear. I think it would be better to acknowledge your fear. In fact, embrace it. Your fear is a part of you. Allow it to exist, but refuse to let it stop you from what you intend to do. Easier said than done, right?

I could recommend something to help with fear and clearing internal blocks, but I haven't really tried to use them myself, so I don't know if they work. I can think of two or three things that might help. They're all supposed take very little time to use, once you've learned them. Minutes...seconds even.

1. Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, or Tapping (Click Me)
Also see: Basic EFT Instructions (Click Me)

This involves stating some unwanted fear or feeling you have, directly following it with some kind of positive affirmation. Then you tap certain points on your body. You then gauge the intensity of the feeling, and repeat the process until the fear/feeling has been reduced to a satisfactory level or eliminated.

2. Hand Actuated Mental Reconditioning, or HAMR (Click Me)

This involves seeing your old belief in one hand, your new belief in the other hand, and doing some visualizing involving the past, present, and future, then smashing both hands together. Sounds a little funky huh? Try reading the site

3. Zpoint Process

This last one I've only just read about recently, but it sounds like the simplest of them all. You basically read a 'program' that's about 5 lines long, and attach a certain cue word to it. The program will consist of something positive or empowering, and then every time you hear or think of the cue word, I'm guessing the program will run itself, and you will be able to clear your blockage/fear. Sounds amazingly simple, but if it works, wow! If you try this out, let me know how it goes!


Theresa Posted: Dec 23 2007, 10:00 PM

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The 'problem' I have when I meditate is: everyone says ''clear your mind and see the white or golden light''. I don't see a white light!!! I never have. I can see peoples when I meditate the colours go through the spectrum!!!! It starts off with yellow/orange then to red and then green. It usually stays at green, however a few times it has went to blue then indigo. I'm not trying to do this, I'm relaxed....I just see colours...not black and white!!

I was really freaking out about it at first....then I realized that this was ME. And this is the way my body was handling the relaxation of meditation. So, I think the main thing to remember is it's not going to be textbook for everyone. What works for one, will not work for everyone. Find the way that works for you (and you are comfortable with) and stick with it!!


david2885 Posted: Dec 24 2007, 12:00 AM

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I think what they mean when they say SEE or VISUALIZE something during a mediation is that you're supposed to IMAGINE it happening, not actuallly see something happen in your mind's eye. That's a different ability. The term 'visualize' has a lot of people confused and discouraged that they aren't 'doing it right'.
Ever lost your keys, and then closed your eyes and tried to retrace your steps and see where you lost your keys? Everybody can do that, but everybody seems to have difficulty 'visualizing'. It's poor word choice

spazmiester76 Posted: Dec 24 2007, 12:11 AM
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TO add a bit to it,I have found it hard to visualise as I have read in many a books that you need to develop a really clear visualization of a desired image, in order to get into a relaxed state that will lead you to meditative trance.If I'm not mistaken??

david2885 Posted: Dec 24 2007, 12:14 AM

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Yup, confusing isn't it? Really, visualization is just imagination. If you wanted to actually SEE it happening in your mind's eye, like you do with your physical eyes, you'd probably have to have something like clairvoyance or a fully activated third eye to do it, which is a different ability altogether.

spazmiester76 Posted: Dec 24 2007, 12:20 AM
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Activation isn't easy really

(Thank God for spell casted items )
It's funny though I can really imagine things clear as day when I am awake and moving then while I am lying down and trying to meditate!
Odd isn't it??!!

david2885 Posted: Dec 24 2007, 12:25 AM

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Well, at least that shows that you have the ability to do it in the first place!

Maybe you have some kind of perception about meditation that blocks your natural ability to imagine? A lot of people think it's supposed to be hard, so it becomes hard for them
spazmiester76 Posted: Dec 24 2007, 12:35 AM
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Ha Ha Don't get me started Dave I know way too much about the thought and emotion power of belief!!
It was just easier for me in high school cause I would daydream all day everyday
The last clear perception I saw was my past live regression of 2 sessions and my hag attacks years ago.

I think I have that contradictary conversation with my best friend all the time and fail to persuade him that his reason for all his bad lucks and dilemnas is his thoughts,reactions,negative behaviors and hostility.
But I'd do better persuading a dollar bill to change!LOL

PhoenixRising84 Posted: Dec 25 2007, 04:10 PM
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I've learned that amethyst is supposed to calm your thoughts as well as open your 3rd eye. I tried something the other night that kind of freaked me out. I put an amethyst stone on my forehead, and I thought "open my 3rd eye". Ok, so here's the freaky part, the stone started shaking. I was lying down I was completely still, I had slowed my breathing. It really freaking me out! Instead of sticking with I put the stone away . Now that it has happened once, I think I'm going to try it again and see what happens.
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