However, I also see a lot of frustrated people who work and work and work at developing their "third eye" (actually, it's not really your THIRD eye - it's your FIFTH if we're going to be specific, but we'll get to that in a moment), and never get anywhere... and the reason is that for true psychic development, you must have a well-rounded system, you must work to strengthen and clarify ALL your chakras, not just the one!
Here is a simple explanation of how each chakra works, as it relates to psychic phenomenon, in the order they should be worked on. May it strengthen you and carry you forward in your journey with many blessings.
The Root Chakra
Found either on the perineum (between the anus and the scrotum) or just about a quarter of an inch inside the vaginal wall, towards the anus, the root chakra, also connected to the foot chakra, relates directly to your connection to the material world. Without a correctly developed root chakra, well bonded to the Earth and the material plane, you run the risk of being lost in a sea of psychic abilities without control, and without the ability to distinguish what is merely mental trash and what is actually psychic impression. Also, all psychic abilities are based on energy - we draw energy into our bodies a variety of ways - air, food, exercise, sunlight - but we also draw energy into our bodies by our connection to the material plane, specifically to the Earth from which our bodies were made. Without that connection to constantly refresh and circulate healthy energy, a sickness called "Backlash" occurs, where using psychic abilities results in headaches, nausea, and other flu-like symptoms. Basically, the root chakra is the concrete foundation your psychic house is built on... without that foundation, your house will slowly be washed away by the energy flowing around you, and your actual body will sicken.
The Root faces downwards, and is connected to the central channel to which all the other Chakras are connected to. It radiates energy upwards as well as releasing old energy downwards into the Earth. With the exception of the Crown Chakra and the Ajna Chakra, all other chakras flow from back to front - they draw in energy from behind you, and into the central channel, and then out the front of your body, filling in your aura. Their first job is to stabilize the energy channels that keep your body alive, their secondary task is to fill in your aura, the protective envelope that keeps those energies contained.
Your Sacral Plexus Chakra ... your-life/
The root chakra deals with the feelings of security, stability, and the feeling that you are grounded no matter what situation you’re in. If your root chakra is blocked or under active, you probably feel very nervous, full of anxiety, and fearful. Moreover, you tend to feel very materialistic wanting more and being very resistant to changes around you, if this chakra is overactive. The bottom line is that you want your chakras to be in complete balance with one another not overactive or under active.
If you have symptoms of a blocked root chakra, there are ways in which you can unblock and allow the energy to flow freely. The root chakra deals with feelings of being grounded, therefore, you can use exercises in order to help strengthen the connection to the earth for the feeling of being grounded. By engaging in simple exercises you can help to unblock the root chakra.
First, relax as you stand straight your feet should be apart as much as your shoulders are, and your knees just slightly bent, and your palms should lean forward. Keep your body balanced so that the weight on your feet is distributed evenly, stay in this position for a few minutes.
Moreover, you can open the root chakra by touching the tips of your index finger to your thumb, and then concentrating on the root chakra which is just between the anus and the genitals; at this point you would chant LAM.
By doing a few simple exercises, you can have your chakras flowing in a more balanced way . The effects will be that you’ll feel no longer anxious, you’ll feel more grounded, and more welcomed wherever you are.
Found about three inches below the belly button and within the center of your body, facing forward, is the Sacral Plexus chakra. The Sacral Plexus chakra deals with how we connect to the elements in our world - not the Earth and the material plane, but the other life-forms within it. Believe it or not, everything you have ever touched, every feeling you have ever had, every thought related to a person, place, thing or idea, has a connection in your Sacral Plexus. Clearing the Sacral Plexus allows you to discard old behaviors and ideas, and also release old relationships that no longer serve you. It is a simple matter - cover your "womb" area with your hands, then in a cupping motion, gather the connections that are not for your highest good, the unnecessary connections, and gently remove those blockages from your sacral plexus area, and blow them back into the universe. Focus on sending them back to where they came from WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. You're not trying to hurt anyone, you just seek your freedom.
As for why the Sacral Plexus is important for psychic ability - this is where you connect to those you are tuning into. If your sacral plexus is clogged, or worse, sealed, you cannot connect, because there's either too much gunk, or things slide off. This can lead to a feeling of disconnection not only in your material life, but also in your psychic life. Clearing the sacral plexus and working on your sense of self will allow you to connect more clearly. Just remember that every time you do something psychically, you need to clear your sacral plexus after, so that whoever or whatever you have connected to doesn't remain in your aura, coloring your own thoughts and feelings.
The Sacral Plexus also deals with sex and sensuality, and the expression of emotions. Since the majority of psychic impressions are actually emotional ones, keeping this chakra clear can assist you in determining the difference between your own feelings and those of others, and also in accurately determining what IS your feelings and what is NOT.
Navel (Solar Plexus) Chakra
(Lemon's Notes: This came from the same website as above. So do the rest of the quotes.)
The sacral chakra deals with your feelings and your sexuality. When this chakra is flowing freely, you are able to express your emotions without being overly emotional. Someone with a balanced sacral chakra finds it natural to be intimate, passionate, and has no problems dealing with any part of their sexuality. Moreover, your feelings are grounded and you will not be too emotional or too closed off from your feelings.
An under active sacral chakra typically displays itself as someone who is very unemotional, does not appear very open to people, is not approachable and appears rather cold to people who come in contact with the person. On the other hand, if you tend to be overly emotional all the time, this indicates that you have an over active sacral chakra; you may feel extremely attached to people emotionally and sexually. Therefore, a blocked, under-active, or overactive sacral chakra is unhealthy not only for the individual, but for those that they come in contact with. This means it is advantageous for you and those that you are involved with to have this chakra opened and balanced.
You can balance and open your sacral chakra by placing your hands on your lap with your palms up on top of one another. Your left hand should be underneath your right, and the palm of your left hand should be touching the back of your right hand’s fingers. The very tips of your thumbs should touch as you concentrate on the sacral chakra, which is toward the lower back, and then chant of sound VAM. You can repeat this several times in order to balance the chakra and to begin feeling emotionally whole and well.
The seven major chakras are a rotating wheel of energy inside everyone. Those that are gifted and trained to perceive blocked chakras can help you to unblock them. However, this is something that you can do on your own with a little work and effort. When all of the seven major chakras are not in balance, the energy within is not flowing freely. This can lead to illness, fatigue, disease, and stress. Therefore, having your sacral chakra in balance with the other major chakras is vital to achieve wholeness.
The Solar Plexus chakra is all about your personal power. Basically, if you don't believe in yourself, if you don't have a firm grasp on not only your sense of your emotional self, but also your powerful spiritual self, you won't be able to do a darned thing psychically, or worse, what you CAN do will leave you exhausted, confused, and may be jumbled up with fabricated impressions. This chakra is also the chakra most involved with being Centered - which if you've been exploring this forum, you've seen mentioned multiple times - it, along with grounding, is the first exercise ever taught to anyone learning magick or psychism. You will be told by website after website, book after book, and teacher after teacher, "Ground and Center! Ground and Center!"
Centering means to sit within your Powerful sense of self. It means to align yourself with that central channel that goes from the root to the crown, from the earth through the root, up the center channel, out the crown, into the universe. But it also means to sit in your Solar Plexus, and expand that sense of personal SELF, so that it fills your body with light, and that you spill that light, your essential self, into the earth and sky, just as the earth and sky fill YOU. When you constantly, and consistently work with your Solar Plexus chakra, you will learn things about yourself and your power, you will discover your strengths and your weaknesses, and how to expand those strengths and guard those weaknesses. Moreover, when you work with your solar plexus enough, you will lose the doubts that cripple and block psychic abilities.
The Heart ChakraWhen it comes to having high self-esteem, assertiveness, and feeling in control of your decisions, much of this has to do with the navel chakra. If you tend to be aggressive and domineering, this chakra is most certainly overactive. On the other hand, if you tend to be indecisive, timid, and never get what you want, chances are this chakra is under active. Assertiveness in a group should be something that comes quite naturally and easily, but if your navel chakra is blocked or unbalanced the opposite is often the case.
Exercises to Open the Navel Chakra
You can open your naval chakra with a few simple exercises, which will help you achieve the self-esteem you desire and deserve. First of all, put your hands right at your stomach area which is the solar plexus. Your finger should join at the tips while pointing away from you. Next, crush your thumbs and keep your fingers straightened; now concentrate on the navel chakra which is located at your spine just above your naval. Chant the sound RAM. You can repeat this process several times in order for your chakra to be open and balanced.
By working to open the navel chakra, you will begin to notice that your self-esteem gradually improves. You’ll also no longer feel timid and afraid to ask for what you want. When all seven major chakras are working in harmony you begin to feel better about yourself, your environment, and those around you. While chakras and their effects on your emotional health and well-being may seem like a new concept to you, they have been practiced for thousands of years in many other cultures. The truth is energy continually flows through your body via the chakras whether you know it or not, and regardless of whether you believe it or not.
Often because the chakras cannot be seen by the naked eye, it’s easy to discard them as not being real. However, you cannot see the wind, you cannot touch the wind, and you can’t even taste the wind, but there is no question that the wind and air is real. Therefore, if someone says “I don’t believe in the air.” it doesn’t change the fact that the air is around us and within us. The more you learn about the chakras, the more you will begin to understand how each and every one of the chakras are of utmost importance.
Attempting to unblock the navel chakra can be very difficult without a spiritual guru. Unfortunately, most people simply don’t have reasonable access to someone who can guide them in this practice. However, there is no reason why you can’t attempt to unblock your naval chakra or any of your other chakras on your own. I’ve actually stumbled across a systemized formula for unblocking each of the 7 chakras, and the best part is it can be practiced alone in the comfort of your own home.
This is actually seven chakras - but the two most people focus on are the Green Heart Chakra and the Rose Heart Chakra. The other five need to be developed too, but that's really an advanced step, and the best explanations I've ever found for those five are in a book called Kundalini and the Chakras, by Genevieve Paulson - ... 0875425925 However - we're working primarily with the two concepts of Love - Universal Love, and Self-Love. Believe it or not, psychic ability is based on Love. If you don't feel connected to the universe, and you don't feel love for yourself, these negative thoughts and feelings block out a lot of psychic impressions you might actually be receiving from the universe and from your own intuition. So clarifying and developing the Heart Chakras is very important for reception. The pink heart chakra is, obviously, about self-image and self-love, while the green heart chakra, about an inch above it, and much larger, is about Universal Love and Univeral Receptivity to Love - they are both roughly in the center of the chest over the thymus gland. Development of the heart chakras not only helps with intuition, but also hearing Guides and inner guidance.
The Throat ChakraThe heart chakra influences your interactions with other people, your affections, your compassion, your love, and your friendliness. If this chakra is under active you tend to be distant and cold with those around you. On the other hand, if this chakra is over-active you tend to suffocate others with your affections and love.
Opening the Heart Chakra
Because the heart chakra deals with relationships and love, it’s imperative that this chakra is open and flowing evenly rather than being under active or overactive. Luckily, you can work to open this chakra by doing exercises on your own.
Find a comfortable place in your room where you will not be distracted, sit on the floor with your legs crossed and sit up straight. Next, place your left hand on your left knee, and then place you your right hand just in front of the lower part of your breastbone, which is just above the solar plexus. Turn your mind to and concentrate on the heart chakra located at the spine level where your heart is. Chant the mantra YAM. You can repeat this for several minutes each day, and eventually this chakra will gradually begin to open.
When the heart chakra is open you’ll begin to be in touch with your center of love, spirituality and compassion for other people. You will not only love others, you will also love yourself, and be able to give as well as receive love. Moreover, this chakra helps to connect your spirit with your mind. For many reasons people tend to have problems with this chakra being closed.
Common reasons for a blocked heart chakra include:
Hurtful experiences in the past
A broken heart
Experiences of betrayal
Having a blocked heart chakra can also have physical health consequences. For example, heart disease is a common illness all around the world and this could easily be linked to the fact that many people’s heart chakra is not properly balanced.
Finally, when this chakra is opened you will no longer experience the fear of being hurt, and unafraid of being unworthy of love. Chakra balancing is not a new concept and has been practiced for many years. However, it is just now making it’s way to the western world. Because of this most people find it difficult to find quality information on how to open their chakras.
Luckily, I do know of one online resource containing a systemized formula that has helped people all over the world open their chakras.
Believe it or not, this chakra is the chief chakra involved with clair-audience. In other words... if your throat chakra is blocked, no amount of work on your third eye is going to net you any sound results at all... You might see stuff... but you aren't going to HEAR anything. The throat chakra is all about communication of all kinds - your ability to both listen AND to express your true self. Having a clear and well-functioning throat chakra is the difference between hearing the truth in yourself and others, and wandering, blind, through a life of lies.
The Third EyeDo you ever feel that you are unable to express yourself while speaking to others? If so, your throat chakra could be closed. This chakra directly affects your self-expression and ability to communicate with others. People with a blocked throat chakra tend to be quiet, shy, and unsure of themselves. If however, you tend to speak nonstop and dominate the conversation while not listening to others this chakra may be overactive. Obviously, the key is to have this chakra balanced so that you can freely speak to others and express yourself without fear or hesitancy.
Exercises to Open the Throat Chakra
By engaging in simple exercises and concentration you can help open your throat chakra. First of all, your fingers should be crossed inside of your hands with your fingers facing the floor, your thumbs should touch slightly at the top of each other while pushing them in an upward motion. Next, you want to concentrate on the chakra which is located near the bottom portion of your throat. Finally begin to chant the sound HAM. This exercise can be practiced several times a day or week in order to open your throat chakra.
The throat chakra is the fifth chakra in the energy wheel within you and also deals with your level of creativity. If you are able to be creative with your speech, in writing, and other artistic outlets this chakra is balanced and working correctly. However, when the chakra is blocked or out of balance you tend to hold back on your expressions of creativity and speech. If as a child you are musically or artistically motivated, but somehow lost these abilities, it’s probably due to this chakra being out of balance. As a result, physical ailments can follow when this chakra is out of balance, which include throat pain, pain in the back, y hyperthyroidism, and an array of inflammation throughout the body.
While many people do not understand the seven chakras, often they visit their doctors for medical ailments. Many people may not realize that their condition could be a result of a blocked chakra such as the root chakra. On the other hand, others who have unblocked this chakra, and balanced their other chakras, have found they don’t seek medical attention as often as they used to because their energy field is flowing and in balance.
Actually, there are Seven Eyes. Your dominant, your non-dominant, and then the five that go from the bridge of your nose between your physical two eyes, all the way up to your hair line. Again - if you'd like more information on the other four chakras (or even the two situated over your physical eyes - check out Paulson's book. But we're going to deal with the actual Fifth eye, centered in the middle of your forehead.
As you all know, the "third eye" is supposedly the base of all psychic perception - though you're discovering how little truth that belief has, right now. However, it IS the center for your inner vision - please note I say INNER vision, and not EXTERNAL vision - so if you're hoping to suddenly see your dragon with your naked eyes by working at peeling layers off your fifth eye, you're probably spitting in the wind. While certainly it is eventually possible to see the layers of reality by working on incorporating the fifth eye and first and second eyes and encouraging them to work in tandem, it is as rare a gift as true telepathy. Most people who are labeled telepathic are just really, really strong empaths, or have some kind of clairsentience or clairaudience. But anyway, back to the fifth eye.
There are a LOT of Gifts out there. Sight is not the only one. It is entirely possible that you can work on your fifth eye for 20 years, and actually really make some progress, and never "SEE" anything. Instead, you may become powerfully precognitive. You might become really empathic. Your ability to heal may expand. You might begin to experience the thoughts of trees, animals, stones. Anything is possible. Inner vision is not just about SEEING... it's also about all the other psychic abilities that you have. If it has to do with knowledge, it's going to come from development of the fifth eye, in tandem, as I've mentioned, with the other six major chakras. Of course, if you're kinetic, things are different. You might SEE kinetically (most kinetics can see atoms, or at least a weird type of DEPTH in objects that makes them more real to them - fuller), but the actual Gift is partially in your brain, partially in your heart and solar plexus, and partially in your HANDS.
The Fifth Eye is ALSO about astral vision - imagination and mental creativity. Even if you're not Gifted at ALL (highly unlikely - I've never met a person on the planet who didn't have SOME kind of psychic ability) everyone has the ability to dream, daydream, and create in some way. Just because you aren't an artist doesn't mean you're not creative. Building a house is creative, calculating the perfect angle for a bookcase just by sight alone, is creative, but I sure as heck couldn't do it!
The Crown ChakraEven if you know little about the seven chakras, you’ve probably heard something about the third eye chakra. The third eye has become a major focus for many people, due to the fact that it deals with your inner vision, insight, as well as your intuition. If this chakra is flowing smoothly, you have no problem fantasizing, visualizing the big picture, and you have insight into the situations around you. However, if this chakra is under active you may have a hard time being able to think for yourself, and therefore rely on people of authority. Also, the way you think may be tied in with your beliefs, or you may find yourself confused much of the time. On the other hand, if you tend to hallucinate and live in a fantasy world where you are fantasizing more than living your life, this chakra is overactive.
Exercise to Help Open the Third Eye Chakra
In order to have your third eye chakra flowing freely, there are some exercises you can do on your own to help balance this vital chakra. First of all, place your hands just before the lower part of your breasts, your middle fingers need to stay straight and touch at the tops and point forward. The rest of your fingers should be bent and touching at the knuckles. Point your thumbs towards you with them touching each other at the top. Now concentrate on this important chakra which is located just above your eyebrows. When you are ready, begin to chant OM or AUM. Practicing this exercise daily will help to open and balance this chakra so that you can gain insight and intuition easily.
The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra and is often linked to psychic ability. Moreover, when this chakra is balanced you find yourself being less selfish and open to receiving guidance. Physical symptoms of this chakra being closed include headaches, eye strain, and even blurred vision. If you are afraid of success, it is likely this chakra is out of balance. When the third eye chakra is balanced, you don’t feel attached to materialistic things, and you may have insight to different experiences such as telepathy.
Finally, when your third eye and the rest of the chakras are balanced, you will experience complete harmony due to your energies flowing in a balanced way.
Last but not least, we have the Crown Chakra - how you connect to Universe, Divinity, your Higher Self, the Collective Unconscious, and Wisdom. Without a strong and clear crown, you will have NO connection to the spiritual realm, no matter how much work you do on the other chakras, even the third eye.
So. Now you see... it's not all about the "Third Eye." It's actually all about ALL your chakras. They are a house... if you're missing a wall, it's not a house. If you're missing the floor or the roof, it's not a house. If you're missing rooms, it's not a house. If you're missing the bathroom or the kitchen, it's sure as heck not a place to live in.The seventh major chakra is the crown chakra. This chakra deals with the feeling of being one with the world and about wisdom. When this chakra is balanced and open you have no prejudices. You will also be very aware of both the physical and spiritual world. If you are not aware of your spirituality and are often rigid in your thinking, this chakra is most likely under active. On the other hand, if you intellectualized everything or are only concerned with spirituality while ignoring your wordy needs, this chakra is overactive.
Exercises to Help Open the Crown Chakra
As with all the chakras, there are exercises that you can do on your own to help you open the crown chakra. To get started, place your hands at stomach level and let both ring fingers point up, allowing them to touch at the top. Next, you’ll want to cross the rest of your fingers, with your left thumb being under your right thumb. Holding this position concentrate your mind on the Crown chakra which is located at the top of your head, and chant or say the sound NG.
The crown chakra deals with wisdom, energy, thoughts that flow easily, spirituality, and your enlightenment. When this chakra is in balance, you feel connected to God, but are still concerned with your physical body. If this chakra is out of balance or blocked you may feel frustrated, black joy, and even feel destructive to yourself or others. Several physical illnesses can follow when the Crown chakra is blocked, these include depression as well as headaches and severe migraines.
Many people find the chakras confusing and therefore, may choose to believe they are not real. However, there are many things that humans cannot touch, taste, or see that are indeed real. Therefore, if you are feeling physically ill, spiritually disconnected, and frustrated with life in general consider the possibility that your chakras may be out of balance, blocked, under active, or over-active.
Build your house.
Stop cleaning the windows, and work on the roof, the walls, the floor. Work on the whole structure, work with all the chakras, daily. Cleanse them, balance them, daily.
You will find that your work on the "third eye" chakra, when you work with the others, TOO, will net more, and better, results in the end.
Mad blessings...