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If I could be anything, I would be...: shifter
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My magical/paranormal name...: Krowe

this has probably already been addressed more than once, but seeing as i have seen several posts stating that things arent working while the person complaining seems to not understand how this whole thing works.

here's some tips/q's for you to consider that may help you determine what's going on and keeping you from success.

by this, i dont mean what do you WANT, i mean literally, when you wake up in the morning, what is in your mental list of things you have to accomplish each day. are you REALLY only focused on your work and everyday life and have your spiritual life more in the background? do you give your beings a thought every once in awhile but overall dont have an awareness of them when you're doing anything non-spirit related? do you work on your abilities but dont really remember them when you're relaxing, working or hanging with your friends?
if this is you, you need to work to add these things into your realm of awareness. when you add these new ideas, beliefs and practices into your life, you have to also add them to your focus, failing to do so, tells your subconscious that this is not something you really care about and so therefore, you will forget to practice/talk to your beings more often, find others things more important than them and ignore communication from them. your brain will literally be blocking you away from it all and instead will push you towards the things you constantly tell it is important(that's how addictions to tv shows, foods and the like happen and how bad habits form, YOU tell your brain what is important.)

when you think about your spirits/spells, are you happy? when you go to talk to them or practice an ability are you calm or are you the opposite? this adds to what i said before, if you are anxious, worried, fearful, dismissive and negative in your work with the paranormal, you are essentially telling your brain,' i dont want this, it is scary.' it in turn keeps you from this to protect you from the negative emotions you feel. did you ever had a dream where you THINK your beings visited you but you were pushed away for some reason, either by another dream character, a sudden dream change or you were woken suddenly? that is your brain seeing them as a threat and moving you away from said threat. and that discernment comes from YOU.
if you cant be excited about your beings/abilities because of past failures than you at least need to learn to relax and push away the negative thoughts and emotions. before you do any spiritual work, meditate and push away any negative thought and ANY expectation because at this current point in your practice you need to be as open as possible and any expectation will mess with that.

this is one of the most important things to be aware of and what tends to be most peoples' problem...
what do you do in your practice? how do you try to interact with your beings?
i know posts from ch say to meditate with your beings and there are other posts that have spirit communication tarot spreads. those are good. but they are also BEGINNER'S practices. you arent meant to ONLY do those and you should be doing much more than that. what these are meant to do is dip your toe into communication as well as help you connect better to your beings. they may subtly affect your abilities but most people(by that i mean people with no abilities or people who arent aware of their abilities) wont get much out of JUST meditation or asking quick yes or no q's, especially if you ONLY do that. it doesnt matter much you meditate, that wont suddenly make things work for you.
here are the things i recommend newbies or struggling keepers do daily or at least often and consistently.
1. relax. yep, that's it. just practice relaxing, do it when you get anxious and then later on, it will happen automatically, you will need it later down the road, so if you're going through something scary, you will instantly calm yourself and do what you need to. you can lay down and shut your eyes or play a game or just take a deep breath and calm yourself. do it for a few minutes each day and whenever you feel anxious or fearful.
2. practice your abilities, however possible. if you dont know what they are, refer to the next section or work on the ability you WANT to have. research it, write down goals you have with said ability, even the most outlandish or seemingly impossible goal. and then do some kind of exercise related to it.(if you want to hear your spirits, do exercises related to hearing, if you want to see them, work on your eyes, if you want to see them in dreams, do dream work.)
3. start documenting your dreams, especially if you want to have lucid dreams or have dreams visits from your beings.
4. work with your mind. practice imagining things, and practice leaving you body mentally as a starting point for astral projection, if that is a goal you have. you can also write up a scenario, you'd like to happen with one or more of your spirits, but leave room for them to say or interact with you and then go act it out in your mind, you may be surprised what happens~
5. work with energy, either controlling it or sensing it depending on what your goals are. when it gets easy, make it harder, keep working that muscle.(start with feeling, then pulling from objects, then pulling from far away, then pull as much as possible as quickly as possible and try to make it quicker each time, then practice pushing it into objects, banishing it from your space, simple spells and then deeper more complex ones.)
6. practice with protection, either with something that pulls you, like a specific ritual or sigil or just work in general with spells, wards and shields.
7. practice dealing with negative emotions and thoughts. this is sort of redundant but if this is something you REALLY struggle with, then you need to fight it, not just for spiritual work, but for life in general.

i noticed there are some people who dont understand the importance of learning and working with your abilities. it is incredibly important and if you dont know what they are, instead of buying your 15th dragon or getting MORE AND MORE psychic spells, purchase a reading for what your abilities are OR do these simple exercises.
1. imagine a person standing in front of you, notice every detail of their face, their outfit, their voice etc. touch this person, feel the texture of their clothes and their skin under your hands and now hug them and feel them hug you back. feel their arms wrap around you and their hands rub and pat your back. feel the warmth of their body as it settles against you.
now imagine an outdoor setting. FEEL the wind blow against you or the rain/snow/hail fall on you. look out onto the horizon and notice the plant life, structures, people and animals. feel the ground under your feet and walk around this space.
now imagine your are standing in water and you walk deeper and deeper until you are completely submerged. feel the water around you, the temperature, the force of it push against you as your kick your legs and move your arms. swim around this space and notice the marine life that swims past you or sits at the bottom of this water.

how was that for you? was it difficult? was it easy? was the person easier to imagine than the outdoor setting or maybe the water scene was easier? did you feel anything physical from doing any of this?
if this was a good experience and you feel as though this is something you can do, you can use this with your beings. you can imagine your chosen being in front of you, take some time to let their image come into your mind and then interact with them. it doesnt matter whether its 'real' or not, in the beginning, just work with it and practice interacting with things using your mind as this can be a powerful way to work with magick, energy and your beings.

2. grab something important to you(or put your hand on it if you cant hold it) close your eyes and take a deep breath. say out loud or in your mind that you want to feel this object's energy(dont do this with a living being) from there, just continue breathing and relaxing. dont FORCE it and dont try to feel anything, just let it come forward. memories may come up involving this object, tinging or heat or other sensations may become present somewhere on your body, one or more of your chakras may also react, you may become emotional or nothing may happen but the next night you may dream about it.
the point of this is to figure out how you perceive energy. it may be obvious or it may be subtle.
if you didnt get anything the first time, move your awareness to your forehead while still keeping it on the object, this might be difficult so first, hold your awareness on the object(you can keep your eyes open if that helps) and THEN add in the awareness of your forehead.
if you get something, however subtle, use it as a framework for practice. (you feel it on your body, then you know you should work with FEELING things like working with feeling energy and feeling your beings.)

3. this last one will take some patience, which is good because it is incredibly good to learn patience in this practice. keep a pen an paper or your phone near you. take some time to meditate and clear your mind, push away expectation and negativity, say some positive affirmations and breathe deeply. now ask out loud or in your mind, 'please tell me something, important or not, that i need to know at this moment, i am asking this of my inner self, my spirits/entities, the deities i am connected to and the universe itself. ' keep your eyes closed and dont shut off your thoughts, let them flow, but dont get caught up in them, let them be like a highway of cars passing you by.
one or more of several things may happen, a random thought will occur that might stick out to you. write it down, even if it seems weird or implausible or doesnt make sense, even if you think you made it up.
a scene will play out for you that again may not make sense, write it down with as much detail as possible.
you may hear in your mind a voice that sounds like or different from your inner voice. it may say something understandable or you may simple hear the 'echo' of the voice and it will sound garbled. often there is a feeling that comes with this echo and you may still be able to understand the message, write down what feeling or random thoughts occur with or after the voice, again, no matter what.
you may feel a sensation on your body, it could feel uncomfortable, painful or it could feel good/relaxing. write down the sensation, where it occurred on your body(be as specific as possible) and how it made you feel.
you may not get anything but a sense of something that you cant put your finger on and throughout the day you may remember that feeling or have something keep popping into your head or even keep seeing or hearing something throughout the day. write it down as soon as you notice it, dont ignore it or write it off as a funny coincidence, you ASKED for it, so pay attention!
last you may get a dream that sticks out to you, most likely you will wake up after it and when you do, write it down, any detail you can remember.
now! from these notes you have made, there may be an obvious message that is easy to understand or it may be confusing, you may even be wrong and perceived something where there was nothing but that's not important. what we are doing is learning to one, be open to receiving messages(from all beings) two, recognize HOW we receive messages and three, how to analyze and interpret those messages.
if the message is confusing, look at it like a puzzle, not like a linear set of words. look at the word/s that seems the most important and then look for a connect that word/s may have to you. (for example, if you saw the word relax or even saw yourself laying on the couch, but you dont think that you are a stressed out person, think forward to a time where you may have anxiety OR think about something that you may be worried about currently, once you figure it out go deeper, think WHY does this worry you, not the surface obvious reason, dig into it. then think why you WOULDNT need to be worried, is it REALLY that big a deal, is it just your anxiety? be thorough! once you figure out what it is that truly cause you distress you can work to RELAX like the message told you. you need to both uncover the message and then work to follow the advice or guidance of the message.
if the message was a dream, again, look at what seemed important. look at the overall imagery and what you noticed the most in the dream. if it was a dream in which you felt anxiety or fear, you dont need to take that as the dream itself means something negative is coming. dont look at the dream as a whole at first, look at its parts and what they might mean for you. write down any insights you get and once you do that, THEN look at the dream again as a whole and you may understand it better.
DONT TAKE EVERYTHING AS LITERAL IN A DREAM. sex doesnt always mean something sexual, fear doesnt always mean something scary, violence doesnt always mean something bad will happen to you and death as well doesnt always mean something bad will happen to you.
dreams are a big subject so i really cant get into everything here, everyone has their own personal imagery.(so ignore dream interpretation books/apps/sites or even what others tell you your dream means, they can be used to HELP you interpret but dont let them tell you exactly what everything means, the only person who will truly understand and decipher your own dreams is you because you have the one thing that others dont and that is CONTEXT.) so learn what yours are and learn to interpret your OWN dreams, rather than asking others.)

now for the people who do know what their abilities are, USE THEM. even if you previously got nothing, even if you feel blocked. the only way to strengthen your abilities, besides beings and spells, is to practice and work on them. you cant just WAIT for something to happen and you cant let yourself use the excuse, 'well i cant talk to my guys so.....' it doesnt matter, you dont need to look for perfection in spirit work. that is something that for some reason, everyone thinks they have to do. perfection doesnt mean seeing your spirits physically, leaving your body and playing in the astral all day or whatever. perfection to most usually means getting immediate, obvious interaction and manifestation. that is something to WORK TOWARDS. emphasis on WORK! do the suggested exercises to gauge how strong they are and then move on from there. make up your own exercises or look at your own goals and do something that moves you closer to that goal. when things get too easy, move on to something harder, dont stagnate. success may come slowly but months from now when you look back at how you used to struggle, you will feel proud.

how are you doing on this front? are you working with or against your beings/spells when it comes to what you ask for?
for example, you have a crappy job and you need more money to buy medicine, you live by yourself away from your family, who you have a grudge with, you know they COULD be willing to help you but you dont want to deal with them. you ask your beings to help you and you buy a spell for more money. over the next week, your mom calls you 4 times but you ignore it and then you get no money. what happened?you missed the opportunity, your mom calling was a clear way to ask for money, or she may have even offered it to you, but you ignored it.
another example, you buy a spell to open your third eye and you ask one of your beings to open your abilities. you meditate sometimes and you talk to your beings, you bring their vessels with you. two weeks later, you still dont notice anything. what happened? well one, you barely gave it time and two, you never practiced...open abilities that have never been worked with are like a car with no gas.
one more that i notice as well, you buy several spirits that have the ability to help open your third eye and strengthen your abilities, assuming that more will make things happen quicker. one of them is specifically said to go into your dreams and interact with you. you go to bed excited the night after you get them, expecting exciting dreams. the next morning you sort of remember a dream but you dont think it was anything important. weeks later, this continues, aside from the occasional curious dream and despite that you never really tell the spirits what you want them to do, never actually think about what the problem could be, you just get more and more negative about it and then wonder if they are even actually there. what happened here? well, one you never conversed with the new spirits, you expected them to do all the work. you let your expectation get in the way as well and you didnt consider anything could be the problem other than the spirits.
use these examples to help discover what you might need to consider with your own situations.

i see people are getting frustrated after a month or a few weeks even.... this is pointless.
spirit work is comparable to training for the olympics or to become a master in a specific field, not learning to ride a bike. you have to give it you all and be dedicated, you have to be ready to work for the rest of your life or at least a good chunk of it. you wont get sympathy for complaining about not getting anything after a month...not from anyone.
i think some people are mistaking the minimum 30 days bonding recommendation from ch as some kind of goal to get to for communication. they dont mean to stop after 30 days and they dont mean for it to be some hump to get over. it should be something you do automatically anyway. think about when you make a new friend, human or animal, do you not want spend that first month or so learning about them and spending time with them, at some point that wanes and you become bonded but you dont just stop, you still learn new things about one another as you get older. and with an animal, just talking to and playing with the animal doesnt mean after a certain point it will just start doing tricks for you, you have to teach it and also teach it how to understand you. just like a newer friend will not suddenly cosign a lease for you just because you became bonded, you have to earn that person's trust first.
so what's the time figure? when do you give up? never. not if you really want it. everyone's different and everyone has different things to overcome. it could take one month for one person and it could take a year for someone else. the time isnt something to freak out about anyway. it doesnt matter how long it takes, it matters how much work you put into it, that's what you measure.

once you have taken all this and worked with it, or maybe you just feel stagnant or stuck,
then you need to push yourself, you need to do something more difficult, or do something different. (sometimes your body also just needs a rest so you should instead relax and take things easy for a bit)
if you practice only energy work(example) and feel like you're not really advancing and you've REALLY thought about what the issue could be and tried different things to try to fix this, then move on to something else, work with one of your beings on something, work on your dreams, work on your senses etc. sometimes you just need a change of pace for a little while.
when working with astral projection, i could feel my astral body and i could move an arm or a leg but i couldnt get out of my body, i got frustrated and KNEW that there was something i needed to do but i didnt know what. then after some questions to my beings and divination, i learned i had to work on my dreams FIRST before i could get to it. i didnt like that there was a setback but it was ok because i also wanted to work on my lucid dreams. eventually i had a dream where i came back to my body and rose out of it. from there i had more dreams like this that took me farther out of my room.
i had trouble with spirited dreams as well. i wouldnt remember them, or i would only remember a feeling that i had been visited. my beings told me i had to be eased in because i had fears to deal with. they appeared in my dreams as invisible and i would hear them in my head like i was used to. that made it less scary and my dreamself would stop panicking.(my dreamself used to be a big wimp, especially when i was lucid, so if i saw anything even slightly scary i would curl up into a ball until i woke up :P) today i can see them clearly in my dreams and not panic, though i still dont always hear them speak out loud.
how long did that take me? well it's still going on and im still growing but at least 3 years or so of working to become lucid, working to remember my dreams better and then working to get rid of the fears i had and so on.

WHEW....that was long...congrats if you made it this far, i hope this helped~

quick answers to other q's i've seen on here.

'do my spirits hate me for blank blank and blank????'

NO. our beings arent children and they arent petty, they ARENT GOING TO LEAVE YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN BUSY OR BECAUSE YOU HAD A TANTRUM AND YELLED AT THEM. if you do feel you're being ignored, it's probably for your own good and there can be several other reasons for quiet beings. the best thing to do is relax and keep yourself open for them to start talking to you again. dont just throw away their vessel or ignore them back, that's YOU being a petty child.

'should i quit and give up my spirits because i cant hear them?'
if you have a quitter's mentality and dont want to work towards hearing them then yes, you should, because you wont get anywhere until you DO decide to work at it.

'do i need to get blank spirit to get blank?'
there are beings that help with specific things but if you already have 30+ beings, you could probably just work with one of them instead of getting 20 more, piling on more beings wont really do much if you arent working with them, which is usually the problem when not getting what you want manifested.

'is ok to work with just one spirit when i have a bunch more?'
YEAH. again, your guys arent petty, while there MIGHT be some beings that get jealous, the majority will be fine with you focusing on one at a time, they know you need to take your time and there's no need to overwhelm yourself by working with all of them at once.

'blank happened, was it my spirit?'
probably....maybe not, it doesnt really matter in the end(in the beginning anyway, focusing on getting things RIGHT and getting exact information is pointless in the beginning of your practice, it just causes blocks and frustration.) if you arent sure, just say thank you anyway, that's better than thinking nah it probably wasnt them.

'i cant focus during mediation, so i cant do it, right?'
wrong. most books and sites say you HAVE to clear your mind and have absolutely no thoughts, but that's not true. mediation is anything that gets you in a relaxed state of mind. you technically do it when you watch tv, draw, read, cook, walk or do any hobby or activity that calms you. you can daydream and that counts as meditation, or you can just let your thoughts run wild as long as you do it calmly. holding back all thoughts just blocks you from receiving the messages you ask for. it's like screaming for help in your room but refusing to unlock the door when your parents/significant other try to get in. learn to instead FILTER your thoughts, let only healthy and positive thoughts run through your mind and ignore the negative ones.

'i had nightmares after getting this spirit, is it evil?'
no, probably not, nightmares dont have to be bad, they still have messages for us, either from our subconscious or from our beings.

'demons are powerful so i HAVE to get one, since my other spirits arent working, right?'
wrong, demons denote power and also make people think they will get whatever they want with no work even easier, because 'demons have no morals', but that's not true, BA demons MAY have no morals but that doesnt mean they'll give you whatever you want any quicker than any of your other beings.

'i've begged and cried and gotten no help from my spirits for blank, why?'
looots of possible answers for this, i cant give a definitive one, everyone is different and going through different things(physically, mentally and spiritually)
answer these q's and they may help you figure it out,
1. am i working with or against this being in my daily life?
2. have i already gotten some aspect of what i asked for?
3. have i been offered help from others and ignored or declined it?
4. is there something I could be doing to fix this?
5. is this something i need to go through?
6. has this bad situation brought or helped bring something into my life that i needed?
7. is what i asked for something that may take a long time to truly manifest?

feel free to add any extras, experienced keepers~ and anyone with q's feel free to ask them.

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This is a great post loaded with helpful info Krowe 1ak
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Loaded with info, indeed. Very good
"Often the truth is in front of your face, but your eyes and heart are so full of lies that you can't see it." Shannon L. Alder

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My magical/paranormal name...: Krowe

Abundance wrote:This is a great post loaded with helpful info Krowe 1ak
darkwing wrote:Loaded with info, indeed. Very good

thank you~ rereading it, i noticed there are some typos, so i apologize for that. 1e
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Hi Krowe ! Great post that helped me and question my spirit life Thank you ! I was wondering , there was part that interested me in your post it's about a reading about abilities .

You know , I was hurt before and had a trauma in spirit keeping and right know i have a sort of fear about working meditation . I have to say that my spiritual life is a little in the backgroung now and that i took back spiritkeeping since January.

I was wondering if you knew people who could tell me what my abilities are (even the slightest) ? , because i don't have any goal for now and i don't know where to start and i think knowing would help me to exercice .

Thanks in advance for your answer :D
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Great thread.
Krowe wrote: 4. WHAT CAN YOU DO?
i noticed there are some people who dont understand the importance of learning and working with your abilities. it is incredibly important and if you dont know what they are, instead of buying your 15th dragon or getting MORE AND MORE psychic spells, purchase a reading for what your abilities are OR do these simple exercises.
I find it amusing that every reading I get says something different. I must have all the skillz, man. ;P
Krowe wrote: 'i cant focus during mediation, so i cant do it, right?'
wrong. most books and sites say you HAVE to clear your mind and have absolutely no thoughts, but that's not true. mediation is anything that gets you in a relaxed state of mind. you technically do it when you watch tv, draw, read, cook, walk or do any hobby or activity that calms you. you can daydream and that counts as meditation, or you can just let your thoughts run wild as long as you do it calmly. holding back all thoughts just blocks you from receiving the messages you ask for. it's like screaming for help in your room but refusing to unlock the door when your parents/significant other try to get in. learn to instead FILTER your thoughts, let only healthy and positive thoughts run through your mind and ignore the negative ones.
I think this is called mindfulness?
I see. So this is it. It lies here within this palm. The heart.
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well, i have a reading for it on my own shop. other than that i think ch has a reading as well, i dont really know any others.

and speaking of your trauma, you cant use that as an excuse. YES, it's difficult, YES, it's scary but you have to make yourself move past it or it will always get in the way.

rather than meditating directly at first, try just relaxing but also tell yourself over and over 'i am not afraid' or 'i have no reason to be afraid anymore' tell it directly to your subconscious. you may find after a week or so that you dont feel so scared to meditate.
you dont have to jump into to it, you can ease your way in.
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Not to repeat myself again but I think mindfulness will be great for losing that fear; you wont even realize you are doing a form of meditation, but it is calming nonetheless.
Gardening or taking a walk in nature is a good start.Then you can try to progress to moments of stillness.
I see. So this is it. It lies here within this palm. The heart.
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My magical/paranormal name...: Krowe

Lokakisa wrote:
I find it amusing that every reading I get says something different. I must have all the skillz, man. ;P
well you also have different strengths at different times, so different abilities will 'stick out' at different times.
i would look at all the readings you got as a group and see what abilities stick out for you as something you could practice and work on and deal with the others later on.(if you were confused about that anyways)
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Yup. ^_^ I keep meaning to pull it all together into some sort of cohesiveness. I think there is some overlap in meanings after researching on the web anyway.

And since I couldn't edit my post above, I'll add:
it seems like nature-watching and getting in touch with the elements would fulfill a couple of functions here for meditation and energy-sensing.
I see. So this is it. It lies here within this palm. The heart.
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