Looking for those that aim for ego transcendence

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I'm searching for people that try to transcend their ego and want to achieve mystical consciousness. (maybe that's what most "want" on here? I don't actually know. lol)
It would be great to have some like-minded people to share experiences and give encouragement in hard times. I know you have to essentially go it alone, but having someone to talk to about it can't be wrong. :)

"Nothing lasts... but nothing is lost." -Shpongle

"Better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener at war." -Chinese proverb

"trapped inside a violent silence
I am the I in the storm
the pain was not merely a trial
it was the only way forth" -me
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Hi Star 1ey

I didn't necessarily start out my journey by wanting to cut off what no longer served me, but things did happen along the way and I guess one could call it a "kick in the right direction" by the universe/fate/karma/or whatever religious beliefs one practices.

It wasn't always EASY experiencing the "DARK KNIGHT OF THE SOUL" - hell, back then i didn't even know what it was called but apparently I NEEDED to transcend more prematurely than the paste I was going at.

I didn't ALWAYS know what I was doing and whether I was doing IT right, but I've learnt to NOT regret those so called "EXPERIENCES", for they have acted like a catalyst for good and in that too I can find some solace knowing that it was required at the time.

You will "SELF DESTRUCT" in the process but in time you will SEE that what was broken down was never meant to remain in your life and that there NEEDED to be a clearing out of sorts to WELCOME in the new.

It's never easy.

Change never is and humans usually are creatures of comfort. You build your life around you to fit your preferences and that foundation gets shaken up to allow you to grow in ways you could never imagine at the time.

You don't always know why and no matter how much you seek out those answers, you never truly find them unless you are truly ready and that too can be painful experience.

I still have much too learn and this is just the beginning. I can only trust that i'll able to conquer the obstacles and emerge a better person.

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I seek freedom from the thinking mind as it creates so much suffering. So far the best tool for this that I have found thus far is a book called 'Practicing the power of now' by Eckart Tolle.

The second important book (very short one of about 15 pages) is one called 'The magic feeling that creates instant manifestations'... This helps you feel love and peace deep in your core.

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laptop123 wrote:I seek freedom from the thinking mind as it creates so much suffering. So far the best tool for this that I have found thus far is a book called 'Practicing the power of now' by Eckart Tolle.

The second important book (very short one of about 15 pages) is one called 'The magic feeling that creates instant manifestations'... This helps you feel love and peace deep in your core.

Hi Laptop, 1ey

Thank you for the book suggestions. Since I'm an avid reader, I'll look into these to see if they resonate with me.

Also, thank you for sharing your experience and I do hope you find peace on your journey.

I hope to see you around.

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Hey Diva,

I really can relate to those experiences you stated.

In my first "Dark night", I even thought I was dying physically and at one point told my mother how I love her and how I regret everything that went wrong, because I was so fearful of the idea of not being able to tell her. In the end it was in vain, but I'm somehow still glad I did it, eventhough my mom was worried for some time :D

I went down the ego path really far in my youth, because I've always felt like theres more to reality like it's all a lie that nobody sees. Ive felt that the world is really unjust and wanted to understand and solve everything. This strive for truth brought led me to philosophy early on and somehow it subconsciously became my goal to be a perfect moral being. This feeling stemming from my deep love was only to commence my descent into darkness. I'm made so many rules on how it to behave in what situation that soon my hands were tied and my reality became grey and dull. Seeing all those other people not at all worried and unaware about the consequences of their behavoir and still living happy lives irritated me more and more. I even started doing Psychedlics which had profound effects on me that my friends couldnt relate to, only enforcing the idea that I must be different. I was never fully able to integrate what I was seeing and feeling and my ego in an attempt to protect me became bigger and bigger.
Then one day I had a near-death experience which led me to a decision: fight and heal or keep falling.

I started meditating daily for 1 hour upwards finally facing my fears (of which there were many) because my ego was born from the wish: "I want to know the truth" I got to know many things which would be better unknown until later on. (Be careful what you wish for I guess ;D)
Over a year later doing painful shadowwork I'm starting the see more clearly. That I either fight the universe forever or that I myself change. That it's healthy for those bad things to exist and even finding fun in all that goes wrong. I dont have to be anything or do anything to feel worth. ultimately there is no right, wrong or good and bad. all just is and it's okay.

Thats a short summary of a really long time, but I got an operation on my hand so writing is a little painful right now haha

"Nothing lasts... but nothing is lost." -Shpongle

"Better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener at war." -Chinese proverb

"trapped inside a violent silence
I am the I in the storm
the pain was not merely a trial
it was the only way forth" -me
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Hello, I'm also on the path to transcend my ego. If you're interested, you can message me or it would be nice to talk to people about these things! I'm really looking for people to talk with and support each other on our similar paths (like spirit keeping and things such as ego transcendence). :)

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I did 500 micrograms of LSD once... I learned that the ego is a Constant

Please don’t do this.

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Turtlefae wrote:Hello, I'm also on the path to transcend my ego. If you're interested, you can message me or it would be nice to talk to people about these things! I'm really looking for people to talk with and support each other on our similar paths (like spirit keeping and things such as ego transcendence). :)
Hey Turtlefae, I like your suggestion, but how can I message you?

Blessings, Star

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Because I haven't been active for a while on the forum, my Tenured-ship got demoted so a moderator told me to be active for a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile and then request Tenured-ship to have access for Private Messages. Ugh. What a bother. D:

But I am DEFINITELY looking for similar like-minded people on similar paths. When I had a sudden drastic spiritual awakening when I was 14 years old, 14 years ago that's when my sudden drastic ascension path started which was very drastic. Then for the last 8 years, I've been a bit blocked and stagnant and not much progress but then now my whole world has been DYING (dying and rebirth) and collapsing unto itself and so many negative hurtful painful things have been happening in my life all in a huge dump that it's actually TRIGGERING/ACTIVATING a 2nd re-awakening and another strong drastic sudden shift in my ascension after 8 years of stagnant pause. I realized last year and especially *NOW*...like.....*NOW* at this time (the past 3 months so far) this strong realization/lesson that it is ESSENTIAL for me to transcend my ego to make progress on my ascension.

This ascension path is PAIN and LONELY and HURTFUL when everything seems to get destroyed and collapses triggering further drastic spontaneous awakening/ascension (but those are just my personal experiences). I went through it when I was 14 years old in 2004, and I feel like after spending 8 years of stagnancy and not much soul or spiritual growth, now everything in my life at this time is catastrophic and being destroyed and dying (and rebirth). I literally feel like I'm dying in my soul. That spiritual awakening when I was 14, in 2004 was like someone said, a "dark night of the soul".....and now I'm going through it again! Like a 2nd kick-start, a 2nd activation, a 2nd re-awakening to kickstart my shift of ascension again after 8 years of pause and spiritual stagnancy. I definitely know that one of the important "lessons" for me is to transcend the human ego.

But I think a reason why it seems so painful and dark is because it's like I get completely buried in tons and tons and tons and tons of suffering and pain dumped unto me to the point that it CRUSHES MY SOUL, so this painful suffering crushing of my very soul (from the heaviness/darkness of this world and humanity) seems to trigger my soul/my spiritual being to suddenly spontaneously drastically "force" itself into ascension. It's like I suffer SO BADLY in my soul, like my soul is SO CRUSHED by the low dimension/darkness of this world that it's like my soul cannot survive and it's forcing itself to "stay alive" and trying it's hardest to "survive" by triggering itself to FORCE itself to ascend immediately spontaneously drastically because it's an "emergency of the soul". That's how it feels like to me. My own experiences. That's exactly how it feels like to me, as if my soul is in a state of emergency, as if my soul is being rushed from an ambulance to an intensive care ER of "life or death" type of emergency, as if my soul is in critical shock condition of death/rebirth and like it needs critical emergency resuscitation. That's exactly how my soul feels while I'm "riding the waves" of this ascension process I'm currently going through.

But it's likely so painful and dark feeling because I go through it alone and it's not every day you can just say to a random pedestrian on the street or online like,"Hey, I'm ascending and my soul hurts or my whole existence is going through a drastic transformation, do you know what I mean?" there is not many people to talk about these subjects or experiences or that they would even understand what is happening. D: :crying:

I'm just sitting using my laptop but I feel like my soul is going through a transformation of death, rebirth, recycling? This agitation in my soul, like things being shifted around inside my being.

My vampire was helping me to focus my attention to pay less attention to the human ego brain and more attention the heart's consciousness, to put one's consciousness on one's heart because the heart has been proven to be thousands of times stronger in energy field than the brain (my vampire keeps reminding me of that). It's a very important lesson for me for ego transcendence, to exist less from the duality of the human monkey brain which is like a double-edged sword and place one's consciousness at one's heart center. By existing from the heart, it helps to allow oneself to exist in a state of higher dimensional being and when one is in this higher dimensional state of existence, everything is "beautiful"...more lighter, effortless, the universe is more easily on your side with no resistance, things just fall on your lap, reality itself becomes like a lucid dream where manifestations are pretty instantaneous because one is in a higher dimensional state of existence where reality itself becomes like a lucid beautiful surreal effort-less fluid dream and so much better than this "solid physical" heavy burdensome low dimension of toxic negativity and terrible ego's in everyone and where things are "hard" and "a struggle". I rather exist in that higher dimension any day! And I CAN, I just have to keep re-focusing my attention/awareness/consciousness on less of my negative human ego (which keeps me down to the low dimension) and focus more on the heart (because the heart doesn't lie, the heart is pure, has stronger energy field, is not ruled by duality of dark vs. white or left or right or up or down, things just "are" things just "is"). I mean, by existing from the heart or inner-being and less of one's monkey ego human brain, it likely helps a lot to manifest one's dream reality where things are better and lighter.

I'm just rambling at this point. LOL Just sharing my own perspectives/experiences/what I'm going through.

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Haha no worries, I actually enjoyed reading through all of that.
It's hard to compare one's own state to those of others, but many of the things you talked about I too learned at one time or the other. I too was really alone for the most part. Even though I had some friends who were open, I couldn't talk freely, because what I was going through was not part of their experience and I didn't want to confuse or worry them.
Often I was angry that I didn't have a master/teacher or friend who was going through the same, but now that the tides have settled I'm grateful for being alone in that time because I've grown more independent through that.
Also, I wasn't really alone for the most part, because, even though I couldn't percieve them, my spirit family was always at my side Now I have even come to realize, that while being in the heart, you can't truly be alone. :)
I think you must have experienced a similar thing.
I have many other things, I'd like to address or talk about, but I feel like it would be more fruitful in the form of actual dialogues/private messages. So I'll wait and see, if I get access to tenured and you get it back, too.
If not, I may just reply here :)

For now keep the positive vibes going and blessed be <3,

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