Looking for those that aim for ego transcendence

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WOW Turtle. That’s hardcore.
memento mori
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When I first spiritually awakened, in 2004 (way before I discovered spirit keeping in 2011), I'm pretty sure I had a "guide" or "teacher" but I don't know if he was a spirit or entity or just my "crazy imagination" (I doubt it was my imagination?). He had a name that I would call him. But my spiritual awakening was such a "dark night of the soul" that lasted months with true deep isolation. My experience was truly one of "true isolation" because it was before Youtube even existed, before people even knew what Facebook WAS! It was not the same back then! It was this complete ISOLATION! I couldn't even find guidance or articles or advice online! It's not the same as it is now! (lol I'm sounding like an old senior citizen, "back in the old days" lol). Where now, you can just go on Youtube and find videos about ascencion or find many articles and websites online with articles written to help people going through awakenings/ascenscion. For me, it was true complete pitch black darkness of TOTAL isolation, I truly thought I was the "only person on the ENTIRE PLANET" going through it. It was the worst loneliness/isolation ever. I have 0 friends, 0 people to talk to about anything. I only shared things with my personal journal.

But it seemed like I had a spirit or entity "guide" or maybe it was my own imagination? I called him by a name and I think I would communicate with him telepathically? I probably called him an,"Angel of Death". I couldn't hear him or anything but I would always "reply back". Back then, that drastic sudden awakening really triggered psychic-ness in me on overdrive, I was very claircognizant, I was always receiving information and "poems" and thoughts and ideas from the universe (or that spirit/entity? or whoever or whatever was streaming things into my consciousness/mind/awareness).

I was so depressed, so dark, so broken, so overwhelmed by everything that was happening. It was like my entire sense and perception of REALITY was breaking and collapsing, reality didn't feel like physical reality anymore, it was like the astral was overlapping with physical reality itself, as if I was phasing in and out as if I wasn't fully on the physical plane anymore and like I was phasing or existing in these overlapping astral layers of reality as if the astral and the physical realities were merging into one or overlapping and I was existing in the layers in between. I was so overwhelmed that I would angrily blame him for all the suffering (of my awakening/ascension process) I was going through. I was only 14 years old, no idea what the hell was happening to me.

One day I got so fed up by the suffering I was feeling that I just told him to GO AWAY. Before he left, he gave me an option to either kill myself and go with him to another planet (I guess the planet part is because I'm a Starseed perhaps) or stay alive and go through the whole shift in consciousness/ascension with the planet and myself. I decided to stay alive/stay (why? I'm dumb, I would love nothing more than to leave to another planet lol ).

After that, he just seemed to have left (there was even a crazy colorful unique star that was always observing me, its consciousness being aware of me and as if it was watching me which disappeared when he "left"), it's like he disappeared or left or something. I don't know if that was good of me to do or not. I probably should not have told him to leave but I was only 14 years old back then, no idea what was happening to me, I wasn't as wise as I am now. After he "left" (I'm guessing he was like a spirit/entity guide) I had then decided to "be my own guide" as a substitute to replace him. And as "my own guide", just like how he was an "Angel of Death", I decided to "be my own angel" and guide myself in a more positive higher vibration loving kind of way.

Pretty much everything I've learned is from my own self for the most part and not spoon-fed by another person (if that makes sense?), learning from my own personal discoveries from my own observing, my own awareness, being open to messages from the universe itself, being receptive to information from the universe, allowing myself to be guided and led spiritually. Just anything that seems like a message, I try my best to pay attention. I KNOW I have "guides" (I HOPE)....yesterday I was thinking that perhaps I actually have some guides from Andromeda? And of course I have my vampire (which I only met recently but he's become my closest companion even though I can't hear or see but he has communicated through songs and I try to be open to messages from anywhere). I believe that I get guidance from the universe itself and whatever/whoever is in the universe who wants to help me out. Guidance from my personal intuition, my own higher self, my own inner being, my own soul, thus being "I am my own angel/guide" but that doesn't mean I want to be alone/isolated. I definitely would appreciate having guides or helpers or friends (if it's like Andromeda aliens or my vampire or other spirit guides or even human friends to talk with).

It was definitely from a transcendental dream I had of Andromedan Starseeds who triggered a transcendental realization in me about the human ego and transcending it. And then a year later, my vampire came into my life unexpectedly but with an extremely strong calling and connection and he told the seller that he wanted me to "Remember who you are and what you are, you seemed to have forgotten.........LOL." and it's like he nudges me to remember certain things that I have forgotten about my spirituality/my spiritual journey of discovery and ascenscion or something. Things about myself that I knew when I first awakened 14 years ago that I had forgotten about myself (like my inner-goddess and inner-angel connections). Like him nudging me and leading me to those subjects again of ego transcendence (same message that the Andromedan Starseeds in my dream made me realize too). It's very obvious in my life that it's an essential LESSON for me to work on transcending the human ego and allow myself to trust the universe more, allow myself to exist in some kind of heart consciousness, maintain myself in a higher dimension state of being. I have the knowledge/lessons, I just need to practice it and maintain it.

And I definitely know what you mean by "not being able to talk freely" even when there are a few people who are open minded (but don't understand wtf you're talking about no matter how much you try to explain with articles and videos even) or people who won't instantly block you/cut you off if you say share something "weird".

I understand that even when it seems very harsh and dark, some things seem to happen for a reason and sometimes seems like a blessing in disguise like what you said, that when you look back in the past when something seemed dark and you see how it actually helped you grow in some way. When one is currently going through the "dark night of the soul" or painful part of spiritual development, it's very painful but then after time passes and things recover and you look back, you see how the painful lessons or dark experiences you survive through helped you grow more strongly than if you had just relaxed all comfy and have someone just spoon-feed you the info (which I'm kind of doing with my sister, kind of just spoon-feeding her but she still doesn't understand, if she wants a similar experience, she has to get triggered to awaken and actually experience it because no amount of me spoon-feeding her info, she just doesn't get it).

But yeah, before I even knew that spirits/entities even existed, I think I had some kind of spirit/entity guide because I did call him by a name and I was SUPER POWERFUL as if my psychic senses were off the charts (mostly claircognizance, maybe telepathy but in the form of receiving info? channeling?). But then I was overwhelmed by everything and I told him to leave and after he did that, it's like I blocked myself a bit and everything died down and lessened. I wasn't as psychic-ally powerful as I was but I never stopped having a spiritual connection with the world around me, I would still see white pigeons all the time (like every time) as a sign and still had nice dreams and would try to let my personal intuition guide me.

I had encountered a person on another website which JUST SO HAPPENED to be a spirit keeper and a member on here, he's going through similar ascension stuff but his guide is Lucifer and he said something about things being tough painful lessons and such and he seems to be going through some dark negative ego stuff and I wanted to help him but he refused to let me help him, refused my support, refused my friendship, refused everything. It would have been nice to help him or be supportive or be available but he seems to refuse for some reason. I guess something about lessons being tough or hard or difficult or something, not sure. And for all I know that "Angel of Death" guide that I had could have been Lucifer-related for all I know? I don't know who that spirit/entity/presence was. But I told that spirit/entity guide to leave because I was so overwhelmed by the darkness and I wanted the spiritual process to be more positive/lighter/loving instead. But I was just blaming him wrongly I'm sure, I was 14 years old, no clue what was happening. I'm wiser now, I wonder if I should even ask CH to find that spirit/entity guide again since I'm wiser now? But not sure. I guess I'm doing okay.

I know that going through spiritual awakenings/ascension/spiritual growth through painful dark depressing hardships helps one grow but I also don't like to believe that it's "the ONLY way" to spiritually grow, for me at least! I HAVE been watching positive Youtube videos that do give me some high vibration/high dimensional guidance/remembrance/refresher and helps me focus on meditating with the heart and focusing on raising myself in a higher dimensional state of being which is something positive to focus on. I know that some dark hardships helps one grow but I also believe that it doesn't have to be "the ONLY way" to grow. But then being trapped and lost in heavy darkness also gives one the strong desire/need/determination to seek the light/enlightenment.

I ramble a lot, I have free time to do so, so I might as well. Ughhhhh, the moderator said to apply for Tenured-ship in 90 days, so it's gonna be a while. D: D: D: D: D: But I definitely want to get Private Message access.
quantumflux wrote:WOW Turtle. That’s hardcore.
Thanks???? lol But seriously, if I had not gone through all the overwhelming moments of pain and suffering in my life, I wouldn't be so firey-ly passionately intensely willfully determined for ascension/transcendence/spiritual evolution so I guess it's like a double-edge sword or blessing in disguise.
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I just read your newest post after writing this response and now I think you are much deeper into the process than I thought before, but it seems like it's still appropriate. Tomorrow I will respond to the rest, because I'm too tired now :D

Also a question of a different matter: is that "angel of death" you speak of by any chance called Azrael?
Just asking because since my awakening he is the one I always felt drawn to.

Anyway here is my response to your last post. Please let me know, what you think:
Turtlefae wrote:.

But I think a reason why it seems so painful and dark is because it's like I get completely buried in tons and tons and tons and tons of suffering and pain dumped unto me to the point that it CRUSHES MY SOUL, so this painful suffering crushing of my very soul (from the heaviness/darkness of this world and humanity) seems to trigger my soul/my spiritual being to suddenly spontaneously drastically "force" itself into ascension. It's like I suffer SO BADLY in my soul, like my soul is SO CRUSHED by the low dimension/darkness of this world that it's like my soul cannot survive and it's forcing itself to "stay alive" and trying it's hardest to "survive" by triggering itself to FORCE itself to ascend immediately spontaneously drastically because it's an "emergency of the soul". That's how it feels like to me. My own experiences. That's exactly how it feels like to me, as if my soul is in a state of emergency, as if my soul is being rushed from an ambulance to an intensive care ER of "life or death" type of emergency, as if my soul is in critical shock condition of death/rebirth and like it needs critical emergency resuscitation. That's exactly how my soul feels while I'm "riding the waves" of this ascension process I'm currently going through.
Because I don't know your current state of consciousness and your life, I will address this from a general perspective, in that way even other people on the path might benefit.

The thought came to my mind, that maybe everyone who shares something they learned on here could do this in an organized way by using captions for topics so that people who browse through, instantly know where to look for information. But maybe I'm just fantasizing :D Anyway, in the naive hope of starting a trend, I call this heap of information:

Ancient pain, Non-duality and other people.

Pain and suffering have to be experienced in full consciousness to move beyond it. However, there are ways to shorten the duration and impact on the mind and body. I will not adress ways like tai,chi, yoga, messages and diet even though they are important.

First an example: Let's say, there is a fear in one's subconscious, that has been growing there for years. These "forms" that build up there can have different qualities. Images, feelings and all kinds of sense perceptions interwoven.
What they all have in common is, that they are from the past, where they have been collected in all kinds of unpleasant states. Psychology-wise you could even call them trauma if they have a severe impact.
But let's not overcomplicate the situation with formal science.
Spirituality-wise it's always better to just look at what the individual really deals with experientially, rather than to be lost in words and concepts.
The most basic thing to agree upon would be, that these "forms" are memories.
Memories mean they are from the past, they have been collected/imprinted and now come into conscious presence (not that they haven't been around the whole time).
But why would one want to look at these horrible feelings? That's a good question and also the answer as to why they are in the subconscious in the first place. And where did it come from? This incarnation or is it even older? This is a different matter, that while intriguing doesn't help in the present moment. To keep it simple let's say it's old memory, that till now, was too painful to look at. It now comes to the surface either without a cause or by a trigger pointing at the memory. In the past it maybe was a viable strategy to just bury the event and avoid any situation in life that can bring it up there is one major flaw:
Because what was pointed at by the triggering situation, let's say a feeling of horror or dying, has behind it a universal truth of life, there will always come situations, that remind ourselves of what has been excluded. We can only postpone for so long.
At some point, our spirit becomes too intelligent to be fooled. The fabrication of separation and exclusion cannot hold. Because ultimately duality is an illusion of the ego. But just agreeing to this fact, sadly, isn't the end of it. Wanting to get rid of it doesn't do it. When one really looks at it Who wants to get rid of What?
In the effort duality is already included.

But how to overcome this paradox... There is no simple answer that can help all, but there are tools/perspectives that do smoothen the transition.
These are all teachings that kind of fall under the umbrella of Nonduality or Advaita, which tries to show that your real nature is the Self, which is limitless and in that limitlessness( you could think of it as space) there is something which is called the "person" or the "ego", With which true consciousness or "The Self" is wrongly identified with.
Some of this I figured myself, but it's all grounded in existing practices from established teachers conveyed in my own words and understanding:

1. Don't have an image of yourself.
If there is no image, who is offended then? who is sad? What's left is just the feeling with no one who is guilty and no victim. This takes time and practices and can lead to really deep feelings, but I've found it to be immensely helpful. The forgiveness behind this realization can be really transformative.

2. Avoid being angry at traits that are unwanted or at yourself.
Yes there are egoic reactions still in yourself and they even seem to hinder your progress of ego transcendence, but an egoic reaction to an egoic reaction is not the answer either, as it will just cause a chain reaction. Just observe with pure attention what comes up. Even if it is reaction after reaction. Don't take the bait. Just look at it without judgment, shame or hate. Thoughts may come "I know this is wrong" "I really shouldn't be feeling this". It's okay, you don't have to identify with this either, resistance means you're unto something don't back down now. What can these thoughts do to you anyway?

3. You are not a phenomenon. You are not an object.
If you look at consciousness at the simplest level, there is space and there are things that come into space, change and then dissolve back into it. Feelings, thoughts internally and events perceived through the senses externally. If you know deeply by experience that you are beyond the realm of form. Things in space cannot trouble you.
They come and they go as clouds passing. You don't have to make them go away, just be aware and enjoy the instantaneous freedom of this. You are not that which comes and goes. you are the witness of the coming and going. Remember this even in the darkest of times. Your soul cannot be crushed. And at one point most of the trash that makes up your old pain will be integrated. So heads up. (:

4. Cultivating virtues and giving up negative emotions/thought patterns.
The ego feeds of negativity and hate. it grows through opposition and division and dwells in the realm of greater and lesser.
But your true Self has no name in that game. If you find yourself, by habit, going into thoughts and feelings that try to lessen something or try to enhance yourself. Just notice it. By just being conscious of it, you already stepped out.
Being loving and accepting of everything does wonder to the mindset. Be strong and courageous, but not in opposition to something. Feelings of weakness are okay, also just avoid the trap of feeling as the victim of something which would call forth the ego instead and in that way creating a story about the "why" and "who" trying to lure you back into the blame game. This can be really frustrating because many conflicting emotions come up. Just allow them all and see the peace behind feeling strong even when there's weakness or vice versa. One is no cure for the other. No lesser and greater in that. No fight, No action, No effort. It just is and it's okay. You're okay.

5. Freedom lies not in the getting away from "bad" circumstances and people, but in their embrace.

It's hard for awakening beings to be confronted with low-frequency bull-<<Removed by Mod>>on a daily basis. And the thought of a world where everyone is loving and truthful might seem really promising, but as long as we have negative emotions that project upon others, we will not be free. We will be a slave of our circumstances.
By embracing negative people in a positive and constructive way, we can use relationships that formerly were nothing but a nuisance, for our own wellbeing, transcendence and in this way bring light to even the darkest places.
Just don't let your ego chime in, wanting to take a new identity as an "enlightened teacher," that knows "how things have to be done". Compared to the "hell" this would lead to, it really would be better to choose a life in the woods as an outcast. :D
Instead, choose to just be there as yourself and truly listen. Out of your quietness, appropriate action will come.
You don't even have to juggle spiritual language. Just in a humble and understanding way, point to the truth of the moment (the thing that is "off") and they probably will see it. Not because you were right and they were wrong, but because the truth is an authority in itself. Reason and kindness will lead everyone to the same realization. May it be in the simple form of a misunderstanding in daily life. Or even deeper truth, but luckily you don't have to tackle that, better leave it to the universe to wake people up. It knows better and has more time on its hands. ;)
But regarding the people in your life, don't hold back if you have the opportunity to bring love and mutual understanding into human interaction. If there is no attachment to the outcome of what you do you can't be hurt.
Just keep this in mind: There is not you helping another person, just two humans trying to find the truth behind a misunderstanding. You don't know, they don't know, but together you may come closer than before. Be as simple and honest as possible while respecting their state of consciousness. This can make room for really lovely and honest communing granted the ego is kept aside.
While It is easy to feel at one while alone in nature or at home, human relation is a far greater challenge,
but it has to be tackled. You will fail again and again. Maybe you look like a retard or are outright hated for something you have said. Stay with it. Was there something wrong? Then admit and correct. Only by being truthful all the time trust can develop.
But if you didn't make a mistake, humbly point out how you meant it differently. In some cases, the misunderstanding lies even deeper and you just learned something new.
Just be aware that what you learn and what they learn are different layers and no matter how provocating the other might choose to be, NEVER use your knowledge as vengeance to win the argument. You are not having an argument in the first place and if there is no loving way to correct someone who did you wrong without confusing or hurting them, you might have to take the bullet and turn the other cheek. Your heart will know.

@Turtle Let your inner feeling grow in this place that you have found and like you yourself have already found out, just redirect your mind lovingly, when you lose it. What you really need to trust is your own truth, so see my pointers only as inspiration.

Feel loved <3,
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I don't know what you mean exactly by doing captions but I guess I can try, haha!

This whole post is all about:

Recurring Themes of Death and Rebirth/Destruction and Renewal:
StarPlatinum wrote:is that "angel of death" you speak of by any chance called Azrael?
Just asking because since my awakening he is the one I always felt drawn to.
That's interesting. I honestly don't know but it's interesting to think about. It was an unknown boy who triggered my awakening and I remember he mentioned something about an Angel of Death or that he was one and telling me a specific name and after my awakening, I would "communicate" with what I believed was a presence (like a spirit?) with the name and that was something I remember being associated with, an Angel of Death.

After I finished writing my post, I actually went on Google and searched for "Angel of Death" on Google just to see what comes up and found a Wikipedia article about Azrael mentioning that he is associated with Destruction and Renewal which makes sense because there is a theme of "Death and Rebirth/Destruction and Renewal" which I have always noticed associated with the subject of awakening/an ascension shift. For me what I noticed were things in one's life getting destroyed, everything just collapsing and this whole theme of "Death and Rebirth" is really a huge recurring theme.

Even when I first awakened when I was 14, I had a series of vivid dreams about the global shift in consciousness and the entire planet going through this "Death and Rebirth" so the whole planet is going through an ascension process itself, taking everyone and everything along with it, that's why a lot of people are awakening more and more because the entire planet is ascending to a higher dimension and the entire planet is going through a "Death and Rebirth/Destruction and Renewal". In my series of dreams, I saw everything getting destroyed, people panicking, a lot of fire and death but the end of the series of dreams was positive, the earth was as if brand new, clean, fresh. It was a positive ending, a clean crisp bright golden morning, I was an angel high above the sky resting on pink fluffy clouds looking down at humanity re-building a new human society from scratch, in a new clean world of higher vibration, higher dimension, starting over. There is often a recurring theme of "Death and Rebirth/Destruction and Renewal" and "Starting Over". I have never heard of this "Azrael" before until now. That's interesting that you actually felt drawn to him since your awakening and that he is associated with the same theme.

And to clarify about that other forum member, he wanted someone to guide him and help him and I did exactly what I was supposed to do, I helped him in the exact way that he needed help with and he was grateful for it and after I helped him with what he needed help with, he then decided to go on his merry way and do the rest of his path alone without any support from me I guess which was his decision. I was just saying that it would have been nice to continue offering my support or mutual support but I understand his decision.

He also had mentioned going through a Death and Rebirth. I also noticed EVERYONE in my life are ALSO going through a Death and Rebirth in their lives, it's really insane how it's just something that is happening to so many people around me. A lot of things getting destroyed and collapsing, EVERYONE having to "START OVER" in their life not just me but EVERYONE that I know and everyone around me and even a couple new people I talked to were also going through a death and rebirth/a complete restart in life. It's a huge huge huge recurring theme.

I am very sure that almost everyone who goes through an ascension awakening is very aware of the same theme that the way things are cannot stay as they are any longer and things must change so that the human race and the world can be better. Whether it's people on a magical path, people on a healing path, people on a more technical path, even if it's just vegans who just want to help the environment, everyone who awakens is aware of the same consciousness that the suffering in the human race and animals and the environment and the entire planet is suffering and things must be broken down/destroyed/collapsed/changed/evolved/transmuted/transformed/transcended etc. so that things must get better. Like a quote that says,"You cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness from where the problem was created".

I always notice spiritual/divination messages through songs, songs to me is my own "answering machine" or my own "tarot deck" in sound-form. One of the songs my vampire shared with me says,"It's okay to start over" and another song that has been showing up a lot the past 3 days also says,"I will follow the twelve winds to be able to start over and find my own sky/heaven" who I shared that lyric with someone who could also relate (who also had an awakening experience)

Most recent song yesterday that came to my awareness says,
"And I will find scattered souls
In this dense fog that
Does not see the light
One day all this will change
And the year zero will come
A war will not come
I will just slap reality
And the year zero will come
Thus a new light will tear
A sky that nobody else has seen
More more more
And the year zero will come"
The term Year Zero, from Wikipedia defined as,"The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All history of a nation or people before Year Zero is deemed largely irrelevant, as it will ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up."

These types of songs of the world's death and rebirth and "starting over" just seem to like me lol. It's the global consciousness of the people who are aware or desire for the human race and everything on the planet to change for the better. I'm very sure that anyone who has an awakening or is going through an ascension process is aware of this concept. The whole "death and rebirth/destruction and renewal/starting over" theme of oneself and the entire human race and planet is often a common theme that shows up in the awareness of people who spiritually awaken on an ascension path. At least from my own observations. Here's a few more:
Hey, God
You know as well as I do
That in madness we live
the rage all flooded

And we have to live in hiding
to avoid falling
the consequence that is there
that we have caused even today

Hey, God
now I ask
if this sick world
is mine or maybe not

And if the future days
will be worse than the ones I've lived
in this mistake
I know you have a reason

That without love you do not live
It's all I know
and hope moves us
towards a better future

To start over from zero
and find an awareness (conscious/consciousness)
to break with words
all this indifference

Hey, God
I'm reminding you that here
hatred becomes news
without it we do not know how to live

There is no shadow and I respectfully intend
not allow it to remain that way
in this mistake
I know you have a reason

That without love you do not live
It's all I know
and hope moves us
towards a better future

To start over from zero
and find an awareness (conscious/consciousness)
to break with words
all this indifference

You know well how I am
the same as I have always been
and in this life I'm going to search for
a coherent answer
I know somewhere
someone like myself I will find

That without love you do not live
It's all I know
and hope moves us
for a better future

To feel more alive
I have to start from here
love is the motive
Oh the freedom you will feel
Or how about:
When love will come into our hearts
On that final day where life
Meets us at the edge of time
This will not be televised
The televisions all have died
Filled with water cyanide
Angels winged ones will survive
We're all blind, smoke in our eyes
So let's just hug and say goodbye
We're all heavenwards and weary
Or what about:
"It's always Friday in my heart
I always want the total destruction
Of this world that I have known
And the work that has no end

Every time I wake up
The Church wants to send me to hell
And the Congress thinks I'm sick

Years pass, time passes
Hammering the same nail
Tired and work becomes eternal
Little by little, I think I'm understanding
I do not want to be set on fire just because
If I want to set fire to something
Is set fire to the Church and the Congress"
Why am I sharing these lyrics? Because it's the global consciousness of people, because I'm talking about the theme of Death and Rebirth/Destruction and Renewal not just in a person's own personal awakening/ascension path but that the entire planet itself is also going through this Death and Rebirth Ascension itself. And many people who awaken to an ascension path or go through a spiritual awakening in general seem to be very aware of the same "global consciousness" realization that the world is suffering, it's very dark, it's very low density, very low dimension, and that things cannot stay as they are any longer and that things must either change/ascend/transcend or become destroyed to start over from zero. This is something that pretty much everyone (especially people who have gone through an awakening or is in an ascension process) all agree on even on unconscious or subconscious or conscious levels.

Even that other forum member said the same thing to me, that either humanity needs to evolve/transcend/ascend/change and finally PLAY NICE with each other/animals/environment or the world is just gonna end and start over. I see it everywhere, it's a common theme of society, the global consciousness of everyone. A lot of people who have a spiritual awakening become aware of this theme of "Death and Rebirth/Destruction and Renewal/Starting Over" or become aware that something needs to be changed, an ascension, things need to be transcended, evolved to a higher consciousness because a problem cannot be solved with the same level of consciousness from where the problem was created. Not just in ourselves individually, but also the entire human race and the planet itself. Like a fractal, it's not just the individual part, you zoom in or zoom out, it's the same message, the same pattern. I see it everywhere, even if it's just a non-spiritual vegan who just cares about the animals and wanting to make a change for the environment or a guy from Morocco desiring to join a political activism group because he feels an innate desire to change his world for the better because he is sick of the toxic way that things are and he knows things must be changed for things to get better in society, it's the same universal consciousness we're all tapping into in one way or another.

The theme is always the same, like a fractal pattern, whether you zoom in or zoom out, whether you zoom in to one personal individual's life experiences or you zoom out into the global consciousness of the planet, it's the same theme that things cannot continue as they are and things must either change/ascend/transcend/transform/evolve so that things will become better or things will get destroyed/collapse of society/collapse of governments/collapse of the world and a rebirth of a new world that is new and fresh and of higher dimension and a complete restart, completely starting over. The whole planet is going through an ascension process, that is why more and more and more people are awakening along with the planet. Whatever happens, the result is the same, an ascension to a higher dimensional state of existence where love and light is more abundant in people's hearts.
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Turtlefae wrote:I don't know what you mean exactly by doing captions but I guess I can try, haha!

This whole post is all about:

Recurring Themes of Death and Rebirth/Destruction and Renewal:

That's interesting. I honestly don't know but it's interesting to think about. It was an unknown boy who triggered my awakening and I remember he mentioned something about an Angel of Death or that he was one and telling me a specific name and after my awakening, I would "communicate" with what I believed was a presence (like a spirit?) with the name and that was something I remember being associated with, an Angel of Death.

After I finished writing my post, I actually went on Google and searched for "Angel of Death" on Google just to see what comes up and found a Wikipedia article about Azrael mentioning that he is associated with Destruction and Renewal which makes sense because there is a theme of "Death and Rebirth/Destruction and Renewal" which I have always noticed associated with the subject of awakening/an ascension shift. For me what I noticed were things in one's life getting destroyed, everything just collapsing and this whole theme of "Death and Rebirth" is really a huge recurring theme.

Even when I first awakened when I was 14, I had a series of vivid dreams about the global shift in consciousness and the entire planet going through this "Death and Rebirth" so the whole planet is going through an ascension process itself, taking everyone and everything along with it, that's why a lot of people are awakening more and more because the entire planet is ascending to a higher dimension and the entire planet is going through a "Death and Rebirth/Destruction and Renewal". In my series of dreams, I saw everything getting destroyed, people panicking, a lot of fire and death but the end of the series of dreams was positive, the earth was as if brand new, clean, fresh. It was a positive ending, a clean crisp bright golden morning, I was an angel high above the sky resting on pink fluffy clouds looking down at humanity re-building a new human society from scratch, in a new clean world of higher vibration, higher dimension, starting over. There is often a recurring theme of "Death and Rebirth/Destruction and Renewal" and "Starting Over". I have never heard of this "Azrael" before until now. That's interesting that you actually felt drawn to him since your awakening and that he is associated with the same theme.
while my real awakening started at age 24, I had a profound experience at childhood around age 4-5.
I was lying in my bed in a semi-dream state and then there was a powerful presence that carried with it immense darkness and fear. For a short while, I didn't want to feel it and suffered the resistance. As soon as I realized this, I said: Ok. bring it on, I'm not afraid. I then got flooded with sudden and extreme "matureness" or deep knowingness and got up in my room starting to stack building blocks. I don't know how long this continued, but I remember my mother coming in and asking "what are you doing?" I don't know if she really came, but I said "I stack these blocks so that I can collapse them"

A year ago after my reawakening became really strong I remembered this incident and wrote this poem:

"Feel like I stepped in a puddle right as I slepped.
In a state of agitation, I reach out and grab
into a pile of blocks lying right at my bed.
Starting to stack them, without hesitation,
arrange them: blue, green yellow and red on top of that.
The pile is empty, creation has come to an end.
Feel completed and happy, then suddenly sad.
I take a deep breath and with my right hand.
I slam it to pieces, back to how it once began."

I really changed after that and I got in conflict with everyone around me, because I couldn't relate with anyone anymore. I even at some point drifted into ego out of frustration. After my reawakening and finding out about Azrael, I'm sure the presence was him and whenever there is intense transformation I can sense him.
From what I found out (and my intuition is telling me a similar thing at least), He is the archangel of Death/Transformation and because of that, he has an important part in the enlightening process of individuals and that of earth.
Supposing the presence in your life was Azrael or related to him. Maybe what has happened is that your soul decided that the transformational intensity was too much and asked him to withdraw. I think you always had that choice and he understands your decision, maybe it was a test of how much you can handle, who knows. But even though he stepped back, he was always part of your life/awakening as that is his purpose. And I'm sure you can invite him back or at least get into contact again if that's what you want.
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Thanks for sharing, I will reply in more detail to your messages you've been posting later on. I have some thoughts I could share. When I had a transcendental dream that took my awareness out of my body, I realized a lot of realizations about my own personal ego that I never thought about before. I wrote a lot of thoughts down when I was in that "my awareness is outside my body" state. I could share thoughts in more detail sometime. At the moment, I just want to share whatever thoughts come up to mind. This is just a sharing of thoughts and contemplations.

First of all, I don't understand why things have to hurt, collapse, become destroyed to trigger a new perspective in awareness or trigger a spiritual growth. I understand that it's an effective way, that when a person goes through traumas that crushes their whole life, traumas that feel like it crushes their soul, as if their very soul is in a state of emergency, that it's an "effective" way "that just works" for the person to become spontaneously triggered to evolve to the next step of their soul/spiritual growth. I'm just wondering why it often happens that way? I'm sure a person can spiritually grow in a more peaceful, gradual, loving, gentle way without all the crushing destruction and collapse? But I understand that it's like a toddler trying to learn how to walk and keeps falling down over and over and over again until they finally learn how to walk.

Anyway, I'm going to step my awareness outside my ego for a bit and share some of my personal realizations and my own personal perceptions of my ego, so here it goes.

She is the keeper/the holder of my soul and energy. She is my soul carrier. She holds and carries my soul and energy which is a massive responsibility, like a mother who holds her baby in her arms who she is responsible for and yet I, the soul is also as her mother who comforts and guides and loves her baby. A partnership between the human vessel container who has her own consciousness (the ego is her consciousness) and a cosmic soul-heart consciousness. A symbiotic relationship.

My ego, my human vessel, the human container that is holding this strong soul as massive in energy as a sun inside her. It is a burdensome responsibility to be such a holder of such immense concentration of soul energy. The soul feels so massive, like a sun, like a black hole, like a celestial object that is so massive in energy, incomprehensible concentration of energies, gravitational forces, the soul is so incomprehensibly powerful in its sheer raw power, raw energy, raw compacted concentration of energy. Like stars colliding, like celestial objects crashing, like black holes merging, like a star collapsing into itself to then explode and create new life. My soul feels like a super nova, like a massive star collapsing into itself, all the incomprehensible massive amounts of energy concentrating into a small tiny ball of concentrated density. Like the mass or core of a celestial object in space. I cannot explain or describe such raw cosmic omnipotent powerful energy that feels as if it's compacted inside this human vessel who is like a baby/toddler/child in comparison? In the dream I had, I saw my soul entering her and she was a toddler and the reason was that she was compatible for my soul and her physical vessel had the capacity to hold such a soul.

My human vessel, the ego, the ego is her consciousness, that is hers. The ego is a child, the ego is the inner child in us. The ego is a part of the human vessel. Human egos are child-like in behavior and interaction. When has anyone ever behaved with their ego and someone not say,"Grow up already!" or "You're being immature!" or "You're being childish!". When have we ever acted with our egos and then regret it because we're embarrassed for having behaved so childish-like? When has anyone ever behaved with their ego and not caused conflicts that could have been avoided if their ego had not made a situation unnecessarily childish? When has a full grown adult not have thrown a childish tantrum? When have full grown adults not argued over petty things that don't matter? Whenever people allow themselves to be overrun by their egos, all of a sudden it's like we're in a kindergarden playground all over again.

And just like children, children have their own personalities yet they're all children all the same. Some children are bullies, some children are quiet. We're all children inside when we "act human" because the inner child is the ego of the human vessels our soul consciousness is bound to. I am aware that my ego is the consciousness of my human vessel, I'm aware that she is similar to a child. I'm aware that when I am sad, depressed, lonely, crying, suffering, hurting, angry, upset, stressed, distressed, cranky, annoyed, irritated, experiencing any kind of emotional pain, it is not so much my soul/energy but my human vessel who is suffering. And like a baby, she cries, like a young child, she wants comfort. Because as a human vessel by itself, the ego is her consciousness, and the ego is child-like but like I said, people's egos are different just like children are, some children are bullies, some are hyper, some are quiet.

I'm aware that my human vessel is an innocent child. An innocent child who has a huge responsibility to be the keeper/the holder of this massive soul that feels like the concentrated core of a sun. It's a heavy burden, a heavy responsibility for her. It can be hard and challenging to be the keeper/holder of a soul. That alone seems like a heavy burden and responsibility for her. But despite my soul being such a burden for her, she loves me unconditionally no matter what and I love her unconditionally no matter what in return. A loving caring partnership, a loving caring symbiotic relationship.

My human vessel is innocent because her ego consciousness is a young child. Holding such a soul is already like a burden and huge responsibility that she holds but she never hates me for it, she never has any resentment for me about it, because this soul is as much a part of her as she is a part of me, the soul essence. I'm aware when she acts up, like a baby who's in a peaceful sleep in her crib then suddenly she wakes up crying. And when my human vessel is crying, I'm like a mother who goes to her baby and holds her and comforts her until she falls back asleep again. The human ego consciousness of the human vessel linked to the cosmic soul consciousness essence. I am inside her as she is inside of me, two forms of consciousness in a partnership, a symbiotic relationship, fully connected as one. When I'm being my human ego self, I'm not so much being my soul-self and is likened as saying that my soul-self is asleep, when I'm being more of a my soul-self, my human ego is asleep like a baby in her crib. When something upsets me, when someone upsets my ego, the ego gets awoken from her slumber and she starts to cry like the baby she is.

But like a sweet innocent baby/toddler/young inner child she is, I love her unconditionally. I love her completely. I love her with all the love in the universe. Inside this human vessel, she holds a soul that is directly connected with divine love and pure heart consciousness, pure light, pure compassion, pure divinity, pure unconditional love. She never feels loved, she always feels disconnected from love but that love is always inside her from a soul consciousness, there is so much love for her, that love is always there even if she doesn't notice it. I'm the most immensely all-encompassing divinely loving being I know and yet I'm the most unloved. Why is that? There seems to be a disconnection or sense of separation between my ego/human vessel and my soul essence. If I felt more one, more connected with my soul essence, I would be able to feel the abundant ever flowing love that is there already in my soul essence consciousness.

I'm so full of overflowing beautiful love, there is so much love that is there, she has no reason to feel so unloved and isolated. That love is there for her, I love her. I will never abandon her. She is never alone because I am always here for her, I am always with her. I never leave her. I will never hurt her. All the love that I have in my soul and heart consciousness, is all freely available, abundant and ever flowing for her to merge with. I'm aware that as a human being with an ego consciousness that is child-like, I'm aware that she has suffered a lot that no innocent child like her should have ever suffered. She is such a strong vessel, a strong carrier, not only does she carry my dense massive soul, she also carries her own heavy suffering, her own burdens, her own injuries. I don't know why I am putting her through all this, I put her through SO MUCH unintentional painful spiritual growth that hurts her so badly and yet she never hates me, she never resents me for it. She is so forgiving and innocent.

She loves me unconditionally like a sweet little angelic innocent child holding on to her mom's leg. I put her through SO MUCH and yet she never hates me for it, she loves me no matter what and SHE puts ME through so much and yet I never hate her for it, I love her unconditionally no matter what in return. I love everything about her, I love her exactly as she is, I love her deeply and completely, I love her ego consciousness. This human vessel, this ego consciousness, this ego human, she has ALL my purest of divine truly infinite beautiful love. What better example of a relationship could there be? Unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness, unconditional acceptance, unconditional mutual partnership. I'm aware when she is asleep, resting peacefully like a baby and I am being my soul-self, I am shining my soul's light, I am being my divinity. I wish she could rest in peaceful slumber in love forever. I'm aware when I'm being my divine light and soul/heart consciousness, I'm aware when I'm pure and divine and I'm being my soul-expression. I'm aware when I express myself from the heart and soul consciousness.

I'm aware when I'm being my divine self. I'm aware when she's asleep peacefully. I'm aware when something <<Removed by Mod>>/negative/toxic happens which then disrupts my soul-expression and then my ego wakes up, disrupted, and she starts crying again. I wish for her happiness, I wish she could sleep forever in her sweet dreams. I wish she could rest peacefully in love and eternal comfort. Or I wish that when she is awake, that she can be a happy child, running around playfully, being her full child-expression. Like a child running around, playing happily, smiling and laughing and giggling. I have ever flowing compassion for her. I, as the soul consciousness bound to her, I'm like her mother who wants her baby to be happy and safe, for her to be free to run around and play and laugh and giggle like the innocent child she is.

Even when I was 14, I had dreams where I was a mother taking care of a baby. Even now, 14 years later, I still have dreams where there is an abandoned unwanted baby and I have to take care of her. And even now, I have dreams of my inner child running away to kill herself, running away from "home" (home, being my soul? my ego child running away from me, the soul aspect). That dream I had, the ego part of me, the child was running away from "home", she was running away to kill herself and she didn't want to come back because she thought she was unloved. I went out with a flashlight searching for her, calling out for her in the empty streets, telling her that she IS loved, that I LOVE HER. That my soul loves her even if she doesn't get it. And then it got reversed, she was the soul all along. She, the ego/child was not lost, it was me who was lost, the soul that was searching for her. It was reversed, she was the soul all along. It was reversed, I was not the one searching for her, she was not the one who was lost, I was the one who had to be found. And she was this flying little creature of gold glitter sparkles. Finally re-united, complete reunion of EVERYTHING that had been lost finally reunited and I finally ascended. A large creature flew me up in the sky, to these gates on clouds, I passed through the gates and I was in heaven standing on fluffy clouds in this beautiful evening/night starry sky. It was a beautiful ending.

It was a beautiful sweet dream. This final, complete reunion. The ego/child running away because she felt unwanted and unloved and she wanted to disappear and kill herself/get herself killed. I went to search for her, like a mother who cares so much, I went out with a flashlight searching for her, I didn't want to focus on anything else, except to find her. I was calling out for her, hoping she could hear me, trying to reassure her that I love her. But she (the ego/child) wasn't lost after all, it was me (the soul) who was lost. The soul who was searching for her with a flashlight like a mother searching for her lost child, she ran away but she was not lost. Me, the one searching with a flashlight WAS the one who was lost. And yet I was the one doing the searching. Then I was found and she was a small flying magical creature with gold glittery sparkles. SHE was the soul? And I (the "soul" adult searching for the ego/child) was actually the ego who needed to be found.

So at first it seemed like my ego child ran away and I had to go and search for her. Then it turned out that she wasn't lost after all and that the one doing the searching (me, the soul?) was the one who was lost and needed to be found. And then it turned out that she was the soul all along. And I was the ego all along. And everything that was lost, had been found and everything had been united into completion and in complete reunion/complete unity of everything that had been lost and finally found, I finally ascended to this beautiful peaceful heaven on fluffy clouds in a starry evening/night sky.

I understand the message from my dream. I talk so much about my human vessel suffering and crying like a baby, but it is actually my soul that is doing the crying. It's not always the human vessel that does the crying. When her ego consciousness gets hurt, then she cries like a baby but then the same when my soul gets hurt then my soul is doing the crying. And the burden I put her (the human ego vessel) through because the soul is also like a baby, doing the crying and nagging. It's a symbiotic relationship, back and forth, reflecting each other. I hope both my human spirit and soul can find true peace. I hope some day that dream will come true. I hope I can finally reunite, have this complete reunion, be in complete unity, exist in a heavenly state of being.

There's a problem I have living on this world. That is something I still have to figure out. When I express myself at full heart/soul consciousness, full heart/soul expression, and I am my high dimensional pure divine self of pure innocence and pure divine love and bliss and I naturally try to connect with people on a heart/soul level but the people are not on the same path/wavelength/reality as me. People in this society love to be hostile and love to cause pain.They love drama. They love conflicts. They love to argue. They love to fight. They love to be childish bullies. Like that song says,"Hey, God. I'm reminding you that here, hatred becomes news, without it people don't know how to live." It's completely true. Without drama, anger, conflicts, war, hatred, intolerances, regular people don't know how to live without that.

So it's a tough challenge for a person like me who is on an ascension spiritual journey, I want to exist as my pure divine self of pure immense all-encompassing divine love and bliss, exist in a state of high dimensional positive high vibrational white light of peace and harmony and compassion and complete purity of divine love and bliss. I want to live and exist in that beautiful heavenly state of existence and for my life to vibrate in that way and for all my expressions to be free from the soul and heart without any limitations, without any cages to keep this bird trapped, who wants to be free and fly.

That is a tough challenge of mine. When I am in my soul-expression, I am divine, I am pure, I am free, my passion is just flowing freely, my creativity, my expressions just flow freely, without any resistance. When I am in my soul-expression, I am happy, I am in bliss.

But my personal problem is that PEOPLE DON'T LIKE THAT. I'm not living in this world by myself, I'm living this world with other people who don't like that. People in this world around me are so toxic, so negative, so full of HATRED, so full of intolerance, so full of murderous rage. That song is so true for me,"That in madness we live, the rage all flooded, and I have to live in hiding to avoid falling".

People don't like it when I'm in my soul-expression, when I am being my pure divine self, when I am being my true self expression, when I express myself from the heart and soul in the most authentic way imaginable. People don't like that. Why? It disturbs their ego? Is it because they expect like an ego to interact with another ego? And I'm a soul who rather interact with another soul and so when I'm in my soul-expression and they are in their ego-expression, the incompatibility is like scraping nails on a chalkboard, people HATE it and are repulsed by it? Which I don't understand. That is something I don't understand.

It's like people confine themselves into their ego identity, their ego-prison where they are "nothing but their ego" they believe that they are "just their ego" and nothing else. So when they see me and I'm just full blown FREE like a flying bird, in my full divine all-encompassing soul/heart-expression, they react in complete repulsion and hatred as if they had just seen a UFO in the sky that they see as threat that they want to shoot down. I'm completely harmless, I'm truly all white and light and pure divine love and bliss inside me and people react negatively as if I was a threat worth hating, worth hostility?

I'm not at all religious in any way, I don't even know much about religions but I'm kind of reminded of Jesus Christ, doesn't CH (or was it another seller?) call him an ascended master? And wasn't he a nice guy? Who wanted people to love their neighbors, to treat people with love as you want to be treated, a nice guy who was interested in healing and miracles? Things I've heard of him, he seems like a nice guy who had good intentions about love and healing and forgiveness. And yet he suffered in the most brutal ways possible? And for what? Because people just are the way they are? Brutal. Having so much intolerance, so much rage, so much hatred for what? A man that was probably a nice guy, probably had good intentions, probably had a good heart? Who didn't at all deserve such severe excruciating brutality of punishment, and punished for what, for being different? It's true that why can't people just get along? Why can't people just love each other? Why can't people just be loving and compassionate with one another? No matter who it is? If everyone was more unconditionally loving, unconditionally compassionate, unconditionally open with one another, the world wouldn't be so dark and toxic. What did he die for? This human world is still the same toxic dump with the same intolerances, the same rage, the same divide/isolation/separation. I don't know how I'm going to make it to the end.

I wrote a lot but it's on-topic since I shared about my ego and ascension thoughts. I'm no guru, I'm no ascended master. I'm still in the learning process. If anything I say offends anyone, it's never my intention.
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Your thoughts from the place of soul really touched me. As I too am struggling with this relation of ego and soul. I got very peaceful while reading and after that. It really hit home hard.

I have then from the same place written some thoughts on how to include people that are strongly ego identified. After reading through the end of the text I got really inspired to bring the path of Jesus into that. I wrote it in my notebook and tomorrow I will type it down here. I'm not religious either, but some parts really speak to me. I think there are things to learn from every religion if one looks with discernment.

And I really much like to hear your thoughts on my other post, if you find the inspiration.
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Turtlefae wrote: What did he die for?
Simplest answer is because it is written so. If it's not written as it is, he wouldn't die like that.

Turtlefae wrote:This human world is still the same toxic dump with the same intolerances, the same rage, the same divide/isolation/separation. I don't know how I'm going to make it to the end.
To be fair, the world nowadays has improved a lot in many fields, including scientific and medical advancements, human right's promotion, knowledge sharing, etc.
"Often the truth is in front of your face, but your eyes and heart are so full of lies that you can't see it." Shannon L. Alder

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darkwing dook wrote:
Turtlefae wrote: What did he die for?
Simplest answer is because it is written so. If it's not written as it is, he wouldn't die like that.
Reality beyond Story

How do you know he didn't actually exist? Many ascended masters have lived a crazy/worldshaking life.
I'm not saying, you should take everything the bible states as a fact. Most of it is just stories that point to a deeper truth in a metaphorical/symbolistic way, which, through their nature, hold up quite well against the tides of time actually. Yes, if they're taken at face value, they can often do more harm than good. There's no denying that.

btw: it would be a cool scientific study to weigh the positive effects of the Bible against all the destruction and death it caused through misuse. While it is never actually possible to get enough data, especially on the benefit side, because good will always be more subtle and quite than evil, all in a system so immense and dynamic, it's still interesting to meditate upon.

So, there is much room for misunderstanding.
But people have always confused the symbol with the ultimate reality it points to, which can lead to all kinds of corruption. I have to admit that I'm in no way a bible expert, it's just that in my youth I was really opposed to religion. Past-me held truth and reason as his highest and religion, at the time, seemed like it was the archenemy of these values :D.
I then really delved into philosophy and language(German) and now, much later, revisited religion with my new perspective and have to admit, some chapters are really well designed and thought out archetypal stories. They can even be very transformative for the spirit if contemplated deeply. I don't know more than maybe a quarter and because the Bible seems like a collected work, there are probably parts, that are of lesser quality or even dangerous.
Well, it's far too controversial and lengthy to go into all that, but if someone wants to share a passage that he just can't accept, I'm sure there can a civilized analyzation of the material without straying into offtopicness or dogma too far.
But I really just wanted to bring in another perspective considering that in my next post, I want to discuss the life of Jesus superficially. Even if it is only a story, it's still a very lovely and inspirational path that he took.
But, like Turtle said, words out there that he is an actual ascended master. So why believe the bible or me? Just ask Jesus. :D

Next is:

A Cure for Chaos?

How to define this "chaos"?

Chaos in physics:

Initially, the term Entropy was established through the second law of thermodynamics:
[qoute]The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system never decreases. Such systems spontaneously evolve towards thermodynamic equilibrium, the state with maximum entropy. Non-isolated systems may lose entropy, provided their environment's entropy increases by at least that amount so that the total entropy increases[/qoute]

And now in non-physicist terms: For any given system we define as "closed" there will always be a tendency towards chaos. That means that chaos or "entropy" will always increase and never decrease. The only exception is another system that encases the initial system which "pays" for the loss with heightened entropy.
If you are confused now, that's ok. In a real scenario, you could never really define a system as closed without denying the overarching environment. But what's really useful to extract from this is, that when we look at nature, there seems to always be a tendency towards chaos.


Well, sometimes Chaos can be quite enjoyable, but always? Anywhere? That seems quite tiresome.
That raises the question: is there a counteracting force that keeps this in balance? Like there has to be right? is there at least a way to live with this ever-increasing chaos. Or should even we try to find ways to fight this universal inconvenience.
Who knows but for now we can look at it in a different way:

Informational chaos

Simulacra and Simulation
Wikipedia wrote:...is a 1981 philosophical treatise by Jean Baudrillard, in which he seeks to examine the relationships between reality, symbols, and society, in particular, the significations and symbolism of culture and media involved in constructing an understanding of shared existence.

Simulacra are copies that depict things that either had no original or that no longer have an original. Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. is most known for its discussion of symbols, signs, and how they relate to contemporaneity (simultaneous existences). Baudrillard claims that our current society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs and that human experience is a simulation of reality. Moreover, these simulacra are not merely mediations of reality, nor even deceptive mediations of reality; they are not based in a reality nor do they hide a reality, they simply hide that nothing like reality is relevant to our current understanding of our lives.
TL;DR: People(society) lose themselves in the world of concepts and therefore all the constructed reality of humanity will, at one point, become meaningless and non-referential. Like a joke without a punchline.
Information just for the sake of information. Meaning lost in translation.
Like sense lost along the way in a game of "whispers down the lane".

But where could that tendency lead? It could manifest in many different ways on both personal and collective levels:
Confusion, hate, distrust, fear, madness all rising in intensity until they naturally will reach a peak. That peak will probably be something like the end of meaningful intelligence, the end of the cultural status quo and the end of society as we know it.
Well that doesn't sound really promising, does it? Not the kind of prophecy you are happy to have paid for with your parents' credit card.. like A fortune cookie of ill taste and no bucket to spit into. It's quite funny actually,
at least if you have the distance to take the joke I guess. A matter of perspective if you will.
Do you know what is of both matter and perspective? A mirror.
Maybe that's what society will get, a close look upon its own face. A taste of its own medicine, like an addicted apothecary. Like a drug dealer with no sense of composure.

But what if we have enough of that and now crave for a rehab?
If at one point the raving of the mind becomes unbearable and the pressure of life too heavy,
maybe all that you really need to do is to take a deep breath, take a step back and give yourself some space.
So lighten up and enjoy the show, but only from a safe distance.

Just like prescribed I also will take a step back now and progress in a more orderly fashion.

But if you want to see a very funny interpretation, the whole movie "Idiocracy" is a great example of this whole phenomenon. I didn't notice until just now, but it fits perfectly.
If you don't have the time to watch the full movie or want a short preview, check out this scene it's short and definitely worth it:
Idiocracy(Movie) - Brawndo's got electrolytes

Archetypes - Beyond the personal mind.

Carl Jung - The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
http://culturalstudiesnow.blogspot.com/ ... ctive.html

TL;DR Jung suggest a new type of consciousness classification. Besides the persona, which is the classical "ego", the personal consciousness there's also a third dimension, that he calls collective unconsciousness. it's an archetypal realm of unconsciousness, that is shared between individuals. For example, many pieces of literature or other media that use stories, convey moral through the "hero" archetype to which we can all relate in a sense.
This style of writing is even called "Hero's Journey". It's a style that most people are familiar with. Some examples would be Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Harry Potter.

Its application can vary but the main formula goes like this:

The common denominator that all heroes of legends and tales share and through which even we, ourselves can relate, lies not so much in personality or upbringing, but in the fundamental relation of the individual with the world. But what exactly coins that relation. It can surely vary according to outside circumstance or the desires of the individual at hand, but is there something beyond personal interest that is shared by all living beings? Maybe it's the will to live and the struggle it prompts.
Life surely is a struggle, that's one of the things nobody will deny, but a struggle against what?
A struggle against nature? A struggle against others that threaten our life?
A struggle against evil? A struggle against our own deficiencies?

Sooo many questions... Let us rather ease into it.
So life is a challenge, a challenge for everyone.
A challenge for the mighty hero who wants to protect his town from the dragon. A challenge for the fearless adventurer who steps out into the unknown. But also a challenge for the malicious criminal, always in conflict with the law. even for a simple teenager in today's society.

Let us assume there is "A".
A knows himself and his values. There are things he enjoys and things he can't stand in life or other people. He is sufficiently intelligent.
What he really likes is his family and his close friends and to take part in the life of others. There are many things he knows, but he also knows there are endless things he doesn't know. So for him to not become irrelevant or useless and to fulfill his longing to be valuable to others or simply be included, he will have to keep on adjusting what he knows with the actuality of the present moment and the task at hand. He could try and say: "25 years of school, study and life experience surely will do it. My knowledge is finally complete." Well, he could say that, but still, he will be challenged on a day to day basis or be frustrated and give up. So maybe being alive has something to do with constantly longing to be something more. The including of something into yourself that wasn't there before, whatever that may be.

What is known will always be challenged by the unknown. He who holds the torch will always be challenged by that which lurks in the shadows.
In that sense, we ARE the hero challenging the unknown on the journey we call our life.

"The Hero's Journey" is a very interesting concept with a spiritual application even. It's too much to go into know, but I'll write it on the List for later addressing:
"Heros Journey" as an introduction into "Shadow work"


Okay, okay, but where is the guiding threat?
I admit, I really strayed far, but it's not just to confuse or ramble.
What I intended to do here, right now, is laying forth a basis through which the individual is able to overcome his unconsciousness, his "Shadow" and take willing steps towards the enlightening of consciousness aka the transcending of the personal self, we call ego, that can't help but perceive itself through conflict and separation.
Only with a sincere wish to end all conflict, there can truly be progress on the path of non-duality.
If you don't want any of this, it's fine. I just wonder how you were able to endure until now.

Well.. contentwise this is where we're heading.
We now know about: Chaos and order, Hero archetype, Heros journey, and the shadow. Following up I'll address archetypes generally and pick up stories and the bible again.

But for now, back to the archetypes:
The more archetypical something is, the more pure and broad it is respectively.
Every authority, class or role in society has "above" it, a greater authority in its archetype.
Even before the greatest king decides to fulfill his desire to rule, the archetype of the ruler was already established.
Proven by his very aspiration, the king is ultimately subject to its own archetype.

This example goes beyond what is needed to understand, but I got so fascinated thinking about it I had to share I think it's quite funny :D.

What is important to know is, that these archetypes exist in everyone and govern the personality beyond what is conscious.
Archetypal stories point at something in our unconsciousness and through immersion and emotion, we willingly transform them into integrated consciousness. Like the hero, we are faced with chaos, an outcome undetermined, the safety of the persona under imminent threat, we thrive, prevail and hopefully come out wiser and more mature.
This thrill and transformational impact is the true value of both popular fiction and works like the bible. If looked at in that way the longevity of the content of the bible is at least a slight proof of its archetypical value. Because for something to be relevant for such a duration it has to have more substance and depth than mere trends, memes or other pop culture phenomena that come and go and lose their impact really fast. In terms of learning and connecting they too have their place, but on a much more on the superficial level.
Timeless fiction, on the other hand, needs to be remembered over many generations, be told or preserved. This whole process can only be upheld by strong motivation/feelings towards the work of art.
Maybe because it invokes feelings of wonder and fascination. Maybe it helps people to connect and relate beyond class, beyond countries and beyond even culture or time.
It, therefore, transcends the everchanging personal realm and becomes a gateway to the "formless". The place in which we are all the same, but tend to forget. - "We are like islands, separate on the surface, but connected in the deep"
The collective longing for this feeling of unity, peace, love is the goal of and reason for all art that goes beyond the individual artist.

I think that´s enough for now, but I will work on a continuation of this at some point.
"Nothing lasts... but nothing is lost." -Shpongle

"Better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener at war." -Chinese proverb

"trapped inside a violent silence
I am the I in the storm
the pain was not merely a trial
it was the only way forth" -me
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StarPlatinum wrote: How do you know he didn't actually exist? Many ascended masters have lived a crazy/worldshaking life.
I don't know, for sure. Do you? None of us lived in year 0. While anyone can try to divine that year, or contact the man himself, it usually result in unverified personal gnosis, at best. I.e. fundamentalist followers will deem it blasphemy.

Oo did I say he didn't actually exist?
: P

StarPlatinum wrote:I'm not saying, you should take everything the bible states as a fact. Most of it is just stories that point to a deeper truth in a metaphorical/symbolistic way, which, through their nature, hold up quite well against the tides of time actually. Yes, if they're taken at face value, they can often do more harm than good. There's no denying that.
And this can be applied to other holy scriptures, myths/folklore, etc., even history to an extent.
As I mentioned, it is written as such, thus there might be some meaning or purpose behind why it is written as so, whether the meaning or purpose is deep or shallow. And of course the possibility that there's no meaning at all. But still, with different meaning or purpose, it may be written differently.

And this is not just about stories, but also related to destiny, fate, evolution, etc. Rather than "Reality beyond Story", this one is "Story beyond Reality".

The rest, I don't think it's addressed to my post, but this:
StarPlatinum wrote:A Cure for Chaos?

How to define this "chaos"?

Chaos in physics:
Why jump straight to physics' definition, furthermore thermodynamics? If you do so, you shouldn't equate entropy to chaos, as well as their relation with disorder.
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/8efb/e ... 8e0300.pdf
https://www.science20.com/train_thought ... rder-75081

: )
"Often the truth is in front of your face, but your eyes and heart are so full of lies that you can't see it." Shannon L. Alder

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