Question about music and energy

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I probably will get flack for this question but I’m going to ask it anyway because I’m looking for information and since this is a spiritual forum, I like to defer to the experts.
I want to learn about the correlation between certain types of music and the vibrational frequency levels they resonate with.
Everything in the universe is made up of energy, and everything vibrates at higher or lower frequencies. Spiritual types know about energy and the hierarchy of high and low energetic vibrations. I’ve experienced this by both watching and interacting with people in daily life, and I’ve received Reiki sessions. During my first session, the practitioner’s hands got so hot they burned the top of my head. I know that different levels of energetic vibrational frequency has an effect on your chakras and aura but I don’t know the specifics, so that’s why I’m asking you.
I have a vested interest in this topic because I’m a classical musician. I’ve been described as a music snob with a superiority complex, but I believe there’s truth in the energetic hierarchy of everything. The qualities of certain genres of music have made it difficult if not impossible for me to hear them. I’ve become physically ill when listening to New Age music with synthesizers, cultural instruments like the theremin and didgeridoo, electronic music, rap, hip-hop, hard rock, heavy metal, and even drum circles at pagan events. I can’t stand to watch violent films, sexually explicit television programs, and televised coverage of destruction of property, even if minority communities feel it’s justified. I hate college parties at nightclubs and frat houses. There is a disturbance to my energetics system when I enter environments that have drinking, smoking, swearing and drugs. I don’t like premarital sex, promiscuity, pornography or foul language. I feel that my rejection of all these things has something to do with the energy at which they operate. People in the paranormal, metaphysical, occult and spiritual community will tell you these things vibrate at a low energy frequency.
When I expressed my preference for classical music to someone in the spiritual community who contacted entities from different realms, he said they couldn’t help noticing that classical music is the highest form of musical expression there is because it vibrates at a high frequency. Given my pressing need to both listen to and participate in classical music, there’s definitely credence to his statement. I’m not knowledgeable about the science of the energy behind it, and that’s where you come in. My body doesn’t tolerate the vibration of singing Bowls. It soars when I listen to choirs and orchestras.
I’m looking for those of you well-versed in the knowledge about different realms because I notice I don’t enjoy drum-and-dance circles at pagan gatherings while everyone else revels in them, and I’m wondering if it could be due to the fact that I match with certain realms but not others. I’ve heard talk about celestial realms but pagans don’t seem interested in discussing the topic, because paganism focuses on earth, which might have to do with the drumming thing. Apparently drumming is closely tied to the energies of earth, and since I don’t like drumming, it would make sense I don’t click with Paganism. Does anyone know if choral and orchestral music is more aligned to celestial realms because celestial realms would be higher?
There’s plenty of classical music about the beauty of nature, particularly in Romanticism of the 19th century and early music of the 16th century, and there’s oodles of Baroque and Romantic pieces focusing on mythology. Since metaphysical types are knowledgeable about energy and pagans love nature, often coexisting in the same communities, I thought they would be the perfect people to ask, but pagans either aren’t interested in such things or they don’t listen to numerous classical works I recommend because pagans focus on pre-Christian spirituality, and those cultures didn’t have choirs and orchestras.
Thank you for any insight you can offer!

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Short answer: if you find what works for you, that's good, but try different things from time to time, because who knows if some of them can work for you as well : )

Longer answer: this depends on your preference, where you come form, and what your experience is, and each of them interrelated with the others.
-Your preference, what you like and dislike, what you love and hate, is a major factor of how it effects you. If you love classical, then of course they will raise your spirits. If you hate metal, of course they can have negative effect in your practice.
-Where you come from, your upbringing, your culture, the trend when you're growing up, give meaning to it as well. If you come from clean environment, dirty places can make you sick. If you're not from clean environment, you may feel at home with people who smoke and party and stuff. Someone from Islamic culture would think that sufi music is the most spiritual music humans can make. They may not know or even consider classical music as spiritual experience.
-And what you experience with said music is, for example if you were traumatized while listening to classical music, it would make you sick whenever you hear it. Or if you have great time while listening to death metal, then listening to heavy metal may become a kind of release and elevation.

So, I wouldn't strictly determine which music is spiritually good and which is not, and I wouldn't judge people who create or listen to those musics as good or bad, whether within the context of spirituality or outside of it. If it works for you, great. If it doesn't, why not let it be? : )

Nevertheless, I think it's not bad to check out different genres of music or other experiences, little by little, from time to time. There are reasons for their existence, and they can have interesting influence to our spirit. As the saying, stagnant water is bound to rot, so let if flow once in a while.
For music, there are some classical musics that I like, and others that I don't. I can say the same with rap, hip-hop, rock, metal, traditional musics from various cultures, etc. It feels divine listening to dies irae at certain time, while at other time the Hu or Mick Gordon are more fitting. Another saying, knowing a little of everything makes life more colorful : )

Musicmaiden wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:35 pmApparently drumming is closely tied to the energies of earth, and since I don’t like drumming, it would make sense I don’t click with Paganism.
This can also mean that there's imbalance, i.e. lack of or repulsion to earth energy. No need to force yourself to like the drumming, but it may be a good idea to practice grounding to earth. Going up high without strong base leads to collapse easily : /

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Musicmaiden wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:35 pm [...]Does anyone know if choral and orchestral music is more aligned to celestial realms because celestial realms would be higher?
Thank you for any insight you can offer!
I've noticed some angels are said to enjoy the treat of listening to violin music, eg Bronwyn Angels.

I think it's quite complex, rather like what factors combine to make us each prefer certain musical genres ourselves - as Darkwing has said. Some types of angel may enjoy rock music - their personalities and energies do differ. But I don't think it's as neat as certain types of music belong to the celestial realm and so on. However there may be an element of that.

To take another example: a very gifted, experienced modern taoist teacher I knew produced lots of music tracks with embedded spiritual energies and effects. One selection was 3 pieces, each of which beneficially affected one of the three major dantian energy centres. The lower one is more physical and the track reflected that, with oriental sounding wood block percussion. The middle one is in the chest and the track had a feel and sound of blood flow and heart rhythyms. The head centre one sounded much like ufos taking off for space travel - very celestial. The 3 dantians are part of the internal alchemy taoism is concerned with, in which raw, 'base' physical energy is refined into higher, spiritual energy.

I think there are a lot of links between spiritual practices and music that have been explored. One I've contemplated from time to time is the octave - near octave - of the 7 main chakras. They can also be seen as transforming/elevating the energy that rises through the trunk. I'm not sure it matters which note you start at but I've thought of the lowest chakra as middle C, with the crown chakra as B.

Writing this and bearing in mind your post above, I find myself dwelling on the whole area of alchemical transformation - which I think it's fair to say has often been framed as transforming/refining the base matter into something precious. It makes sense to me that you prefer 'cleaner, 'higher', 'refined' energies, circumstances, lifestyles and music etc. We all have our own, individual preferences as regards those kind of things. There'll be energies, music etc that will be dissonant for each of us - and that will vary of course. We'll each find ourselves intolerant of something or other in that way, I think.

For one thing, there's the split between WA & DA Keepers.

While we're on the topic of music and energies, I hope you don't mind if I mention an Indian-origin meditation technique I did for a decade in the 70s & 80s. It was called the music technique, kind of a third ear meditation. While listening internally with ears closed, you'd start to hear the drumming sound of the blood rushing through the body, a fairy bells ringing sound, sounds like flutes and conches. Ever since then I've heard that ringing sound even outside of meditation and it changes as the energies around me change. So I actually hear energy, not just see or feel it.

To ancient mystics that would have seemed divine. That can be understood nowadays in terms of the same neurological processes at work in things like tinnitus: the higher frequencies are gradually lost to our hearing from our late teens and are filled in by our brains with the ringing sounds. Usually this happens due to industrial deafness or old age etc. I acquired this in my mid-twenties due to meditation. I do see it as having a spiritual dimension.

Finally, I think you might potentially be interested in those authors who tended to the same alchemical perspective as I think maybe you perhaps do. One I can recommend is Elizabeth Haich, especially Sexual Energy and Yoga.

"Introduces the concept of transmuting the physical, emotional, mental and psychic energies people normally disperse in sexual activity. This book includes topics such as: The Creative Primal Serpent; Sexual Energy in Its False and True Light; The Magical Powers of Suggestion; Hypnosis; Mediumship; and, The Urge For Unity and Its Corruptions." ... 0943358035

This is *not* about being sexual but about transmuting (refining) the sexual energy naturally present in us all into higher energy for enlightenment. In my opinion it's very suitable for - and could be of interest to - those who follow either a celibate or asexual life path.

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Lewk wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:26 pm
Musicmaiden wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:35 pm [...]Does anyone know if choral and orchestral music is more aligned to celestial realms because celestial realms would be higher?
Thank you for any insight you can offer!
I've noticed some angels are said to enjoy the treat of listening to violin music, eg Bronwyn Angels.
Imho, all the posts that person made screams angel to me.
Aversion to growth/change - Angels were created perfect
no bad language, promiscuity, etc - pretty obvious
choral and orchestral music and other music makes them feel ill - also pretty telling.

I think this person might be the incarnation of an angel.

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Darkwing: one of the reasons I dislike spirituality is the whole non-judgment thing. Judgment is essential to deciding who and what you want in your vicinity.
I notice that many of the responses of condescension toward me on this board, including yours, start with the phrase, “If it works for you, great!” Then comes a word that reveals what they really want to say. “But”. As soon as somebody says the word, “but”, I think, Here it comes!” and sure enough, the next sentence is, “You should do this, or think about that, or consider trying XYZ once in a while.” The unspoken subtext is, “Your methods of questioning and responding are too strong and I can’t handle it, so I’m going to tell you not to be judgmental because I don’t think there should be absolute authority on anything.”
Problem is, if there’s no authoritative discourse or spiritual laws in governance of energetics signatures, the world would stop turning and the realms wouldn’t run.
There’s got to be a higher order to the multi-verse, and your preferences can’t simply be down to your upbringing. The way you were raised might have something to do with it, but it’s not the entirety of it. Energy isn’t a matter of belief. It just is. It doesn’t stop existing just because you might not believe in it, just as I don’t cease to exist if you decide to ignore me.
There’s a reason why paranormal investigators protect themselves when they enter a haunted house. The energy of hospitals and insane asylums isn’t exactly warm-and-fuzzy. Subtle energy isn’t subtle. Thunderstorms sound angry and I Dash off to the basement not only because I don’t like the noise, but because nature is telling me to get inside because it doesn’t want me around at the moment and I shouldn’t be there. There’s a reason why my intuition tells me to stay away from lots of things and people. It has nothing to do with how I was brought up or what I prefer. It has everything to do with the energy they emit. I was raised to respect nature and I’m lucky I lived in a clean environment, but it’s not because cleanliness and orderliness have no judgment attached to them. It’s because pristine order operates at a higher vibration than dirty chaos. If you were traumatized while listening to classical music like in the movie Sybil, it would definitely have an impact on you but that doesn’t affect the actual vibrational level of classical music because classical music on its own feels like it vibrates at a much higher level than, say, death metal. Trauma might skew and distort your perceptions of classical music, but it doesn’t have any bearing on the inherent high vibration of the genre.
If everything was dictated by personal preference, the world would be in shambles and there wouldn’t be a hierarchy. Preferences play a role, but my intuition says there’s definitely a hierarchical energetic component to what people consume in daily life. Rap, hip-hop, hard rock, and heavy metal sound full of rage and anger, and it’s not just because of the lyrics. Something about the energy turns me off. I’m just curious about the science behind what it is. I read a fascinating book by a gentleman who channeled a deceased Catholic priest, and the book talks about how there’s a branch of study in the spirit world called psychic science. There is also science behind energy medicine.
There are a gazillion planets and galaxies in our solar system. Grounding to the earth is good for people who resonate with earth, but if you don’t resonate with earth, it would make sense that you don’t click with drumming circles and maybe that means you resonate with somewhere else in the multi-verse. It doesn’t mean you have an imbalance. It might just mean your realm of residency vibrates in perfect alignment with classical music because it’s higher than the Earthen realm. I was hoping someone on this board would know, as I’m not knowledgeable about such things.
If this board encourages questions and I ask a question but you tell me nobody has answers, why do you bother saying we should inquire about anything? Why do you want people to ask questions if you aren’t going to answer them? If people in the spiritual community claim there are no answers to their questions, they sound like a bunch of contemplator’s and philosophers. Contemplation and philosophy isn’t my cup of tea.
I’m perfectly capable of making my own decisions in regards to whether or not to try new things. I don’t need someone to tell me. I’m just trying to find out the science behind energy signatures.

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I'll try to reply to you with my own concept and knowledge as I have it within according to my understanding.

I am hearing you. I have experienced similar 'sickening' feelings from not my type of music, or singers that can't sing together well. I can't meditating having music going on unless it is violin play classical, smooth and relaxing to my brain.

As you have figured, yes music is very much vibration based effect on the human mind and body, and if it's played well, it can be healing, literally. That too, I experienced, in fact I can improvise my own flute or violin play and take care of myself physically for many years due to music vibration and resonating songs by feeling and playing my instruments.

Spirituality and music, all centred and goes through the brain. It gets processed in there and get released through the nerve system and via our senses, into the body. It creates a level of vibration, yes.

I'll going to share this much more... That as far as I prefer it... I am white art, and celestials /angelic working, magically speaking, because their energy matches my signature the best.

What I am learning these days thou, how to ground myself. That is, meaning to balance myself more evenly between the arts. Celestials and light beings come into my life on a high to very high frequently. It's healing, rejuvenating joyful and absolutely positive. Physically, I feel floating and light... which sooner or later will causes negative reactions within my body.

That is happening, when I go back to my hospital work environments after my days off enlightenments. I develope runny stomack, dizziness within a few days due to negative, low vibration on our palative care sections. Yes, I see dead people often.

So, as I said... to me personally, it is my essential needs to balance my energy and build my tolerance for lower vibes, which helps me grounded and keep my full-time job. Therefore, by listening to Native American flute music, I even taught myself playing on those keys of instruments few years back, and adapte my own hyms and gospel songs that are by composition high vibrational, although it's religious songs are very much successful in my practice. I do play them through on my other musical instruments and voice too. But there are days, when I specifically need to listen to beautiful NA flute music especially in my car, before work, to balance my energy vibes and keep me healthy on my work days.


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Astor: thanks for your reply. It makes sense that you are drawn to white arts. I surmised as much during our conversation on another thread. I only partake in activities and surround myself with people I enjoy, and I refuse to tolerate anything less, so it makes sense our paths would be divergent.
Hospitals are depressing, work environments, even if the experience of a patient is a relatively positive one. I had to have major surgery in a community hospital, and it was as positive as it could be under the circumstances, and I recovered quickly, and everything went smoothly, but I never again want to be in that environment.
Nursing homes and eldercare facilities are depressing, too. I used to be part of a piano group that played at long-term residential care units for the elderly, and I visited my grandparents in nursing homes. My piano group members loved the experience because they like to do the service-to-others thing, but neither the environment nor the philosophy is my cup of tea, so I’m glad when it was over and I could get back to my apartment.
They are lonely places, too. My choir colleague and I went to visit one of our coworkers who was hit by a car right before a rehearsal. When we walked into the hospital room, she was so glad to see us that she began jabbering away, and the nurse said she hadn’t had visitors yet, with the exception of a single person who had arrived that morning. Our coworker was lying in a hospital bed, and it was clear she was going to have to go to rehab for an extended period of time, and what was the only thing on her mind? She had forgotten her sheet music for the concert! She was an elderly woman and had always wanted to study music after high school, but never got the chance. She recounted her days of sneaking into the choir room to use the piano and practice. Seeing her lying there in the hospital bed broke my heart, not just because of the sparse room and the stark character of the place, but because it felt so austere, like you were on a desolate plain. My colleague and I visited with her briefly because she was being moved to an because she was being moved to another floor and went to see my aunt who works in the same hospital as a switchboard operator. Even the café isn’t warm and cheery!
It amuses me how doctors and dentists dress up there waiting rooms with furniture and homey decor as if you were going for tea. Nobody goes to the doctor or dentist for fun! Then you have all these people sitting there talking among themselves about their various physical conditions and mental maladies. It’s enough to make you run for the hills! The magazines on the table aren’t even good. Then you have the receptionist talking to you behind the partition, the medical assistant who does the majority of the poking and prodding, and finally you get to see the physician for a few minutes, by which time the doctor has pulled up your chart and is busy typing on the computer so you don’t get a chance to say much. You might get a handwritten prescription for drugs at the pharmacy, or a recommendation to see a diabetes educator or a nutritionist. If you need to have a procedure done, you get referred to the appropriate specialist in a different medical building and you are told to come back next year. What a beautiful relationship! That doesn’t qualify as a relationship in my book.
Helping professions love service to others, but if serving others in a medical environment is a gift, I hope they kept the receipt. Not the kind of pleasant energetic environment you want to be part of!

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Apro: thanks for the flattery, but I assure you I’m not an incarnation of anyone. I’m a regular everyday person.
You seem a tad miffed by my lifestyle and energetics signature, but I admire your perception, for my name is indeed Angela.

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Musicmaiden wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 5:40 am Apro: thanks for the flattery, but I assure you I’m not an incarnation of anyone. I’m a regular everyday person.
You seem a tad miffed by my lifestyle and energetics signature, but I admire your perception, for my name is indeed Angela.
You are aware that your soul might be that of an angel that incarnated as a human for the experience, right? There is always a possibility for the soul not to be a human one. That's why incarnation/reincarnation exists.
That might not fit into your paradigm and it was not meant as flattery. Quite to the contrary. Angels can be terrifying (and really rigid), there is a reason they say: "Be not afraid".
I've lived previous lives as a flower and as a dog.

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Aprophis wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 2:05 pm
I've lived previous lives as a flower and as a dog.
Hey, I've also lived as a flower and a dog.

And to the OP I wanted to point out that metal music can be deeply spiritual as well.

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