Am I stupid to love my incubus ? Need help

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Vipera aspis atra
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Okay. Being 'new to this', with 'no house rules' and poor communication can contribute to a problematic connection, but from what you are saying you believe this entity was leaving scratches on you - essentially acting out or doing to you things you did not ask. You go on to say you did not accept the physical cuts, and then everything was fine until one day he started doing it again - you are saying this was out of fear of losing you. But you accept that too.

And it looks like this is being seen as a 'happy ending' in the thread so far. What I have to wonder is if those who accept it as such are looking at this critically whatsoever.

About ubi - it's true that there is commonly a misunderstanding about their nature and this leads to people having troubles with them, but realistically speaking what you are describing is something distinctive - which is:
an incubus (supposedly, because there's no way to know that you've identified the entity correctly - you're not experienced enough to have that level of discernment from what you have openly confirmed),
causing you harm when he feels threatened (supposedly, that's the nice way of looking at what is otherwise a method of controlling you and getting the upper hand successfully),
and you embracing that because it all seems like it comes out of love/attachment.

This 'way' is not common of incubi, it is not just a behavioral trait of theirs, an incubus does know better and is intelligent enough to know what they are doing.
There is no way that they ever believed scratching/cutting you is acceptable due to poor communication skills on your part when it was clearly proven to be done for negative reasons when you encountered that practitioner.
It does not make sense that an incubus would scratch you up out of 'fear' alone - again, this is not a primal creature with no other means of communicating their feelings to you, it is an intelligent being if it is an incubus.

So there are two options that surface as more likely, to my mind -
either this is not an incubus,
or they are an incubus who knew they were causing you harm and did it anyway and now you've enabled that form of manifestation.

And I'm going to make this very clear - it is entirely your life and your prerogative to accept this presence despite the above, everyone's journey is unique and threshold of tolerance is unique, but I wish people here would get real about the situation and that you'd consider looking at it more objectively so that you are prepared for what to potentially expect going forward.

I must comment on this because the message being sent, despite members chiming in to reinforce that the scratching is not okay, is that this kind of thing can be entirely looked beyond and moved forward from without much more consideration.
I am relatively experienced with ubi - specifically unbound ubi, and have been interacting with them through my work for over a decade. I don't believe any one person has all of the answers, but the direction this thread has taken is off-feeling to me.
You can be fond of ubi, care about approaching them right and about how they are perceived or a bond with them is handled, without accepting this outcome as ideal. If anything it leaves more questions than answers.

It also looks like the conclusion summarized is similar to the mentality of many abuse victims - 'he hit me a few times, but only because he was scared I would leave, so now I have promised never to leave and the hitting should never happen again.' Maybe if put like that you might take another look and realize at the very least it's not, and has never been, smooth-sailing with whatever this presence is and intends for.

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I know this may be technically resolved, but I would never allow anyone including spirits to abuse me like that. Even though I have one real house rule and I’m very firm in that rule I can’t say that any of mine have disrespected me like yours has to you and I have some friends on the darker art spectrum.

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Hang on.

This was a letter of intent summoning that was still unbound. Still is, if I'm rereading this correctly?

So on top of being un-Heard, infatuated, and being forcibly parted by outsiders, he was also, in a way, looking at homelessness? Your mileage may vary, but I'd be acting out, too, if that was me.

It's no excuse, obviously, but it is a feasible explanans. He hung around, unbound, for half a decade, without scratching, and was being generally well-behaved, if I'm reading this followup right: post844891.html#p844891

That, right there, does not exactly sound like a pattern of abuse to me. It sounds like an unbound that, for half a decade, was trying his best, and really thought they had something going, only to suddenly get ambushed by an outside agenda.

That probably WOULD have been devastating for him, and that would line up with the overwhelming response.

I could be way down yonder in the paw-paw patch with this one, but if, after five years of good behavior, he's still unbound...I dunno, maybe that by itself might be part of the problem? :@

Bacca, I'm a little unclear here: have you actually gotten him bound to a physical vessel? Because getting him a physical "home base," so to speak, sounds like it could do wonders here.

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I won't write too much as I can't possibly speak about your situation in great length. I'm not there. It would be unfair to you. What I will say is that I think people are very quick to defend Spirits here - and that's likely out of a place of faith and love, - but it's important to acknowledge that your health and safety is priority in any relationship, and that to put that responsibility on someone else (human or otherwise) will undoubtedly result in feeling as if you lack autonomy in your life. In this case, your path.

I'd cut my losses and banish the Spirit. If it's willing to harm me, it's willing to harm loved ones. I deem this as an offense that cannot be forgiven, and you should not be baited into forgiving it just because it's from a possible ethereal presence that others have had good experiences with. Not everyone will have that experience. Let's focus on personal safety first and foremost.

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@Johnny Seraph I know you're just trying to help and that's cool of you, but I feel like the point is being missed.

If we are collectively reasonable we would probably come to a consensus.

An entity that is unbound is not 'homeless'. If they are invited into a space, and this is established with all protective spirits that may be part of the equation as well, then they are free to come around.

Let's look at it this way though, if a human guy was lashing out due to possibly being homeless, I fail to see how that would make abusive/manipulative behavior suddenly acceptable either.

Once again, incubi are intelligent creatures, they have ways to communicate that do not entail being threatening - which would include scratching/cutting as was described. They are not so far removed culturally from this understanding that this should be considered normal.

If some dude hung around a person for a decade without being noticed and then decided to lash out, are we meant to give him a pass? We should let him do whatever he wants so that he won't be threatening anymore? That sounds like.. a violent stalker.
This isn't a scared bunny, it is apparently an incubus.
An incubus, arguably with the potential to be much wiser to our ways than the human male. They are incredibly clever and cunning. They can be manipulative. But they range on the DA scale. This one sounds possessive, which is also normal, but you wouldn't usually pair a possessive incubus with someone who is lenient on manipulation or rationalizes it away. That's a dangerous pairing. This kind of incubus could be a good match for someone who has stronger boundaries, otherwise it's a situation where disrespect and manipulation can be constant, creeping into every aspect of one's life. It's less common with spirits because they don't have the same needs once deceased. This one sounds like a still-living entity or a restless spirit.
I say all of the above as someone who is fond of ubi, there are facts that are simply unavoidable.

A being who can cause scratches can, absolutely, do anything else to get one's attention, but chose to do harm, an act they knew was harmful. Unless it is not an incubus.

Scratches are not a common or simple manifestation. It takes a great deal of energy to do that. They could have used a similar level of energy and wrote a message on a foggy window or something. They could have audibly spoken to this person. They could have done a lot of things and they apparently harmed this person instead.

An incubus is an entity of duality. One must accept that to work with them, but that doesn't mean rationalizing demented behavior is necessary. Sure it is true they may not behave in that way again, but most beings - in fact plenty of incubi in the exact same situation - would not have done it to begin with. I am talking about being realistic regarding what one is dealing with, essentially. Being realistic about what we are giving a pass to and why. Self-awareness.

With experience comes the avoidance of scenarios like this, but also the ability to command respect - which drives away those who would manipulate to get their way or means they would assuredly never see reason to do that to you. Part of establishing that level of respect comes with understanding the nature of an entity truly. It is a misunderstanding of incubi to believe they cause damage thoughtlessly, unwittingly, or that they are not capable of choosing a less harmful method to gain what they desire.

So Bacca doesn't really need to detail anything else because it would not change this fact. Getting a binding doesn't change this fact, it only provides a stable method of contact - it's a technical difference.

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Oof. I'm not experienced with incubi, but I have had horribly similar experiences with a very sexual psy vamp. I was truly, madly in love with him, and his energy and vibes suggested the feeling was very much mutual - he was my ride or die spirit, and I thought I could always count on him. However, from the beginning there were red flags, just as with your scratches - he didn't respect my wishes even when he was scaring me, he lovebombed me in such an over the top way it can only have been mocking sarcasm, and he told me a lot of lies about our past life histories.

Finally, I began to realise that a lot of the trouble in my keep was coming from him, so I gave away his vessel. However, about 4 days after he left my life 'for good'', I was overwhelmed with the EXACT emotions you describe - I couldn't stop crying, I felt DEVASTATED to my core, and worse still, I felt that he was devastated also, because I'd pushed him away when all he wanted was to be with me. I managed to get the vessel back. Immediately I was getting bombarded by signs and messages from my other spirits that this was a terrible move. I'd found genuine peace and happiness in his absence - all the miseries and negativity in my keep just lifted, and I didn't miss him at all. And when he returned, I found myself sinking into the same awful 3-year mire of 'Why am I even still alive? Life is hell, I don't want it', only now I recognised that these were NOT my thoughts - they were coming from him. All that time, he'd just used me like a dairy cow for emotional energy - sometimes the energy raising was pleasurable for me; sexual energy, loved up vibes, but increasingly he was inducing crushing despair. I have now parted with his vessel for good.

I guess the final thing to say is that this whole experience (& it's not the only one) has left me very distrustful of the notion that our spirits (particularly the darker ones) love us at all. It seems to be so easy for them to put out love energy and get our oxytocin flowing, and we fall SO hard in love with them, but when it's a species that feeds on you, in any way, I feel it must take a very rare and very special individual of that race to see a human - its food source - as something to be in love with. I've now had several spirits treat me wonderfully when they wanted sexual energy, then be absolutely vile to me (awful telepathic comments, causing physical pain, terrifying manipulation, SA even...) the rest of the time, until I began to wonder, am I just this dumb farm animal toy to them? I can't see or often hear spirits - they have such advantage over me, and the darker ones exploit that weakness.

I'm sorry for what you're going through. I know how this love can feel like the most real thing you've ever experienced, but spirits can be beyond-words talented at manipulating you through your emotions, esp. if you have a good heart, and the idea of hurting them through rejection is painful to you - they know they've got you over a barrel with that, and you'll take them back time & time again. I wish you the best, and I wish you strength and clarity; hopefully the incubus specialists or CH can tell you what's best to do...

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