Am I stupid to love my incubus ? Need help

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Hello, this is my first time writing a post and this is my first time writing here at all.

I need help to see more clearly in my relationship with my incubus, I don't know if you can help me but maybe give me some answers, it may be a bit long because my relationship with him has been going on for 5 years (since 2018) and a lot has happened.

First of all I invoked it via the method of the letter, I know today that it was not the best way to do it but I had very little information especially in my language, and it was like a call for me, which was stronger than anything, I had to do it.

So I wrote this letter of intent and very soon I felt tingles and knew it had worked. I started to feel his presence every day and his kisses, his caresses.

At night I felt him lie down next to me, at times I even felt his breath on my neck, the mattress sag, it was my first experience in this area and I admit I was not really reassured.
Although I felt his "loving" touches, I doubted his intentions and thought that they were possibly malicious because I was left with scratches on my body, and I felt drained of my energy too.

Despite this I felt genuine love for him, and on Valentine's Day I found a physical gift from him. I was very touched because it was something very symbolic.

But I ended up really freaking out as the scratches kept appearing on my body.
And so I decided to call on a medium.
The medium explained to me that he had to go back to his plan, that it was not good for me or for him if he stayed by my side and that the hold might become too strong.

So I reluctantly agreed, and he called on my guides.
My incubus banged against the walls of my house so hard that it woke up my daughter who was sleeping crying at the time, and the items even flew and fell on the floor.
He was very angry.
The medium told me it was over, we hung up.
And at that moment I didn't expect that at all, I felt for the first time when I was having such a hard time communicating with him, his emotions left through me, all the intense sadness and the heartbreak over our separation, I always hearing in my head "why did you snatch it from me" "I loved her so much" and I was feeling angry at my guides.
It's something I can't make up and I knew at the time that it didn't come from me but from him.
If you knew what I felt at that moment, it was such a wound as if a part of your soul was torn away from you, a piece of you.
I screamed, it was so terrible.
For 3 days in a row I just cried, and the only thing I thought about was dying to join him, it was really horrible.

What was also difficult was to feel his tingles on my body again, I felt like I had gone crazy, and lost my mind.
I recontacted the medium who told me that it was his energy imprints that had remained and that it would pass.

But in reality it continued, and I understood that he had returned.
His energy seemed lighter, I felt less possession, jealousy and control on his part.
He seemed a little less present although still there but more in the background.
A bit as if finally he left me my free will.

After that, I started reiki, and it helped to feel it, in a much softer way too, I met a lot of people who told me about twin flame, it confused my mind, and I even came to believe that it might be related to someone on Earth that I knew.
Today I have no doubt that it is an incubus.
Only he very often took on the appearance of this person on Earth when he came to visit me in OBE or lucid dreaming, and that confused my mind even more.
And he is able to make me feel the fire of the flame energetically at the level of the back.

During these OBE experiences I felt him holding me in his arms, like a spoon, he happened to come when I was sad, or even sick.
Once he even asked me if he could touch me, knowing one of my traumas, and that really moved me because it was the first time anyone cared about that.
I felt like I felt his emotions from a distance or even through me, I've already burst into tears once after bringing in a new spirit, and I knew it wasn't from me either.
It's as if I felt him who felt betrayed.

Then not long ago things changed again.
I met a practitioner online, who has abilities, who conjures and channels.
I had him on the phone he confirmed to me that I had an incubus on the phone, that it had nothing to do with my twin flame but that he was used to manipulate me and I replied that it did not didn't change anything if he was an incubus and that I just hoped to be able to have a healthy relationship with him.

The same evening OBE, he was next to me on my bed, giving me kisses and he took me for the first time in his kingdom.
The way we went, I even saw myself as an inner child because it was really fun.
He told me he believed in us and didn't care what other people thought. (If so, he is stronger than me at this level).

Right after that I managed to channel him much harder, the tremors in the body got amplified, especially when I talk to him.
On the other hand, he is very powerful energetically and sometimes it's overwhelming, I don't always feel comfortable with his energy...

I ended up meeting this practitioner in real life where we spent the day together, it went very well until he channeled my fellow incubus.
The practitioner told me that my incubus was there only to take my energy from me, that I was his toy and his energy food, that he lied saying he loved me and that everything he said to me was only for I believe him and that was what I wanted to hear.

I had a shock, I collapsed again saying that I did not understand, that the emotions that I had felt, were not mine and that he would not have done all this for nothing, and the practitioner replied that he was able to manipulate emotions and that everything with him was wrong.

Suffice to say, I was devastated and I don't know what to believe anymore because unfortunately it's not so easy to go from one conclusion to another, because in telepathy I also sometimes hear horrible things like "you are my puppet" finally here it is not so simple.

When I'm between dreaming and waking it makes communication clearer and I once heard a mean thing when talking to him and right after "oh *#@! if I catch that &$*#!".

I really try to take everything into account, and not take decisions lightly.
I already lost him once and it was terrible, but I don't want to be fooled.
I don't know if it's hairlines, I often get attacked at night.
It makes everything difficult.
The universe seems to enjoy putting obstacles between us anyway.
It looks like an impossible love.

The thing is that after that, I didn't stop crying, I felt his presence very strong and he had does me things that I don't like at all.
Like scratching me, and the next night he really slashed my body and it was terrible. He really didn't spare me.
Which of course made my doubts even more, I was so hurt and bam, I felt him cry right after through me.
I think of someone else for example through my dreams and he wakes me up by startling my body.

Up to the time I am writing to you, there have been constant demonstrations of white flashes.
Thank you for listening to me, and I'm sorry if it was too long, maybe I shouldn't have said lot full.

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Honestly, I think you should contact CH shop owners and tell them about it, and ask them if they can help get to the bottom of it. Others might chime in with something more precise. O.Op

In my humble opinion this all sounds like quite a chaotic, dramatic, and draining relationship overall. Me, personally, I prefer more stability, but to each their own. I don't think you're stupid. It's fine to love our spirits no matter what they are. When it comes to spirits, they're just like us. Some are good, nice, and some are players. It depends.

Generally I find that a good indication of being fed off of/drained is emotional instability, confusion.
Sometimes it can be on purpose, and sometimes on accident. You could also ask if he would like to be bound to you, and then you could ask CH to bind him - after that you could get the "Spirit Keeping Spell - Dark Arts House Rules"?

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I would have preferred to be able to modify my message, I did not find if it could be done on the site, it would have been a little clearer by restructuring it.

I thank you Tokala for your answer, it seems to me that he is linked to me, because he is the vessel, it is enough for me to think of him so that he makes me feel his presence more strongly.

On the other hand yes for the rules of the house I ordered them yesterday we will see what it gives.
I will try that and if it really does not work I will contact CH.

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E, my incubus, has said that he considers physical scratches to be overkill, regardless of who they're meant for.

If this incubus is trying to keep other spirits away from you, there are much better ways to do that, which would be just as effective, and which you might not even notice. And if he's trying to get your attention, whether out of insecurity or malice (though insecurity is usually more likely), it's obviously scaring you away, which is counterproductive, to say the least.

He sounds rather clingy, and almost desperately so, judging by your description. That can sometimes happen because ubi typically want more from a beloved, and have more to offer in return, than just a regular roll in the hay. And if you don't even know what any of that is, that might explain why he seems so desperate.

What E gave me, were three questions to ask an incubus that's coming on too strong. You should ask these on "neutral ground" for both of you, with protective spirits nearby and ready to act. Don't let him demand that you talk while you're canoodling, but by the same token, don't ask him these in front of your friendly neighborhood exorcist.

First question: What do you see in me, that you're so passionate about? If he's genuinely in love, he'll tell you something specific, that will not be sexual in nature. If he's evasive, or gives an answer that's just about sex, be cautious.

Second question: Other than sex, what do you want from me? Don't take "I don't know" or "nothing" for an answer.

Third question: What are you offering me, other than sex? Again, don't take "I don't know" or "nothing" for an answer.

At that point, you'll probably need some time to evaluate what you've just been told. Ask for as much time as you need. This is not "no contact" time: it's "slow your roll, so I can think this through without a high pressure sales pitch" time. If questions come up, ask them.

Honor your word, and talk to him again, on neutral ground with protectors nearby, when the time comes. If you still want him in your life, then gently but firmly lay down the law about what you will and won't allow from him. If he agrees, that's when you get him a good vessel, and hopefully move on to Happily Ever After.

First thing to do, though, is seriously talk it out with him. Don't post his answers to those questions here, unless he specifically says so, but other than that, do let us know how it goes, okay? /.\

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Thank you, by writing this post I was hoping to come across you Johnny, I read some of your messages where you were talking about ubi and each time they spoke to me so much. You seem to know them well, although everyone is different.
As for the sex, well... I don't know how to put it, but we can't say that this is what seems to be the most active in our relationship.
As for the scratches, he has calmed down for the moment and has not started again.
I just have to wait for an OBE then... To have clearer answers. Hoping it works.
And how do you know if he won't lie?
For the ship is it really necessary? You don't think he's link to me and he's the vessel ?
Thank you again

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I am sorry to put in my two cents, but I do not think it is my place to say. However, I must agree that the scratches are a bit too much. It does not sound like "loving" at all, especially because it was against your will and made you feel freaked out.

I think it sounds like an emotionally draining and manipulative relationship.
You are not a fool or stupid for loving another being, regardless of whether they are human or non-human. However, since this has been going on for 5 years, at this point if someone is in an emotionally abusive relationship, they put up excuses for their partner. But it's good that you realized his patterns enough to start questioning.
Good spirits come to you whenever they can, but they don't choose a very specific time, especially when your mind and spirit are weak to come to save the day. This is one of the red flags.

I don't think he's linked to you at all. He's just another unbound. Once you establish a connection, they can come whenever you think or feel them.

I recommend that you get a few protective spirits, especially a Courtwind Angel. The Courtwind will check your Incubus for harmful intentions and put up wards to protect you from being attacked at night. And perhaps grab a few unbound spells from CH. If he is what he says he is—loving and good to you—he will not be barred from entry.

I can understand your struggle. You want to be helped, but you don't want him to leave because that may be the case. You may have to choose your happiness in this one and perhaps not his.

If you still don't get clear answers after your OBE, then perhaps contact CH and get to the bottom of this. Both professionals, the medium and the practitioner, have already given their solid advice; you may have to heed their words and break out of this cycle in order to heal. I may say more than what I'm allowed to, but it boils down to my concern for your safety. Hope all is well. Let us know how it goes.

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Bacca wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:41 pm he's the vessel ?
He can't be the vessel, a vessel is something physical or in the case of bind to spirit at least directly connected to a physical vessel.

At best he's attached to you or something in your vicinity. Which doesn't really come close to a binding.

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@Tarvos Perhaps. But there is another possible explanation that's not nearly as nefarious.

Let's designate this unknown incubus as X for the time being, because we don't have anything else.

What E has told me, more than once, is that incubi are spirits of passion, not just sex. And if there's something that a person is really passionate about, that's what they pick up on. And if the two energies are a really good match, that can sometimes be infatuation at first sight.

So, hypothetically, imagine you're X, you've just found a human whom you absolutely adore, and things seem to be going well. You're being easily sensed, and you're being loved in return, and for incubi, that's actually rare. So rare, that you don't even know how to handle it.

Still, you're madly in love with this human, and there's SO much more you want to tell her about what you see in her, and what more you want for the two of you...but you aren't even being asked about it. Does this human REALLY know there's more to you, than just the bedroom boogie-woogie? How can you get her attention, and ultimately get her to ask you those questions?

Physical reminders are a really big gamble: they'll get you noticed for sure, but your beloved might totally freak out. You know this, but you don't see any other way. You gamble...and you lose.

So now, to top it all off, outsiders are getting involved, who can't possibly see what you see in your beloved. You haven't even been heard out, but now there's heavy duty protection standing in your way. And now you're terrified that, after getting to be so close to someone you really love, for maybe the first time in a very long time, you're on the verge of losing them forever, and you know it's all your own fault.

Why couldn't she just hear you out, even once? ;(

Now, that is not the only possible explanation, and it's certainly not a reading (I don't even know who X is in this case, nota bene.)

But that is a common enough scenario, and if that's what's happening here, then respectfully being heard, could smooth over a lot of bad feelings on both sides.

Dark Arts does not mean evil. But being head over heels infatuated, and totally insecure about yourself at the same time, can be a volatile mix. And that is a workable explanation for X's actions, as described.

We won't know, until the two officially talk it out. And if X refuses to take it easy after being heard, then that would be a better sign of malevolent intent.

For now, let's assume X desperately wants to be heard.

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Johnny Seraph wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:33 am @Tarvos Perhaps. But there is another possible explanation that's not nearly as nefarious.

Let's designate this unknown incubus as X for the time being, because we don't have anything else.

What E has told me, more than once, is that incubi are spirits of passion, not just sex. And if there's something that a person is really passionate about, that's what they pick up on. And if the two energies are a really good match, that can sometimes be infatuation at first sight.

So, hypothetically, imagine you're X, you've just found a human whom you absolutely adore, and things seem to be going well. You're being easily sensed, and you're being loved in return, and for incubi, that's actually rare. So rare, that you don't even know how to handle it.

Still, you're madly in love with this human, and there's SO much more you want to tell her about what you see in her, and what more you want for the two of you...but you aren't even being asked about it. Does this human REALLY know there's more to you, than just the bedroom boogie-woogie? How can you get her attention, and ultimately get her to ask you those questions?

Physical reminders are a really big gamble: they'll get you noticed for sure, but your beloved might totally freak out. You know this, but you don't see any other way. You gamble...and you lose.

So now, to top it all off, outsiders are getting involved, who can't possibly see what you see in your beloved. You haven't even been heard out, but now there's heavy duty protection standing in your way. And now you're terrified that, after getting to be so close to someone you really love, for maybe the first time in a very long time, you're on the verge of losing them forever, and you know it's all your own fault.

Why couldn't she just hear you out, even once? ;(

Now, that is not the only possible explanation, and it's certainly not a reading (I don't even know who X is in this case, nota bene.)

But that is a common enough scenario, and if that's what's happening here, then respectfully being heard, could smooth over a lot of bad feelings on both sides.

Dark Arts does not mean evil. But being head over heels infatuated, and totally insecure about yourself at the same time, can be a volatile mix. And that is a workable explanation for X's actions, as described.

We won't know, until the two officially talk it out. And if X refuses to take it easy after being heard, then that would be a better sign of malevolent intent.

For now, let's assume X desperately wants to be heard.
Please know that both you and I are "assuming" about the situation based on the information given by OP. Neither one of us is right or wrong until proven otherwise. While I appreciate your lengthy explanation, it isn't necessary because it wasn't my intention to make you feel attacked or uncomfortable.

After OP has gotten clear answers from their OBE experience (ironically, I followed your advice for OP in my post), if the answers aren't clear, they should consult CH.

I know that what I said might have upset you. Please understand that I consulted with my Keep before posting it, though.
(And yes, we already know this would happen, I still choose to write for OP out of my concern for them)
So let's keep the discussion about OP and their situation; this isn't about you and me. Let's not make assumptions about X with E's emotions.

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@Tarvos, @Johnny thanks for your answers.

As for the scratches, this happened before the intervention of the medium (5 years ago, where I knew absolutely nothing about the conservation of spirits).
After the psychic removed him, he came back and interacted with me in a less direct and commanding way (although I still felt his presence and sometimes showed up in OBE).
He manifested his presence again more strongly after a relationship I had ended on the physical plane but especially since that OBE where he took me into his kingdom.
He started scratching me again since I went to see this practitioner a few days ago and I started to doubt his intentions.
(Not during 5 years).

What I am certain of and can say is that my feelings affect him in one way or another.
I know this because when I'm in the middle of a dream or about to fall asleep, when I think of him and tell him the love I have for him, it triggers me to take deep breaths, makes me jump, where I have jolts that snap me out of my sleep and bring me straight back to wakefulness.
It's very spontaneously and directly.

I especially wanted to know if anyone had already experienced this behavior with one of his entities, particularly incubus and if scratches were common or not.
What you answered me and I thank you for it, in any case I do not tolerate that and I hope that there will be explanations.

I know my temperament and I know that I am ready to fight with all my strength for what is close to my heart, it is still necessary now that sincerity is present in each party.

I can't speak of his feelings for me for him, that's why I'm also waiting for this conversation from him.

That's why I take so much time to detail my experiences and my feelings because in reality nothing is black or white, otherwise I would have already decided a long time ago.

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