Likes2Read wrote:If the thread’s tl;dr for you, the problems include, but are not limited to:
- The reader might not be as competent as they claim to be, and/or as they think they are
- Bindings have a lot of protection/shielding on them, specifically to prevent this kind of prying and tampering
- Our spirits might feel zero need to show themselves to this total stranger
- Some people enjoy causing drama, and will lie about the reading results just to watch the person have a meltdown
- Some people will also lie so they can charge more fees to the client (“Your binding is weak, but I can fix it”, “Your so-called WA is really a demon, but I can banish it”, “Your spirits are all unhappy and want to be re-homed”, etc.)
- Some people try to build themselves up by running down everyone else's reputation. They’ll be happy to tear down their competition by painting them all as incompetent or dishonest.
So if you have questions about your spirit, ask the original conjurer.
Very well put. Thank you for this post! 2hp
I wanted to clarify that while I do offer a spirit interview service, I NEVER look at bindings themselves or read bound vessels. I will read thing like stones with unbound spirits, stuff like that, but I never, ever invade someone else's work.