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Okay, so I read through this entire treath, but still had a question. It seems to me that the problem about reading other people vessels, is more about the seller right? Well, what if you don't know the seller?

What if you got something, ( you didn't buy it, but got it like a present) from your elder sister, many years ago. And well... she told me she gave it to me, because I had a harsh time and whenever I was unhappy or sad I could take this stone with me. Now past forward, I got it when I was at the begin of my puberty or so, so this stone is already like 8 years mine. I only started Spirit keeping a couple of months ago. But now, whenever I say goodnight to my spirits... I always seem to think that I have forgotten one. And I don't... but, I'm thinking could it be this stone my sister gave me? Like that's the problem... I don't think my sister is in spirit keeping. The stone seems more like something she bought in Lourdes. But I'm not sure, cause I didn't ask her at that time.
And now, my problem isn't so much as ... is this a spirited vessel and so yes, what is it. My problem is what is this stone? Is it a lucky charm, is it some kind of portal like whenever you go to Church, you are in Gods home? Is it a spirited vessel? Is it my imagination running wild? I don't really need a reading or something, I just would like to know what the stone is.

So would you ( the CH crew) mind if I would put a picture of it on the forum, and ask people if they think it's a spirited vessel or just a lucky charm, or something else? Or could you maybe be so kind to give me a link to a place somewhere where I could find out the difference between a charm, a spirited vessel, or a portal?
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Fireshadow wrote:The stone seems more like something she bought in Lourdes. But I'm not sure, cause I didn't ask her at that time.
Mmm, can't you ask your sister now? Ask what stone it is, where she bought it, what the purpose or benefit of the stone is, and so on?
"Often the truth is in front of your face, but your eyes and heart are so full of lies that you can't see it." Shannon L. Alder

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Not really? First of all, she is my ten year older stephsister who doesn't live at home anymore. She doesn't even life in the same city... and currently I'm guessing she is on a trip to France for a couple of months or so. It seems a bit strange to ask her about it via FB or textmessage, no?
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Fireshadow wrote:Okay, so I read through this entire treath, but still had a question. It seems to me that the problem about reading other people vessels, is more about the seller right? Well, what if you don't know the seller?

What if you got something, ( you didn't buy it, but got it like a present) from your elder sister, many years ago. And well... she told me she gave it to me, because I had a harsh time and whenever I was unhappy or sad I could take this stone with me. Now past forward, I got it when I was at the begin of my puberty or so, so this stone is already like 8 years mine. I only started Spirit keeping a couple of months ago. But now, whenever I say goodnight to my spirits... I always seem to think that I have forgotten one. And I don't... but, I'm thinking could it be this stone my sister gave me? Like that's the problem... I don't think my sister is in spirit keeping. The stone seems more like something she bought in Lourdes. But I'm not sure, cause I didn't ask her at that time.
And now, my problem isn't so much as ... is this a spirited vessel and so yes, what is it. My problem is what is this stone? Is it a lucky charm, is it some kind of portal like whenever you go to Church, you are in Gods home? Is it a spirited vessel? Is it my imagination running wild? I don't really need a reading or something, I just would like to know what the stone is.

So would you ( the CH crew) mind if I would put a picture of it on the forum, and ask people if they think it's a spirited vessel or just a lucky charm, or something else? Or could you maybe be so kind to give me a link to a place somewhere where I could find out the difference between a charm, a spirited vessel, or a portal?
No, it's not about the seller, it's about peoples perceptions and maybe there is a dead spell on the vessel so only the keeper can 'see' what binding is attached. And if you've bought a spirit but no one can see anything because there's a dead spell or because the spirit doesn't want to be seen by anyone other than it's keeper (and yes that can happen, it used to be quite common) or maybe you really have been conned and bought an empty vessel... well, you'd get the same 'reading' in all three scenarios. Or maybe someone wants to see something so badly they see a spirit that isn't the same kind you think you have and that has led to people returning spirits or panicking because they think they have the wrong spirit. That's why you can't post pictures of your vessels.

And, no. You can't post a picture of your lucky stone that your step sister gave you and ask people whether they see anything there. Because everyone's perceptions are different and we might all see something different, or nothing at all.

And just for information, we are all surrounded by many spirits other than the ones we have bought from CH or others. We have our guides, guardian angels, spirits of our ancestors and many others around us all the time so if you are feeling that there are more than just the ones you have bought, then there are probably are and it has nothing to do with your lucky stone.
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There's nothing unusual about asking your stepsister honest questions by email, text, etc. Send her a pic of the stone and ask her about it. Remind her of what she said to you about it, since in 8 years her memory of the event of gifting it might benefit from refreshing. If you trusted her enough to accept the gift, why not trust her to answer your questions?
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The Men & WOmen who work with radioactive materials, or auto repair, or how to clean a walk-in food freezer...don't call up people or publish public questions on "how to do...", "what is it?"... etc, etc etc...

The Occult-Metaphysical World/Area/realm, way, whatever is for educated grown be in the Occult realm....YOU, yourself has to know and make your own decision, and do this with teachers, big fat books with a billion times words than an iphone, and live and learn from your mistakes.....

Mags issue here is absolutely correct and necessary....

Those who want to skirt around, sitting down and learning, and hitting on others all the time for their their hard word and duration thru lazy, if people want to be entirely lazy they should go out and buy a coach bed...

That sounds nasty, but it isn't...When people wish to move into complex realms, they must learn complex things....and ultimately, it will bring joy.....In our current world these days, there is immense presure in trying to find out adult, complex things, by pusing a button, or asking someone else....That will never work too well.

The knowledge posted here and at other places is not posted for you to KNOW ALL, it is posted so you have the tools TO LEARN using yourself to do it.....If you don't believe me read Aleister Crowley or talk to a Tibetan Lama, and the same thing will be said.

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Caiyros Arlen media wrote: The knowledge posted here and at other places is not posted for you to KNOW ALL, it is posted so you have the tools TO LEARN using yourself to do it.....If you don't believe me read Aleister Crowley or talk to a Tibetan Lama, and the same thing will be said.

Well, I guess I'm in for a long way of learning, reading, impatience, and a lot of headaches then. ;)
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creepyhollows wrote:They are circumventions of a board policy we have in "is this spirit real?" services that are bought & paid for by collectors for others to "read" their vessels. And spirit reading services are something we don't promote or advocate at all.

These kinds of threads are the kinds of threads that come off as authenticating another seller's work. Which is not okay. We've already stated time and time again that practitioners do not reveal their methods and there could be cloaking spells on the bindings like we do. In that case the people reading for you (whether its forum members or a paid service) could be reading an unbound spirit or another spirit, and you are just going to have a confusing, messed up situation! Relationships between spirits & their Keepers have been destroyed with these kinds of situations because you are putting a LOT of trust that they are reading the right thing.

These types of threads are, in future, are not welcome here. If you want to discuss them on other forums, that's up to you guys, but frankly, as an owner of the board I don't want the liability of the sellers of these vessels & bindings seeing these threads and thinking that CH is trying to be judge & jury of other seller's works. We don't need that kind of trouble. I can only imagine how angry they can get reading that members are evaluating their work.

If you don't know what kind of spirit is in your vessel:

1. Contact the ORIGINAL seller and ask them for the details, this is the best & most accurate solution
2. If you were given the information but you doubt what they say, then you should spend some time bonding & doing what you need to do to get into contact with the spirit
3. Absolutely nothing is going to replace you developing your own skills in interacting with spirits, NOTHING. If you plan to be a Keeper who lets other people read your vessels & tell you what is going on with your journey then you can expect to get a lot of different, conflicting answers, and end up being frustrated by the results from all the different spirit readers. I've personally seen this play out to epic proportions in 2009, which caused multiple people to leave Spirit Keeping because of it. I wouldn't let anyone rob me of something I want, and I hate to see you guys being robbed of being a Spirit Keeper because you let your responsibilities fall to someone else/others.
Hey Magnolia, thanks for the great explanation and

I have one question regarding a vessel, is it possible for a vessel to be bound to more than 1 spirit? my conjurer is a local from Indonesia South East Asia, and he said, he gave me 3 spirits (which are in my signature XD) and bound it to a white glassy stone (idk what kind of stone it is, sorry).

Cheers Magnolia 1ey
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thank you Ash for your answers, so now I know someone gonna play a cheap tricks on me, he said it's impossible to share a vessel between spirits. Still can't believe it, the one who said it is someone senior in my local forums hahaha. Thank you again! :)
I am blessed with greatness but, I am just passing through this world.

5 spirits :

1 Courtwind Angel, really loving and caring <3
1 male Faery Dragon
1 Sylph
1 Princess (for me) Human spirit
1 Natural & beautiful spiritual guide with cold breeze aura :D (I sent her to protect and help my mom 1h )
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