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scots_nomad wrote:I really could sum up my thoughts on what they say in two words (and the first word is 'Bull'!). Maybe it's an interesting read if you like Star Trek and stuff but I for one am not really interested in finding out.
LOL! well I wouldn't write it off so quickly..I mean, no offense but do you think maybe these beings that you interact with (do you still interact with them regularly?) have any influence on your thinking along these lines? I don't mean like a negative possession or anything like that...but have you gone to read other materials on extraterrestrial or multi-dimensional beings since the time that these beings came into your life? If you have I am curious to know what you have read or if there is anything you might recommend? I would be crawling the walls for research on my own after leading such a life based only in hard logic and science previous to these wild experiences you had (the tests and your near death experience in the garden for example) with these beings.

Sorry it took me a minute to get back to this!! And thank you for your responses! going to read the other one now.. :peace:


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i believe nomad that you should have written in that texting thread about your experiences...don't judge with "i just won't bother" bc ya never know who might be interested in reading it. it's hilarious that you could text these beings, your friends!

but you said you didn't have time to look at my link (but you wanted to) yet you wrote almost a whole page of computer text in a reply to me with a lot of stuff from your own books. and i think they are good. i am reading i think the fourth one right now and need to get back to it again. but i think you would benefit from reading about other people's experiences as well as sharing your own. just two cents. i know i probably come off like a douchecanoe so for the execution of my communication i apologize. i do hope you understand the intent though.

you said your friends work in mysterious ways and try to come through to us in the means that we each can best interpret/be aware of? but other beings can do the same thing..i mean, they weren't saying that they were the ones in all cases trying to contact everyone right? i think i misread that as them saying that they were the ones responsible for all forms of otherworldy/dimensional experiences we humans might encounter. is this a fair assessment or am i totally off here? :D alright that's it for now. thanks again for your replies. :peace:


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Hi Again Amnesia,

I’ve been trying to think of the best way of responding to the specific queries in your last couple of posts. To be honest I feel the best answers I could give to all of those questions is my books, as I really prefer people to read the whole story of my experiences and conversations and make up their own minds for themselves on what it ALL means and how it fits in with what they already believe rather than me trying to sum little bits of the story in a nutshell in order to give short answers to fairly complicated issues, but as long as you bear that in mind I’ll try to give you as straight answers as I can to your specific questions.

I guess the easiest question to reply to first is whether I have researched other people’s stories about extra-terrestrials or other dimensional beings. To be honest I don’t do any specific research at all – the subject does interest me and always did I guess so if things come my way I will read or watch them but I don’t go out of my way to track down stories of other people’s experiences. I guess from your comments that you will find that strange however as far as I am concerned I already got the best explanation of ‘everything’ straight from the horse’s mouth and it makes perfect sense to me so I really feel no need to go searching for further or better explanations. Neither do I feel any need to try and track down any ‘kindred spirits’ who may have experienced similar things to me – I know there are others out there who may recognise similarities between my story and things that have happened to them but I don’t feel any urge or need to track them down to set up a support group or whatever :D If they read my stories and it somehow helps them to put pieces of their own jigsaws together then I am glad but I am happy enough with how my own jigsaw is looking just now and don’t feel I need anyone else to help me finish it.

Having said that, I would also stress that I am not saying that there is no-one out there who’s stories wouldn’t supplement and add to ‘my jigsaw’ – in fact my friends explicitly told me that there is. I’ve already written a post about that bit of the conversation but it seems so long ago I will copy and paste an extract from that post which I think would help a couple of your recent queries:

…At one point in the conversation I asked them if anyone else knew what they were telling me and they replied,

“No one else knows what you know.”
“But does anyone know more than me?”
“Didn’t we just answer that?”
”No, not at all! All you said was that no one else knows what I know, but that doesn’t mean that some people don’t know more than me, or that they don’t know as much as me but not just the same stuff, and it doesn’t actually mean that anyone else knows any of it. In fact, now I think about it it means practically nothing other than the fact that no one else knows exactly the same amount of everything as me, and I knew that already…Or at least I was already pretty sure that was the case.”

(Big round of applause)

“Well spotted Wee Man, you’re not as stupid as some people look you know! The fact is that this isn’t really a matter of ‘who knows the most’ to us, and we don’t want it to be that way to you either, but do you remember what we said about you having completed the perimeter of the jigsaw puzzle? Well we can tell you that you are the only one to have managed to do that so far. Now how big a bit of the puzzle that represents doesn’t really matter coz it’s not the size of it that matters, it’s the significance of it. You see, now that you know what the outside of the overall picture is like you will be able to tell right away what can fit inside it and what can’t. That will make it much easier to complete the rest of the puzzle now, especially since completing the perimeter was the thing that allowed us to talk openly to you.”

They went on to explain that there were ‘lots of people out there’ who already have bits of the puzzle as well, some of them are working their way around the perimeter like you did, and some of them are just putting together some pieces from the middle of the picture, and some of them are putting pieces together that don’t belong together and they are just getting themselves totally confused. There are also some people that have only found one piece of the puzzle, and out of them, some have already realised that what they have found is a piece of a jigsaw puzzle so they are now running around trying to find other pieces to put together with the piece they’ve already found, while others know that they have found something but they haven’t even worked out yet that what they have found is a piece of a jigsaw puzzle and they are basically running around out there saying ‘does anybody have any idea what this thing I’ve found might be?’, and there are even a few people who have found one piece of the puzzle and they actually believe that what they have found is already the whole picture. The beauty, or the significance, or the importance of you having completed the whole of the perimeter means that you will now be able to recognise right away whether what other people have already come up with is a real bit of the puzzle or whether it is just nonsense that can be thrown away, and you will be able to help all of those people with real puzzle pieces to find out where their part of the puzzle fits in to the overall picture, and you may even come across people who have already completed part of the puzzle that you haven’t gotten around to yet so some of them will be able to help you too…

Just to sum up what I am saying here, I know that there may well be people out there that could supplement my current knowledge but to be frank I see that there is so much ‘other noise’ out there (be it completely made up bullsh*t or just confusion or whatever) that trying to find those people would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack as far as I am concerned so I don’t even try searching. If it is stuff I need to know or that I ‘should’ know I am confident that my friends will make sure they will come to my attention one way or the other.

To date there have certainly been a few people’s stories that I came across that I could see immediately had my friend’s ‘fingerprints’ all over them – I am a bit reluctant to start listing people here in case it seems that I am recommending them however just to try and explain my point I will mention a couple who seem to have had some kind of contact with my friends albeit it that they seem to have got quite a few wires crossed somewhere along the way which has led them pretty far off course:

There is a guy called Benjamin Crème whose story I stumbled across ‘by chance’ some time ago. Originally from Glasgow like myself I believe he is now based in Holland where he runs an organisation and publication called Share International. From what I have read of him and his own story and beliefs I can see that he has a lot of jigsaw puzzle pieces in the right place but to be honest with you I’d have to say that he has tried to fill in the rest of the ‘big picture’ with some pretty ‘imaginative’ stuff…I also feel that somewhere along the way he painted himself into a bit of a corner by making some specific predictions which didn’t come to pass (if you read his story you will understand what I mean) and these days seems to be becoming more and more imaginative in order to try and find a way out of that corner…Having said that however, I do believe there is a basic truth in his story (if you dig far enough).

I also have similar feelings about David Icke (not sure if that is how to spell his surname) – many people in UK think he is a complete nutcase or that he suffered a severe mental breakdown some time ago when he used to be a sports presenter on BBC TV in UK. I must admit that I was among those who believed he had suffered a mental breakdown for a long time however I have since read a little about him and seen interviews given on TV and now I would say that I now believe that he did have some genuine experiences and contact with my friends however just like Benjamin Crème I think he has filled in the blank bits of the jigsaw with some pretty extreme and bizarre theories.

Without wishing to seem arrogant here I would say that both of those people would learn more from my story than I would learn from theirs but I am not going out of my way to ‘point out the errors’ of their thinking…If they are happy with how their jigsaw looks to them as it is then I’m not gonna tell them they are wrong.

One final name I would mention here is a Brazilian guy called Chico Xavier – Again I came across him and his stories by ‘chance’ when a Brazilian girl who had read about my story got in touch to ask if I knew anything about Kardecists and/or Chico Xavier. I hadn’t heard of either of them until that point but she referred me to some stuff to read and I must admit I see a great deal of similarities between my experiences and those of Chico Xavier and Allan Kardec (the founder of Kardecism). There are however some significant differences between my understanding and theirs however that is only to be expected – My friends don’t simply repeat themselves for the hell of it, but rather they supplement and complement what has already been explained in order to clarify and/or add to our knowledge – Throughout our existence humans have been given the best explanation of ‘everything’ that they were capable of understanding at that stage of our development and there are certainly parts of the explanation that I received that would have been almost impossible to have explained to anyone 100 years ago (which was roughly when Kardecism started). I will get into some of that in my next post in which I intend to answer some of your other queries however I would end this post by saying that of all the people whose stories have caught my attention Chico Xavier is the one I would have most liked to have compared notes with – maybe I could have added to his understanding and I’m pretty sure he could have added to mine, but either way I think it would have been really interesting to chat with him however unfortunately he died about 15 years ago.

Anyway, I think that is enough for now so I will sign off…Oh wait! There was one other thing I wanted to say with regard to the website you referred me too a couple of posts ago –

I guess the best way to put it is to refer once again to part of my previous post which I copied and pasted above, i.e. ‘The beauty, or the significance, or the importance of you having completed the whole of the perimeter means that you will now be able to recognise right away whether what other people have already come up with is a real bit of the puzzle or whether it is just nonsense that can be thrown away,’

I’m afraid to say that just reading the introductory paragraph of that website was enough to convince me that they fell very much in the latter category…Sorry, but maybe my next post will help you understand why I feel that way.

OK, that really is this post finished now :wave:
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Hi Again Amnesia (and all)

When I wrote my last post in response to your query about whether I have been researching other people’s paranormal experience I originally intended next to respond to your query:

‘You said your friends work in mysterious ways and try to come through to us in the means that we each can best interpret/be aware of. but other beings can do the same thing..i mean, they weren't saying that they were the ones in all cases trying to contact everyone right? i think i misread that as them saying that they were the ones responsible for all forms of otherworldy/dimensional experiences we humans might encounter. Is this a fair assessment or am i totally off here?’

However I think I’ll leave that until later or until tomorrow as I wanted to say a bit more in connection with some of my comments from my previous post about other people who seem to have had at least some degree of fairly intense contact with my friends, i.e. Benjamin Crème, David Iycke and Chico Xavier, whose stories and ‘understanding’ of how things are bore some strong resemblances to mine albeit that they also have some pretty significant (or even substantial) differences too.

Firstly with regard to Chico Xavier, I haven’t read a great deal about him – apparently he became quite a prolific writer after his experiences dedicating the rest of his life to writing books about what he had been told (the proceeds of which he donated entirely to charity). I haven’t read any of his books and have probably only heard ‘the tip of the iceberg’ of his life story but from what I have read there is a great deal of similarity between how things were explained to him and the explanations I received from my friends. There are however a number of differences between some of the stuff I have read and my understanding of things however I can think of a number of reasons why that could be the case:

Firstly, most of the sources of the stuff I have read about him are Kardecist websites – I am not entirely clear whether he considered himself a Kardecist but Kardecists certainly consider him as one and it is possible that they interpret what he says in relation to their pre-existing understanding of ‘stuff’ which (as far as I understand it) originates from the experiences and writings of Allan Kardec sometime around the turn of the last century. That in itself isn’t a huge issue with me as I can also see a great many parallels between my experiences/understanding and those of Allan Kardec/Kardecists however there are some key differences which they seem ‘fixed’ on which are not part of my understanding – for example (and again this is based on my limited knowledge of their beliefs) they believe that as individuals learn and ‘mature’ they will be reincarnated to new lives on other more developed and advances planets in order to continue our development…I tend to think of those parts of their beliefs in terms of either future or alternative dimension Earths, and can relate to what they believe in those terms, however I guess many would see a clash in our understandings in such matters.

Secondly, and I suppose this may also be related to the above point in a way, I mentioned in my last post that throughout or existence humans have been given the best explanation of ‘life the universe and everything’ that they were capable of understanding at each stage of their development. It may only be 100 years or so since things were explained to Allan Kardec and even less time since Chico Xavier’s experiences started but we have ‘advanced’ a deal in that time – Would I have been able to imagine alternative dimensions so easily if I hadn’t seen sci-fi programs or movies or seen what the digital age can do and how ‘real’ virtual reality is and could potentially become? Perhaps 100 years ago it would be far easier to explain another dimension to someone in terms of other planets, after all it would seem just as ‘different and out of reach’ to them at that time.

Finally I believe Chico Xavier came from a very traditionally religious (almost certainly catholic) background whereas I have been completely unreligious all my life so possibly it was easier to explain things to him in terms of angels and such like.

Anyway, I really don’t want to focus too strongly on the differences as it was really the ‘sames’ that stood out to me when I read about him and I feel a great affinity and respect for Chico Xavier.

With regard to the other two people I mentioned yesterday, Benjamin Crème and David Iycke, I also see a lot of similarities in their experiences and mine however the differences seem a little more ‘extreme’, probably more so with David Iycke, but also to a lesser extent with Benjamin Crème. In my last post I said that this may be due to them only really receiving part of the story and then filling in the blanks with ‘guesses’ or ‘misunderstood asumptions’ however there is another explanation that I could also see as being able to explain such significant divergences and to explain that I need to relate another part of my chats with my friends:

During the first day of my chats with my friends after making the ‘breakthrough’ we spent many, many hours chatting in my garden (probably far more hours than you could fit in a normal day, but that was far from a normal day and I certainly wasn’t tracking the passing time by reference to a watch or clock). That first day was mind-blowing, interesting, funny, emotional and a whole lot of other things besides but eventually they told me I should go get some rest and we would chat more the next day.

The next day however started off as a real life nightmare for me! I have mentioned in earlier posts that I during our chats I got to learn what a real life ‘Groundhog day’ was like – that day was the second day of our chats – I won’t go into it in any great detail here as that one day will be the subject of my next book (just as soon as I get in the right frame of mind to start writing again) but it really was a terrifying experience as I truly believed that I was going to be stuck there forever (and thanks to my chats and experiences on the first day I had at least some idea of just how long ‘forever’ could be!). Anyway, when my Groundhog Day eventually came to an end - i.e. when my friends let time continue ‘normally’ again! - I was completely pissed off at them for putting me through it! It took some time before I got back to the point of being able to relax and chat with them again but we eventually did end up chatting away to each other. It was during those chats that my friends first told me that they could actually read every thought in my head – well actually I had begun to suspect something like that a few times during the first days chats when I noticed that they seemed to be moving the conversation to exactly address things I was thinking of a bit too often for it to be coincidence but it was on the second day that they did it once too often and I confronted the issue straight out with them – That was when they confirmed that they could read every thought in my mind. I asked them why they hadn’t told me about that the day before and they said something like,

‘We want to explain everything to you but our rules only let us be as honest with you as you are with us. We told you at the very start of the conversation that whilst it was fine to be evasive at times and even to try to deliberately mislead us by thinking laterally it was very important that you were completely honest with us. We needed to know whether you would do that therefore we couldn’t let you know that we would know immediately whenever you were not honest with us.’

There was something about the way they said that that made it sound like they were accusing me of not having been completely honest at some point(s) during the previous days chats and I took immediate exception to that because as far as I was concerned I had been totally honest with them (and at times even painfully so, admitting things that I would have preferred to keep to myself!)

‘I don’t know what you are accusing me of but I was as honest as I could possibly be so if you think I was lying about something just come out and say it!’
‘Relax! We know you were completely honest with us John and we are still amazed by that as we really never expected to be able to say that to anyone…In fact your complete honestly gave us a big problem today!’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well we know how terrifying this morning must have been for you, but it really was important for you to know that we could do that and to understand just how terrifying it is. Maybe you think we could just have told you we could to it or even just do it for a few minutes to give you a taste but do you really think we could ever have explained that to you in any other way than to put you through it?’
‘Mmmm I guess not…But to be honest I am still pretty pissed off about it…as you are obviously well aware!’
‘We know you are and we can understand why, and the problem is that all we can do now is say sorry. You see, if you had lied to us even a tiny bit yesterday then as soon as your Groundhog Day ended we would have shown you that we could read your thoughts, we would have reminded you about what we said yesterday about how important it was for you to be completely honest with you, we would then have pointed out any times that you had not been honest with us and then we could have said that those things were the reason that we had to put you through the Groundhog day experience….You may still have felt a little pissed off about it but basically you would have thought ‘OK, it’s a fair cop. I lied, I was caught out and now I served my punishment so we can move on and I know better than to lie anymore’…That’s what we expected to happen but you threw our plans into disarray by not lying to us even once because we knew we would still have to go ahead with the Groundhog day and we knew how unfair you would think it was to do that to you after you had been so honest with us’

I will leave that part of my story there – I will explain it all better and in more detail when I get around to writing my next book but I think that gives a big enough gist of it for this post because what I am saying is that if either David Iycke or Benjamin crème had any similar kind of open chat with my friends but they were not completely open and honest with them from the start then it would certainly explain to me why some of their experiences and understandings seem to match with mine whilst other bits seem to be way off the mark – My friends will only be as honest with a person as that person is with them, and I know I was completely honest from the start.

OK, I think this post is long enough (probably more than long enough) already so I’ll leave it there and get back to you on the query I mentioned right at the start some other time.
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You've definitely put a lot of time & energy into sharing. I think that many will find, at least some, if not more, interest in what you've shared, and in the ways they can relate to your circumstances.
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Thank you for answering my questions at length. I appreciate you offering some examples of those you feel some parallels with as far as experiences with your companions go! That offers some new perspective.




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Hi again Amnesia (And all)

I just remembered that I still owed you a response to a query you raised a couple of posts ago, i.e. :-

‘You said your friends work in mysterious ways and try to come through to us in the means that we each can best interpret/be aware of. but other beings can do the same thing. I mean, they weren't saying that they were the ones in all cases trying to contact everyone right? I think I misread that as them saying that they were the ones responsible for all forms of otherworldy/dimensional experiences we humans might encounter. Is this a fair assessment or am i totally off here?’
I think the best way for me to answer that is to highlight a few parts of my earlier posts which are effectively ‘jigsaw puzzle pieces’ that helped me make sense of the ‘big picture’.

I guess many people will have trouble getting their heads around some of this so maybe I should start by referring to one of my earlier posts where my friends had asked me if I was “Absolutely sure” about something and I replied:

“‘Look! If you are going to talk about what I am ‘absolutely’ sure of then I’d have to go back to Descartes’ ‘I think therefore I am’ stuff because if you get right down to basics that really is the ONLY thing that anyone can be absolutely sure of. I know I exist because I am thinking, but do I know that this world around me that I think I live in actually exists? Do I know that all the people I think I see and think I talk to actually exist? Do I know I am human and not just some brain floating around in fluid in some science lab’ bell jar? Do I know I have any physical form whatsoever? I really can’t say that I am ‘absolutely sure’ about any of them if you get right down to it Big Yin.”

I had understood what Descartes was saying long before any of the weird stuff started happening to me but up until that point it was nothing more than some interesting logic that could neither be proved or disproved – i.e. whether or not the world around us is real and solid or is completely constructed in our mind doesn’t really matter because what does matter is that it is real to us. Whether they are ‘real’ or only constructed in our mind solid things are solid, hard things are hard etc…I guess most of us have played or at least seen computer games – If Sonic The Hedgehog or Mario come up against a wall in the computer game you and I know that ‘the wall’ is really just some different coloured pixels on the screen that have been programmed to behave differently from the rest of the pixels on the screen however that doesn’t really matter to Sonic or Mario as he still can’t walk through it!

In the days leading up to ‘contact’ with my friends Descartes had been on my mind quite a bit as it was really the only logical explanation my brain could come up with to explain some of the stuff I had seen and experienced. I don’t want to go into detailed discussions about parts of the story in my books because it won’t mean much to anyone who hasn’t read them however I will have to make some references to parts of my books to explain what I mean here. From the moment I first noticed that a lot of weird stuff was happening around me my mind struggled to find an explanation for it all because I am ‘scientific and logical’ by nature and had always been a devout sceptic of all things religious or paranormal. At first I could simply put many of the early things down to ‘coincidence’ but the sheer amount of bizarre coincidences soon got to the stage where my logical brain had to accept that there was more going on than that. I guess many people reading my first book (‘Malevolent Midnight’) where I was dragged off my sofa by some ‘invisible hand/invisible force’ and then dragged and tossed about my house and garden would think it is a poltergeist story however ‘poltergeist’ meant nothing to me. I mean sure I had heard stories about poltergeist activity and at the time it was happening I did realise that what was happening to me seemed similar to some poltergeist stories I had heard but being able to put a name to it didn’t make it any easier for me to understand it nor could it possibly explain all the other stuff that had happened. Maybe the bit from my first book that most helped me reach a ‘logical’ explanation for it all was the bit when I was in my garden and out of frustration I lashed out and kicked a small plastic dustpan that was lying on my garden path with my bare foot – In the ‘real world’ the light plastic dustpan should have sailed through the air and hit the wall of my house however that night the dustpan didn’t move and stayed stuck to the garden path as if it had been welded down. Maybe people willing to accept ‘poltergeist’ as an explanation for that could argue that the poltergeist held the dustpan in place however if that had been the case then my kick would have at least bent the thin plastic dustpan over but instead what happened was the dustpan stayed completely rigid and my foot actually kicked a hole through it (then became stuck in the hole as a shard of broken plastic embedded itself in the sole of my foot!) – Even in a ‘real world’ where poltergeists existed that would still be impossible as it really required a change in the physical properties of the dustpan as plastic would never behave in that way! Even with all the other stuff going on around me and with all the other thoughts in my mind at that time I still saw that as ‘proof’ of the theory I had already developed – i.e. that this world really isn’t as real and solid and constant as science says it should be!

I said I had already developed that theory by that time – The fact is that it was events that happened to me earlier that day that had pretty much convinced me that that was the case. Again I am going to have to refer to part of the story from one of my books (‘the Unwinding Road’ which is actually the second book in the series but is basically a flashback to the events that happened during the day BEFORE the events covered in part one) to explain that – At one point that day things had gotten so weird in my house that I wanted to get out and go into the city centre. I had tried to call a taxi but none were available so I decided to start walking and try to get a cab along the way. As I walked into town I was confused and angry and feeling picked on. I walked alongside the main highway into town striding angrily and purposefully with my head down partly to make sure I didn’t trip or twist my ankle on the uneven ground but mostly to let me focus on all the thoughts that were swirling around in my head at the time. I strode on for at least ten minutes before raising my head to check on my progress however when I did look I found I was still at the top of the highway and had made almost no progress at all during those ten minutes! That confused me and angered me even more as well as giving me something else to try and get my head around. I thought about going back to my house but decided instead to press on – I put my head down again and strode on even more purposefully that I had before. Ten minutes later I again raised my head to check on my progress and found I was still in exactly the same spot!!! I KNEW it was impossible and yet I also KNEW it was happening because I was there – I guess that was when I had to completely revise EVERYTHING I thought I knew about this world around us.

The next bit of this ‘explanation’ refers to another part of my story that I discussed in an earlier post (The post refers to part of the story covered in my fourth book ‘Manifest Destiny’ where I had reached the point where I was chatting with ‘my friends’ in my garden after I had shouted out ‘Look! If you want to talk then let’s talk but for f**k sake stop messing around with my head like this!’ and a voice had replied ‘OK, let’s talk!’). At one point in that day’s chats they noted that when I shouted out for them to talk I wasn’t just guessing that they were there but I had actually worked out that they WERE there from a logical process of elimination and they asked me how I knew that. I said ‘Well it just got to the point where I felt like I was in that movie Tron or The Truman Show’ – they asked me to explain what I meant and I said I thought of Tron because wherever I went and no matter how many times I changed direction there were always things happening right in front of me and it reminded me of that bit on the motorbike things but it was also like The Truman Show because I felt like wherever I went there was always a spotlight on me and people watching and manipulating what went on around me’. Then they asked what movie it was most like and I said:

‘Well actually it was most like another movie altogether that I once saw on-board a flight from Hong Kong to New Zealand but it was never a big hit so you probably haven’t heard of it.’
‘We have heard of it’
‘How do you know you’ve heard of it if I haven’t even said what it is?’

We then got into a discussion about how they could possibly know and whether they could possibly know ‘Everything’ as they claimed but to cut a long story short they took me completely by surprise by saying:

‘So how could we know you were going to say ‘The 13th Floor’?’

I was taken aback because they were absolutely right!

(If you haven’t seen the 13th Floor it is about a group of computer game developers who invent a totally immersive virtual reality computer game where rather than playing on a screen the player wears a special suit and VR helmet and actually plays the game as one of the characters – From memory in one scenario you can go back and be a cowboy in the wild west and in another you could be a gangster in 1920s Chicago. During trials of the game before it is released one of the inventors is playing as a gangster in 1920s Chicago and gets into a feud with one of the ‘baddies’ while playing the game. He ends the trial run of the game however the baddie then turns up in real life and is still trying to kill him and the game other developers…That’s when they ultimately work out that the only was a digital creation could exist in their ‘real world’ would be if their ‘real world’ was actually digital too…In other words they realise that they are actually all just characters in someone else’s digital creation! (It’s not a great movie but I always thought the logic and the plot twist was quite clever and interesting.)

My friends pressed me to answer the question on how they could have known I was going to pick that movie,
‘I don’t know, maybe you can read my thoughts …Maybe you’ve got some kind of time machine so you could jump forward to see what I would say then just back to tell me before I said it (NB at that point in the conversation I was actually beginning to suspect that they just may be able to do either or both of those things despite the fact that I still struggled to accept that either could be possible!)…or maybe you said it because it is the movie that ‘hits the nail on the head’ and you knew I would have realised that the most logical explanation for everything that has happened in the last few days is that this really is a digital world just like in that movie’

After leaving me to think about it for a while they then asked:

“If that is the truth, can you handle it?"
"F**k knows!...It's an interesting logic, but what the f**k are the implications of it? …Can I handle being that 'insignificant'? …If we are all part of someone else's virtual reality game, does it really matter whether you are a pawn or a King?...”

I sat in silent thought for a few seconds before continuing,

“I suppose if that's all it is then that is all it is...It's the same 'ALL' that it was yesterday I suppose, so why shouldn’t I be able to handle it?...Does the fact that someone now knows what it is change it from what it was yesterday?"
"So do you think you could handle a truth like that?"
"I suppose I am gonna have to!...But who is gonna tell that lot?"

(I nodded in the general direction of ‘the rest of the world’)
"Do you think they could handle it?"

"I dunno about that...Maybe some of them...Maybe if it was explained right....Maybe not....People down here down seem to handle 'truth' too well…I guess they don’t get to see too much of it these days."…

The final ‘jigsaw puzzle piece’ I want to refer to was probably the most blatant proof that this world isn’t as solid as we are led to believe and it comes from another part of the story which I told at length in an earlier post. It happened a few days into our chats while I was in the process of packing up my house in Vietnam and chatting with my friends at the same time. The day before while I had been doing the same thing my friends took the opportunity to demonstrate some of the tricks they could do – the demonstration was pretty amazing at first but I was left pissed off when it ended up with one of my bottles of wine smashing on the floor and covering one of my walls in red wine so when I picked up another bottle of wine the following day I was determined to be more careful with it:-

‘I’m keeping a tight grip on this one this time!’

My friends said,

‘Are you sure you’ve got a good tight grip on it?’

I knew I did have but suspecting that my friends were going to do something stupid like knocking it out of my hand I tightened my grip even more.

‘Sure I’m sure. I’m not making that mistake again!’
‘Are you absolutely sure?’
‘You better not knock this out of my hand or I will be really pissed off!’
‘We’re not going to knock it out of your hand but just look at it to make sure you’ve got a real tight grip’
I knew they were up to something but I had no idea what so I looked at the bottle and tightened my grip even more. Right before my eyes I saw my fingers, which had been gripped tightly around the glass bottle, just slide right through/into the bottle. It was as though the bottle became a mirage leaving my hand clutching at thin air! The bottle was still where it had been but my hand had disappeared into it, and then – just like the kind of delayed action you get in the Roadrunner cartoons where the Coyote runs off the edge of a cliff and has time to look at the camera and hold up a sign saying ‘Yipes!’ before falling – I watched the bottle start to fall quite literally through my fingers before crashing to the floor and smashing once again!!!! At least none of it seemed to have hit the wall this time but once again the whole floor was covered in broken glass and spilled red wine...

In many of my earlier posts I have said that I prefer to just tell the story of what happened to me and leave others to decide who or what ‘my friends’ are but I felt that the only way to give you a straight answer to your query was to put those bits of the jigsaw together. Basically what I am saying is that we are all part of someone else’s game and the best metaphor for it is to think of it like a massive and advanced version of ‘Second Life’ or something like that. (Whether you choose to think of it as ‘digital’ or as some kind of long running mass hallucination doesn’t really matter)

You (Amnesia) asked me if I was saying that my friends ‘…were the ones in all cases trying to contact everyone’ and whether they were ‘…the ones responsible for all forms of otherworldy/dimensional experiences we humans might encounter’. I guess I am saying that in effect but what I am really saying is that my friends are the creator/creators of this game.

I will end this post by re-stressing that this life isn’t JUST a digital creation but is ‘a game’. This is only the first level of the game but there are others and we will get to see them soon enough so long as you make the cut. Making the cut is pretty simple – the people who ‘taking all things into account’ do more good than harm during their time on this level of the game will make it to the next level.

Whether you go to a church, a synagogue, a temple, a mosque or whether you have other beliefs or no beliefs whatsoever doesn’t matter at all because the only real rule is ‘don’t be an asshole’…Or as someone else put it before ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ – How much simpler could the rules possibly be?
'A mind once stretched will never regain its original dimensions' (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
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scots_nomad wrote:Even with all the other stuff going on around me and with all the other thoughts in my mind at that time I still saw that as ‘proof’ of the theory I had already developed – i.e. that this world really isn’t as real and solid and constant as science says it should be!
yes i see what you mean, bc i remember reading that part of your book and thinking OMFG he totally should have died out in that garden. and unbelievable as it may seem it WAS believable that it happened to you in that way but once again so many things out there defied all of the laws science has defined for us.
scots_nomad wrote:You (Amnesia) asked me if I was saying that my friends ‘…were the ones in all cases trying to contact everyone’ and whether they were ‘…the ones responsible for all forms of otherworldy/dimensional experiences we humans might encounter’. I guess I am saying that in effect but what I am really saying is that my friends are the creator/creators of this game.
Ok, this makes sense to me completely.
scots_nomad wrote:I will end this post by re-stressing that this life isn’t JUST a digital creation but is ‘a game’. This is only the first level of the game but there are others and we will get to see them soon enough so long as you make the cut. Making the cut is pretty simple – the people who ‘taking all things into account’ do more good than harm during their time on this level of the game will make it to the next level.
and this is why i have a huge problem with people thinking they have no power to change anything in their lives or manipulate it (like it's a game for real) bc really that is just running from our own accountability. it's not all puppies and rainbows, but there is something called being proactive (as you did after the fiasco with your company) and maintaining a positive and determined attitude.
scots_nomad wrote:Whether you go to a church, a synagogue, a temple, a mosque or whether you have other beliefs or no beliefs whatsoever doesn’t matter at all because the only real rule is ‘don’t be an asshole’…Or as someone else put it before ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ – How much simpler could the rules possibly be?
ahh. i agree however many people are aholes. lol :) resist the temptation to be one 100 % of the time too, is my motto. :)

Thanks for your responses, :peace:


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Hi Again Amnesia (and all) It’s been a while but I been a bit busy but sitting here feeling pretty bored tonight so decided to write a bit more:

Re: From your last post ‘…ahh. i agree however many people are assholes. lol resist the temptation to be one 100 % of the time too, is my motto. ’

Everyone is allowed to be an asshole some-of-the time! :-p I know I have explained that this existence that we are all in just now is a big game – basically a big logic puzzle with many levels designed to help us grow, develop and improve ourselves - but I can’t remember whether I explained this bit before in a previous post. This is only the first level of the game. During this stage of the game we all ‘die’ from time to time but are subsequently reincarnated, but not in the way understood by Hindus or Buddhists who believe that if we are ‘good people’ in one life you will be reincarnated as someone better (i.e. richer and more successful) in the next one. The way it works is that during this stage of the game we all get the chance to see life from all angles – as a male and as a female, as a white or a brown or a black or a yellow, as a rich person or a poor person, as healthy and as infirm etc etc etc. There is no set order in which we live theses experiences but rather each time we die ‘my friends’ will choose the type of life which will make it better for us to learn the lessons we haven’t learned from our previous incarnations (they say that is one of their most important jobs in the game) – we are not reincarnated immediately as soon as wee die, but rather they will wait until just the right position arises and some people (the slower learners) may be reincarnated far more often than those who perform better and learn quicker. People will be given as many chances to improve as they require however this stage of the game is not finite – there is no set duration in terms of time however the end of this stage of the game will be triggered by one of three events and when the end of this stage happens then anyone who ‘taking everything into account’ has done more good than harm will proceed to the next stage (the rest will be left behind to live in the world they have created)….The events which can trigger the end of this stage are:

1. Someone or some people solve the puzzle and works out what is really going on
2. We destroy completely something that would be absolutely necessary to complete the game (I mentioned before that ‘everything on this planet is there for a reasons even if the need for that reason hasn’t yet arisen’)…basically we will face challenges all through this existence but the resources to overcome all of those problems are already on the planet – In fact ‘there is more than one way to skin a rabbit – i.e. there is more than one way to solve any problem, however if we should happen to drive all of the possible solutions to a major problem to extinction before we actually realise how important they are then the game will end.
3. If we reach the stage where less than 20% of the people meet the criterion that ‘taking all things into account’ do more good than harm – the logic behind that is that we all learn from each other on each incarnation but if it gets to the point where 80% of people are effectively ‘bad examples’ it would be unfair to continue to send people back here to learn!

That takes me back to your comment that ‘there are a lot of assholes about and trying not to be an a-hole 100% of the time coz the fact is that to qualify for the next stage you can be as much as 49% asshole so long as you are 51% ‘worth keeping’…While my friends were explaining that to me it sounded so simple to be on the right side of that dividing line…My friends then asked me to estimate what percentage of the world just now were ‘worth keeping’ – I said something like ‘well we got about 10% real assholes, 20% of good people who try to make the place better and the rest are about half in half, just trying to get through their life with the least hassle but being neither good or bad. My friends said I was roughly right with the number of ‘good people’ (i.e. about 20%) but as far as they were concerned anyone just neither good nor bad was just unnecessary ‘deadweight’ …In other words, we are right down to the wire as far as the third ‘cut off point’ for the game is concerned!

Anyway…actually the thing that made me decide to write a post here was reading a story on the BBC World News webpage about a big NRA rally going on in Texas where they described themselves (i.e. gun enthusiasts) as ‘freedom fighters’ in a cultural war against an oppressive government…Reading that story brought to mind quite a funny (ish) bit of my chats with my friends:-

It was during one of the parts of the chat when they were asking me how I worked out ‘they’ (or st least ‘something’ was fikking around with me). I had said that it started to become clear that ‘someone’ was interfering with my email system because time and again I would have problems trying to get emails to ‘send’ when I discussed certain subjects (generally about my ‘hunches’) and yet if I wrote another email to the same contact at the very same time it would send without a problem (then if I again tried sending the original mail it just wouldn’t send….it soon became obvious that some of my emails were being selectively blocked!). My friends asked me who I thought might be censoring my emails:-

“Well at first I thought it might be my company, Siemens…I was using one of their computers and using their email system and they obviously have the capability to do it because they actually manufacture computers and computer systems but pretty soon I realised that they just weren’t smart enough to be doing what was happening…Eventually when I got fed up with certain mails being blocked I started trying to get around the block by being really subtle with my mails – although I was sending emails to friends, what I was really doing was recording what my thoughts were so that I would be able to ‘follow the track of my thoughts’ later by looking at the emails I had sent so in reality I was sending the emails to myself…by the end I was basically ‘encoding’ what I really wanted to say to the point where the recipient wouldn’t have a hope of understanding what I was talking about but I would be able to decipher it later, but no matter how subtle the emails were they were always systematically blocked…I knew Siemens had the ability to read my emails but no way were they smart enough to have identified those emails’
‘So who did you suspect was interfering with your email after that?’
‘Mmm! That was the problem…If Siemens weren’t smart enough then who could be?’
‘So who did you think could be?’
‘Well obviously intelligence agencies like the CIA or MI5 would have the capability to decipher them but why would they have been bothering themselves reading my emails?’
‘Did you believe that they could read your emails if the wanted to?’
‘I didn’t just believe they could…I KNEW they could!’
‘How could you know?’
‘Well every year there is a huge arms and military equipment fair in Dubai where arms dealers from all over the world peddle the latest state-of-the-art weapons and equipment and when I was living there in 1999 I was having a few beers in my local when a loud mouthed British guy kinda latched on to me because I was the only other white guy in the bar at the time…At first he assumed that I was there for the arms fair as well but when I said I wasn’t he started telling me all about it (no matter how bored and uninterested I tried to appear)…he was obviously out to show how important he was so he started telling me about this ‘Top secret’ stuff that he had been shown…it was him who told me that the US government had a computer system called ‘Echelon’ that scanned every email sent on the planet looking for ‘trigger words’ so they could identify potential terrorists…It seemed pretty farfetched at the time but he went on and on about the real-time demonstrations they had been given and how they had had to sign a secrecy agreement before they were shown it (and yet there he was telling a complete stranger in a bar all about it!), so basically I knew it was possible for the CIA or whoever to read my emails but why would they bother paying so much attention to me?’
‘So you don’t think there was anything important in your emails?’
‘I KNEW there was important stuff in my emails but I couldn’t understand why anyone would be looking at them’
‘What if we told you that the NSA had been checking your emails out for years now?’
‘Who is the NSA????’
‘You don’t know who the NSA is?’
‘.Nope! Never heard of them’
;Do you think you can work out what NSA stands for?’
‘Mmmm let me think.(pause)…have the NRA finally decided to stop the pretence and officially change their name to ‘The National Psychopaths Association’ instead of the ‘National Rifle Association’ …Boom-boom!’

(NB My bad spelling had been an on-going joke in our chats by that time!)

‘Are you joking or are you serious?’
‘Of course I am joking!...I know that cycle-path is spelled with a ‘C’!..Boom-fikking-boom!’

(NB: If you haven’t read my books maybe I should explain that humour and lateral thinking were something my friends encouraged in our chats as a way they we could show each other how quick our minds were).

ANYWAY…that was a lot of typing just to recount a not so funny joke but it passed some boring time for me here anyway :D )
'A mind once stretched will never regain its original dimensions' (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
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I saw something really…mmm strange/weird/funny/coincidental…not really sure what word I should use to describe it but it really struck me.

Before I say what it was I need to highlight a part of my story for anyone who hasn’t read my books or read all the way through this thread recently:-

Just after ‘my friends’ had contacted me and basically just after I had gotten over the shock of being contacted at all I said ‘OK, so what do we do now?’ and they replied ‘let’s have a battle of wits’! My first reaction was to put my hands up and surrender because I knew I was way out of my depth and dealing with something way more clever than me (and I say that as someone who has always known he was exceptionally smart all his life, but it wasn’t any kind of false modesty because even before contact I could see that whatever it was that was messing around with me and my life was far cleverer than any individual I had ever come across in my life). Despite my willingness to surrender however they still wanted to have a battle of wits. I said ‘What’s the point? I know I will get my ass kicked and what satisfaction is there for you to win a battle of wits against a half armed man?’ (Think about it – I had slipped in a subtle joke at my own expense there…and actually they awarded me a few points for that in our battle of wits! :-p). They were still keen to have the battle of wits as they felt it would be a good way for us to get to know each other and would give each of us the chance to get an idea of how intelligent, quick witted and funny the other was, and they also said it didn’t really matter if I knew I would lose because if I was that sure I was dealing with something far more intelligent than me then I would get as much satisfaction from winning even one single point as they would get from winning the whole thing, so I reluctantly agreed to give it a go.

They then said that the rules were that although we were not allowed to lie at any time it was OK to think laterally and to try to give an answer that – although true – would throw the other one off the scent (I again queried why we would want to do that if the object was to get to know each other but they said that in the long run we would learn far more about how each other’s mind works far quicker that way than we would if we just sat exchanging facts, so again I agreed to give their rule a try). They also said that we would win points by ‘giving in’ on a subject and asking for a straight explanation (although asking for a clue was permitted and was much preferred to just ‘giving in’). They then said they would give me points for ‘clever answers’ or for ‘witty/funny answers’ with extra points for particularly clever or particularly funny answers. At this point I queried the scoring system and they said ‘Don’t worry, we’ll keep the score and let you know how you are doing’ – It all seemed open to abuse by them but I decided to see how it went before accusing them of being cheats or untrustworthy!

They then surprised me by saying ‘We understand ‘Boom-boom!’ and ‘Boom-f**king-boom!’ and we can use that in the battle of wits’! At first I didn’t have a clue what they meant but it turned out they were referring to an email I had sent to one of my mates a couple of nights earlier (which they had obviously read) where I was telling my mate about something and at one point during the story where what I had written was a bit of a double entendre I had added in brackets:- “As the actress said to the bishop! Boom-boom!’” and a little later in the mail following another double entendre I had written “As the bishop said to the actress!’ Book-f**king-boom”.

Even when I knew what they were referring to I couldn’t see how they would be useful in a battle of wits but their explanation was ‘Well, maybe sometimes you will say accidentally say something that we find funny without you even intending it to be funny, or you may say something that you think is mildly funny but because we think about it more laterally we actually think it was exceptionally funny, so we will each say ‘Boom-boom!’ when you think you say something funny we will know it isn’t funny by accident but if you can then add to that by adding another twist or with and extra punch-line you say ‘Boom-f**king-boom!’ and you will earn even more bonus points, or if you know that you have said something particularly funny or particularly smart then you can say ‘Boom-f**king-boom’ right away and earn the bonus level points. I really thought that was quite a stupid and pointless rule and wasn’t even sure I would bother with it once we started but I agreed to give it a try and see how it went. There were a few other rules (such as bonus points for slipping in song titles, movie titles and TV prog titles into your answer to see if the other one spotted them) but those rules don’t really matter for this post. Anyway, we started off with our battle of wits and I must admit I was pretty amazed at how they right they were about everything – it was a great way to get to know each other and to see our relative ‘smartness’ and it was actually pretty fun once we got into it (even though I did get my ass seriously kicked!).

That is the background so now I can tell you about the TV prog I was referring to in my opening paragraph:- It was a documentary on in the middle of the night and it was showing some recently discovered old cine camera footage taken in Tibet sometime back in the 50s which was being seen on TV for the first time ever. That bit was actually interesting enough for late night viewing, but then they showed footage of the Dali Lama as an 18 year old boy and that was the bit that really struck home with me. There was no audio with the cine film, but the commentator of the documentary explained that what they were showing was basically the final graduation of the young Dali Lama after which he would officially become leader of all Tibetans (NB: Although he had been identified as the next Dali Lama as a very young child he had then had to been schooled and educated on all political and religious matters and during that time Tibet was basically run by a group of Buddhist Elders). As the final part of his education which was intended to show that he was ready and capable to take over all official duties he had to face ‘A Battle Of Wits’ between him and the group of maybe ten of the most senior Buddhist Elders who all sat behind a table while he stood in front of them. That much alone took me back to that very first day chatting with my friends, as like the LD I felt so alone, so outnumbered and so young compared to my opponents in The Battle of Wits however things just got stranger and stranger as I watched the next ten minutes of so of the silent cine film.

The commentator didn’t explain the rules they were using in their battle of wits (perhaps because he didn’t have a clue what was going on) but within a minute of two I could see that they were using the same rules as my friends had used with me (although as there was no sound and as it would have been in Tibetan even if I could hear what they were saying I can’t be sure whether they were slipping in song titles and movie titles too :D ). Obviously they weren’t using ‘Boom-boom’ or ‘Boom-f**king-boom!’ but I could see that instead of the ‘Boom-boom!’ they were clapping their hands together (once) as they spoke whenever they thought they had scored a point, and if they thought they had made a particularly clever answer they would clap their hands AND stamp a foot at the same time! Another thing that was clear from the old footage was that all parties were having fun – no doubt it was a very serious matter for all concerned however they were clearly enjoying the process as the laughter levels of all concerned grew and grew as the ‘battle’ went on….Just as it had done back on that first day with my friends.

Anytime I have been telling my story to anyone, and particularly when I was writing my books I have found it hard to explain that ‘Battle of Wits’ in a way that anyone could really imagine what it was like, and even though I spent a lot more time explaining it in my books and included the whole verbatim account of our discussions over the rules etcetera I still doubted whether anyone else would really get it…But know I know that at least one other person in the world would understand exactly what it was like to me….The Dali Lama :D

…But I can’t help wondering who taught them how to play those rules!!!! ;)
'A mind once stretched will never regain its original dimensions' (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
'A collection of facts is no more science than a pile of stones is a house' (Henri Poincare)
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