Turning - The Psy/Sang/Ubi Feeder Conundrum

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It's taken me a long time to write this out, because I really felt that it needed some DEEP thought before I put it out here. Since the days of Anne Rice and The Lost Boys, and perhaps even before then, there have been those among us who long to be something other than human - for whatever reason. In my youth, and my naivete, I thought of Turning as something desirable because there is so much to learn here - so much to see, and do, so much to experience, that one lifetime is simply not enough. Others seek to escape mediocrity, or believe that Turned will improve their circumstances in other ways. I did grow out of that phase... not that it mattered in the end, but I did change my mind.

I'm writing this to explain some things about Turning, so that you can make an informed decision. Just like with keeping dark arts or black arts spirits and entities, having as much information at your fingertips as you can find is often the difference between disaster and security, no matter what your end decision is. If you have any questions about the subject at all, please post them. I will endeavor to answer as truthfully as I can - however, please understand that my knowledge as a human hybrid (and not a vampire, which seems to be the most popular choice) is limited.

To begin with, here is what I will NOT be discussing:

I will not be discussing full physical transformations. As far as anyone can tell, vampires, sang or psy, are extinct on Earth, or if they're not, they're so well hidden and/or integrated that the likelihood of you discovering one willing to turn you is even lower than the chance of you winning the Lottery and going on to become the Pope. True vampires, also, seem to be born, not made - which means that Turning someone effectively hybridizes them... there is no such thing, as far as I can tell, as a FULL transformation. The Ubi seem to be a strictly non-physical race also, so again, physical transformation is unlikely, and again, hybridization is the common result of a successful Turning. This is NOT to say that a successful Turning will not have physical consequences... only that Turning is not a physical process I have any experience with, so it doesn't fall within the scope of what I will be expressing.

I will not be discussing those cousin races who do not have the close ties necessary with humanity to Turn a human, such as Hags.

I will also not be discussing demons, angels, or wraiths (all of which a human may become through a variety of processes, but should each have their own discussion).

I'm going to start the article off with the Ubi. I know that most people are more interested in becoming vampires than Ubi, but... I find it's best to start with what you know, and go from there. Most of what you need to know can actually be extrapolated from this section, although minor differences will need to be covered in other entries to this thread.

First off... as far as I can tell, even spiritually, there is no such thing as a Full Transformation. There exists the possibility for partial hybridization between the Ubi and humans, but if you are Turned, you will still be mostly you. You will still be mortal. You will still have the ethical issues that a human, raised in a human society, by human morals, has when it comes to feeding on other humans. The only difference is that you will add a hunger for something other than food, and that parts of your personality may undergo a shift (sometimes dramatic, sometimes not), as will the way you affect other humans. Sometimes senses are expanded, sometimes not. Also, as far as I can tell, Turned hybrids, and in fact, born hybrids (of all three species) are all mules... I've yet to meet someone born or Turned who can Turn another. They can create offspring in the human way (though in some cases it's extremely difficult), but hybrids breeding with humans or even other hybrids simply weakens the strain of hybridization and leads to biological calamity via a whole host of physical, mental, and emotional issues for the offspring - problems that trend throughout the genetic line. If you want more information on these problems, I believe Ash is currently writing such an article - and he knows more about that subject than I do... so I'll stick with what I DO know... which is what it's like to be Turned and still human.

In order for you to understand why I think the decision to Turn must be an ethical one, I think you need to understand my own history, my own story. Some of it is rather personal, but... education supersedes privacy in something this important.

On February 15th of 2010, I was tricked into being Turned by an Ubi. Desire, who's name means Red Man, was indeed, quite red. He was also very lethal, and was... "hired," I suppose would be the best word for it, by my Patron at that time, to teach me Astral Combat and self-defense. He scared the crap out of me regularly, and for MONTHS I struggled to learn what he tried to teach, constantly waking up with new bruises. Eventually, I came to have a great deal of respect for him... so much that, when I discovered he was dying, I decided to save his life.

Ubi are born in a place called The Garden. Two are always hatched from the same egg. They are a mated pair. They mature in a matter of years - around 8 or so - and during their maturation, they are sustained by The Garden. It is their holiest place. No one who is not born to The Garden is ever allowed in, and going to The Garden is, in their culture, more sacred a pilgrimage than our own pilgrimages to Stonehenge, Mecca, or Jerusalem. To be CALLED to The Garden is even more of a big deal. And no... I'm not pure Ubi, so I don't get to go into The Garden, I'll never be Called, and I have no idea what it means, or what happens in there.

Anyway, once they reach full maturation and no longer need The Garden to sustain them, the Ubi have a... retractable spine. They implant what amounts to an egg, using that spine, into their mates, and then go their separate ways. The egg serves as a storage place for all the energies they take as they feed on their victims. Without that egg, the energies dissipate, and the Ubi starves. Both mates pool their energetic resources, so that the eggs fill up at the same rate. When the eggs have stored enough energy, the Ubi return to their mates, and a metamorphosis is triggered. Their consciousnesses recede into the eggs, and the eggs begin to grow inside the original bodies, while those bodies lie in torpor. Eventually, the body dissolves, and a refreshed, regenerated Ubi hatches out of the old shell. Occasionally, the Ubi, during the process of triggering metamorphosis, may exchange DNA, so that instead of the old Ubi, with all their memories intact arising out of the shell, a new Ubi with no memories arises. The two new Ubi will then go in search of new mates. A mate is required for both energy storage AND torpor. Without a mate, when torpor happens, even if the Ubi in question has an implanted egg, the Ubi will rot inside the shell of the old body.

The Astral Planes are not all delightful heavens with streets paved with gold and everyone singing for joy. The Ubi have fought in many wars, both amongst themselves, and for and against other races. Also, humans have, for a long time, associated the Ubi with demons, and have often taken violent steps towards removing them from a person's life - and yes, some Ubi fall in love with their prey, and yes, there have been Ubi who have killed humans - during the plagues it was particularly frequent, because finding a healthy food source was so difficult that if you found one, you DID become possessive of it, and you DID feed from that person only - however, it is a part of Ubi history and culture that many of them deeply regret - I have met Ubi who, to this day, weep for their losses. However long they live, however, just like us, they die. Desire's mate died. I never asked him how - the wound seemed to be so raw, I didn't think asking him to discuss it would be kind. They don't love each other the way we view love, but they do depend on each other, and they are very tightly knit to their mates.

When I discovered that Desire was soon to go into torpor, I didn't know about the spines and eggs... all I knew was that he was going to rot. He had spent MONTHS trying to teach me basic astral combat, and instead he could have been seeking out a mate for himself. The fact that he chose to dedicate his last few months of life to service, helping ME of ALL people, moved me deeply. The best tricks are the ones where the victim lands themselves on the hook FOR you. I offered to be his mate, an exchange of essences, because I truly believed that he deserved to be saved. More fool, I.

Desire, of course, accepted - it was, after all, his plan all along. He bit his lips bloody, and kissed me with that red, red mouth. He tasted like ashes and copper, like musk and salt. Afterwards, I slept, and he went into torpor. A month later, when he arose, he had my fae wings on his back - something he apparently didn't expect and was NOT amused by... and I... I had a hunger I could not quench, and suddenly random strangers were finding me VERY interesting, to an obsessive degree. It was... frightening and overwhelming.

Desire told me nothing of the eggs and the spines. I lacked options in the physical world at the time, so he hunted for me in the Astral, bringing people - usually human trash addicted to the touch of the Ubi - back to my Halls. He refused to take me to where the Ubi gathered, telling me that they would reject me because I wasn't pure. He told me that if he died, they would see the scars of my lack of a mate on me, and mob me, even practically rape me, FORCE me to take a mate. He kept me sequestered... his dirty little secret. It wasn't until LONG after he'd gone that I understood just how much of a cad he'd been. By not giving me an egg, he received all the benefits of my considerable energetic resources, thus ensuring his own survival during torpor, and yet remained free to find a pureblooded Ubi mate... and the nice thing about it all for him was that, even though the Ubi really frown on such behavior, because I wouldn't survive without an egg, and I'd been taught to fear what was now my own kind, I would slowly starve to death, and no one would be the wiser.

He never even taught me how to feed correctly or safely. He taught me NOTHING. And then one day he was gone.

I met my husband, and began to worry for him. I continued to feed astrally when I could find food, but now I had a human being living with me, and the potential for disaster, since I knew so little about my situation, was quite high. I was, of course, fairly open about what I was before we entered into a physical relationship - it's only right to tell someone, "Oh, btw, while we're having sex I'm going to be snacking..." In the end, however, astral sources and a physical source didn't make much difference. I started to starve. And then, I started going Hag. Mix an Ubi with a Sidhe, and that's what you get when the Ubi half gets hungry enough. I have enough faery in my blood to make that a very real problem... and the night I rode my husband and he had nightmares all night long, I realized I had a HUGE problem... and I didn't know WHY.

I spoke to my Patron about my fears, and She immediately understood the problem. "You need a mate. You're starving because you don't have one." Two nights later, She came back to me, and she brought G. with her. G. explained about the spines, the eggs, the lifecycle of the Ubi, he's taught me control... he's given me back my life, and he's saved my husband's. There are no amount of words I can use to express my gratitude for my G.

However... some things have changed. When I'm Hungry, humans around me get... distracted. They have a tendency to be... very sexual anyway... I really bring it out of them. They throw this energy at me like rice at a wedded couple... they can't help it, and I can't help exuding the aura that makes them do it. I don't have an extended lifespan. I have to have sex regularly to stay healthy, but I also have to be very, very careful of my husband, so that I don't hurt him, drain him, kill him. I don't have expanded senses, except that I can now sense desires, see... hot spots on people's bodies. I'm more sensual and more adventurous than I was. I'm also a little more predatory when it comes to sex, a little more dominant. I used to be extremely monogamous. Now I worry that someday, I might get hungry enough that I cheat. I affect both men and women - sometimes I affect gay men, if I'm really hungry, and frequently straight women (though let's face it, most straight women are more openminded than most straight men). I walk into a room and the "temperature" spikes. Conversations almost always turn sexual in my presence, even when I'm trying to contain myself and have a real discussion about important things.

Ethically, I have problems. I snack on my friends. I eat from my husband. I have MANY astral lovers - almost all of them one night stands. I have seen the damage that promiscuity does to relationships. My husband understands that flirting and sexual discussions are ways for me to mass-feed so no one, especially him, is harmed, but it disturbs him. I live in a society where polyamory is not accepted, where bisexuality is considered a "phase," or being greedy, and where there are a lot of hangups surrounding sex. The ethics of eating your friends and loved ones is... hairy. And the risk that someday I might take too much, too often, and hurt someone is always going to be there. Sure, I'm not fully Ubi, and such a draining takes sometimes months, and my husband and I have been together nearly two years now without mishaps, but that fear is ALWAYS in the back of my mind. These conundrums are not going to be resolved for a very long time. Yes, I have accepted that this is what I am, but I still fight with it every day.

The issue with being a Turned hybrid is this. You are still human, too - in fact, you are MOSTLY human. You still have a human mind, with human social concepts. You will ALWAYS be mostly human, only now, not only are you human, but you also EAT THEM. If you are considering being Turned... consider THAT. Look at your friends. Your family. Your loved ones. Now look at them and understand that you will be among them, but you won't be quite like them anymore - you will love them, but you will see them as victims, as food... and if you're not a sociopath, that guilt will eat away at you for a very, very long time, unless something goes wrong when you Turn.
"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
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― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series
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So... let's talk about things that could go wrong, quickly, before we get to sang and psy vampires.

For all of these species, since we're only dealing with an energetic alteration, it's unlikely that something physical will change in you. However, as you have seen, part of your psychology will definitely change. With the Ubi, who are mostly peaceful feeders, the chances that you will become some kind of sociopathic or psychopathic serial killer is unlikely. With the sang, well, sometimes it does happen. Usually they're a well-restrained lot, very cautious, never taking more than a sip or two... but then there's Vladdyboy.

For the Ubi, the worst is that if you aren't in control of your new drives, you'll end up with every STD on the planet and perhaps a few new ones, no friends, too many lovers, and a <<Removed by Mod>> personal life. Oh, and you might drain someone dry. Nothing like waking up next to a dead body you were gleefully molesting the night before to REALLY make your day perfect.

If you are considering becoming a sang vamp, well, the probability of the animal part of your human brain not taking well to the change is definitely real. Also, because the creature who Turns you will not be physical, and there IS a learning curve, as well as a hunger curve (hunger tapers as you age, though it never disappears), there will be no one to restrain you should you lose control of yourself and decide that bathing in blood like a Countess is a great idea! The messier you get, the faster you will be caught and dealt with... humans have rules. Also, the mental anguish of going from someone who likes cats and math to someone who sees blood in everything and can't stop licking their teeth is a bit hard on the mind. If you break, you buy it. Lastly, there are physical alterations that MAY occur, such as light sensitivity, sharper senses of sight, smell, and hearing, difficulty with solid food, and skin sensitivities, among them being easily sunburned. No, you will not start smoking and burst into flame. Yes, you will blister, and should probably stock up on SPF 150. No, crosses and holy water, hosts, prayers, etc., will have no effects.

Psy vampires pose another problem. They feed, and feed, and feed, until they are driven away. They lose their jobs, they lose their friends and families - humans KNOW when they're being predated upon, and they get quite angry, and eventually, they drive off the offending entity. Psy vamps, also, are the only known variety of vampire species that a human can become without being Turned by another vampire of the same kind. And no... I will NOT tell you how to do it, because if you do manage it, it can't be undone and I will not be a party to your irresponsibility and the ruination of your life. Also, as with the Ubi, if you take too much, you can put a person into a coma or kill them.

Death via hybrid, Turned OR born, is relatively rare, but you know, you should probably consider the fact that whether you ever kill or not, you will feel like a lion in sheep-pen anyway. And most of those sheep used to be people you cared for... in fact, they're people you still DO love. That makes life rather awkward.

Last issue... if you Turn, and then do not feed, you will get ill. The longer you go without feeding, the sicker you will get. Eventually, not feeding will kill you, or break you so that you lose all control. Once you make this decision, it is PERMANENT. There is no taking it back. You will be a hybrid vampiric being for the rest of your spiritual existence. You will hunger, and you will feed. You will hurt people, willingly, to get what you need. You will lie, manipulate, steal, and smile the whole time, to get what you have to have in order to survive. I've seen little bitty sangs lick their friends' wounds on the playground to "kiss it and make it all better" just so they could have what they need to survive. I've also seen those same little monsters be the ones who push the kids across the gravel to MAKE them bleed. Be careful what you wish for.
"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
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Now... let's talk about sanguine vampires.

Sanguine vampires are the breed of vampire that feeds on blood. I've never met a pure blooded sanguine vampire on this side of the Veil - all the ones I've ever met are born hybrids. They cannot Turn others - I've seen them try. I've never met a sanguine vampire who was Turned by a sanguine vampire on the other side of the Veil, either - though that doesn't mean it can't happen.

The Hunger is genetic. They usually have abnormally long eye-teeth, though not to such an extent that it would make a human react - the teeth seem to have been blunted by the human parts of the genome, and are vestigial and useless for the most part. They are also usually paler than their human counterparts.

They can be hypnotic and they are often very observant of the unseen worlds around us. They are also very sly... they have to be very good liars to convince people around them to supply them with their needs. They're good with the dead, and find humans somewhat repulsive except as food.

They are reserved, highly intelligent, a little obsessive, and usually loners. They are never the physical perfection that Hollywood and novels would have them be - to be perfect is to stand out... you hunt best by fitting in.

Finally, sanguine hybrids are not usually monsters. Only rarely do you have a sanguine vampire who slaughters villages, either draining victims completely, or more likely, leaving barely eaten corpses in his wake... they don't really need more than a tablespoon or so every few days... and they are able to eat normal food for the most part. They are usually, however, naturally nocturnal.

You are far more likely to find a human who delights in blood in a carnal way than a sanguine vampire.
"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
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I have read everything you have written, but need time to digest everything. I do have a few questions and I may be way off here. Would you consider yourself a Cambion? What about Living Vampires from a different realm?..Would they not guide someone they have changed? I have a few vampire entities..How are they with blood as opposed to vampire spirits? My True Mate is a living Vampire from Carpathia bound to my energy.

Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the Nightly shore-
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Lastly... psychic vampires.

These are the most numerous of the vampire races, at least in the human world. In a room of ten people, the likelihood of having at least one psychic vampire is extremely high.

They feed on prana, usually via the palm chakras, but when uncontrolled and untrained, their whole aura becomes a black sucking hole. They can drain a room of 15 people in under five minutes, turning a friendly gathering into an exhausted, angry wreck. Having an untrained psychic vampire around is like being hit by a train... and it can take weeks to recover. Meanwhile the vampire is bright, cheerful, rolling in the rush.

However, a psychic vampire that's been trained only feeds on willing donors. Actually, you'll find that the vast majority of human Feeder hybrids have the same ethos. They keep their auras shut, unless they are feeding, and when they are feeding, they feed only with their hands, and they only take what they NEED to stay healthy. Then they stop, and they leave their victim alone for several days, sometimes up to two weeks, before feeding again.

All hybrid vampires consider feeding to be deeply personal, and they believe that when someone gives them prana, they have a duty to that person to repay them in kind, so normally a psychic vampire will eat the negativity, the pain, the sorrow, the dark spots on the aura, cleansing it with their hands as they ingest it, so that even though the victim is tired afterwards, they feel happier, lighter, freer, just as an Ubi will give physical pleasure in exchange.

Vampires do not feed until they make someone sick, they do not feed until they make someone pass out. They always provide physical sustenance for their victims, and in many cases, also provide sexual release as a way to help that person gain back their lost prana... When a human experiences sexual release, they are at that moment deeply connected to All-That-Is, and are capable of pulling in MASSIVE amounts of energy (which is why sex magick is so powerful), which their bodies can then use to repair the damage done to their aura by the feeder.

So... we've covered ethics, we've covered the different types of vampires humans can hybridize into, and we've covered the basics of what they eat and what they are. Sort of.

If you want more information, I suggest reading this website: http://www.kheperu.org/articles.html

Brightest blessings...
"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series
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nightraven14 wrote:I have read everything you have written, but need time to digest everything. I do have a few questions and I may be way off here. Would you consider yourself a Cambion? What about Living Vampires from a different realm?..Would they not guide someone they have changed? I have a few vampire entities..How are they with blood as opposed to vampire spirits? My True Mate is a living Vampire from Carpathia bound to my energy.
No, I do not consider myself a Cambion. Until discovering ::ch:: I had never heard of the word. The Ubi call hybrids Ubi. They're a very inclusive species. Anything that they are compatible with (IE anything that they can survive Torpor with), they consider Ubi. Cambion is a human term. Honestly, I'm not even sure that Ubi would be completely right... I have some complicated stuff going on. I am mostly Fae - Sidhe to be specific - spiritually speaking, and genetically speaking, I'm a human/faery hybrid, though the faery is in the VERY distant past. Since I am not Ubi HERE, even though it does affect my physical body to some extent, and my aura, my energy, to a large extent, I don't think Cambion is the right word. Cambions are, if I'm not mistaken, the physical hybridized offspring of an Ubi and a human... since I was Turned, not born, and Turned on the Astral planes by an Astral entity, my body remains mostly human with touches of fae... all I have here of the Ubi is the Hunger and the Aura.

As for Living Vampires in other Realms... are we talking Earthen realms, or Astral? I suspect if it's Astral, what held true for my physical body will hold true for most. If we're talking Earthen... how are you going to get to the Vampire physically to be turned?

Also - most living vampires who are not physically here, while they do like blood offerings from humans here, feed in their own realms, off of their own preferred prey. Earthen realm vampires from earth feed on the blood of Earth Mammals, not blood from non-physical entities from other realms or worlds. If your entity isn't there physically, chances are that while he might like a physical offering of blood (because really, what vampire DOESN'T like a blood offering?) it's more because of the gesture than any need. Those he would have to be meeting some other way.

I hope I was able to answer your questions.
Bright blessings...
"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series
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Selqetkitty wrote:
nightraven14 wrote:I have read everything you have written, but need time to digest everything. I do have a few questions and I may be way off here. Would you consider yourself a Cambion? What about Living Vampires from a different realm?..Would they not guide someone they have changed? I have a few vampire entities..How are they with blood as opposed to vampire spirits? My True Mate is a living Vampire from Carpathia bound to my energy.
No, I do not consider myself a Cambion. Until discovering ::ch:: I had never heard of the word. The Ubi call hybrids Ubi. They're a very inclusive species. Anything that they are compatible with (IE anything that they can survive Torpor with), they consider Ubi. Cambion is a human term. Honestly, I'm not even sure that Ubi would be completely right... I have some complicated stuff going on. I am mostly Fae - Sidhe to be specific - spiritually speaking, and genetically speaking, I'm a human/faery hybrid, though the faery is in the VERY distant past. Since I am not Ubi HERE, even though it does affect my physical body to some extent, and my aura, my energy, to a large extent, I don't think Cambion is the right word. Cambions are, if I'm not mistaken, the physical hybridized offspring of an Ubi and a human... since I was Turned, not born, and Turned on the Astral planes by an Astral entity, my body remains mostly human with touches of fae... all I have here of the Ubi is the Hunger and the Aura.

As for Living Vampires in other Realms... are we talking Earthen realms, or Astral? I suspect if it's Astral, what held true for my physical body will hold true for most. If we're talking Earthen... how are you going to get to the Vampire physically to be turned?

Also - most living vampires who are not physically here, while they do like blood offerings from humans here, feed in their own realms, off of their own preferred prey. Earthen realm vampires from earth feed on the blood of Earth Mammals, not blood from non-physical entities from other realms or worlds. If your entity isn't there physically, chances are that while he might like a physical offering of blood (because really, what vampire DOESN'T like a blood offering?) it's more because of the gesture than any need. Those he would have to be meeting some other way.

I hope I was able to answer your questions.
Bright blessings...
I understand the Cambion thing better now. I was talking about Living Vampires from their own realms. My understanding is that vampires entities can cross over into our plane. I also have werewolf, succubus and a creeper entities that can cross into our realm. If a vampire entity can come into the physical plane..then they can turn you.

Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the Nightly shore-
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."- Poe
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I can't really comment much on the facts/fiction of feeders and turning since I tend to be pretty naive about things for the most part having been raised in a very overprotective, Christian environment until age 31...but I can't help but be compelled to comment on the way some races are viewed. Granted, it's understandable to view anything that FEEDS on humans as BAD...but some races really do get a bad rap when not all members of the race/species are cold-blooded killers. Sure there are bound to be those who are nothing but manipulative predators. But just as there are both good and bad HUMANS, there are also both good and bad VAMPS. Not all vampires (refering to both psy and sang) use manipulation or purely predatory means to feed. There are some amongs both groups who only feed from consenting "donors" who are fully aware of what they're doing and the potential hazards.

And I kinda want to comment on psy in particular here since we seem to get a bad rap worse than the sangs (granted, with good reason) from both human and sang alike (I know there are sang who don't consider psy's to even be "vampires" because they find psy's to be so distasteful). If a psy does not consciously feed periodically to maintain their own energy needs, they do tend to feed SUBconsciously. However, this sort of feeding usually happens by the psy causing arguments or otherwise triggering emotion in those around them which produces a lot of energy on which to feed. It's actually unusual for a psy to subconsciously feed off of only one person rather than group energy (and they usually feel a need to BE in a group when they haven't fed in awhile) and it's rather rare for a psy to actually make someone ill without intentionally singling them out for draining. When a psy feeds subconsciously, their instincts are looking for easy energy...which is usually the excess energy of a group. It takes a conscious effort to single someone out.

There is also the fact that a psy can feed from basically any energy source. Our need is for energy. It doesn't have to be a specific kind and therefore does not necessarily have to come from other people or even animals. A lot of psy's routinely feed on nonsentient energy sources such as lunar energy, lightning storms, even trees. Many even feed on sexual energy during intercourse, but this is not a draining feed. Usually what is taken is the excess energy put out during sex (this kind of activity produces a LOT). So a typical psy who feeds on tantric energy actually does no "harm" to the "victim"...but I can't speak to Ubi as I know nothing about them.

I know psy vamps are considered by many to be the worst kind of vampires since they can drain a victim without ever touching them and leave them in a severely ill state (I actually don't know personally just how severe this can be, but I do see the potential for coma or death). But even a severely starved psy isn't likely to "snap" and leave a trail of proverbial carnage. A starved psy is much more likely to either have a sudden need to visit a stadium full of hyped up sports fans or cause a room full of people to have an especially heated argument. Granted, a psy who hasn't fed quite awhile tends to be rather unpleasant to be around (due to their tendency to start arguments from which to feed...even if it IS subconscious). But the only "dangerous" psy is the one who intentially stalks and preys upon individual victims...which again is very much a conscious effort.

I don't mean to step on toes or seem like I'm correcting anybody here. It's just that this stereotyping of vampires is no different than stereotyping any other race of people. I've encountered this prejudice in countless other sites since my awakening began in "informational" posts and even entire sites dedicated to self-defense against psy vamps...and I have to say that this can make a psy vamp hate themselves just as easily as anti-gay crap can a homosexual. I know because at one point I DID hate myself because of statements like that until I realized that I had no reason to because I don't HURT anyone. Those sorts of generalized prejudicial statements about how all members of a certain race/species are nothing but predators or walking time-bombs are never true of the entire race and are usually born out of fear. :/
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Thankyou Kitty. That was a beautiful and informative read and i'm greatful that you shared it with us all :)
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Totally serious question: Do you think trolls are actually psychic vampires? They go in, stir things up for no other reason than that they want to...could they be feeding on this energy?


In western lands beneath the Sun the flowers may rise in Spring, the trees may bud, the waters run, the merry finches sing. Or there maybe 'tis cloudless night and swaying beeches bear the Elven-stars as jewels white amid their branching hair. Though here at journey's end I lie in darkness buried deep, beyond all towers strong and high, beyond all mountains steep, above all shadows rides the Sun and Stars for ever dwell: I will not say the day is done nor bid the stars farewell. ROTK
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