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creepyhollows wrote:Updated rules reflecting further actions that may be taken for those in chat & the forum when rules are broken.
Finally got around to reading this.
Understood, agreed upon, signed, sealed, etc etc etc 2wk

(but no seriously, thank you for the update. I always thought it went without saying, but the official warning is good to see all the same!)
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I lost privileges for not posting since March 2018. I just re-read the forum rules. I was a very active contributor, but as life happens I became quite busy during my divorce. I do believe that as a tenured member this is unjust. ~ Ninja
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Ninja wrote:I lost privileges for not posting since March 2018. I just re-read the forum rules. I was a very active contributor, but as life happens I became quite busy during my divorce. I do believe that as a tenured member this is unjust. ~ Ninja
Best thing you can do is keep posting and e-mail the support team. Sometimes the system might do that automatically. If you email them, it might be a few days before they get to it, given their email volume.
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Alys & any moderator,

In all due respect, I disagree. If this is a forum rule OR policy it should be written. Unwritten rules OR policies tend to be subjective to whom they are applied to.

Am I wrong to ask for all rules & policies to be in open view?
These policies need to be within "THE RULES & GUIDLINES OF THIS BOARD". To simply state it via an obscure post or private email lacks transparency (This is when a moderator steps in).
Alys-RaccoonReadings wrote:
Ninja wrote:Best thing you can do is keep posting and e-mail the support team. Sometimes the system might do that automatically. If you email them, it might be a few days before they get to it, given their email volume.
A Closed Mind Is Open To Evil
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With all due respect, not all policies related to forum security are posted (for obvious reasons). Thank you for understanding & respecting the forum members on CH, and the security of accounts is something we take seriously. All accounts that are not active are demoted for security reasons & to ensure accounts cannot be breached. If you would like to remain an active & tenured member here then you need to be an actually-participating member!
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My magical/paranormal name...: Ninja

Common sense dictates; that if a rule is being used to punish someone and it is unknown & unwritten then anyone can violate it unknowingly. These secret rules are very subjective to whom they apply to.

Myself and all others on this forum are being done a great disservice with these secret rules.

Example: You stop at a stop sign and are given a ticket for not stopping twice. It is an unwritten rule used to punish whomever the constable feels inclined to punish. Would you consider that a fair rule?

Let’s get these rules that affect the board members in writting so ALL will know what they can & can not do. This also includes fair & just etiquette for the moderators as well. ~ Ninja
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I do think it is a good time to update the posted forum rules. For instance, there's a whole section about the Marketplace that is no longer applicable, and I think that up-to-date rules make things easier for all parties.
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Common sense dictates; that if a rule is being used to punish someone and it is unknown & unwritten then anyone can violate it unknowingly. These secret rules are very subjective to whom they apply to.

Myself and all others on this forum are being done a great disservice with these secret rules.

Example: You stop at a stop sign and are given a ticket for not stopping twice. It is an unwritten rule used to punish whomever the constable feels inclined to punish. Would you consider that a fair rule?

Let’s get these rules that affect the board members in writting so ALL will know what they can & can not do. This also includes fair & just etiquette for the moderators as well. ~ Ninja
From the rules on page 1: 20.
As with the 0 posts, if a member doesn't use their account by posting, for 90 days, it will be subject to deactivation
You weren't even deactivated, you were demoted.

The rule applies to all accounts, and your account was not the only account demoted, more than 500 accounts were gone through to determine the activity & membership status. The same as the rule applies that nothing is deleted on the forum and they forum accounts are not deleted.

I cannot comment on traffic violation laws because they do not have anything to do with this forum or protecting accounts from being abused or misused because people abandon the accounts to tenured sections of the forum. The tenured area of the forum is reserved for active members who show they have an interest in participating with this community.

The moderators do not control accounts, and they cannot demote or terminate accounts, only the Creepy Crew can do that.

There will always be security measures that are NOT posted on the board because in posting them it allows people to find ways to circumvent those rules. That is common sense. If you don't use your account for 6 months, 12 months, 24 months, what would make anyone think their account would not eventually become demoted if not entirely suspended? That is an industry-wise practice and not uncommon; abandoned accounts are often secured by companies.

Thank you for your feedback, but there will always be security-related rules that are not posted. You weren't made completely unaware of what happened. You were told why the account was demoted and you were told how to restore your previous membership.

It has already been explained to you that if you want to be a contributing member of this community you can have your tenured rights restored; that's not unreasonable.

Thank you for your feedback, but everyone who had a dormant account was demoted in the same way, and reinstatement singularly for you because you're making an issue of this policy isn't going to make your account become reinstated while everyone else is not.
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There are these rules:
19. 0 post accounts will have 90 days to start posting and participating, otherwise they are subject to deactivation.

20. As with the 0 posts, if a member doesn't use their account by posting, for 90 days, it will be subject to deactivation
It is much better to get downgraded than deactivated : )
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28. Bashing/Attacking/Coordinated Trolling
We have updated the Forum rules to include a new clause. I find it repulsive this even has to be spelled out, because I have no idea why some people waste their time coordinating hate & violence against others. This life you are living is not a dress rehearsal, and I cannot imagine wasting life with the sole focus being to troll, bash, harass, stalk, or otherwise violate the happiness of others. This rule will be enforced with immediate action, and it will be no secret what happened to the members here whose trust you violate.
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