Using Empathic Abilities

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I figured I should ask, is anyone else here an empath? If so, do you use your abilities to help heal others?

I've been told on more than one occasion that I am, and I have not quite honed my abilities. I've been told that I should probably use them for healing purposes, as my path points very strongly towards spiritual and energy healing. I know that my empathic powers are good for feeling out the emotions of others, and I tend to absorb the negative energy of those around me, so I can easily tell if the person I'm with is not doing so well.

I'm taking a Reiki class in mid-October and I'm hoping that being an empath will help me with that, especially with feeling out what needs to be healed, as far as chakras, etc. I was just wondering if any other empaths used their abilities in a healing format. (: Thank you!
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I definitely am an empath, and while I haven't used that knack to do formal healings, it does have its uses. Sometimes, I get a really clear sense as to what I should, and should not, say in order to defuse or resolve a conflict.

And I have learned (the hard way) to listen to "the little voice" directing me to say or not say things. Because every time I have disregarded it, and brought up a "don't even mention X or it will cause mega-problems" topic, guess what? Mega-problems have ensued, and I have had to sit and go :\ :\ :\ :\ :\ at myself. Live and learn.

So far, I've found the most noticeable uses of this ability in my knack for steering problem situations into better, more constructive territory. I can't always defuse a battle royale, especially when the dispute is between other people and not me, but a few well-placed words can make the difference between aiming for solution-seeking instead of creating an all-out war.
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Yep, I do for chakra work. I can also sometimes project onto others positive or calming emotions to diffuse a situation or to comfort someone when they're upset but that depends usually on three factors: how tired I am, whether I'm personally invested in the fight, whether or not the person themselves is blocking me either consciously or subconsciously. So it's not always effective but I'm always practicing and learning. Also, I find that actively weaponising (well that's not the right word but I can't think of another on 48hrs without sleep!) empathic abilities is really draining. Well, more draining than being an empath usually is anyway :)
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Yes, I I'm an empath and a healer. No, I cannot diffuse situations I just get as consumed as the other person. That's when I say I feel or understand you completely means exactly that.
I'm attuned into second degree of Reiki ... Had no money for the third Master one. Maybe one day I'll do it so it's complete cycle. I have OCD , mild I think, so I must complete or I feel incomplete lol
However I do know ,somewhat ,how to stop my energy drain. I'm good at channeling energy too. All the animals love to snore on top of me so I don't really need a blanket ever 8) people love to spend time with me and I allow them to charge. Before I couldn't dispose negative energy so I became irritable and moody, depressed ... Now I do it with simple techniques.
I know exactly how someone feels especially if in person. Just need to learn how not to get consumed in that mess. That is one of the reasons I rarely ask -how are you lol
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So, I've been told, on so many occasions (at least three times, that I remember, by complete strangers), that I'm a very strong empathy. Great, right? Well, not really knowing what that meant...I never knew why I was exhausted all of the time, and best of all, I'm blessed with migraines. Not frequent, mind you...but daily. I've had a migraine every day since I can remember. It's just a way of life for me, and to an extent I'm just used to it. I have, over time, suppose I've channeled my abilities into becoming a pretty decent manager. My specialty is taking over departments or areas that are a complete interpersonal disaster/nightmare (i.e. the HR nightmares)...and "fixing" them. I'm excellent at diffusing situations...the more complex or heated, the better I seem to be...and I almost effortlessly connect and relate to mostly all people, universally. Young, old, poor, rich, all walks of life...I can just blend right in. This means I'm generally a target for misfits...or people out of place. In large can always spot the misfits...those that either seem out of place or uncomfortable...or just "wrong" for a situation....sooner or later, they're drawn to me like a magnet. I suppose to them, it's comforting.

But here's the most hilarious thing I can do. So this is my "BIG" ability...I can literally calm people down to the point of "knocking them out" whispering to them. Are you kidding me? It's not even a whisper really...I speak in a low, even voice, just above a whisper. Have a crying screaming baby...give me five minutes. I sit down, start talking in their ear...bam...gone. Have a rough day? Emotionally horrible? Crying or upset? I can sit down with you ...lay your head on my shoulder, and I'll start talking in your ear...tell you that it's ok to be upset, that things will be better tomorrow...your outlook will change...etc. I'll talk in a very low, even voice. Calm...almost a mumble. BAM....gone. I even had a Chesapeake Bay Retriever that used to have seizures. They could go on for ten to fifteen minutes, not including tremors and recovery. My wife would yell for me, I'd sit on the floor, scoop her up and put my mouth to her ear, start talking in my voice...done. I discovered this when I was a was almost a game. I'd curl up next to my grandma and strike up a conversation, then I'd lay my head on her shoulder and slow down and lower my voice. I used to try to see how fast I could put her out....though she was tougher than my grandpa. I could knock him out in under a minute.

My family thinks it's hilarious. Of course they'll tell you I'm so boring it'd knock anyone out. But hey, I never get the babies when they're happy! Not fair.
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I'm very selective about sharing my abilities. I have my own pain issues and healing others often makes my pain worse. I mostly limit to family and friends, though sometimes at the hospital I feel compelled to help. I'm 27 and I've been aware of my abilities since childhood, but shielding is still extremely difficult so I mostly block everything out.
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Image image by Corey Ford

2 Phoenix, 3 Elves, 5 Fae, 5 Dragons, 2 Psy Vampires, 3 Nymphos, 2 Gargoyles, 2 Gregori. 1 each: Duojna, Fylgia, Volkh, Amphisbaenia, Caladrius, Aesclepius, Gryphon, Gnome, Dosojin, Galen, Sylvan, Freya, Thor, Aphrodite, Shaman, Boobrie, Cambion, Astral Djinn, Fortuna, mystery spirit.
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Yeah, shielding is definitely important. So is learning to ID which emotions are actually yours, and which ones are coming in from outside sources. The sooner we learn to do that, the easier it becomes not to "own" the emotions that are coming from an external source. Then we won't get as worked up and overwrought as the person who we are trying to get into a calmer state.

Think of it like putting on warm clothes, a coat, a hat, boots, and gloves before going out into a winter storm. Yes, we are going to feel some cold and get some snow on us. There's no avoiding that. But we can dress ourselves so we don't end up getting frostbite and losing SO much body heat that we end up in a medical crisis. We can wear boots so we don't slip on snow and ice.

Emotionally, that's what we're doing when we shield. We still might feel SOME of the other person's emotion, and that's OK. The goal is to not feel so much of it that we get lost in it, and end up just as upset or devastated as they are. When we are able to hold onto our own energies and emotions, even amid the loud volume of other people's energies, we will be the one who keeps our head in a crisis, even while other people are losing theirs.

Ideally, our shields will become like filters that we can raise and lower at will, and let in as much or as little as we want. That takes practice. I don't advise getting that practice in a place that's full of upset, but going into a crowded situation (public transit, a shopping mall, a restaurant) where the overall emotions should be pretty neutral might be a good place to start. Then just... practice. Tune in, tune out, tune back in again. Keep doing it while you're there. Have multiple sessions. If you happen to commute to work via public transportation, that's an ideal situation for practicing. If not, see what other environments you can find that will serve the same purpose. Eat lunch in a food court. Walk through malls or (in good weather) parks. And so on, and so on. Practice makes perfect.
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It’s my birthday

I bet you would make a good "horse whisperer"!

Yes, I am an empath, especially, feeling and seeing some forms of future events, and also, getting along with communicating with animals.

Caiyros Arlen
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Caiyros Arlen wrote:I bet you would make a good "horse whisperer"!

Yes, I am an empath, especially, feeling and seeing some forms of future events, and also, getting along with communicating with animals.

Caiyros Arlen
Thanks! :)

I haven't got experience with horses, but I have had dogs and cats that either loathe strangers, or are petrified of them, come over to me for petting. (And I've gotten some serious stares from their owners who've never seen their pet behave that way before.) As a kid, I used to drive my mom absolutely insane because strays would continually follow me home. Yes, sometimes I encouraged them :) . But I swear on a stack of Bibles that there were other times when I did not one thing to call the stray dog or cat over to me, and I got followed home anyway. And this started well before my friends and I got clued in to animal communication. I think I have a sign on my forehead that critters can read, that says, "This one can be wrapped around your paw in no time flat". ;)

I just had my orientation training to volunteer at a local no-kill rescue on Sunday. I have every intention of using whatever abilities I have at my disposal, to help some of the more shy animals become more socialized to people and, if possible, other animals as well. Non-psychic, psychic, empathic... whatever it is, if it helps, it's good in my book! :)

P.S. Watch the Paws, Claws, and Feathers forum. I'm sure I'll be coming home with furball stories to tell.
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I knew that I was an empath for some time but until recently I have not understood how to use it in its most productive sense. As others have mentioned, it is very easy to become drained, one has to establish a method of balance? I am still learning, or understanding myself and others I suppose. It's taken me a long time to 'find' this path. :)
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