Paddy the Leprechaun

Discussion of creatures starting with letters K-Z.
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Nexxus Red
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Originally Asked by ghosthuntergrl:

Hello everyone! I received my leprechaun last week, and just have a couple questions for those of you who own one or know about them. I know they love alcohol, and I've put out some St. Brendan's irish cream liqueur for him for a couple days. I know they absorb the essence from the liquid rather than the actual liquid itself, so I guess my question is, why do I need to leave it out on the counter in a cup? Are they able to absorb it from the bottle in the refrigerator? If they can't absorb the essence from inside the bottle in the fridge, what would be preventing them to do so?

Also, have any of you seen your leprechauns? Mine's supposed to be pretty tall for a leprechaun; about a foot & a half tall, wearing all green except for a red hat, and his shiny buckled shoes. Still haven't seen him yet, even in my dreams. Apparently, Paddy is a bit of a prankster, and this past friday we had a bit of an incident. I don't know if Paddy was behind this or not, but Brian and I were about to head home from WalMart, putting our groceries in the car. Brian was taking the cart back to the cart return, and he was kind of running with it, leaning on the handle. Well, he felt the cart start to flip upwards, and he couldn't stop it. Needless to say, he ended up falling down in the parking lot, getting his hand caught between the cart handle and the cement, and scraping his hand up so bad that his middle finger's nail and knuckle have been scraped off! We had to take him to the emergency room friday night. Not fun. I did have Paddy's stone with me at the time, and know that they wouldn't intentionally cause harm, but maybe that was an accident? Or maybe that didn't have anything to do with Paddy at all, and his injury was just a result of his sillyness. We can laugh about what happened now, but I'm still wondering if Paddy was somehow involved. Have any of your leprechauns caused you to stumble or anything?


Perry Stevenson Replied with:

Great question about the alcohol, I asked that very same question to a seller, then found out it was true so here you go. Although they love to absorb the alcohol they can just absorb it from the bottle put away but that's not what they get the "kick" out of. They get the main essence from the gesture you gave them, they absorb the kindness you have gave them in leaving it out for them as well as absorbing the alcohol.

Hope that helped. I'm pretty sure I'm right but someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Thank you for your time,
Perry Stevenson.

P.S. Keep us up to date with how it goes with Paddy.


mane79nll Replied with:

The pranks sounds more like an accident to me. Hopefully, it has nothing to do with paddy. I thought leprechaun likes to hide things away tell jokes and riddles. Anyway, I believe connecting with these entities need time. Like I'm still trying with my fylgia and gryphon.


ghosthuntergrl Replied With:


Ahhh.. ok. That's cool. I guess I never thought of the entity absorbing the kindness. That would make sense then as to why the alcohol should be given or offered to them rather than have them absorb it through the bottle in the fridge.


Yeah, that's what I thought. He was probably not involved in any way in that incident, and Paddy is known by the seller to be very happy go lucky, and is very talkative, and is known for luck and wealth. I just was inquiring if anyone else had had any incidents of stumbling or accidents while owning a leprechaun. I am still working to connect with Paddy, and realize that it does take some time to bond with entities. I won't give up though. Thanks for your replies.
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