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SikruaSuncat wrote:I am just curious about what CH says to those folks who say "Prove it!" or "Where is your research?!" because those people really annoy me, but does that mean they do not deserve an answer? 1a
Yes, if they didn't know that spirits/ gods does not come to a contest of prove than they can experience, then they deserve no attention.

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SikruaSuncat wrote:I am just curious about what CH says to those folks who say "Prove it!" or "Where is your research?!" because those people really annoy me, but does that mean they do not deserve an answer? 1a
If someone wants to believe something, they're going to believe it (at least for a time if it's not true), and similarly, if someone doesn't want to believe something, they're not going to believe it. That is if they have invested emotion in said belief and aren't simply being reasonably skeptical, which is fine in my book. With this in mind, proving or disproving something is a matter of rhetoric that can easily be manipulated both by the speaker's and the recipient's mind since, realistically, you can't provide solid, indisputable, fact-level proof to anyone given the nature of the paranormal. The most you can really do is provide indications of varying gravity, and when these indications are too many to be chalked up to coincidences or results of irrelevant factors, the person might believe you, but they have to look into it and be open themselves. Personally it's not worth my time. CH is a business, though, which adds additional levels of pressure regarding proof, but... if in doubt, don't buy.
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I am just curious about what CH says to those folks who say "Prove it!" or "Where is your research?!" because those people really annoy me, but does that mean they do not deserve an answer?
At this point you can just look at the site. What more proof could you want? There's interactions with the thousands of members who've been here, who've lived this, who've discussed tens of thousands of topics here.

Whether it's proof or research there's more than half a million threads here and more than a thousand articles on the Encyclopedia. That's the tip of the iceberg for Ash & myself but publicly that's more than anyone else has gathered in a single spot.
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SikruaSuncat wrote:I am just curious about what CH says to those folks who say "Prove it!" or "Where is your research?!" because those people really annoy me, but does that mean they do not deserve an answer? 1a

It depends on how the market itself is working...

EarthGalactics online....
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Proving. :)

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts and made up of our thoughts" - Gautama Buddha

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulating consciousness.” – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918
The Eight Tenets of Ritual Magick

1. Expect the unexpected;
2. Magic has no morality;
3. As above, so below;
4. There are no coincidences;
5. There is a choice that is no choice;
6. Change is the only constant;
7. Seize the day and there is a price to pay;
8. A true magician must transcend himself.
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What are your thoughts about Do Ghosts Exist? Are Spirits Real? Find Out Ghosts Facts . I have found it yesterday and want your opinion on this post?
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Happy to have been apart of the community for 14years, throughout all of the witch hunts , drama & love!
I have been here for many years after discovering Creepyhollows on Ebay many moons ago <3
its been beautiful to see all of these years of growth and mastery <3
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thanks a lot for the information ...amazing
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This is my analytical mind working: The reason new sellers try to say other sellers are inferior is so they can steal the customers gullible enough to believe them. So if the customers would just question the motives they would also question the truthfulness of a seller that would criticize another seller.
wayyy too many in my keep to count let alone list
mostly djinn and dragons though
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Glad I found CH!

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