1. We were the first site dedicated to Spirit Keeping on the internet. You won't find sources older than Creepy Hollows because we were the first to bring Spirit Keeping public. The cold, hard truth is that if it weren't for Creepy Hollows & the other reputable sellers who've been around the last decade this community would be nothing like it is today. For those who've been around for the last 15 years they know how hard CH and other sellers fought for a legitimate place in the paranormal community & how dramatic the first years were with even other paranormal communities tearing Spirit Keeping down. So we all bear the scars of fighting to even get Spirit Keeping on the map. There is an undeniable amount of respect for all the original members & sellers who built this community. You may not agree or like all of them but you should at minimum respect the founders; members & practitioners.
2. Unlike many start-ups these days Ash & I actually do the work ourselves. We don't use conjuration boxes bought from other sellers. We've been offering our services to the public online for 15 YEARS and we actually know what we're doing. I think the time for Creepy Hollows to be questioned as to whether or not we are "real" has long passed. It's been 15 years now, I think we have long proven ourselves to the world.
3. Ash & I do this for a living. We don't have other jobs, this isn't a hobby, we live & breathe our work. Anyone who has been in the paranormal community for more than a minute knows our reputation for our devotion to our craft. So taking pot shots at our devotion to our work won't fly.
4. Our pricing is because we know in this economic climate many people have to choose which bills to pay every month. We try to keep our pricing in line with the economy so EVERYONE has a chance to participate in the paranormal. Because Ash & I do this as a lifestyle daily we do nothing but conjurations, bindings, and paranormal services every day. We don't do anything else so we offer pricing that reflects something that is fair to both you and us. We know how many people are having a hard time and struggling right now & we're not going to exclude them because they can't afford to be a Spirit Keeper. So for any sellers out there trying to tear us down by saying "Their bindings are cheap so they must not be real" your ignorance is clear. Creepy Hollows would have never lasted a year if our work wasn't solid. And we actually care about people in the community & when we can we like to offer pricing that reflects the current economical climate.
5. Creepy Hollows started off as an information-only site and grew into the enormous community of sites it is today. NO practitioner or website would grow to the enormity of Creepy Hollows if our work was shoddy, our vessels were empty, or any of the other petty & ridiculous accusations made by upstart and/or unethical sellers. Any new seller can say "oh I've been doing this 20 years" but the proof is in the pudding and online Creepy Hollows is the oldest resource for Spirit Keeping. Anyone can verify our long tenure of work and obviously we have that tenure because we actually know what we're doing. We didn't come on the scene as a huge site, our following grew because people realized we actually care about Spirit Keeping & we care about our work.
6. We fund community websites out of our own pocket to give back to the community. We believe in the power of a solid paranormal & Spirit Keeping community so we have offered sites like the Best of the Paranormal Marketplace, Paranormal News Network, and ParaEcho (to name a few) where other sellers are allowed to sell their wares for FREE. We give everyone a fair chance; even when some of them use our resources and then go on to badmouth us.
The unfortunate truth about the Spirit Keeping is there are a lot of unethical new sellers that rise up out of nowhere and start badmouthing reputable sellers in the thought they are giving themselves some sort of credibility. Instead it looks petty & most people are far too intelligent to fall for it. Especially when it involves sellers who took help from CH members on our social sites to get started.
Unlike many upstarts who come & go, break up and start new names, or fly off into various ventures, Creepy Hollows has been a solid cornerstone of the Spirit Keeping community and we actually DEVOTE OUR LIVES to Spirit Keeping & the education of all who want to learn & participate in Spirit Keeping.
I strongly urge all of you to defend the reputable sellers (new or old) when you see them being bashed because if as a community we tolerate unethical behavior it will just keep growing.
No seller in the paranormal & Spirit Keeping community became successful because they tore down other sellers. Collectors & Keepers aren't coming to you because they want to hear trash talk. They want to see if you know what you're doing & if you can fulfill your claims in your listings. FOCUS ON YOUR WORK & you will find success! If you want to reach the level of the tenured practitioners then spend the time working on your craft and not the drama.
- Anteros
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- My super power would be...: Read other's minds
- Zodiac:
Hi Mags & Ash,creepyhollows wrote:THE TRUTH ABOUT CREEPY HOLLOWS
1. So we all bear the scars of fighting to even get Spirit Keeping on the map. There is an undeniable amount of respect for all the original members & sellers who built this community. You may not agree or like all of them but you should at minimum respect the founders; members & practitioners.
Thanks for this post.
Apart from yourselves who are obviously well known as the trusted & respected owners of CH would you care to name a few of the founders, members and practitioners who have been with you since those early days, 15 years ago please?
As, for myself at least, I have no idea who they may be and if we are asked to show respect to them it would help if we knew who they were.
Of course I understand if you choose not to highlight certain people at the risk of offending anybody who may be accidentally overlooked ( a bit like the oscar thank you speeches lol).
But it would be nice to know.
Many thanks 1ht
I used to know things
- Magnolia
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- My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
Yes! I messaged the seller group in Facebook and asked them if they were okay with me putting up a listing. I want to make a tribute to them as part of the 15 year celebration.Apart from yourselves who are obviously well known as the trusted & respected owners of CH would you care to name a few of the founders, members and practitioners who have been with you since those early days, 15 years ago please?
De lumière et aime
Site owner
Knowledge is POWER
Site owner
Knowledge is POWER
- Madame Sosostris
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- Your favorite spirit to work with: forest creatures
- If I could be anything, I would be...: invincible
- My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
- My magical/paranormal name...: That's a Secret!
- Zodiac:
In the 19th century, there was a lot of discussion by Darwinists whether or not a badger's legs were shorter on one side than the other. I mean they should be since badgers walked on hillsides, no? No one thought to look at the badger. This "must be worthless because they are affordable" is the same sort of argument.
The Eight Tenets of Ritual Magick
1. Expect the unexpected;
2. Magic has no morality;
3. As above, so below;
4. There are no coincidences;
5. There is a choice that is no choice;
6. Change is the only constant;
7. Seize the day and there is a price to pay;
8. A true magician must transcend himself.
1. Expect the unexpected;
2. Magic has no morality;
3. As above, so below;
4. There are no coincidences;
5. There is a choice that is no choice;
6. Change is the only constant;
7. Seize the day and there is a price to pay;
8. A true magician must transcend himself.
- sanctified
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CH are affordable because they are immensely generous. Their quality of work far exceeds the price.
I think a lot of the in-community badmouthing stems from people who are butthurt for one reason or another (like jealousy, something didn't manifest for them ideally/immediately, they were banned here, etc), infectious groupthink gossip mongering, or elitist attitudes. That's just putting it plainly.
I think a lot of the in-community badmouthing stems from people who are butthurt for one reason or another (like jealousy, something didn't manifest for them ideally/immediately, they were banned here, etc), infectious groupthink gossip mongering, or elitist attitudes. That's just putting it plainly.
- Huffette
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- Your favorite spirit to work with: dragon
- If I could be anything, I would be...: A Throne Angel
- My super power would be...: Ability to fly
- My magical/paranormal name...: Blessed by Angels
- Zodiac:
I will most certainly defend CH any time and any where. I have done this in the past and will continue to do so.
Mommy to four haunted ladies and friend to many bound and unbound spirits and entities.
Called "little one" by the angels
Mommy to four haunted ladies and friend to many bound and unbound spirits and entities.
Called "little one" by the angels
- darklordmidnight
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- Your favorite spirit to work with: Servitors
- If I could be anything, I would be...: Dragon
- My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
- My magical/paranormal name...: kelistarian
- Zodiac:
Indeed, if it weren't for CH, none of us sellers would be doing much of anything.

"I may be a Construct, But I Feel, Love, and Want. Does That Not Make Me A Living Being?"
"7 Years Have Gone, It Can No Longer Be Left Undone
The Candle Must Be Burn Again, And Pain
Must Follow the Unholy Flame
So Burn...Burn...Burn
And Free the Spirit From Its Chain"
- Zamorak666
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- Your favorite spirit to work with: Demons
- If I could be anything, I would be...: Immortal
- My super power would be...: Ability to fly
I've honestly never seen anyone talk trash about CH myself, so that's pretty crazy to me. It should be obvious to all of your legitimacy, ESPECIALLY because you offer 1cent bindings for newbies (which was my first purchase, along with a couple of friends of mine, who were a bit skeptical at first).
If I see someone trash talking this wonderful site you can bet they'll here from me too, lol. Love yall, continue to prosper. 1mg
If I see someone trash talking this wonderful site you can bet they'll here from me too, lol. Love yall, continue to prosper. 1mg
- Morgana
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- Your favorite spirit to work with: dragon & vampire
- My super power would be...: Ability to fly
- My magical/paranormal name...: Morgana
- Zodiac:
THIS is the best wisdom one can receive. Study, hard work and practice is the basic building blocks for any trade or practice. There is much misinformation "out there", the only way one can truly evolve is with one's own work and research. Decades ago, we didn't have so much information spread publicly. One had to either grow into the practice via family tradition, find a willing teacher(s) or stumble around with given talents and figure it out alone, "trial and error" method within communities filled with ignorance and prejudice.creepyhollows wrote: FOCUS ON YOUR WORK & you will find success! If you want to reach the level of the tenured practitioners then spend the time working on your craft and not the drama.
CH community is a treasure and we are all fortunate to have such a resource. The young, old , newbie and experienced, all in one place is deserving of respect.
Bright blessings,

- Satan's Hellcat
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- Your favorite spirit to work with: Demons, DA entities
- If I could be anything, I would be...: Multi-dimensional.
- My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
- My magical/paranormal name...: Satan's Hellcat
- Zodiac:
I am just curious about what CH says to those folks who say "Prove it!" or "Where is your research?!" because those people really annoy me, but does that mean they do not deserve an answer? 1a
MANY spirits of all types, entities, and some servitors. Massive amount of spells.