Charities and causes

Do you have an idea to make the forum better? Easier to use? Submit it!
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If I could be anything, I would be...: Lampades
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: Amarantha Lux

It looks like there may have been some drama or something which may of caused the "charities and causes" to be closed. I am not 100% sure as I was not here during that but I really wish it could open again because there is a "cause" I feel VERY passionate about and would love to share with others who feel the same. I wont post it here cause I am not sure if if its allowed but I just wish there was a place I could..
Also, this really isn't a "forum suggestion" but I think it would be super cool if CH had an app.. I get so confused trying to do things on the site through the phone... I did not have a laptop till a few months ago which is how I was able to come across CH and I am so thankful for that.. but still.. an app would be cool B)
To me it seems that throughout time there is less people active in the forum.. I really wish I found CH sooner lol.. It always seems to be the same handful of people who respond or post that I notice.. I wish there was a way to encourage people to post more and help each other with advice because sometimes I feel I am such a pain the behind with the help desk x*D
I also wish there was a way I could pm someone because there are certain things I feel uncomfortable posting for all to see and also there are certain things we cannot share in the forum. Or maybe even if there was a way you could click for only certain members to see..
"Light and Darkness. One cannot exist without the other. There is no true Master, without the power of balance" ~ Luis Marques

"The joy of life consists in the exercise of ones energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal." ~ Aleister Crowley
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