Are Djinn bad to have?

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Nexxus Red
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"I do have a question though and this is by no means to hurt Creepyhollows, but are DJINN BAD TO HAVE?, for it seems that most are saying that last year you were saying that NOT TO DEAL WITH DJINN FOR THEY ARE ALL EVIL?? I just need some explaination, PLEASE??? Poltergeist63"

This is the answer from Magnolia:



In response to your question about djinn. Firstly, djinn can be exceedingly difficult entities to engage a relationship with if you are new to collecting. I do not encourage that a new collector's first, second, third, fourth or fifth purchase be a djinn because of the difficulty they can have in creating an initial bond.

Djinn are creatures of duality, and some are pure evil... depending on what race you collect. Djinn have the ability to cause good and harm. If not handled properly it can cause difficulty for the collector and the djinn. This does not mean that they will cause you physical harm but they can cause emotional or energy unbalance that can create a ripple effect to the rest of your life's aspects.

We offered a djinn at the beginning of their introduction to eBay and the lady who purchased the djinn, unbeknownst to us, had never collected anything paranormal before. At first she said she was getting blazing headaches through the center of her forehead, experienced dizziness, hot flashes and stomach queasiness when in the presence of the ring and it got so bad that she went to the hospital. We offered for her to send the ring back and either receive a refund or if she wanted to try a pure white spirit we'd exchange it for her. She opted to hold onto it longer as she badly wanted a djinn and wanted time to bond with him. Well... over the next two weeks she said she was experiencing something like bi-polar disorder where she was happy one minute, upset the next, felt like she couldn't get anything done... it was a mess. I finally convinced her to send back the djinn and sent her a Star Faery instead and the day after the djinn left her home everything went back to normal and now she is a strict collector of fae. This is the very condensed version of what happened because this ended up stretching over a month and approximately 90 emails trying to help her.

You have to remember that most djinn are born, like humans, with the ability to be good or bad and if mistreated or improperly handled they can cause difficulty for their Keeper. I was extremely apprehensive to even revisit the thought of offering djinn to the general public after what happened to H.M. (the collector mentioned above), and because just like any entity of duality they can become disgruntled, depressed, upset, sad, angry... just as easily as they can become happy, loving, caring, joyful, etc it is difficult for me to be able to say without pause that anyone buying a djinn is going to have a good experience.

Not to mention there are djinn that are pure evil and should never be handled by anyone that is not experienced in handling djinn or creatures of dark arts. They are spawned of pure hatred and evil and will never do anything positive or good.

I was not confident in offering djinn again until I could offer a set guide and plan for collectors to follow. I consulted with Mariana, a NE Paranormal member, whose life is committed to the conjuration and interaction with djinn and had her conjure and help guide me in my quest to bind stronger djinn. I also took the information she gave me on her experience with djinn and added my own experiences and research. I can now comfortably say that any djinn from us will work with someone new or seasoned in collecting (unless otherwise noted because we do offer djinn that are for experienced collectors only).

I take collecting very seriously and since most of the collectors on eBay are new to collecting I was not going to offer an entity I did not feel confident they would see a response from...


De lumière et aime,

Magnolia. "
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