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New-ish Necromancer/Time traveler needs a teacher! Plz halp?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:57 am
by Rainbowgirl
So, for the sake of background, I got into spirit collecting about a year ago, but have been a practicing Wiccan/Pagan on and off since 5th grade. I am mainly attracted to balance and duality in both magick and spirit keeping and believe in many shades of gray. I collect mostly fae, vamps, lovers, Djinns, sex spirits, elfs, angels and everything in-between. lol. 2yn My favorite being fae and Vamps.

I received a "What paths should I pursue" CH reading and got 'spectator, necromancer, and scryer.'
This is excellent for me for I have always been interested in time travel through astral projection, obe and lucid dreams. I also have been trying to see/talk to ghosts as long as I can remember and am fascinated with history (along with what would scare most people) so the Necromancer was no surprise. :lol:
And finally scrying, I tend to fall asleep if I meditate for longer than 15 mins so this also makes sense!
My "gift" which CH reveled was touch. And I have know that for quite some time. I am very sensitive to emotions, objects, and places. The "feel" and "energy" places or objects hold.

But...I need a teacher so bad!
I have been trying to lucid dream/astral project for over a year now and can only get to paralysis and am always stuck in the SAME locations >.>
I have only started scrying. But have been doing tarot, and pendulum since grade school. So I am quite familiar with the tarot deck meanings etc.
I have been casting magick weekly complete with casting circles, calling corners and channeling but all my spells have been fizzling. 1tk
Also, I am doing two 15 min meditations a day while bonding with my spirits daily and of course absorbing as much knowledge I can via books, this forum, online classes etc.

But I need someone who can guide me. Someone very experienced who doesn't mind DA and WA for I work quite a lot with both. (More on the DA side, but as I said, I try to keep balanced.)
I would ideally like someone with more experience than me but around my age or older. I am late twenties, so naturally I am looking for someone older and wiser, ideally. 2lv

I need the most help with time travel via astral or obes, portal usage, scrying and magick at the moment. If any one would like to take me on as as student, I would be honored. <3

Love and Light

Re: New-ish Necromancer/Time traveler needs a teacher! Plz halp?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 7:35 am
by darkwing dook
Mmm, I remember there are sellers who offer consultancy, and even apprenticeship .

Re: New-ish Necromancer/Time traveler needs a teacher! Plz halp?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:36 am
by Rainbowgirl
darkwing wrote:Mmm, I remember there are sellers who offer consultancy, and even apprenticeship .
Any ones you can recommend me to go look at? 2lv

Re: New-ish Necromancer/Time traveler needs a teacher! Plz halp?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 1:22 am
by Vryn Nightshard
Huh, I got time-manipulation and necromancy info for me lol. I don't consider myself an expert though haha.

Re: New-ish Necromancer/Time traveler needs a teacher! Plz halp?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:08 am
by CerataPhthalma
Sometimes, we don't necessarily need a teacher to guide us, but a friend with similar interests to experiment with. It's less intimidating, more free, and you tend to laugh more at the screw ups rather than beat yourself up over it. My two cents, anyway.

Re: New-ish Necromancer/Time traveler needs a teacher! Plz halp?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:04 am
by Rainbowgirl
Darksbane wrote:Huh, I got time-manipulation and necromancy info for me lol. I don't consider myself an expert though haha.
No need to be an expert, just willing to help each other out and have fun learning ^.^ maybe we can chat about it sometime!! It seems our paths are very similar! 2hp
Time Travel is very important to me for many reasons.
I found myself at the Acropolis the other night after buying a CH portal to the temple of Artemis. Funny thing is, I was on the other side, on stage in front of a crowd wanting to get away to visit the temple. :lol:
Baby steps 2lv
I can't DM you cause I am a newbie, maybe we can email?

Re: New-ish Necromancer/Time traveler needs a teacher! Plz halp?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:14 am
by Rainbowgirl
CerataPhthalma wrote:Sometimes, we don't necessarily need a teacher to guide us, but a friend with similar interests to experiment with. It's less intimidating, more free, and you tend to laugh more at the screw ups rather than beat yourself up over it. My two cents, anyway.
Fantastic advice!! And I definitely agree. Unfortunately, in "RL" I don't have many, or honestly any, close friends to speak of.
The hubby is mildly interested, but only mildly. And the rest of my family isn't interested (yet) in their spirituality enoufh to team up with me, unfortunately.

I have tried to go to local pagan meet ups, chat up the local wicca shop workers, and go meet people on forums (hehe.) But so far, no luck.
Plus I live in Sin city, a bad place for friends in general. _._
Will you be my friend!? :lol: 2hp

Re: New-ish Necromancer/Time traveler needs a teacher! Plz halp?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:45 am
by darkwing dook
Necromancy is a darker practice, though. It's better to have someone with experience to guide and teach, to avoid irreversible mistakes : )

One example:

Re: New-ish Necromancer/Time traveler needs a teacher! Plz halp?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 6:02 am
by Rainbowgirl
darkwing wrote:Necromancy is a darker practice, though. It's better to have someone with experience to guide and teach, to avoid irreversible mistakes : )

One example:
Indeed! It also depends on what kind of necromancy you are practicing with all those shades of gray.
I for instance am only using very mild necromancy thus far to speak with and interact with my spirts.

But as far as necromancy magick, I have not begun anything besides a bit of channeling my spirits during scrying and wish making. Because I definitely agree that since it is darker magick in nature, a teacher would be ideal.
I have no urge to become summoner or traverse dangerous astral locations or anything too intense. But I do wish to astral travel/work with darker spirits.

And thank you for the link, Dark but unfortunately it says I do not have permissions to read the thread! : /
Is there anyway to fix that?

Re: New-ish Necromancer/Time traveler needs a teacher! Plz halp?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 6:36 am
by darkwing dook
Rainbowgirl wrote: And thank you for the link, Dark but unfortunately it says I do not have permissions to read the thread! : /
Is there anyway to fix that?
Oo maybe that one's for tenured or other groups, sorry about that : (