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The Angelic Orders

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:55 am
by SuperMotoBabe
My friend emailed me this info. It seems that there is a level higher than the Throne Angels.
I had a Throne Angel on my wish list, but now I'm thinking maybe I should look into the First Order.
I'm still researching if I can find out more info on them.

Orders of the First Choir are: Supernals - Celestials - Illuminations

Orders of the Second Choir are: Seraphim - Cherubim - Thrones

Orders of the Third Choir are: Dominations - Virtues - Powers

Orders of the Fourth Choir are: Principalities - Archangels - Angels

Re: The Angelic Orders

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:44 am
by sage of aquarius
Hi Super,

This is about the third or fourth time that a need for a listing of angelic orders had come up for me in the last week. I have to wonder where your friend got there information from. Do you know the source? The list I have is from Pseudo-Dionysius and it only has three orders.

First Order: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones
Second Order: Dominions, Virtues, Powers
Third Order: Principalities, Archangels, Angels

A really good source of information on angels and their orders is "Return of the Angels" by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler. Hope this helps. :)

Re: The Angelic Orders

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:04 pm
by Magnolia
Well, depending on how detailed you want to get (cross-religions) there are a great number of Angel hierarchies.

There are nine groups (choirs) if you follow the Dionysius the Areopagite


They are then organized into 3 separate orders:

First order: Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones (heavenly)
Second order: Dominions, Virtues, and Powers (leaders)
Third order: Principalities, Archangels, and Angels (ministers)

There are many different people who have tried to put the Angels into a hierarchy. The Bible does not put them into an order of power or ability. All of the hierarchies were made by men in their own opinion and there are more than 14 different hierarchies pre-dating the time of Jesus all the way up to the 20th century. So which one is right? The world may never know...

I would tell you that you should go with the Angels that respond to you. It's not about where they rank in celestial hierarchy because no one can say for sure which list is accurate... some lists omit Angels while others add other Angels.

Re: The Angelic Orders

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:48 pm
by Amberly
I thought that the Seraphim and Cherubim were healers, not guardians.

Re: The Angelic Orders

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:30 pm
by Samsara
StarFae wrote:I thought that the Seraphim and Cherubim were healers, not guardians.
I don't know what they are, but my seraphim is cool. They feel like wise men/council. Definitely not a body guard like the the Thrones. If I were to use my imagination I would say Seraphim are like heads of state and the Thrones high ranking officials of law and order. Archangels are the warriors who actually do the fighting and saving. They work well as a team.

None of them are really destroyers of evil, rather they remove evil and protector the good. Or watch as they check the list of naughty or nice list. I assume they all could heal if they wanted to, and they can all grant wishes.

This is coming from someone who never reads religious texts. Just by intuition.

Re: The Angelic Orders

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:36 pm
by SuperMotoBabe
I think she got it from here:

It says the first order is pure energy.

Re: The Angelic Orders

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:21 pm
by Amberly
This is what Lisa told me:

"Seraphim and Cherubim are both very similar. They are the music of the heavens so to speak. They both have the gift of healing through angelic song."

I don't know. I am just looking to get a Throne for a little extra defense around here from the baddies.

Re: The Angelic Orders

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:00 am
by Bella
I knew I should have started an angel ranking thread!
This info comes from Astral Travel to "Home"/"Heaven"/"The Other Side" and a conversation with Azna, our Mother God, and the feminine half of creation.
She has many names, as does our Father God.
(I wish I could give you all my conscious memories of Home!)
I had posted this in a different thread before CH started selling Throne angels.
They are listed in order from least ability to greatest ability, or rather, responsibility as I am now being told.

Angels are the first phylum. Angels radiate with the love and glory of the Holy Spirit. They appear with shining white light surrounding them.
Their totem is the seagull and their element is the sun. The stone for Angels is the pearl.
You can always tell Angels by their wings, which are white with silver tips. Angels are
here to be our protectors. Their function is to help us with our fears and phobias.

Archangels are the second phylum of angels. ( I call Archangel Michael for protection and Archangel Raphael for healing. You can also call on the Archangels of the four directions to help protect you: I call Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel -N,S,E,W)
Archangels carry the scepter of healing. This scepter is full of water from the pond near the Hall of Wisdom(place on The Other Side). An Archangel will touch someone gently on the heart chakra and send them healing.
The totem for Archangels is the wolf and their element is rain. The stone for these angels is aquamarine. Archangels have white wings with blue tips. These
angels are messengers and are known for giving people hope.

The Cherubim and the Seraphim are levels three and four.
The animal totem for both is the canary, known for its beautiful singing.
The main difference between the two is that the Cherubim have beautiful singing voices
and the Seraphim have a vibrational and tonal ability. The Cherubim and the Seraphim
are known as the most joyous phylum and can often be seen and heard singing on the opalescent stairways of The Other Side. Both types of angels have white wings with rose-colored tips. The Cherubim are slightly larger than the Seraphim. The music they create together is indescribable.

The Powers are the fifth phylum of angel and their primary function is healing and protection from demons and other lower vibrational beings. They use
their wings to create a healing cocoon around the person who is in need of healing. While
the Archangels use the scepter of healing, the Powers simply use their own energy to
heal. If you call upon the Powers, they can easily shelter you with their wings – but it is
the healing electrical force that comes from them that enters our bodies and heals us cell
by cell.
The Powers are large angels, with some of them being quite enormous. Their totem is the
falcon, known for being swift and having perseverance. Their element is the moon, which
represents the motherly or female aspect. The Powers’ stone is the emerald, which is the
healing color of green. The Powers’ wing tips are a greenish white and they have electric
blue flames that rise from them.

The Carrions are the sixth phylum of angels. Their purpose is to carry away the dark
entities when they die. The Carrions only have one mission: to stand back until a dark
entity is ready to pass into death. Carrions act as protection for our world and also The
Other Side. Because of Carrions, dead dark entities don’t exist on earth. Their totem is
the raven. Their element is the wind; this represents the type of task they carry out. Their
stone is the opal.

The Virtues are the seventh phylum of angels. The Virtues help us with our charts, and
they help us make changes to our charts when needed. Virtues also help us with our
charts and with life on The Other Side before we come to earth.
The Virtues are tremendous angels that help to guide us even before we begin our lives.
These angels are the seventh phyla. The Virtues are represented by the dove. Many of us
know that the dove is a symbol for peace, love and the Holy Spirit. Their stone is silver.
Their wings have pale blue tips with silvery blue luminescence. Their element is water,
which represents flexibility and mutability.

The Dominions are the eighth phylum of angels. They watch over our good deeds and
actions and record them permanently in the Akashic record.
Dominions typically do not act on our earth plane, but do their
work where they are on our behalf.
Their totem is the cougar, who is known for its strength and dignity. Their element is the
earth, which represents both grounding and the lives that they record. Their stone is the
bloodstone, which reminds us so much of the blood of life. Dominions have wings that
are white with a maroon tint to them.

The Thrones and the Principalities are considered the “most high” of all of the angels.
The Thrones are Mother God's army and the Principalities are Father God’s army. There are no other angels that are higher than them.(unless Mother and Father God decide to create a new phylum tommorrow and then tell me about it, the ones mentioned above are it) The Thrones and Principalities are sent to us when we are in extreme danger of any type.
They usually don't come(leave their realm) unless there is a dire situation(such as a car wreck) or they are called upon specifically.

Re: The Angelic Orders

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:04 am
by SuperMotoBabe
Which phylum do Courtwind Angels fall into?

Re: The Angelic Orders

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:25 am
by Bella
All of the CH specific "named" angels (Bronwyn, Sterling, Courtwind, Ethereal,etc.) fall into the Angels phylum. Angels of any and all phylums are extremely powerful beings. They do not discriminate against anyone at any time or for any reason. They want to help everyone that asks them for help as it elevates their own souls as well as the person that they are helping, to become closer to God. They must be asked before they can interfere in our free-will choices.