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How does your volkh typically manifest to you?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:11 am
by Bella
I'm currently looking at different spirits in stones to use my coupon code on from a marketplace avatar purchase.
I contacted Princess via the helpdesk and she told me the coupon codes don't expire and I should take my time deciding which one I want. Thank You! :thumbup:

The volkh looks interesting, from what I read in the encyclopedia, they are shape-shifting guardians.
This is a creature that I had not heard of until coming to CH.
When I ask how they typically manifest, what I mean to ask is what is their standard form?
What does a volkh usually look like?
I hope they won't manifest as an animal that I don't like, such as snakes and spiders.

Re: How does your volkh typically manifest to you?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:16 am
by MysticStar
Hi Ileana :wave:
I have one
He basically shows himself as a streak of light
When i see them in others pictures, they show as a Red light trail
Some times with a creature face, not too scary. :hug:
(will you be listing your items in the Marketplace again, i noticed you have a store) :thumbup:

Re: How does your volkh typically manifest to you?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:19 am
by ladyevelyn77
Mine has never manifested for me, but he has been vital as my right hand spirit. I never communicate with my spirits without him. He's my personal body guard and shield. He works so hard for me. I'm so grateful to have him.

Re: How does your volkh typically manifest to you?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:35 am
by Bella
Thanks Ellen! :hug:
:offtopic: <- I always think, "I don't know why the OT icon isn't smiling. He should be a happy, more positive, smiley face!" LOL
Anyway...I've been thinking about what to list but I'm just unsure right now.

:hug: Sounds good, Lady E!
I can never have too much protection!

Re: How does your volkh typically manifest to you?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:44 am
by SuperMotoBabe
My Volkh has only been here for a short while. So far, he's been manifesting as a silhouette. I've given him permission to manifest in any form he wants. So we'll see what he chooses next.

Re: How does your volkh typically manifest to you?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:49 am
by MysticStar
Yeah, that off topic looks mean
Hope to see you list some items soon :computer: :crazy: :flower:

Re: How does your volkh typically manifest to you?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:17 pm
by ASH

Re: How does your volkh typically manifest to you?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:47 pm
by YellowStarBee
When I bought my Volkh this last summer from CH...
I had a purpose in mind....there were dark creepers
that hung around showing themselves esp. at 11PM ...
I have a nephew that I swear he was born with these
and when he comes over ...they stay for awhile.
Anyway when Mr. Volkh came here I noticed a difference in
Temperature of the air surrounding my house..
like I was walking through layers of energy.
And on the third evening, I was trying to walk
my dogs at 11PM when I noticed that they would not leave
the patio. I stepped off the patio and I saw him walking in
shadow form past me.
He was in the form of a large grey wolf. Did not look left or right ...
just patroled around the house.
I don't know if this helps you but that is what I observed.
And I have seen him twice on two different evenings.

Re: How does your volkh typically manifest to you?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:35 pm
by watkinsan
Illena, I know this is an older post, so you've probably already picked what you are going to get...anyway the manifestations I've gotten from my Volkh are:

(Note: I have not had an actual physical manifestation with any of my spirits yet. I'm still new, so instead they show me images/visions in my mind. Kind of like a daydream)

1. Fireworks. You know, the huge ones that are usually saved for the end of the show? That twinkle and sparkle as they fall? That's the firework image I've gotten several times.

2. People. He has shown me himself as different people I know. Actually, they are not close friends, or even relatively close aquaintences either...mostly have been random people from the place I work.

I mostly get the people/human images when he shows himself to me. Probably because I can handle that and rationalize it in my mind better-who knows! (He does, I guess is the answer! lol)

Hope this helps, and you can NOT go wrong with a Volkh-EVER! :)

Re: How does your volkh typically manifest to you?

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:48 pm
by Daciana
Mine has frequently manifested as bird like. Usually he is quiet and I only notice him if something big is going on. He's made crows land on my rig, cawing after midnight and flapping against the window. I instantly knew it was him and not my crow spirits or anything else.

The few times I've called him he is always in an etheric looking form with a bird like face. Owls, crows and hummingbirds are his favorite choices it seems. Hardly speaks, but will respond if I am tasking him or asking important questions. And encounters are brief , before he wooshes into me and disappears.