I was visited by an angel

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I use to have a interesting book. Alternative christian medicine. But it talked about christian metaphysics it was written in like 1903 but I cannot find it I must have lost it. I wish I still had it bc I think it had magic in it. Anyways. Christians were mystics until the Romans about 200 years so yeah. Hundreds of gospels burned or out into very very restricted libraries. The dead sea scrolls and the Enoch book about the watchers some would consider a forbidden gospel some say.
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i have many angels unbound as well arch angels and christ conciousness come in and i still dont understand myself christian. i never will.... im one that believes it was to be mysticism not herd the sheep into church and tell them what to do by fear. total oppasite of what jesus even said but anyways. my angels know of my magick they dont even react to it so you think im going to ring of hell for it? even though my angels can give two beeps about it.....

id like to remind you why the romans made catholicism and it was a war against pagans, pagans openly did rituals and magick very accepted. so to threaten them being damned by their hertiage of being pagans i dont buy it. sorry. bible not even written by jesus's fellowers they were cherry picked by romans that wanted to create their own religion which has nothing to do with Jewish...... two different Gods. jewish god can be Cruel and unforgiving ht christian God idea is a loving forgiving God so it even counterdicts itself to even have a hell.
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Kvedulf133 wrote: Thu Dec 29, 2022 8:16 am I recently have decided to change things around in my life based on a couple of life changing events. To start off my life has always been a little crazy ever since I was a kid. I was born into a very different family with some non earthly gifts. It wasn't always easy under all the full moon rages in my fathers house or my mothers alcoholic tendencies but with God's help I freed myself from their masonic control and got the help I deserved and needed. Now it came to my attention during almost dying in the ER recently that God sent Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael to protect me.. and now it seems he sent another angel. I heard his name whispered before in the navy barracks. Azrael. Crazy how while flipping through scripture I landed on the exact verse marking his name and my highlighter fell in red on his name. The same night I met a very random man at my door and we had a quick conversation. After a couple words he asked for a cup of water and I quickly ushered him in. Before long we began to talk and one thing led to another and keep in mind this he left his cup on my dresser but warned me not to drink after him AT ALL. Now I asked him if he was hungry and he offered me dinner at a restaurant Hot Joy. Seeing I had no money in my wallet he offered to pay for me and we left the house promptly. Taking his car we arrived at the restaurant and quite frankly I had difficulty keeping up in his conversation as he seemed so far ahead of me but he asked me about my life and what I've been up to. The way he spoke was as if he had been watching me my whole life. The feeling was more than surreal. It was God himself working his hand. It was the most beautifully scary experience I've ever had in my entire life. Leaving he told me not to be sad and to exercise my free will in God's manner and timing with how I'm operating within my life right now. On the way back in the car we listened to Angels landing and I wont swear but I felt the holy spirit fill my entire spiritual and astral body.. Crazy. Now getting home I saw the cup and well it was as if the Lord himself instructed me on how to magically clean it and put it away out of respect... ANYWAYS that's all I got for now but I hope you enjoyed my holiday sharing of joy. Cheers and Jesus loves you all. So if anyone is sad or mad or feeling rejected or lost just know that God is always there and is always listening.

Love, Blessings, and Light!!!
I would love to hear more stories like this.
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What's the YT channel that reviews Christian magic books?
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Also it sounds like you were visited by an angel in human form or someone close to God. That's a gnarly experience
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Ah, a neat thread I missed that hits close to me personally.

Anyone interested? I'll cut it short. Hermetical Mysticism. Yeshua was a fan. Spent a lot of time within it in Egypt, 'nuff said.

The Bible is a great book--in its original tongues. I have found it to be beautiful and pure in truth as such. Be wary of translations--they have all been sterilized and changed in various parts. King James was the most notorious for introducing a major change when he had a translation done for print. This was the same man that wrote a definitive book on Demonology, btw.

On one hand, he was for 'witchcraft really bad'--on the other, he was personally well--versed in the other realms. You know, the whole 'what applies for thee does not apply to me' bit. He was big on shackles, hence his changes.

That being said, the Bible is essentially a 'starter' book, and quite limited in its scope. It IS just a history of God's interactions with the Jewish people, and ONLY the Jewish people of those times. The hints are many of sooo much more to be learned about the vastness of what else there 'is' and 'was'--but a strong foundation makes a good start.

As Yeshua stated, one cannot know the workings of the heavens if they do not even know the workings of this world.

And the workings of this world are meant to dominate your mind, and hold you here behind a closed door with only a promise of what lies beyond.

Perhaps it is indeed, for safety, to be honest. But know that if you do approach that door and lay you hand upon it, it will crumble away and the full truth will be before you.
A wise Earthen Elemental Wolf Spirit once said to me,
"Why speak magick? Be magick!"
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@mcm442 I wonder if there's a sigil for communication with Yeshua directly. I want an original assembled copy of the Bible pre king James and alterations. Apparently with God they wrote out God's wife being asherah. But yeah! It's interesting!
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Crossover93 wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:10 am @mcm442 I wonder if there's a sigil for communication with Yeshua directly.
Um, gotta be honest chief--he is the easiest to talk to directly, lol. No sigils required.
A wise Earthen Elemental Wolf Spirit once said to me,
"Why speak magick? Be magick!"
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Interesting thanks!
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