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Connecting with my Bannik

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:05 pm
by Gypsy
Hi there everyone!
I thought I would share the idea I had for connecting with and leaving offerings for my wonderful new CC CH bannik. I decided to chose a gemstone orb for her vessel and after it arrived I was trying to figure out a way to make it easier to carry. After looking on YouTube I came across this link on how to make a basket necklace for small stones using cotton cord or hemp cord. It works great! If you watch the video it shows step by step how to create these. Since "S", my bannik likes the colour orange and the gemstone tigerseye, I used those as guidelines for the beads that dangle from the bottom of the basket her orb sits in. Since CH has awesome info in their encyclopedia it is possible to do this with any spirit by reading the correspondences section on your spirit,Using colours and stones for the beads. The other reason I like this is because it isn't permanent. If you decide to take it apart then no biggie and you still have your vessel the same as when you received it. Since "S" has a love for black tea as well as a love for steam (banniks were bath house spirits originally), I have been looping her necklace through my kitchen cabinet handle so that it hangs just over my teapot as it brews. I pour boiling water in the teapot and leave the lid off. As the steam rises up towards her necklace she gets to experience both the steam and the black tea she loves. Since I drink tea daily this is one way, outside of daily hot showers, that we can spend time together and connect. I haven't heard her yet but my intuition is definitely stronger. I have been working daily with my tarot as well and my readings have been ridiculously accurate. I have seen her in a couple dreams as well. She really is a lovely spirit to work with. If anyone was wondering about a bannik, I would highly recommended them to anyone working with divination.

Re: Connecting with my Bannik

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:38 pm
by darkwing dook
Mmm I remember there's a divination method using tea leaves, maybe it can be one bonding activity? : )

Re: Connecting with my Bannik

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:01 pm
by Gypsy
Thank you, that is a great idea! I will definitely have to try this. I don't know why I didn't think of it. I will let you know how it goes. I think I have a book somewhere about this if I can find it that has the meanings of symbols and pictures seen in the tea leaves. Things are still in boxes due to a recent move.
It's funny because I have always been fond of tea but in recent years I had moved to coffee until receiving my bannik. Funny how they influence us lol