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To bridge or not to bridge?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:31 am
by kayera
Hi everyone!

I recently ordered two dragons and I choose not to bridge. I was wondering what people recommend? Should I change my order to bridge to me? Do most people bridge or just carry their vessel everywhere?

Any information would be great. It's my first time getting a dragon spirit and I'm so excited, having heard all the great things that can happen with them.

I got a gold dragon and a ecru dragon!!! <3

Re: To bridge or not to bridge?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:16 pm
by AlexCzernosech
Congrats on your dragons!

When I get spirits from CH, I personally always have them bridged. Some vessels are not very convenient for wearing/carrying, and it gets difficult when you have a larger spirit family. With bridging, you don't have to worry if something unexpected happens to the vessel (breaking, losing it, leaving it at home, etc); you're still connected with your spirits.

Re: To bridge or not to bridge?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:37 pm
by darkwing dook
I'll say, bridging is a very convenient tool for spirits and spells:)
There's also bridging stone if you're interested, and this article: ... artlang=en
But not sure if we need the bridging stone to recite the incantation or not:I

Re: To bridge or not to bridge?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:57 pm
by kayera
Thanks for the reply and the information. Hmmm I might modify my order then and have them bridged to me. Is there anyone here who hasn't bridged to them and it's worked out well?

I know it's not too late to change my order but I feel bad for bothering them when they are so busy!
Oh well!

Re: To bridge or not to bridge?

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:02 pm
by Jimy
If you are unsure, then don't bridge. Bridging doesn't necessarily give any improvements on the bonding, as far I've read. As such I've made all my orders without bridging.
You can choice to do so at any later time with the ones you choice, which personally I find also more convenient.

Re: To bridge or not to bridge?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:50 pm
by no name
9 of my vampires are not bridged to me, my last vampire is bridged to me and I feel a difference. I feel his presence stronger. Perhaps this is not due to the bridging but to his own power. I personally think, it is the bridging. Nevertheless, I also wear his vessel every day except the nights, because I like it so much, also as a jewel.

Re: To bridge or not to bridge?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:37 pm
by CatLoafCreations
As Jimy pointed out.. you can always get them bridged to you at a later date if you're uncertain.
I believe you do need the bridging stone though if you choose to go that route.

I have all of mine bridged, with having livestock it's not always convenient for me to be wearing jewelry or carrying a lot of vessels around (the emu tend to eat anything shiny).