Getting rid of parasites

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Using sage for cleansing even certain plants boiled with oils and salt one can make their own cleaning spray I had roses in mine
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Keriix Lunaria wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 5:11 pm I'm gonna go full chaotic and say just get both, if you aren't able to intuit which is best for you. But, don't listen to me... probably :'D
Thanks for your suggestion, I might do that.
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Daciana wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 5:17 pm Ch has a spell "to get rid of unbound feeders" that is great for something like this. 🙃 Regular spiritual hygiene helps too .
Unfortunately, CH spells have not worked for me so well yet. I know most of them are DIY which I am supposed to recite on particular days and at a particular time, and I have not done that so I can't really complain. But there are a few items that don't require anything from my side, I have yet to see any effects from them. (maybe I'll open another thread later about utilising CH spells/items in a better way, don't wanna go into too much details about that now)
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Whyme wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 7:24 pm I'm a fan of spiritual hygiene. It makes it slippery for parasites, etc. to attach to you and affect your aura/energy. The spell sounds like it'll really help.
Thank you, I am not exactly sure as to how to go about it. But I'm guessing some generic measures like aura/chakra cleanse meditation and maybe some other generic meditations.
Hazell wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 8:39 pm I definitely recommend cleansing and protection. Even just using an aura cleansing spray and setting that intention can help to clear negative/stagnant energy around you and make it harder for things to attach. Using sea salt in the bath is also great for cleansing. Crystals like selenite will help to keep your energy clear too. For protection I personally like obsidian and amethyst.

I also recommend setting up energetic wards. There’s a lot of topics on the forum about this.

I like these videos as well. Having it playing in the background can be helpful to tap into those energies.

Protective spirits can help, but I think having your own routine and way of dealing with these things is important. See what works for you.
Thank you, I used to wear a amethyst bracelet but it broke, I'll try to get a new one (the problem being how to identify if it's the real thing or not, lots of fake sellers out here).
I have a small obsidian ball shaped cubic that I keep at home. I was told about Tourmaline. Maybe I'll get a bracelet of that.
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Hazell wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 8:39 pm I definitely recommend cleansing and protection. Even just using an aura cleansing spray and setting that intention can help to clear negative/stagnant energy around you and make it harder for things to attach. Using sea salt in the bath is also great for cleansing. Crystals like selenite will help to keep your energy clear too. For protection I personally like obsidian and amethyst.

I also recommend setting up energetic wards. There’s a lot of topics on the forum about this.

I like these videos as well. Having it playing in the background can be helpful to tap into those energies.

Protective spirits can help, but I think having your own routine and way of dealing with these things is important. See what works for you.
Oh, and thanks for the video as well. I'll try to see what routine I can develop.
Tarvos wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 9:20 pm
sunnydisconnected wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 2:55 pm Hi all,

(not sure if this is best forum for here it goes).

I did a reading a while ago and I was told there's an astral parasite leeching on my (astral) body. And it was not a scare tactic because I've got it confirmed by 1 other seller, who is very reputed in CH community as well (there are many threads/posts about her). I know don't have any protection, so it possible it could have happened. I am planning of getting some protection spirits (will open another thread in the Protection forum), but before getting any of them I wanna get rid of this parasite.

So, I was looking ways of getting rid of it. Searching for the term "parasite" on CH shop site gives 3 results which are not exactly what I am looking for. Here's what I was able to find after some research.

There is one "Removal of Parasite/Leech" service offered by Fay's Spiritual Haven (enchantedemporium, read about her work and praises in CH forum itself)

And one I was able to find was "Astral Parasite Cleanse" from Brianna (The Ivory Pagan, again read about her in CH forum itself, and personally have taken many readings from her).

Does any one has any suggestions / recommendation which one of these should I go for? Or if there is anything better or some other suggestion?
Lol Keriix. 😆 I recommend the opposite approach: skip the readings entirely. Instead, focus on some cleansing and protection. I stand with Hazell on this matter. There's no need to invite spirits into your life unless you wish to be a Spirit Keeper. Simple spells, as Daciana previously suggested one, can be effective.

I suggest considering whether the two readers are analyzing the same parasite or if they are examining different ones entirely. Lol. Have you reflected on that possibility? Why do you believe they won't return to pester you in the future? If you choose not to engage with either of these readers, you will likely continue with your life without any disruptions.

Individuals who lack any connection to the spiritual often don't utilize their astral or spiritual bodies. As a result, even if any parasite is drawing a negligible amount of your energy for many decades, it is unlikely to be noticeable or to impact your life. Except in cases where a negative entity is involved, potentially causing huge problems.

Your energy is quite negative, and I don't read you at all, it's purely the energy from what was written. I don't mean it in a bad way, but the truth is that our lives can become overwhelmed with doubts, fears, and worries, etc. These accumulated negative energies act as food for feeders and parasites.

By shifting your mindset to focus on the positive, you can eliminate these parasites. These beings thrive on negative energies, and when you don't have any, they will naturally go away, even without protection. While some cleansing and protection measures can be nice, your most powerful tool lies in changing your way of thinking.
Now, this is an interesting post. It would require a long reply (sorry about that).

There's no need to invite spirits into your life unless you wish to be a Spirit Keeper.
I do and I don't. Let me explain I don't intend to be a keeper like many people here are having companion in double of some even triple digits. But I am interested in some unique (to me personally) that I wanna get. And like I explained in previous post, spells have not worked too great for me so far (and not just from CH, although there are a few that did manifest successfully). I have been at the receiving end of hexes and curses, even black magic Voodoo with my hair and all. It's all finally leveling up a now (too long of a story for this thread/post).
So, yes, I am looking (primarily) for protection spirit, mostly non social. Volkh and Wraith (maybe a west watcher because CH encyclopaedia said if you omly get one watcher get this, or a courtwind angel) in that sense I wanna keep spirits.
But no, not in the sense most people here might be keeping them.
(Living entities is a different thing)

I did not consider they might be different parasite. Although it seems less likely and I don't have any data points to prove that it's just an institution.

I don't believe they will not return again, that's why I am looking to get some protection spirit (non social, because I don't really wanna be a keeper in a traditional sense) AFTER I get the cleansing.

Individuals who lack any connection to the spiritual often don't utilize their astral or spiritual bodies. As a result, even if any parasite is drawing a negligible amount of your energy for many decades, it is unlikely to be noticeable or to impact your life. Except in cases where a negative entity is involved, potentially causing huge problems.
At the current point, I don't utilise my other bodies (you've given me interesting thing to consider, I'll post about it soon) but I don't want some sucker leech of my body/energy however minute that might be. How about they go and suck off some bad/evil person some criminal person and not me? (And let's not get into bad and evil is relative, I'll create another thread for that soon). What I mean is why they stealing from me? However little, I wanna stop that.

Thank you for that, I do have positive outlook on life and in case I am lacking somewhere like you suggested I'll try to change that as well. But if you do recall you have read me/my energies in one of the thread. Not sure if you remember that.

Finally, thank you again. You. always give detailed replies on my posts and I'm grateful for that, I'm leaning so much from you. And I'll try to re-shift my energy/focus towards more positive outlook and energies.
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Attunements/empowerments are great for removal, cleansing, healing, and protection. You can run them whenever you like.
With parasite problems, you need constant protection and regular cleansing; it is costly to depend on others for that.

As someone who had always preferred others doing the job for them when it comes to things like cleansing, healing etc I never liked empowerments, chi balls, and anything I had to partake in receiving and doing. I also didn’t trust myself enough, because “what if I’m not receiving them correctly” haunted me 😣

But - but I gave it a shot and I saw results. If you are sensitive to energies you’ll feel it upon receiving and running each time. If you’re not, you’ll still see results if it succeeds. I say “if”, not when, because with all things meta, nothing is guaranteed.

Dragon Shaman has an extensive library of empowerments by him and other creators. I recommend the Sage Orb Empowerment as a starter. It’s not expensive and it’s a powerful tool. But what I recommend is writing to Dragon Shaman and explain your situation. Ask him for empowerments recommendations. He does have free attunements as well.

Charles RQL has a few attunements but what I recommend is the Autorunner; a tool that helps utilize some attunements to do a lot of things. I use it to run attunements 24/7. This is extremely efficient for protection and cleansing if your issues run deep and need thorough removal. It doesn’t work with all attunements from every creator. It does work with Dragon Shaman’s though.

If you still want a practitioner’s insight and help:

Dragon Shaman. He has Shamanic Ritual by Donation. You can also get Spiritual Investigation; a divination option to get to the roots of your situation.
If you join his Discord, you get a discount code. But check with him first if this code still available.

Charles RQL has his own divination and custom work services. He is great at giving lengthy answers and dedicated to providing professional help but might not answer immediately, depending on his schedule.

Aziz Shaman. I hesitate recommending him for various reasons, one of them is that he isn’t great with answering emails and doesn’t offer thorough explanations so you will not know how many sessions is needed or what he had done. He does get the job done though.
He also offers crystal kits, orbs, and empowerments.
You can order Remote Shamanic Healing, then write an email explaining your problem. He will perform the healing and after that, if you still feel you need another session then order another. If not, you can get the Healing Orb; healing servitor that reproduces upon activation and the healing runs for an hour.
Or order Magick Kits but I haven’t tried ordering those from him so I don’t know about shipping.

Vyrtous Breath: directly email her and ask about parasite removal service. She does offer many healing options but personally, I didn’t see much benefit from them, except the parasite removal. This was many years ago though. She is also WA and some of her methods are sort of religion based.

Eden’s Apple offers parasite removal with Beelzebub. They do a scan first if you request it and the fee gets included in the removal service.

Lisa MTT offers spell casting and you can specify the number of days. Like get a casting for 30 days in a row. She has cleansing services but not parasite removal specifically. Lisa is great at answering questions so try your luck and see.
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ImmortalYearning wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2024 2:12 am Learn to do or yourself, so you can break the parasite neck yourself. Plus Thier are lots of protection magic with many pantheons of gods, of you don't wanna do it yourself. Relying on spirits for protection is not the best, because their are many things they have never encountered as well. But follow your heart, balance self help and help from others. Because once you ascend out of the planet, you can't rely on no one else to protect your life.
Yes thank you. that is what my many others have suggested too, to develop my own spiritual hygiene routine. I will try to learn more about it.
But you've made a very good point that once I pass this planet I can't rely on anyone else. but that raises another question. what about my spirit guides ? I've learnt that many come and go but some stay across reincarnation, won't they be guiding / supporting me? I understand the importance of self reliance but I am curious about my guides.
ASTER wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2024 6:10 am I second @Tarvos advice here as I had the very same thoughts ... while I read your post. I don't even want to repeat it. And I keep my exact thoughts on this to myself, if you don't mind. Also, I feel there's a lot of good self help replies here, that I would hear and take it to heart, if I were you. ;) but you are free to pick and choose that fits your needs best. I hope you'll able to deal with this yourself soon.
Tarvos wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 9:20 pm
sunnydisconnected wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 2:55 pm Hi all,

(not sure if this is best forum for here it goes).

I did a reading a while ago and I was told there's an astral parasite leeching on my (astral) body. And it was not a scare tactic because I've got it confirmed by 1 other seller, who is very reputed in CH community as well (there are many threads/posts about her). I know don't have any protection, so it possible it could have happened. I am planning of getting some protection spirits (will open another thread in the Protection forum), but before getting any of them I wanna get rid of this parasite.

So, I was looking ways of getting rid of it. Searching for the term "parasite" on CH shop site gives 3 results which are not exactly what I am looking for. Here's what I was able to find after some research.

There is one "Removal of Parasite/Leech" service offered by Fay's Spiritual Haven (enchantedemporium, read about her work and praises in CH forum itself)

And one I was able to find was "Astral Parasite Cleanse" from Brianna (The Ivory Pagan, again read about her in CH forum itself, and personally have taken many readings from her).

Does any one has any suggestions / recommendation which one of these should I go for? Or if there is anything better or some other suggestion?
Lol Keriix. 😆 I recommend the opposite approach: skip the readings entirely. Instead, focus on some cleansing and protection. I stand with Hazell on this matter. There's no need to invite spirits into your life unless you wish to be a Spirit Keeper. Simple spells, as Daciana previously suggested one, can be effective.

I suggest considering whether the two readers are analyzing the same parasite or if they are examining different ones entirely. Lol. Have you reflected on that possibility? Why do you believe they won't return to pester you in the future? If you choose not to engage with either of these readers, you will likely continue with your life without any disruptions.

Individuals who lack any connection to the spiritual often don't utilize their astral or spiritual bodies. As a result, even if any parasite is drawing a negligible amount of your energy for many decades, it is unlikely to be noticeable or to impact your life. Except in cases where a negative entity is involved, potentially causing huge problems.

Your energy is quite negative, and I don't read you at all, it's purely the energy from what was written. I don't mean it in a bad way, but the truth is that our lives can become overwhelmed with doubts, fears, and worries, etc. These accumulated negative energies act as food for feeders and parasites.

By shifting your mindset to focus on the positive, you can eliminate these parasites. These beings thrive on negative energies, and when you don't have any, they will naturally go away, even without protection. While some cleansing and protection measures can be nice, your most powerful tool lies in changing your way of thinking.
Thank you for your input. I'll work towards it .
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Rando3000 wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2024 4:15 am The others have all given fantastic advice worth taking in.

If it was me personally I would go with Brianna's cleanse to remove the symptom and then focus on trying to improve positivity and deal with any radiating negativity that may be attracting them ,if you leave food out then they will come haha. Regular cleansing of self is helpful for making you a less desirable host and there a few CH spells that could help prevent future attachments as well, really any cleanse but will link specifically a couple for this purpose. I dont think it is necessary to enlist a troop of protection spirits to only deal with a feeder. ... spell.html ... r-orb.html
(I really like this Power Orb)
Rando3000 wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2024 5:18 am Sorry to spam but I found another one that may be useful/relevant for you to look at. Im not telling you must get anything/everything, its just useful and you can gleam a fair bit of understanding from reading the listings and descriptions alone. ... eders.html
Thank you for the links. Like I mentioned in one of my post earlier I have had little success with CH (and many other) spells, but that's mainly due to my own lack of work. I am not sure about the orb one but I'll try to get the other one and the one feeder off later on once I have some funds.
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sunnydisconnected wrote: Fri Nov 22, 2024 3:15 pm Now, this is an interesting post. It would require a long reply (sorry about that).

There's no need to invite spirits into your life unless you wish to be a Spirit Keeper.
I do and I don't. Let me explain I don't intend to be a keeper like many people here are having companion in double of some even triple digits. But I am interested in some unique (to me personally) that I wanna get. And like I explained in previous post, spells have not worked too great for me so far (and not just from CH, although there are a few that did manifest successfully). I have been at the receiving end of hexes and curses, even black magic Voodoo with my hair and all. It's all finally leveling up a now (too long of a story for this thread/post).
So, yes, I am looking (primarily) for protection spirit, mostly non social. Volkh and Wraith (maybe a west watcher because CH encyclopaedia said if you omly get one watcher get this, or a courtwind angel) in that sense I wanna keep spirits.
But no, not in the sense most people here might be keeping them.
(Living entities is a different thing)

I did not consider they might be different parasite. Although it seems less likely and I don't have any data points to prove that it's just an institution.

I don't believe they will not return again, that's why I am looking to get some protection spirit (non social, because I don't really wanna be a keeper in a traditional sense) AFTER I get the cleansing.

Individuals who lack any connection to the spiritual often don't utilize their astral or spiritual bodies. As a result, even if any parasite is drawing a negligible amount of your energy for many decades, it is unlikely to be noticeable or to impact your life. Except in cases where a negative entity is involved, potentially causing huge problems.
At the current point, I don't utilise my other bodies (you've given me interesting thing to consider, I'll post about it soon) but I don't want some sucker leech of my body/energy however minute that might be. How about they go and suck off some bad/evil person some criminal person and not me? (And let's not get into bad and evil is relative, I'll create another thread for that soon). What I mean is why they stealing from me? However little, I wanna stop that.

Thank you for that, I do have positive outlook on life and in case I am lacking somewhere like you suggested I'll try to change that as well. But if you do recall you have read me/my energies in one of the thread. Not sure if you remember that.

Finally, thank you again. You. always give detailed replies on my posts and I'm grateful for that, I'm leaning so much from you. And I'll try to re-shift my energy/focus towards more positive outlook and energies.
Do you or any family members practice? What leads you to think you might be subjected to curses or hexes? Most people don’t randomly cast curses on others. Even those who do engage in such practices typically have specific reasons to do so. If you're feeling unlucky and attribute that to being hexed, you might be misunderstanding the situation.

You can undergo one cleanse or even a thousand; it makes no difference in the long run. Think of it as being an all-you-can-eat buffet for negative entities. If you exude negativity, you're essentially a magnet for parasites and feeders. This is why I recommend adjusting your mindset because you must go through changes. Cleansing may eliminate one or two parasites, but without a shift in you and your surrounding energy, others will inevitably be drawn to you again.

Individuals often suggest removal services, which I find to be a waste of money if you lack insight into why these negative entities are drawn to you specifically, rather than, say, your roommate. This is not to imply that these removal services are ineffective. However, without addressing the underlying issues, you'll likely attract another wave of parasites or feeders. This explains why spells may not seem to yield results for you. While they do work, they often meet your negative energy and blockages, diminishing their impact.

If you aren't currently influenced by a negative entity, embarking on Spirit Keeping may inadvertently draw such entities closer to you. At this moment, you are like an all-you-can-eat buffet for them. Keep that in mind. While you might believe what you're about to do offers you protection, they may, in reality, have the opposite effect.

Oh, they do indeed feed off those who harbor negative energy, including criminals and what not. They prey on anyone with a surplus of negativity. After all, they are simply seeking food, can you blame them? As I mentioned, they may have taken off a tiny bit of your energy for years without your awareness. Now that you’re conscious of it, it’s becoming quite an issue for you, and this realization doesn’t improve your current situation. While we, as forum members, may not know you personally, my insights are drawn from the energy I've sensed. It appears you carry quite an amount of negative energy, a perception shared by ASTER as well. This negativity can manifest in various forms, such as troubling emotions, worries, fears, etc. Therefore, I recommend focusing on changing your mindset as a crucial step forward.

Your energy signature differs from the energy that is sensed here. The association of your energy signature reveals your unique characteristics, personality traits, and even insights into your past lives. The energy signature remains the same over time. I didn’t invade anyone’s privacy, but I used the forum’s content to point out one’s energy signature association. In contrast, the energy perceived by others can fluctuate throughout your life. This changing energy is reflected in your written communication here, and when standing close to someone, they can still perceive this energy.

Thank you for your kind words. I always provide thorough responses to every post, although they are sometimes misunderstood by humans. However, this will not deter me from continuing to write and assist others. Hehe. If you believe this isn't the right space for additional issues, feel free to start a new thread, and I'm confident others will be eager to assist you too.
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