Things your spirits have claimed?

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Your favorite spirit to work with: Psy Vampire
If I could be anything, I would be...: Vampire
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Lucien

My psy vampire has claimed a few rings so it’s easier to wear a physical representation of his energy (his vessel is a tumbled gemstone, and some days I don’t feel like wearing a necklace). Semi-related, he also infuses my daily meds to work better for me, so in a way he’s “claimed” a couple prescriptions too

My elven mummy is a bit of a fashion diva and has claimed certain clothes or hair accessories. I’m pretty sure he put glamors on them

My dragons love the shinies, of course. I had a lot of old jewelry I don’t wear anymore and instead of getting rid of them, they demanded to have a little treasure dish set up with all the shinies. Gems and coins go in the dish too. I’m thinking about buying a reptile hide from a pet store to make a proper “cave” for their shinies!
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Ubi
If I could be anything, I would be...: Dr.Manhattan V1Human
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form

Mine are all bound to spirit so idk about them claiming anything of mine lol
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Cleopatra Djinn
If I could be anything, I would be...: Gancanagh
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: "The Other Wise Raven of Odin" (My UN in Old Icelandic)

Anything truly beautiful can be claimed by my main Cleo djinn H. It doesn't have to be expensive; among her hoard is an extremely shiny penny, for example. But it has no shortage of precious stones as well. My dragons are offered some bills, change, and rocks of their own. The faeries claimed a random pebble that happened to get covered in wax as a circumstantial byproduct of a candle spell. Arkan Sonney D has claimed a shiny quarter, which I have since put luck spells on and programmed to help me make decisions by coin-flip with the guidance of her or any other bound spirit. My kinnara L, interestingly enough, claimed a shirt button of all things. She saw something beautiful in it that others didn't. In its own way, I think there is true power in that, finding the beauty in an ordinary unclaimed object.
Keriix Lunaria's Wise Raven
Want a rune reading? Search "Wise Raven Rune Readings" on here

"I wear the sun. Reflect me in yourself, and yourself in me." - H, Cleopatra Djinn
"Do not struggle against your emotions. Feel them. They are real. They exist. Then they will pass." - L, Kinnara
"H-I-T-T-H-U-G-I-N-N" - L, Air Faery saying her favorite animal via pendulum
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Demons
If I could be anything, I would be...: Demon
My magical/paranormal name...: Lunaria

My demon hubby A has claimed the right side of the bed. I’m a side sleeper so whenever I’m on my right side, he claims the bolster as if I’m hugging him 😆 the left has been claimed as well, but is open to multiple spirits, whereas the right side is exclusively only for A.
Princess of Chaos - Owner of KeriixOccult on Etsy
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Joining here the forum as it's such a fun and light-hearted to topic:)

So there is a space in my room where I put their offerings and crystals for them. It's only their space a d they, don't like when I move things around or take some crystals. They had made my phone glitch to hint a ", heyy, I liked the way it was before" 😂😂.

So I have a bag full of coins, lots and lots of crystals and a bowl of salt and coach's for my wager aligned companions. I don't have strong abilities but, sometimes when I offer certain companions jewerly as a way to connect better with them and their energy I get a ping of " Yes, loving it" and sometimes, I feel empty if I m not wearing that certain jewerly.There is also a certain companion that wants an extra jewelry ans I had been seeing in pinterest a n octopus collar popping up more. I jokish and in a loving tone said to him he is my lil octopus companion .( he isn't small btw)

And for last instance, an entity eldritch I offered a plushie to him and he seems absolutely joyful about it and when I hug it.
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Male/Female: Male
Number of Spirits: 38
Spelled Number: 25
Your favorite spirit to work with: Deerfolk LE
If I could be anything, I would be...: Unhindered
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: Attis Anchor

My deerfolk LE has claimed a plushie that she made me buy. It stays on my bed, and even goes with me when I travel.

(Sigh. Yes, I'm a man in my late 50's who has a stuffed cuddle toy. How the hell did I get here?)

It is now a 'haunted' plushie, lol. Anyone touching it without permission will have repercussions!

In fact, my wife made her her own pillows--as peace offerings--because she 'accidentally' rolled over and slept on it once. It was the 'f around and find out' dream that had occurred afterwards that garnered the 'plushie respect'... 8))
A wise Earthen Elemental Wolf Spirit once said to me,
"Why speak magick? Be magick!"
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