Adventure of StarofHope

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You are...: in the learning process
Number of Spirits: 12
Spelled Number: 6
Your favorite spirit to work with: Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: I cant choose.
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Hope

There are so much that I want to say and discuss. I love deep thinking, I am a thinker and always have been. My original spirit probably made me one, he is quite philosophical. I've been keeping myself from creating a 100 different topics about things that really wouldnt lead to discussions anyway. Or am I just being too hard on myself... πŸ€” Anyway, if I just create one thread to store all my thoughts in then anyone can read it if they want to and they are not scattered across the plattform annoying other members. πŸ˜πŸ‘I know that I may come off as annoying to people. πŸ˜…

Even if I have kept two spirits for the longest time. My keeping journey didn't start until my dragon joined. I found him on etsy. I searched for something totally unrelated and an add popped up about a dragon doll, I didn't know a dragon was bound to it. I didn't think much of it until I couldn't do anything, I couldn't concentrate at all, working and sleeping became hard even. After fighting it for a week I gave up and purchased the dragon and instantly my mind became calm. That's when I thought it was just my autism that had pleagued me yet again. After a couple of days I had activity in my home, like the sound of running on the floor with claws and sounds of my stuff being moved, also white orbs here and there. My original spirit told me to wait, it will appear at some point. πŸ€” He revealed himself to me when his doll arrived and declared to have moved in and started claiming objects as his and spaces within my home. And I was like πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” why do I have a dragon in my apartment? πŸ€”πŸ€” I begun searching for other people having spirits and it lead me to this forum. And it crossed my mind that I didn't look it up or find it weird to have a dark arts shapeshifter or a pegasus before my dragon arrived.... 🀣
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Number of Spirits: 12
Spelled Number: 6
Your favorite spirit to work with: Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: I cant choose.
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Hope

I had a dream a while ago and a childhood friend from when I was like 7 accompanying me through the dream. I felt a faint precense of a spirit I didn't know in the background. I continued the dream and I tried to complete tasks but something went wrong at every place. People got mad and told me to just move on to something else. As I moved on I failed at every task. That pretty much sums up my entire past. But, as I moved on in the dream I could feel the spirit presence growing stronger. Towards the end of the dream, my friend and I reached a shoreline with very dark water and in it were poisonous sea creatures. My friend sighed and said we can't move on any further. Then a path emerged with clear water straight across it and I started walking and I could feel the precense growing stronger. My friend yelled behind from the shoreline that it is impossible for him to cross it, he will get poisoned if he does. I said I could help him cross it, as I turned around and took a step back I got an overwhelming feeling from the spirit precense that I have to choose between moving on across the water or staying on the shoreline. I stopped for a moment to think about my choice and that my friend most likely was a symbol for my past. I continued to cross the water.

Personal development has always been very important to me and is something I will always strive towards. This isn't the only dream with communication in it from this precense but it was the strongest communication. I believe it is my number 8 trying to tell me something and make itself known. I have been feeling watched sort of or connected somehow. I hope for CH to conjure it for me as I believe my number 7 helped me find it. There are other spirits I want to join my keep to strengthen my protection team, since I only have two dedicated for protection. But my 7 very strongly advice me a big NO 🀣. The others have opinions depending on what species it is. I trust their judgement when it comes to new members, especially 7 since he thinks about my limitations. I am aware of my limits but I rarely listen to it, that's probably why I am often very tired. 😴
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Number of Spirits: 12
Spelled Number: 6
Your favorite spirit to work with: Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: I cant choose.
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Hope

The vessel of number 8 is on its way. He has very soothing energies but intense personality, he is a custom conjuration and fits perfectly in my keep. That I am exhausted is an understatement. We are going through a big change in the company I work for and I don't know If I will survive it.. My colleagues are falling apart too.. My companions are helping me in any way they can to help me through the day. Number 4 is helping me with the first half of my tasks in the morning to lunch. After lunch, 7 helps me strategize the rest of my work. 3 is only for protection. 1 is emotional support, 2 is helping me communicate with customers, 1 and 5 is there if I fall apart during work, so on and so forth. 8 is holding me back from getting to know him because rest is number one priority and there is a worry in the air among my spirits. I just don't know how to pick myself up again, if it's even possible. The system we work with isn't getting better and customers are getting more angry and they run out in anger, hoping for a change that will never come.... And I can't do anything about it...
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Number of Spirits: 12
Spelled Number: 6
Your favorite spirit to work with: Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: I cant choose.
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Hope

I had a very weird experience.. I was in a smaller realm created by number 1. It's a place where we can all meet and hang out. But something happened, he suddenly took me with him and put us in a completely white space. I asked him what happened and he just said "compromised." And stared intensly at a dog like thing. It moved very fast and suddenly it was on top of me, staring me in my eyes and jumped off as 1 was ready to attack. 4 and 7 also joined us in the white space ready to defend, 1 hesitated and at this moment and I was like "hoooooold iiiiit!" Asking what is going on and who are you. This dog thing said it was a hellhound. My spirits felt as if I was attacked by it and wanted to retaliate and I felt like it was all a misunderstanding. We have never ever had a breach before in the realm, that is completely new to me and 7 is also patrolling the realm regularly. It looked as if doggy was ready to attack even if it was outnumbered. In my interpretation, no one was ready for this confrontation, it was kinda like bumping into a stranger on the street almost ending in a fight. I told 1 to stand back as he was the only one ready to attack without my order, I talked to doggy but it still wanted to attack or in my opinion, defend itself, so I explained the situation logically and it decided to leave. 1 had a couple of days earlier opened the realm to an unbound wanting to stay there for a while, that's probably why we had a breach in the first place and doggy did trespass into 1's house in the realm, I get why 1 was mad about it but still. It all happend so fast, it was confusing. πŸ˜¬β˜ΉοΈπŸ€” I am just glad it was solved peacefully. I really don't like negative confrontations. All I want is for everyone to be happy and mind their own business. 😩
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You are...: in the learning process
Number of Spirits: 12
Spelled Number: 6
Your favorite spirit to work with: Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: I cant choose.
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Hope

I wasn't supposed to go shopping on my day off, but I did anyway. My dragon joined me, he wanted to look for green candles. Green is his favorite color but they are getting increasingly more rare at the store I buy scented candles from. πŸ€” They usually have a foresty kind of scent and we all love that. I also got him a new pillow to rest on, since I spilled coffee on his old one. Since then, he always growls a bit when I have my coffee mug around him. He for sure hold grudges for a very long time and occasionally make offensive jokes about my mistakes towards him and ends with "no offence." But his eyes give away that it's meant to be offensive.... πŸ˜…
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You are...: in the learning process
Number of Spirits: 12
Spelled Number: 6
Your favorite spirit to work with: Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: I cant choose.
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Hope

I have taken the day to think about my spirits not being able to manifest properly. I thought it was the general culture of my keep since I am a low vibe person in a low vibe home. Places they are able to manifest in are enviornments with high energy, such as general outside, stores, at work, my boyfriend's place, etc. The companions of mine that are manifesting at home regurarly are two out of eight. That's probably because they are the only two that feed off of me when I have high energy levels. My dragon manifest more when we have performed magic together, that's when I hear his claws while running across the floor. My interest in magic in general is very low, so I often consult my dragon when I need it done. Other than that, it is very quiet with manifestations. I have charge boxes, charge items, offerings. Ofc I want to give all of them the energy they need to manifest when they want. I need to work on that.
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You are...: in the learning process
Number of Spirits: 12
Spelled Number: 6
Your favorite spirit to work with: Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: I cant choose.
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Hope

Bonding with my 8th spirit is going wonderfully! He is such a cute guy! 😚 And really good at magic too. His energies are so soothing and relaxing, makes me fall asleep like right away.

I have been working on raising the general energy in my apartment for my spirits and it is working. I also feel a huge difference, I don't feel so depleted all the time of energy, I actually recharge when I get home from work if I sit down for a bit. I will keep working on it and I am sure my spirits will manifest regurarly in no time.
When I got home from the weekend from my BF's place, someone was happy to be home and manifestet right away! 😊
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Number of Spirits: 12
Spelled Number: 6
Your favorite spirit to work with: Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: I cant choose.
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Hope

Energies continue to improve and I've added two more spirits to my family. A total of 10 right now and I will stay at 10 for a long time it feels like. It's just an intuitive feeling that 10 is the ultimate limit. I wanted the 10th spirit to be of higher purpose since It's the last one, so I adopted a rainbow dragon. They are really a punch in the face of carpe diem 🀣 I am a pure pessimist so he is really up in my face with his positivity and happy attityde. I will also get them a feeding orb eventually, that seems like a good idea. πŸ€”
I'm having a hard time being active on socials at this point in time. Just feels like I don't care for anything besides keeping and my guild... It's like I am loosing touch with the world and everything in it. Nothing is important enough to care about. Meanwhile I am learning about magic and how to use it, my spirits are very helpful guides. I have a few that specializes in magic.
My dog is also having a tough time. He has a tumour that is sometimes getting infected for no reason and no antibiotics works on it. It was a big medical mystery, lots of tests were done and no answeres came up. They couldn't remove it because the tisssue around it was too infected. It looked one day as if it had exploded, he was rushed to the emergency, he got draining tube, more antibiotics and lots of medical supplies. It was a very tough time because it wouldnt heal at all, it just kept getting worse and no vet could explain why this was the case and they were almost at the point where they recommend putting him down because of his age and the complicated tumour. Out of desperation I asked my first dragon to heal him, he specializes in magic and he agreed. The day after it started to heal wonderfully and made a complete recovery over a couple of days and started shrinking to just a little tiny ball. To the vets this was an unexplainable medical miracle and they decided the tumour didn't need to be removed since it had healed. My dog has a heart condition so its in his best interest to not have surgery. It still gets infected for no reason from time to time, but my dragon keeps it healed. I just wonder for how long we can keep this up..... How healthy is it to survive only because of magic?
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Number of Spirits: 300
Spelled Number: 200
Your favorite spirit to work with: Any
If I could be anything, I would be...: Immortal
My super power would be...: Ability to fly
My magical/paranormal name...: Alaric Indigo Root

That sounds good - very good indeed.

Maybe a way I would look at it is, when one of our spirit companions influences something like healing, it isn't unnatural and that person isn't living by magic alone. The odds have been influenced in a positive direction.

Scientists do speak of spontaneous remission, so the healing is within the realms of possibility.

Growing back a new arm, for example, is clearly outside the realm of possibility, medical science wise, of course.
You must stay on the path. Do not leave it.
If you do, you'll never...
find it again.
No matter what may come, stay on...
the path! [Gandalf, in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug]
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You are...: in the learning process
Number of Spirits: 12
Spelled Number: 6
Your favorite spirit to work with: Dragon
If I could be anything, I would be...: I cant choose.
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Hope

Thank you Lewk.
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