How can I improve telepathy WITHOUT meditation?

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Whilst I cant relate to ADHD, I do sympathise with you on wanting to to get that good telepathic communication going on, its something I am chasing too.

Hitthuginn makes a very good point that your companions can hear you when you talk to them, all of my companions have verified this via pendulum and they would often respond with feelings before I started using the pendulum confirming that they do. It seems to come to some quicker than others but the main advice I find is to not be too hard on yourself, trust they hear you and practice.

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Hazell wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 2:03 am I definitely recommend the cards!

Another thing that I participated in was in a meditation group. Each week someone would take a card (usually uno) and the group members would try to read what color and number it was. I think practicing in this way would also help. I don’t see many posts like that on here, but it’s a fun way to practice and see if your readings are right.
So theoretically you could use uno cards instead of Zener cards? I like this idea. I have a double sized uno deck kicking around and it saves pennies using those instead of buying a set of Zener cards.
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Rey11111 wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 12:53 pm Hello! I see a lot of sources on telepathy that say it helps to meditate, but the problem is that I have ADHD and I can’t sit still and meditate for the life of me…[...]
It may help you to ignore the whole idea of needing to 'meditate'. What is 'meditation' anyway? It's not so much about sitting still and having a quiet mind. It's more about your awareness, observing what your attention is on.

Yes, many, many people do sit very still, relax and allow their mind to quieten as much as possible. This can bring with it a peaceful feeling, which can also either a) make it easier to hear the voice of your spirit companion or b) encourage them to have a go at jumping into communication with you, as your attention isn't on anything much else so there's a better chance of them being seen or heard.

But we can also get used to hearing their voices while wide awake during our daily life. Always make sure you concentrate when crossing the road and anything to do with personal safety, of course. But we can listen to our thought process (when it's appropriate to do so). Sometimes you can hear a gentle, subtle voice within your thought processes that's actually a spirit companion asking a question, or trying to guide you. Once you recognise that, you can spot it at other times too. And that will encourage the companion to keep on trying to get through.

Yes, when we're feeling relaxed, peaceful etc and not thinking at all it might be easier for us to spot a companion's voice. But it's not restricted to such times.

Another tip is to work with the bound companion who you have the best / easiest communication with. That can lead later on to being able to work well with other companions too.

These 2 tips may (or may not) be of use:

1. See ... hd-5201908

2. Or...Pick 5 minutes when there will be no interruptions. Get as comfortable as you comfortably can. Then see how long you can follow your own thoughts, wherever they lead. If it's just 1 minute, or whatever, never mind. Try to bring your attention back if it wanders. The next day, do it again. Do this for at least 7 days. If at the end of 7 days you can do this for 5 minutes without losing track of your thoughts, you can stop. If not, do try it daily for another couple of weeks. The goal is not to be able to successfully follow your thoughts for 5 minutes without ceasing. The goal is to do the practice for between 7 days to several weeks. Then see what you've learned or achieved.

Most people are not even aware of their own thought processes. Now you should be.

That, believe it or not, is a form of meditation!

Some oriental martial arts embody the concept of stillness in motion (zen state). You can be moving incredibly fast and be very physically active but you're so in the moment that it feels effortless, like you're not trying, you're not 'doing' anything. Yet you're performing far better than you can when you're using your everyday thinking mind. This is an interesting form of moving 'meditation'. I've experienced that quite a lot, including while playing table tennis, which a very physical, fast reactions game.

So just as 'meditation' is not just about having a still mind, it's also not just about sitting still. I hope that insight alone is useful.
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i do think people stress out to much on meditation. a lot of people are mis informed on mediation. there are a thousand forms of mediation. i for example cannot communicate at all with my keep in a deep mediation or trance. lol. i have to be in a light mediation. or sometimes just observe the present. take it all in. find what best works for u. but i will say for me i have to have moving pictures off tv. computer. sound off. music does help me get in the mood though. but yeah practice makes perfect i dunno how ur gonna get better without doing it. no matter the method.
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Hello Hazzell, what is the ESP trainer app? I am very curious, because communication with spirits and entities is difficult for me.
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Livvie Locke-Morley wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:50 pm Hello Hazzell, what is the ESP trainer app? I am very curious, because communication with spirits and entities is difficult for me.
Hello! It’s a mobile app that you can use to work on your senses. You can use it by yourself or with the help of your companions. It’s a simple game.
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Thank you very much :)
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Lewk wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:34 pm Some oriental martial arts embody the concept of stillness in motion (zen state). You can be moving incredibly fast and be very physically active but you're so in the moment that it feels effortless, like you're not trying, you're not 'doing' anything. Yet you're performing far better than you can when you're using your everyday thinking mind. This is an interesting form of moving 'meditation'. I've experienced that quite a lot, including while playing table tennis, which a very physical, fast reactions game.

In 夢想神伝流 (Musō Shinden-ryū) iaido (the school I practice) that state of mind is called 残心 (zanshin) the literal translation is 'remaining mind'. It's a form of relaxed awareness often described as the continued state of one's spirit, mental alertness and physical readiness to meet the situation you find yourself in.
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Umbra_Arcana wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:27 pm In 夢想神伝流 (Musō Shinden-ryū) iaido (the school I practice) that state of mind is called 残心 (zanshin) the literal translation is 'remaining mind'. It's a form of relaxed awareness often described as the continued state of one's spirit, mental alertness and physical readiness to meet the situation you find yourself in.
Interesting. I did Aikido for 18 months or so but I've used Koichi Tohei's Ki In Daily Life skills for over 40 years now. In my Aikido class they mentioned zanshin more in the sense of having awareness/style/'finish'/spirit in our movement or form practice. I guess what I'm focusing on in this thread is nowadays in sport called zen mind.

Top players use techniques, often coached by sport pyschologists, to get beyond their thinking mind, which aids peak performance. It goes to show that zen is not only about sitting (eg za zen, which my Aikido teacher taught us one Saturday morning).

One sport zen-state entry method is like an affirmation:


I guess it helps to have the reference points to draw on of having done sitting za zen, plus years of being in a zen type state while doing physical work using Koichi Tohei's ki skills. Plus I've sampled many types of meditation.

But, yes, back to the OP's can get beyond your thinking mind. If we can't sit still, it doesn't matter as much as we might think it does. We can meditate while moving: walking, doing sports or martial arts, tai chi and so on.

Sometimes a physical practice can get us beyond our 'troublesome' mind when a calm or mental practice doesn't.
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Hitthuginn wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:21 pm Speaking as a guy with ADHD, all I can say is practice makes perfect. Telepathy is my most common method of communication but I struggle with random intrusive thoughts filling the "feed". With time I've learned how to filter out what is garbage. It is also important to communicate with your spirit friends about what thoughts are garbage so they don't suddenly get veered off course by my brain misdirecting them. I've had instances where my friends got confused by my thought patterns because I wasn't in control of them and hadn't made it clear to them "Hey, ADD has the wheel right now".

You will learn to discern the "voice" that your spirits speak in. Their language, their verbage, the energy that flows off of it. Just keep trying, I can almost assure you they can read your thoughts better than you think they do already. Really, it's up to your ability to hear more than anything else. As neurodivergent folk we face a special challenge with that part. Practicing mental communication will always make it sharper over time. I've resisted the urge to resort to a pendulum all the time and put more trust in my companions' ability to speak to me.

In short, the best way to go about all this "practice" is simply to include them in your daily life. Think "Wow, this sandwich I'm eating is delicious! Right, X?". "Goodnight, Y". "Do you like showers, Z?". Talk to them, ask them things, and trust that they are heard even if you don't feel the response yet.
Another neurospicy individual here. I appreciate this so much. <333
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