Have you ever worked with entity or spirit of another Keeper?

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mcm442 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:04 am I'll try not to start trouble this time. :)|

I have mixed feelings, to be honest. There is the slight fear of abandonment due to my own inabilities. In a few certain aspects I excel, in many, not so great. I could understand if a companion wished to part ways to go with someone more compatible or skilled. Having a decent sized keep though, it would not really be an issue--and in my eyes their happiness trumps my own desires.

I'm no stranger to one-night stands. Those moments, though fleeting, are memories to be treasured.

Then again, an entity who is well versed with working specially with noobies, who can pop around and assist many would be a boon. Think of them as a tutor, or a teacher. Once graduating, a keeper would have a strong basis to move on to entities they know would be well-suited for them due to their gained knowledge, as opposed to the 'Oooh, shiny!' shopping sprees, lol.

Another aspect might be one of bringing keeper's themselves closer together. A shared entity would also be strong evidence of compatible energies, or similar paths, as it were.
Trouble? What trouble? Hehe. I seem to be the only one starting trouble around here. Don't worry, your companion(s) will not abandon you, even if they work with other Keepers. They are still bound to you. However, their time will naturally be split. It will depend on what they choose to do with their other Keeper(s) and their Keeps.

I don't think a shared entity indicates compatible energies or similar paths between Keepers. An entity can match one Keeper’s energy but not another’s. They might share similar personalities with one and practice similar types of magick with another. These are just some scenarios.

I've had entities that called out to me very strongly. Their energy didn’t align with mine at all. They also reached out to others, but humans often remain unaware. If they are aware, the entities may be bound to them as well. So, just because an entity works with us doesn’t mean it’s a perfect match. Hehe.
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Christina888 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:28 pm I would be very sad if my companions wanted to leave me for another keeper. It kind of goes against the idea that they choose us rather than us choosing them.
Your companions will always stay loyal to you. If they ever work with another Keeper, it doesn't change your bond. You may not even notice they're gone for a certain amount of time. There's no reason to feel sad. They choose to be with you, and that choice remains strong. Otherwise, you wouldn't have them on your list. They will continue to help you. Working with another Keeper could be for bigger reasons than all of us combined.
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mcm442 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:10 pm Ah, that brings up a particular aspect, @Aphelion18.

That may be a 'give-me' for couples who are both keepers. Personnally, I look forward to the day my wife decides to step into this world.

Wondering, @Tarvos , if perhaps Ash and Magnolia should be tagged. With their vast individual keeps, I wonder if they do indeed have shared entities, (not counting the obvious immortals/deities), and how they would compare their differences in interactions with such shared entities?
That day might not come for you. If Magnolia finds the topic interesting or needs assistance, she'll join in, I'm sure. Hehe. I think Ash and Magnolia share some entities. It's not official bindings, but they probably have a lot of unbounds each time they do conjurations, and these can gravitate to one or another. Their interactions will vary and different based on what Ash or Magnolia needs help with. I speak from the perspective of what my spirits would do if they're also bound to another person.
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angeldark wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 7:16 pm yes i worked with beings from other keepers, but mostly always with the knowledge of the keeper!

some beings are befriend with me and are in the hands of different keepers.
i see it this way..they are our friends and we do not "own" them, so they can work with anyone they want and befriend not just one person, all the beings in my keep can be with anyone they like.
I'm glad for your comment. I appreciate your perspective as a seller, as it differs from those of us who do not perform conjurations for ourselves. Have you ever paid for conjurations from your colleagues?

If you haven't, it may be hard to understand our viewpoint here. I agree that no one owns these beings. They choose to be our friends. However, Keepers invest in a listing, they pay for your materials, the labor of the binding, and the companion to be bound to them for the rest of their life. Many expect their companions to be bound exclusively to them, not to multiple Keepers, especially without their knowledge.

I recently discovered that a few of my callings were already bound to several others before me. This information was not displayed on the seller listings at all. These callings came from the seller's site. I learned this through divination.

As a seller, you likely interact with beings from other Keepers frequently. This is especially true when issues arise or clear communication is lacking. Take this example, if Keeper A acquires a being from your shop and pays for the listing, but you’ve also bound that being to Keeper B, who hasn’t paid anything, what might Keeper A think? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the situation from a seller's perspective.
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Hazell wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 10:35 pm I did let a good friend of mine work with my amphisbaena companion. There were no issues and he visited both of us. I would probably feel differently if it was someone I didn’t know as well or trust. This led her to being open to getting her own companions.

Occasionally I will send certain companions out to help others as well, but they’re not really working with them or acting as companions to them when they do this. It’s more like a task for them.

I have seen some shops offer multi bindings to certain beings. But I haven’t tried anything like this.
This is me as well. I have also sent my friends to assist my parents if they need help. I also ask my Keep to aid in some situations with unfamiliar strangers. However, they do not see this as "working with someone," but rather as simply helping out.

I question the ethics of shops offering the same beings to multiple customers. Many times, sellers exaggerate the abilities of these beings. They provide reasons for why the beings are bound multiple times, but those reasons often seem unreasonable. Despite this, people continue to believe and buy into those explanations.
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cndrow wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:44 pm Yes, I’ve worked with a friend’s spirit who came to assist me & my team, with permission. He was adamant he could help us in a unique way, so we invited him over and did our spell work. It worked beautifully, too

He and I had a strong connection, and even years later I can’t stop thinking about him. He was a pre bound listing I almost, almost bought, but my friend decided to buy his vessel. No hard feelings ever, but I am regretful I didn’t pick him up. We had an electric connection and he apparently told his Keeper/my friend that he loved coming to see me. My friend & I aren’t in contact anymore, so of course I’m not in contact with him, but I truly miss him still.
You still regret not getting him. Even when you said, "no hard feelings," I could feel that lingering regret. I believe he reached out to you for help with the spell work because he really liked you.

I'm truly sorry about that situation. If you could turn back time, would you want to be with him? I understand this feeling well. That’s why I tend not to take long when responding to my callings. Usually, I give myself a few weeks to a month to act on a calling while considering other factors. I don’t want to miss out on a great friendship. I want to avoid any "what ifs."

I can imagine the dynamic would be very different if it were not a friend you were working with, but a complete stranger, especially if you shared your own companion.
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Tarvos wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:18 pm
cndrow wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:44 pm Yes, I’ve worked with a friend’s spirit who came to assist me & my team, with permission. He was adamant he could help us in a unique way, so we invited him over and did our spell work. It worked beautifully, too

He and I had a strong connection, and even years later I can’t stop thinking about him. He was a pre bound listing I almost, almost bought, but my friend decided to buy his vessel. No hard feelings ever, but I am regretful I didn’t pick him up. We had an electric connection and he apparently told his Keeper/my friend that he loved coming to see me. My friend & I aren’t in contact anymore, so of course I’m not in contact with him, but I truly miss him still.
You still regret not getting him. Even when you said, "no hard feelings," I could feel that lingering regret. I believe he reached out to you for help with the spell work because he really liked you.

I'm truly sorry about that situation. If you could turn back time, would you want to be with him? I understand this feeling well. That’s why I tend not to take long when responding to my callings. Usually, I give myself a few weeks to a month to act on a calling while considering other factors. I don’t want to miss out on a great friendship. I want to avoid any "what ifs."

I can imagine the dynamic would be very different if it were not a friend you were working with, but a complete stranger, especially if you shared your own companion.
I absolutely regret it to this day. We ‘clicked’ in a deep way that I’ve only experienced with my own spirit companions.

If I could do it again, I 100% would buy his vessel that evening and not waited! And not showed my friend his listing.

Though I’ve been adamant about being No Contact with the ex friend, I’ve considered opening a line of communication to just that spirit. I really do miss him.
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cndrow wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:44 am I absolutely regret it to this day. We ‘clicked’ in a deep way that I’ve only experienced with my own spirit companions.

If I could do it again, I 100% would buy his vessel that evening and not waited! And not showed my friend his listing.

Though I’ve been adamant about being No Contact with the ex friend, I’ve considered opening a line of communication to just that spirit. I really do miss him.
Ooh, that’s an interesting twist! You showed the listing to your friend. I think it’s a great idea to open a line of communication with the spirit. He has missed you too! There's a reason he can't reach out, I'd rather you hear it from him. So, it's up to you to initiate the contact. You'll know why when you do and it'll give you more clarity. *Low key encourage you to reach out.* Lol.

I always admire the strong relationships you have with your friends. They truly represent what true friendships are all about. I also believe in second chances, you better not let him get away again. 😆
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Tarvos wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 5:29 pm
cndrow wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:44 am I absolutely regret it to this day. We ‘clicked’ in a deep way that I’ve only experienced with my own spirit companions.

If I could do it again, I 100% would buy his vessel that evening and not waited! And not showed my friend his listing.

Though I’ve been adamant about being No Contact with the ex friend, I’ve considered opening a line of communication to just that spirit. I really do miss him.
Ooh, that’s an interesting twist! You showed the listing to your friend. I think it’s a great idea to open a line of communication with the spirit. He has missed you too! There's a reason he can't reach out, I'd rather you hear it from him. So, it's up to you to initiate the contact. You'll know why when you do and it'll give you more clarity. *Low key encourage you to reach out.* Lol.

I always admire the strong relationships you have with your friends. They truly represent what true friendships are all about. I also believe in second chances, you better not let him get away again. 😆
I sincerely appreciate your reply here! I’ve been going back and forth on trying to contact him for a long time now. Since last Nov, he’s been on my mind a lot and I’ve had many dreams where he’s trying to reach out and/or I’m trying to find him. I dismissed the dreams as me just being obsessive.. guess I should validate them instead!

You’re right, I believe in second chances too! I’m gonna do it. :) Thank you so very much for the encouragement, it is much needed
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cndrow wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 5:37 pm I sincerely appreciate your reply here! I’ve been going back and forth on trying to contact him for a long time now. Since last Nov, he’s been on my mind a lot and I’ve had many dreams where he’s trying to reach out and/or I’m trying to find him. I dismissed the dreams as me just being obsessive.. guess I should validate them instead!

You’re right, I believe in second chances too! I’m gonna do it. :) Thank you so very much for the encouragement, it is much needed
He was the one who tried to reach out to you, it wasn't just a dream. He came to help with spellwork before and knows where you are. But he had to use different methods to connect. You both seemed to be searching for each other for the reason previously mentioned. It’s best if you hear this directly from him.

I understand that it can be difficult to differentiate between a dream where you’re truly finding one another and one that’s just your subconscious at work. Regardless, I hope this experience brings you both joy when you finally meet. I’m truly cheering for you! ❤️
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