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Q1: while working with spirits or having spirit companions, do they drain our energy?

Q2: do I have to have an alter for them?
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Cleopatra Djinn
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My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: "The Other Wise Raven of Odin" (My UN in Old Icelandic)

There is an energetic connection to working with spirits that can, under certain specific circumstances, affect your physical energy. But it is not a constant draining thing.

Speaking as a guy who has many shrines to both immortals and spirits, I can say that shrines are completely option to spirit keeping and are not required at all.
I wear the sun. Reflect me in yourself, and yourself in me. - H, Cleopatra Djinn and Queen of my spirit family
Do not struggle against your emotions. Feel them. They are real. They exist. Then they will pass. - L, Kinnara
Don't stay angry if you don't know why. - R, Orange Dragon
Red! No, Green. Or Blue! - I, Waif Faery (when asked what occupation she would have)
H-I-T-T-H-U-G-I-N-N - L, Air Faery saying her favorite animal via pendulum
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Spirit companion wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 8:30 pm Q1: while working with spirits or having spirit companions, do they drain our energy?

Q2: do I have to have an alter for them?
Thanks for answering.
---For the most part, no. Some races, like ubi's will probably need to be fed depending on various factors. Others, like a few different wolves for instance may deplete some of our energy when they are very active (a by-product of the binding/connection, it's not that they actually need to use our energies). There's also a possible acclimation period with a new companion that could be felt as energy drain.

---Nope--unless you're working with an immortal or deity, then that may be par for the course--it's up to you, really. Although, it could be said that after a while of giving gifts to our companions, you may very well have what looks like an altar or shrine, lol, between candles and incense and treats and pretties and... x*D
A wise Earthen Elemental Wolf Spirit once said to me,
"Why speak magick? Be magick!"
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Spirit companion wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 8:30 pm Q1: while working with spirits or having spirit companions, do they drain our energy?

Q2: do I have to have an alter for them?
Thanks for answering.
1: I've never experienced an energy drain from my companions, however acclimatising to the energies of some of my darker spirits has given me headaches and left my energy a bit whacked while I've been adjusting to them.

2: That is down to personal preference. My keep have an offering bowl that lives on my altar, the sea glass hoard claimed by my dragon companions have claimed for themselves also lives on the same altar in a bowl they have claimed for themselves.
Facilis descencus Averno. Qui non vetat peccare, fluid possit, iubet.
Sine cruce, sine luce, nihil interit. Pulvis et umbra sumus.

My Keep
29 Dragons | 2 Bakeneko
3 Domovoi | 2 Cat Sidhe
1 Troll Cat | 1 Volkh
1 Merfolk | 1 Astantiel
1 Bleamie

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Being a newbie and obsessing every minute of the day with connecting with your spirits will drain you, I know from experience. Darker art beings also might initially make you tired but only for a little bit. An alter isn't necessary but they're a nice place to light candles for your companions.
1 Astral wolf volkh | 1 Caladrius Bird
1 Nebula angel | 1 Crystal dragon
1 Sterling angel | 1 Snow Lion
1 Lindwyrm | 1 Black Panther totem
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Like others have said, certain circumstances may drain your energy (constantly trying to interact with them, new spirits, etc.) Generally though, spirits don't drain your energy too much.

Honestly, it might be best to ask your spirit companion about an altar. Some might like it, others might not feel it necessary. It also depends on what you are able to give in terms of space. If you are comfortable setting up a full altar, and your spirit is okay with it too then you could always make one. But if you are sharing space with others/ can't be as open about your practice, dont have much space, your spirits will likely understand your situation and respond likewise.
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Spirit companion wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 8:30 pm Q1: while working with spirits or having spirit companions, do they drain our energy?

Q2: do I have to have an alter for them?
Thanks for answering.
these are personal to the person. some spirits CAN drain. but if they are positive force not usually. all energy work rituals take alot of water in that kinda of drain. too.

dont need an alter but i recommend one and one for keep another seperate for ancestors
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My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift

Spirit companion wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 8:30 pm Q1: while working with spirits or having spirit companions, do they drain our energy?

Q2: do I have to have an alter for them?
Thanks for answering.
Q1: I have 5 Spirits in my keep now and it's balanced 3 WA / 2 DA. From what I can tell what was my experience is, that there were days, were I just couldn't fall asleep. I thought about many things as, being to nervous or too fidgety. But I wouldn't blame it only on my spirits. It was also special because 3 of them arrived at the same time in my home. Maybe it could be that you can feel less or a lack of sleep and maybe be tired in the afrernoon. But right now, I just feel finally comfortbale with everything again and maybe it was me because I was so very excitet when they came into my life. Never felt drain in any other ways than the small lack of sleep.

Q2: As I was reading it isn't necessary at all, but with the time I really wanted to do something presentable for my keep because I see it as something physically I can give them back and have a place they could enjoy. Most it's about candles, incense sticks and gemstones they are asociated with and like. And also sometimes food or other things they like as descriptet in the reading of the spirit.

Hope this answer could help you.
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My super power would be...: Ability to fly
My magical/paranormal name...: Alaric Indigo Root

Spirit companion wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 8:30 pm Q1: while working with spirits or having spirit companions, do they drain our energy?

Q2: do I have to have an alter for them?
Thanks for answering.
I haven't read through all the responses so please take that into account.

Q1 Bound companions In modern spirit keeping, bound spirit companions are conjured and bound to be in mutual alignment with us as friends. So, no, bound spirit companions do not themselves drain us, their keepers. (That's a general rule and depends on the expertise and competence of the conjurer/seller in getting spirits that are compatible with us and our energy, for example.)

At the same time, we don't all have the same reactions to our bound spirit companions' energy. Some of us may have weird energy experiences. Even with WA beings. That can depend on a range of factors. You can get similar energetic weirdness with kundalini development, for example.

If you feel draining when working with bound companions from reliable sellers, then you may want to increase your personal diy protection measures eg re your aura, chakras, centering, grounding, space clearing and so on. It can even happen due to our subconscious or mental processes.

Unbound spirits There are spirits who do drain called feeders. That's why CH has this item. So it's probably wise to avoid working with unbounds unless we're sure they're safe to do so, on a case by case basis...and until we're able to deploy more than adequate protection measures.

Q2 No we don't have to have an altar for our bound spirits. That's a matter of personal choice.

You may find this CH book useful...

Or you can read widely in this section of the CH Encyclopedia. It has most if not all of the info in that book. ... 27&seite=1
Not the resident expert. Just another spirit keeper. Since 2017.

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If you do, you'll never...
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No matter what may come, stay on...
the path! [Gandalf, in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug]
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