Cerah Faery
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:35 pm
Hiyo everyone!
Hmm, I was browsing last night and ran across the Cerah Fae listing, and the description struck a chord. I of course immediately read the encyclopedia entry ( http://www.creepyhollows.com/faq/index. ... ight=Cerah ) as well. I came to the forum earlier and did a search. Apparently there are no topics at all about them. >.<
I mean, judging by the shop they're either just not very popular or rare or something.(No prebound listings, no Spirit Stone listings, just a Custom Conjure option)
General info pulled from the entry:
They're Nocturnal (I have some insomnia sooo, works for me!)
Extremely passionate, close-knit, loyal, and have unending devotion, (Sounds like Fae 101 to me, but Cerah are the first I've personally been interested in, so idk)
Skilled in Dream Magicks (Dreams are always interesting)
Spirit of Duality (So they have the responsibilities that go with that)
Keywords: Powerful, unusual, incredible (Hmm, unusual. maybe they are rare, they certainly seem to be unique)
Characteristics: Friendly, inspired, powerful (Again an interesting eclectic group of descriptive words)
So anyone have these Fae? Know anything more about them outside of their Encyclopedia entry?
Hmm, I was browsing last night and ran across the Cerah Fae listing, and the description struck a chord. I of course immediately read the encyclopedia entry ( http://www.creepyhollows.com/faq/index. ... ight=Cerah ) as well. I came to the forum earlier and did a search. Apparently there are no topics at all about them. >.<
I mean, judging by the shop they're either just not very popular or rare or something.(No prebound listings, no Spirit Stone listings, just a Custom Conjure option)
General info pulled from the entry:
They're Nocturnal (I have some insomnia sooo, works for me!)
Extremely passionate, close-knit, loyal, and have unending devotion, (Sounds like Fae 101 to me, but Cerah are the first I've personally been interested in, so idk)
Skilled in Dream Magicks (Dreams are always interesting)
Spirit of Duality (So they have the responsibilities that go with that)
Keywords: Powerful, unusual, incredible (Hmm, unusual. maybe they are rare, they certainly seem to be unique)
Characteristics: Friendly, inspired, powerful (Again an interesting eclectic group of descriptive words)
So anyone have these Fae? Know anything more about them outside of their Encyclopedia entry?