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Cerah Faery

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:35 pm
by Rai
Hiyo everyone!

Hmm, I was browsing last night and ran across the Cerah Fae listing, and the description struck a chord. I of course immediately read the encyclopedia entry ( ... ight=Cerah ) as well. I came to the forum earlier and did a search. Apparently there are no topics at all about them. >.<

I mean, judging by the shop they're either just not very popular or rare or something.(No prebound listings, no Spirit Stone listings, just a Custom Conjure option)

General info pulled from the entry:
They're Nocturnal (I have some insomnia sooo, works for me!)
Extremely passionate, close-knit, loyal, and have unending devotion, (Sounds like Fae 101 to me, but Cerah are the first I've personally been interested in, so idk)
Skilled in Dream Magicks (Dreams are always interesting)
Spirit of Duality (So they have the responsibilities that go with that)
Keywords: Powerful, unusual, incredible (Hmm, unusual. maybe they are rare, they certainly seem to be unique)
Characteristics: Friendly, inspired, powerful (Again an interesting eclectic group of descriptive words)

So anyone have these Fae? Know anything more about them outside of their Encyclopedia entry?

Re: Cerah Faery

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:46 am
by Jumbo
I do not have one. But i ordered one a couple of weeks ago. I'm extremely excited to receive one. :thumbup:
I was considering updating more once i receive him/her.

Re: Cerah Faery

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:32 pm
by Rai
Oh very nice! Please do! Actually, I'm thinking about having one of these, and a more common Faery(Waif) be the initial spirits of a triumvirate.

So, far the only story I have about the Cerah isn't incredibly flattering. lol My friend who's a bit of a Fae enthusiast told me last night that during one of his many window shopping trips he ran across a listing from another seller of one that was a bit. . .eccentric. Apparently her singular passion was to give her keeper nightmares for inspiration (or something). I kindly thanked my friend for his input, and told him to stop helping. >.< lol

Re: Cerah Faery

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 1:18 pm
by Jumbo
My Cerah fae was shipped today. I'm really excited to meet her. Her name sounds Japanese. lol Maybe she's from that region of the world?
I might update more once i obtain some dream experiences of her. Happy Dance! :dancing:

Re: Cerah Faery

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:21 am
by Rai
Oh very nice. I decided to go ahead and get the triumvirate with the Cerah and Waif fae. It'll be a week or so before I get their info. Please do. There is so little about them. I'll do the same when I know anything.

Have fun.

Re: Cerah Faery

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 7:34 pm
by Seraphina Beryl
My Cerah fairy is amazing. I sometimes wish I had brought him home sooner 😅
He's been a very helpful and active friend, likes to give me advice and also gives easy to understand guidance, complete with explanations, examples, and visuals.
He helps me with all sorts of things not just dream related. He's very observant and quick to find kinks to iron out, thus helping me accomplish goals that improve my practice.

What I like is that he teaches me instead of doing everything for me. So I learn how to do things myself.
Though, one of his amazing abilities is to help me fall asleep instantly. Which is quite a feat , because my insomnia can sometimes keep me awake for 4 to 6 hours before I'm relaxed enough to approach sleep. Since his arrival I am falling asleep instantly when I want to! It's great 😃

Many of my other fae are lighter brighter fae, compared to my Cerah and Merifor (dark.) They feel very different from my lighter fae friends.

On his arrival I was gifted a light catcher - window art from a friend. The image of a white luminous fairy sitting on a crescent moon , with silvery colors, matched exactly the image for the Cerah fairy listing. When I first unwrapped it and saw it for the first time, my heart skipped a beat and I knew it was him. Every time I look at it, I think of him instantly. So it's his now, lol hanging close to me in my room.

He likes to leave silk ribbons for me to find on my walks. Little 2 inch strips of silky colored ribbons.

Cerah fairies are truly incredible! I can't imagine not having one with me, and it surprises me that they aren't more popular here. I will do my best to write more about this awesome race (what he's comfortable with anyways) as we bond further.