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Hearing Egyptian dieties' names

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 11:08 am
by polyana005
I love Egyptian immortals, therefore I have bindings of Anubis, Osiris and Nephtys.
Last week all of a sudden I get the name of "Sobek" and his manifestations showing up in my head. I assumed it's a call, read about Sobek for a couple of days and decided that I should wait with the binding of him. No more calling.

Today with no prior reading or thinking I get the name of Ma'at in my head. It's like telepathy, as if someone calls that name in my head and sends an image together.

I can't understand why this is happening. I have been busy working lately and have not been working with my existing bindings to immortals simply because it's not enough hours in a day in order to do all these things. Working with immortals requires dedication, time, structure and I personally love rituals, candles, offerings, etc.

What would you do?

Re: Hearing Egyptian dieties' names

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 11:41 am
by AlexCzernosech
While bindings can be nice, you're probably well aware that deities can be worked with without them. That said, perhaps it's not so much a call to work directly with these deities whose names are coming up, and maybe more a call to do the research on these gods and perhaps meditating on their spheres of influence found within your own life. They may be calling your attention to their related concepts or stories. Or even poking their heads in and just checking you out.

Re: Hearing Egyptian dieties' names

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 12:25 pm
by polyana005
AlexCzernosech wrote:While bindings can be nice, you're probably well aware that deities can be worked with without them. That said, perhaps it's not so much a call to work directly with these deities whose names are coming up, and maybe more a call to do the research on these gods and perhaps meditating on their spheres of influence found within your own life. They may be calling your attention to their related concepts or stories. Or even poking their heads in and just checking you out.
Thanks, that's pretty much the case, I suppose, because I started to think the same myself.

Re: Hearing Egyptian dieties' names

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 2:21 pm
by Magnolia
If you are already have a link to them, via natural occurrence in this life, past life, or ancestral lines, then you will be predisposed to certain Immortals or races in general. Many find a resurgence of that connection as they age, and/or they meet certain milestones within their journey. Sometimes Immortals wait for someone to "come of age" before they make a connection, and that age could signify something important that relates to the past, or an ancestral event.

If you feel a calling to the Egyptian Immortals, and you continually hear their names being repeated in your mind as random, telepathic communications, then it sounds like a calling. Bindings of any Immortal or spirit are for creating a connection that is personal and tuned to yourself. You can contact and engage with any Immortal at any time, as you can with unbound spirits, it's up to you to decide which path and mode of communication makes the most sense for you :)

Re: Hearing Egyptian dieties' names

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 5:59 am
by Regholdain
creepyhollows wrote:If you are already have a link to them, via natural occurrence in this life, past life, or ancestral lines, then you will be predisposed to certain Immortals or races in general. Many find a resurgence of that connection as they age, and/or they meet certain milestones within their journey. Sometimes Immortals wait for someone to "come of age" before they make a connection, and that age could signify something important that relates to the past, or an ancestral event.

If you feel a calling to the Egyptian Immortals, and you continually hear their names being repeated in your mind as random, telepathic communications, then it sounds like a calling. Bindings of any Immortal or spirit are for creating a connection that is personal and tuned to yourself. You can contact and engage with any Immortal at any time, as you can with unbound spirits, it's up to you to decide which path and mode of communication makes the most sense for you :)
This is an interesting comment, as I've felt drawn to a specific goddess after doing some research prompted by interest in ancient Mesopotamia, thanks to previous discussions with one of my spirits. The more I research the more of a connection seems to be uncovered.

I also very recently had an absolutely strong calling to purchase a piece with a channel to Poseidon on it. That also feels like a past life connection.