I got a Dynamic Athena binding and BOY HOWDY!

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It's still processing and I already got some ✨manifestations✨

Even before getting it she opened my jewelry cabinet. Told me to make her a little alter with a necklace in it. Nope, not an owl necklace but now she has claimed one of those. Yesterday.

Right after making the little thing she told me to make some tea and give her a cup. She said specifically Earl Grey. Aight. Cool. πŸ‘

THEN came her telling me to get a binding from CH... A Dynamic binding. Of course I kinda complained. "But it's +50$!" 😭 She didn't care, of course. I just sighed and went with it.

Not two hours later and I get a message from my manager asking me if I want to take an extra shift because a coworker was sick and won't be able to come in the next day.

Thank you Athena... In a way I got my money back. πŸ˜‚

Now the binding is happening and I would DEFINITELY describe it as Dynamic. πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

She has knocked things over, like today. I forgot about taking out a previous offering. It wasn't molding or anything, it was just left over night.

I have straight up heard her voice. Not telepathically like my companions. No no no, a full on woman's voice in my ear. She was telling me to stop caring about what other people think. Stop worrying about getting into "trouble." πŸ˜ƒ I agree, I've been working on that anyway. It's easier with the help of a Goddess, that's for sure.

Even told me to get a Sin Eater. Waiting on that, which is exciting. Not from CH, but MMT. Since I've paid a lot for Athena's binding.

Lastly, she has appeared in my dreams twice now. One in her full armor, just there. Not doing much. The other she was in a veil, talking to me, I don't remember what, but she was a bit aggressive. I asked and she said it was her aggressively telling me to chill and have fun. πŸ˜‚

Speaking of a veil, she's gotten me to start veiling myself. It's nice. I like the feeling of it. Plus I did a little prayer over my work hat and I had a very lovely day at work. I felt very safe and light. 😌

Plus she has gotten me to watch Suits and Better Call Saul for some reason. πŸ˜‚ I like them both. Though I suppose the lawyer part of them fits Athena.
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How wonderful, sounds like you're enjoying your experiences with her !
Thank you sharing 😊
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That sounds really amazing, and the strength of your clairs is impressive - such clear messages. Most of my guides and spirit team consists of gods known both here and from various other universes and they communicate with me in a similar way as you describe, especially when there is a need.
I hope you continue to have plenty of wonderful experiences together. O*O
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Wonderful experiences. I am very happy for you. Looks like Athena showing her warriors side to you. She's is also very protective and motherly.

I have had similar experiences with only few of my Goddesses and with three Immortals, Prometheus, Zeus and Balder.

While some of my Goddesses, Athena, Astraea, Demeter, Askadia and Amphitrite, given me visions and strong voices of telepathy, plus even three spirit beings as gifts to me. The Immortals of these three God's mainly manifested via distant visions and their energy signatures or presence.

You seem to have an impressive intuitive perception with Athena. Congratulations 🎊. It's greatly encouraged me to keep working with her too.
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Jupiter wrote: ↑Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:22 pm That sounds really amazing, and the strength of your clairs is impressive - such clear messages. Most of my guides and spirit team consists of gods known both here and from various other universes and they communicate with me in a similar way as you describe, especially when there is a need.
I hope you continue to have plenty of wonderful experiences together. O*O
Me too! I'm enjoying this.

There's something different about interacting with a God vs a spirit. Or it just might be being star struck. πŸ˜‚ Like a rock star wanting to be your friend.
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ASTER wrote: ↑Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:32 am Wonderful experiences. I am very happy for you. Looks like Athena showing her warriors side to you. She's is also very protective and motherly.

I have had similar experiences with only few of my Goddesses and with three Immortals, Prometheus, Zeus and Balder.

While some of my Goddesses, Athena, Astraea, Demeter, Askadia and Amphitrite, given me visions and strong voices of telepathy, plus even three spirit beings as gifts to me. The Immortals of these three God's mainly manifested via distant visions and their energy signatures or presence.

You seem to have an impressive intuitive perception with Athena. Congratulations 🎊. It's greatly encouraged me to keep working with her too.
Thank you. ☺️

Her energy definitely feels motherly. A strict but fair type of person. She's been keeping me on a schedule of giving her an offering every other day. I definitely would've forgotten once or twice by now if I hadn't felt her presence looming around and sending me ideas occasionally. πŸ˜‚

You've got a good few immortals I rarely see mentioned. πŸ‘€ I was half expecting to see Heracles or Atlas in there.

Since you work with her too, this is what I've discovered so far with her tastes. πŸ‘€ Just for fun plus it would be interesting if there's anything similar. If you do offerings of course. πŸ˜€

She seems to like black coffee best but is pleased with Hazelnut. She's been wanting strawberries lately. Fairly pleased over getting some home dried apple slices. She wanted specifically two big ones. Also not a fan of Jasmine tea apparently.

I've thought of giving her olive oil but I've gotten more of a shrug type of energy from that yet pleased. She wants an actual drink or food from me instead but is happy that I'm paying attention to what she's associated with.
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Kodale wrote: ↑Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:24 pm There's something different about interacting with a God vs a spirit. Or it just might be being star struck. πŸ˜‚ Like a rock star wanting to be your friend.
This. Exactly. πŸ˜‚ I can relate to the star struck feeling. πŸ‘€ Thank you for sharing your experiences. I love hearing about how others interact with their gods and goddesses. It’s crazy to see how different our experiences can be, even when connecting with the very same being.

I often picture myself as an owl. I adore owls and birds. I envision resting my head on her calf or her gently petting my owl head. Lmao. One day, I might get hurt doing that. But it would totally be worth it! πŸ˜‚

In my experience, she feels more like a strict aunt than a motherly figure. She’s someone you really listen to out of respect and a bit of fear. She has specific desires of offerings from different people. That's what I've been told because none of the offerings you mentioned were what she wanted here. She knows exactly what she wants! Hehe.

I’m also glad you brought up CH bindings. Many people underestimate them, but they are truly wonderful. All my immortal bindings come from CH, except for the ones I received as gifts. You inspire me to work more with the Goddess, but I must admit, I’m a bit scured! πŸ˜† She's my calling, but I'm not there yet. I tend to work with Goddess Aphrodite more often.
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Tarvos wrote: ↑Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:54 pm
Kodale wrote: ↑Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:24 pm There's something different about interacting with a God vs a spirit. Or it just might be being star struck. πŸ˜‚ Like a rock star wanting to be your friend.
This. Exactly. πŸ˜‚ I can relate to the star struck feeling. πŸ‘€ Thank you for sharing your experiences. I love hearing about how others interact with their gods and goddesses. It’s crazy to see how different our experiences can be, even when connecting with the very same being.

I often picture myself as an owl. I adore owls and birds. I envision resting my head on her calf or her gently petting my owl head. Lmao. One day, I might get hurt doing that. But it would totally be worth it! πŸ˜‚

In my experience, she feels more like a strict aunt than a motherly figure. She’s someone you really listen to out of respect and a bit of fear. She has specific desires of offerings from different people. That's what I've been told because none of the offerings you mentioned were what she wanted here. She knows exactly what she wants! Hehe.

I’m also glad you brought up CH bindings. Many people underestimate them, but they are truly wonderful. All my immortal bindings come from CH, except for the ones I received as gifts. You inspire me to work more with the Goddess, but I must admit, I’m a bit scured! πŸ˜† She's my calling, but I'm not there yet. I tend to work with Goddess Aphrodite more often.
To be fair I haven't been working with Athena for long yet, so I'm not surprised that there isn't any overlap with offerings. πŸ˜‚

My reasoning behind people having different yet somewhat similar experiences is because immortals are in people's lives for different reasons and some people take different signs or tones easier than others. I'm glad that she's, in a way, clapping in my face to get my attention sometimes, I need it. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Man I love owls, always have. They're so cool and pretty and cute. 😍

I even do the head bobbing thing to judge the distance of things sometimes. It legit helps. Try it out the next time you're trying to throw something in the trash. πŸ˜‚

Ah, Aphrodite. She's a common one, her and Apollo, not to say that that's bad. I'm always happy to hear about any experience. πŸ˜‚ I've personally never been drawn to either of them but I can see why they would seem attractive to work with.

Athena isn't as scary as she first seems, but I get ya. πŸ˜‚ Quite patient with me, just gives me a nudge or sign here and there. Granted, they may seem aggressive or even over dramatic, they're more just obvious signs for my dense self. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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Athena goes back with me before even I knew about CH, so for me she was Minerva. Not knowing that they're the same Goddesses, worshipped in difference era and cultures.

Also, due to Grandpa Zeus, Athena is his favourite child, without knowing all these backgrounds information from CH and the forum infos. I finally was able to tie it together after many years of feeling out Minerva = Athena as one of my guides.

About offering ... I only came to know about this here on CH. So I never actually gave one single offering to any of the Gods. Especially, I am a worshipping Christian for 30 years.

I was able to find a middle road with CH Immortal offering herbs and crystals, candles and parfumes that I wear for my keep 's sake and works well with my Christian faith.

Athena comes through to me with her wisdom and insights into things. She helps me to be a step ahead, to be assertive, fills me in with golden informations. She loves the owl which is my favourite bird too.

Few years ago, I had a beautiful male owl, with big hair on his face, flew into my porch and rested on my exercise bike during the daytime and went out hunting at nights. He did that for good six months.

I knew nothing about him, but then I figured, he must have followed me home from the Botanical Gardens, 15 minutes away by car. Was it Athena who placed this beautiful bird here with me, as her sign? I also have two owls in spirit.
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