Even before getting it she opened my jewelry cabinet. Told me to make her a little alter with a necklace in it. Nope, not an owl necklace but now she has claimed one of those. Yesterday.
Right after making the little thing she told me to make some tea and give her a cup. She said specifically Earl Grey. Aight. Cool.
THEN came her telling me to get a binding from CH... A Dynamic binding. Of course I kinda complained. "But it's +50$!"
Not two hours later and I get a message from my manager asking me if I want to take an extra shift because a coworker was sick and won't be able to come in the next day.
Thank you Athena... In a way I got my money back.
Now the binding is happening and I would DEFINITELY describe it as Dynamic.
She has knocked things over, like today. I forgot about taking out a previous offering. It wasn't molding or anything, it was just left over night.
I have straight up heard her voice. Not telepathically like my companions. No no no, a full on woman's voice in my ear. She was telling me to stop caring about what other people think. Stop worrying about getting into "trouble."
Even told me to get a Sin Eater. Waiting on that, which is exciting. Not from CH, but MMT. Since I've paid a lot for Athena's binding.
Lastly, she has appeared in my dreams twice now. One in her full armor, just there. Not doing much. The other she was in a veil, talking to me, I don't remember what, but she was a bit aggressive. I asked and she said it was her aggressively telling me to chill and have fun.
Speaking of a veil, she's gotten me to start veiling myself. It's nice. I like the feeling of it. Plus I did a little prayer over my work hat and I had a very lovely day at work. I felt very safe and light.
Plus she has gotten me to watch Suits and Better Call Saul for some reason.