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Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:07 am
by arnemaes

I ordered my first spirit (a succubus) a few days ago , the order is still processing and i have not had any contact.
What i wanted to talk about is dreaming or more in detail lucid dreaming.
Normally i almost never remember a dream, like once every month or something, the last few days i have been trying to meditate and to lucid dream (which hasn't worked yet), but i have remembered my dreams for the last 5 days which is very unusual. Can focusing on lucid dreaming make you remember your dreams more?
And maybe a bit off-topic, when i ordered my succubus i didn't put anything in the "extra notes" because i understood that the custom conjure would attract spirits that wanted to be with me, and i didn't rly want to put a whole list of things i was expecting since this is my first spirit and i want to open my senses up more, is this okay, or should i always put something in the "extra notes"?

Re: Dreaming

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:50 am
by Alena
I almost never put anything in the extra notes. In fact, I think have only once or twice. Only once have I gotten very specific about what I wanted and immediately got anxious about it, worried they wouldn't be able to find what I wanted. As usual, my worries were for nothing. They found exactly what I was looking for.
I do believe there are spells in the shop that can help with lucid dreaming. And, yes, focusing on lucid dreaming can help. It all depends on you. As for myself, it took years before I got any kind of details in my lucid dreaming. Visual is getting better. Now, if only the audio would catch up.

Re: Dreaming

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 5:31 pm
by Cultured Gentleman
So when it comes to lucid dreaming I’m no expert but I can tell you what has worked for me. Have you tried programming your sub conscious mind? What I do is a come up with whatever I want my mind to do while I’m sleeping. For instance ex - I will wake up at 5:58am, I will be alert refreshed and ready for the day. Repeat this mantra to yourself 5-10 times or more depending on how you feel. I know for sure that works because I will wake up before my 6 o’clock alarm almost every time. It also works with solving difficult math problems. For lucid dreaming I would specify that you are speaking to your sub conscious self. Come up with your mantra. Ex. I will fall asleep and enter a deep rem cycle sleep quickly. I will be aware in my dreams and be able to interact with the dream world. I will remember everything I dream about. Maybe also call out to your spirit to come and spend time in your dream as well. Now the hard part about this is it takes discipline to do this every night for at least 30 days. It takes a while for your sub conscious to accept the new programming. You can also keep doing it forever to deepen and cement it in your mind. Hope this is able to help! Let me know how it goes if you try it out.

Re: Dreaming

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 2:14 am
by Rhea
Programming your subconscious really works.
I got into lucid dreaming a few years back and at that point I couldn't remember my dreams at all (except really bad Nightmares). What is also very helpful is to write down everything you can remember as soon as you wake up. Even when it's just one word. That doesn't matter. After a while you'll remember more and more and start to write the whole story of your dreams down 😊 it can take a while until you're able to lucid dream but it is worth the effort. I think it took me a few months until it worked but honestly it was easier than I expected because programming your subconscious and writing your dreams down isn't really that much of a effort. Good luck 😊